Erica Ranch Wife. pt 1 by del fuego

“Just crash here for know, it’s a pretty comfortable sofa.” I told her.

“MMkay” she said as she sat up. As she removed her shirt and put it aside she reached under her t-shirt and deftly removed her new bra, without removing her t-shirt. I was given a look at her tasty boobs again from around the loose shirt. Hmmm, the wonders of women.

I went to my bedroom, stripped down to my boxers and laid down.

I was awakened by a presence at the edge of the bed. It was Erica, standing there in her new under wear and loose top.

“Move over” she said. Stunned and asleep, I did as I was told and Erica promptly climbed into bed with me. She slid in next to me and spooned her back to my chest, pushing her cute butt into my crotch. Oh Lord. She reached back and pulled my arm over her and went to sleep. I laid there and felt my cock harden against her soft butt cheeks as I realized she had placed my hand over one of her boobs. No sleep for me tonight.

Amazingly, I drifted off to sleep the most comfortable sleep I’d had in years. Erica’s soft heat against my skin. Her virgin body against my calloused flesh. When I awoke, I was aware that I had my hand firmly holding her tit. Erica’s hand was back behind her on my hip, as if holding me in place.

“Hey” she said.

“Good morning,” I said. ” Time to get up”.

“Can we stay like this a little more” Erica asked.

“Sure” I replied. With that she nestled into me again, and deliberately pushed her butt into my now, resprouting erection. She placed her hand over mine and gave a squeeze to it as if to squeeze her own tit with my hand.

“That feels so good” she said softly.

“It does” I said.

“I know this is wrong, but could we be, like a couple, for the summer ? she asked.

“You’re my flesh and blood, I’ve already stepped over the line”. I said with some shock, trying to keep my composure and not turn this into a big deal.

“I know, but I’ve been leading you on since I’ve been here, it’s my fault too” she added.

With that she sat up and faced me. “We could be, just for the summer, you know.”

“You’re too young to know better, you’re infatuated”. I said.

“Please, don’t flatter yourself” she said, half joking. “I worked in a law office, I heard and saw things way over my maturity level”. “I want a boyfriend so bad I could scream, but the boys I know, even at the firm, are immature shits”. “I want a MAN, like you, for a boyfriend”. she added.

Trying to be delicate I said ” Honey, I am flattered by your attention, but I am too old for you, I need someone my own age, and so do you “. “I would be proud to have you as a girlfriend, but our age and custom as well as the LAW make it impossible..” I trailed off.

“Couldn’t we just TRY, just for now, the summer ?” she pleaded. “It’d be just between us, I know how to act in public and I’m not clingy at all.” “You know I’d never tell my mom, She doesn’t have time for me as it is”.

I hesitated, she continued.

“Look, I could have come in here and grabbed your dick or tried to get you to fuck me, but I just wanted to be held. I felt so good when you had your arms around me last night. I felt peaceful and secure that you were protecting me. I just want to talk with you without having to be defensive like I am with my mom and step-dad. I want to just hang, you know, with a best friend. Someone I don’t have to explain or justify myself to every damn time. I want to be treated like an adult, like you treated me, you talked WITH me not AT me”.

Dumbfounded. She made a hell of an argument.

“I could be here for you…be your friend, we don’t have to be in the same bed together…” I said.

She interrupted, “I don’t need a third dad, the first two are shit anyways, why would i want another one ? “Don’t you see the difference I’m talking about ? She asked with pleading in her eyes.

“If we’re boyfriend/girlfriend it could lead to other things…” I said.

“So let it ! She exclaimed, “I’m OK with that”. “Besides it’s not my first time, really”. “And besides, I’m pretty sure you enjoyed the tit grope last night and all morning, I felt your woody on my ass ! she added. “You could be locked up and registered as a sex offender for life…” she went on.

“Now wait a minute…” I said.

“I’m not going to say anything to anybody ! she exclaimed. “I’m OK with it ! “I like you and I want you to be my, somewhat older and more mature, boyfriend, you can look out for me and teach me things and just be there for me.” she said. “Cant you see it’s not about just sex ? It’s about you and me, sure there’s a gap, but I’m OK with that, I think it’d be cool.

“We could do that, but the sex thing…” again I was interrupted.

“I’m OK with the sex ! she said. “I’ve been with boys ! “I’ve been fingered some, and I gave a Blow job and a hand job to the same boy once”. “I know the birds and the bees and all that shit !

I’m losing this argument, I know it’s wrong, but she’s a damn good lawyer.

She continued “I don’t want to learn about sex, too, from some immature prick ! “Why can’t you be my boyfriend ? “I can learn about a real relationship, real couple stuff, and sex too ? “That’s part of the whole thing isn’t it ? “I’m not looking for a one-night stand or a pedophile to rape me for gods sake !

Then the clencher.

“We get along good, don’t we ? she asked. “I like you for several different reasons, I think you’re handsome and nice”. “Hanging out with you makes me feel better about myself, I feel happy with you.”

Erica wiped the tear from her eye. “I don’t see you as a “dad”, I see more in you…”

“Erica..” I was interrupted again.

“Why can’t we just be together, we don’t have to put a name on it, just go along, if either one of us gets uncomfortable we just go back to uncle/niece like before ? she said.

“Erica..” I attempted.

“What’s the harm ? “You’re not out cruising the schools LOOKING for a 14 year old girl to drag into the woods are you ? No one would flip out if I dated a 16 year old, or when my sister dated a 21 year old and she was only 17…” “What’s the difference if you’re older ? “Who’s to say HOW MUCH OF A DIFFERENCE IS OK ? she continued.

“ERICA, STOP ! I said as I put my hand over her mouth. With that she started to cry softly and I pulled her head down to my chest and held her there.

“You got me, I agree”. I said. Erica started laughing and crying at the same time and sat up again wiping her eyes and laughing.

“I’ll be a good girlfriend, you’ll see”. she said. “I’m way more mature than other girls my age”. Everybody says I’m on a “different level” and….

“I know” I interrupted. “And now it’s time for your first womanly duty as my new girlfriend”.

“Yeah ? she said.

“Breakfast” I said. As I got up to pee.

Nothing really happened much over the next few days. I was expecting her to be flirting really hard or trying to seduce me, now that we were official. But nothing like that went on. The most intimate we were was one evening while watching TV, she snuggled next to me and I had my arm around her. She was more interested in the show than I was. She leaned in to kiss me on the cheek and I returned the kiss on her forehead. She looked into my eyes and kissed me on the lips and this turned into a deep tongue kissing session. I got wood pretty quickly, since over the last few days, I had been anticipating this. Erica was practicing her kissing technique, trying not to slobber all over and keeping the spit in our mouths. She would pause to wipe her mouth and continue. We would run our tongues together like snakes, then dart them in and out, barely flicking each others. I felt Erica’s nipples harden in response. She was wearing only a t-shirt and her breasts were pressed against my chest. My cock was pretty stiff and she had put her hand over my jeans and felt it deliberately. After a while the kissing slowed down and Erica nodded off as we laid together on the sofa, content. Sweet dreams for her, blue balls for me.

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