From Fantasy to Reality in the Naked City – Chap 4 by EdwardKalb

Without acknowledgement and clearly disappointed, ‘Brad’ smirked at Susan, grabbed his drink, and walked away without another word.

“Have fun?” Edward asked smiling proudly at his sexy wife as soon as ‘Brad’ was out of earshot.

“We need to go!” Susan blurted nervously.

After quickly walking out of the bar, Edward accompanied his wife to her car. “By the way, I need to ask, what was it that ‘Brad’ whispered in your ear?”

“Oh that…ahhh…it… it was nothing,” Susan smiled and closed her door. She was reluctant to tell her husband the truth. The man had asked Susan to join him for dinner and to go back to his place afterwards, because he wanted ‘to get to know her better’ he said.

Although she knew that would excite Edward, she still could not admit it to him. And even though she was flattered by the man’s offer, she immediately dismissed any further thoughts. She was, after all, a happily married woman.

When they arrived at their home, the door barely closed behind them when Susan practically attacked her husband. She kissed him deeply, with a passion missing for some time.

And Edward reacted as well. It was such an enormous erotic rush to see his wife being hit on by a stranger. He led his wife by the shoulders and firmly guided her to their bed.

He knelt before her, hiked her dress and took a moment breathlessly admiring her long, sexy legs in heels and lace panties moistened by her essence. He couldn’t contain himself any longer and dove between her milky thighs and proceeded to lap up her juices and probe her dripping wet pussy with his tongue. Her juices were running down his face and chin. “God, sweetheart, you’re so wet! Having a handsome gentleman hit on you really turned you on, didn’t it!”

And for the first time in a long time, they had hot, animalistic sex

Afterwards, Susan snuggled against her husband, relishing in a post-coital cuddle. She then kissed him and asked, “Are you upset with me for being naughty tonight?”

“Baby, it was harmless — just some roleplaying foreplay. But it WAS exciting! And it appears I am not the only one that enjoyed it!”

“All right!!!” Susan blurted nervously.


“Cap d’Agde, you know, the Naked City! I know you want to experience it,” she whispered. “I am willing to give it a try!”


Susan shook her head as she tried to return to reality. She looked up and noticed the Frenchman still looking her way. His stare was intense and purposeful, his eyes practically caressing her legs, most of which were revealed to him from her short dress. The man made no secret that he appreciated her sexiness — and seemed to be undressing her in his mind.

She looked down at her drink, reveling in the ironic sense of power, and the intoxicating feeling from receiving the attention from the younger man. After all, that was the appeal, wasn’t it — any woman, but especially a married woman, receiving compliments affirming her attractiveness?

She glanced up and their eyes met again. Susan watched as the man pulled a seat over next to him and motioned for her, suggesting she join him. Seeing the heated look in his eyes confirmed his unmistakable intentions.

Although she was enjoying allowing another man looking at, and appreciating, her body, the man’s acknowledgement gave her pause. He had called her bluff. After all, she didn’t plan to hook up with the man. She just wanted to show off and flirt a little.

She looked again at the man with butterflies in her stomach, her nerves becoming more and more frazzled. Should she accept the Frenchman’s invitation and join him? Her actions had shifted from flashing to teasing to flirting; all the things her husband encouraged her to do, but a ‘good girl’ would not do. Accepting this man’s invitation seemed something far more forbidden.

In the back of her mind, a part of her wanted to take it further. Having such rapt attention from, and an invitation to join, another man was an unusual, yet exhilarating, feeling. She recalled that time in Punta Cana about a year ago, and how her self-confidence exploded being the object of another man’s desire. And she recalled back to a couple weeks prior, when a man named ‘Brad’ tried to pick her up in that cocktail bar. Although she turned both men down, she often wondered…what if?

She made eye contact again. The Frenchman’s eyes were penetrating, not at all hiding his intentions. It was clear his invitation was not just to join him for a drink and conversation, but no doubt also to initialize a sexual tryst.

She unwittingly re-crossed her legs, and not unexpectedly, the already-too-short dress rose even higher, now completely above her stockings and revealing a large expanse of her thighs. Yet she did nothing to ‘fix’ her exposure. Her thinking was distracted; clouded by the perception that another man wanted to fuck her – the notion causing her heart to race, leaving parts of her body to throb incessantly. This certainly wasn’t the first time her body attracted the attention from someone other than her husband, but she couldn’t remember it ever being this explicit.

Suddenly she felt the discomfiture of arousal again building inside her, and she could feel a drop of moisture trickling down her leg. Her lustful thoughts had managed to now feed the shameless part of her more that the reserved part of her. She was no doubt stretching and bending a lot of rules she set for herself prior to this holiday. Yet, she could not deny her body’s reaction.

What would her husband do if he came back and found her flirting with, and openly teasing, another man? He encouraged her to behave like this, didn’t he? He told her he enjoyed watching her being ogled by other men. And didn’t he explicitly suggest that she be more open to another man’s advances? But how far down this path could she go — how far was really ‘acceptable?’

Or was she once again over-analyzing the situation?

Why couldn’t she simply through caution to the wind, act on her impulse, and just have fun?

And on top of that, perhaps aided by the wine easing her inhibitions, why was she actually having visions of making out with another man for the first time since her wedding day? And those damn pearls were causing her to squirm, which simply increased the pressure on her pleasure spot.

“I’m back!” Edward announced as he pulled himself up on the high stool.

Although startled initially, Susan was actually relieved by her husband’s return, glad for the reprieve of indecent and illicit thoughts that had occupied much of her mind, and breaking the guilty impasse she had with her admirer, and her own emotions.

“Enjoying yourself?” Edward asked.

“It’s pretty,” Susan said as she looked out to the colors from the setting sun, and trying to camouflage her actions.

Edward picked up her hand with his and smiled, “I bet he had fun!” Turning to look back at her voyeur.

“Oh my God!” Susan thought to herself. “He knows!!! Was he watching?”

Susan blushed, embarrassed and ashamed, not knowing how much of her sordid ‘performance’ her husband witnessed. “You saw? You didn’t mind?” she asked hesitantly.

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