How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 5 by RobertLStevenson

How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 5 by RobertLStevenson

I make my daughter undergo Female Relaxation Therapy. , It was a pleasant Sunday afternoon, and I was spending it watching football with my friend James Baker on the big screen in my den. The Festival was only a week away, and life had been so busy and I had been feeling so much pressure in the preparations, it felt great to relax and just enjoy some quiet guy time for a little bit.

The game had reached a critical moment, and we watched with bated breath, ready to cheer or jeer, when we were interrupted by a crash from upstairs and the sound two angry female voices raised well above respectable levels.

‘I said, don’t touch my stuff!’

‘I didn’t touch it-you shouldn’t leave it laying around in the hallway!’

‘If you’d just watch where you’re going-‘

‘Girls!’ I bellowed, ‘come here!’

After a beat of guilty silence, the twins stomped resignedly down the stairs. They were an odd couple today-Selena had evidently just finished a shower, and her freshly-scrubbed little body stood before us behind a towel that was scarcely wide enough to cover her most important upstairs and downstairs bits at the same time, her damp blond hair falling over her shoulders. Her sister Serena wore the usual around-the-house outfit of a light, loose-fitting tank top and her cotton panties, but she carried a lacrosse stick. Both girls had a fiery look in their eyes, and they proceeded to have a meltdown in front of James and me.

Apparently Serena was getting ready to go to lacrosse practice and had staged her gear in the hall outside their bedroom, and Selena had tripped on it and scattered it about when she emerged from the bathroom. The strident nature of the argument that ensued seemed completely out of proportion to the magnitude of the event, but as we tried to sort it out, Selena simply walked away and went back upstairs, the full curves of her butt cheeks, which the towel could never hope to cover, disappearing around the corner of the landing.

Serena responded by bursting into angry tears, and I took her into my arms and tried to comfort her, giving a bewildered look at James as I did so. How could something so seemingly minor create such a dramatic, overwhelming emotional response?

Tears finally dried, Serena pulled herself together and headed off to practice like the champ she was, and I shook my head at James.

‘How on earth are you supposed to deal with that?’ I asked. ‘It’s been getting worse, too. They seem at each other’s throats half the time, and Serena seems to overreact to everything. I just don’t know what to do. She’s always been the fiery one, but lately is getting hard to live with.’

James nodded. ‘I totally get it. Kerry was the same way last year. It’s just part of that age I think. But have you had her do any sessions with a feminine relaxation therapist? That really helped Kerry.’

‘No—I have heard about it, but not enough to know that it would work for her.’

‘It was great for Kerry. Her mood improved, her grades got better, and she did better in soccer, too. Girls that age just have a lot of stuff going on inside, and a good therapist can give them the outlet they need to release that tension so they can focus on other stuff in their life. Here, take this number and call Dr. Andrew Freeman. He’s the best.

‘Starting high school was really stressful for Kerry. She had a hard time making friends at first, and she felt overwhelmed by her studies. We started taking her to him once or twice a week when she was a freshman, and those appointments became her favorite part of her week. He really helped her a lot. She had her Festival last year, of course, and she’s kept very busy with her training schedule-it’s really been amazing how many men are lined up to help teach her—but she still speaks fondly of Dr. Andrew and how much she misses him.’

‘Once or twice a week? Wasn’t that expensive?’

‘Less than you’d think-there are different packages to choose from. But it was absolutely worth every penny. Living with teen girls is hard enough as it is these days; why not take advantage of every modern option to make it easier?’

I was grateful for James’ recommendation, and later that afternoon I called Dr. Andrew’s office and managed to schedule an appointment for Serena for Monday afternoon. I looked forward to finding out how effective the treatment would be for my daughter.

The following day I was finishing some work in the yard when the girls came home from school. As usual, they were in a hurry to get upstairs and change. Their school uniforms were not the most comfortable outfits, but comfort wasn’t their main design principle. In keeping with the usual customs that girls should wear the minimum amount of clothing necessary for any given situation, and that whatever they wear should serve to showcase the assets of their young bodies, the Academy they attended had clear guidelines of dress meant to help in the acculturation of young women in preparation for the Festival.

Short, dark-blue skirts were the rule; hemlines were prohibited from extending more than four inches below the bottom of a student’s crotch when viewed from the front, and the girls were regularly subject to unscheduled uniform checks by school officials. Senior school staff carried small rectangular wooden blocks approximately four inches long and two inches wide for this purpose; if a girl was suspected of wearing non-regulation skirt, she could be stopped anywhere on school grounds. The staff member would raise the girl’s skirt and instruct her to hold the wooden block between her legs, ensuring that it sat flush against her vulva. If none of the block was visible below the hem of her skirt once it had been returned to its usual position, disciplinary action could follow-usually entailing the confiscation of the offending skirt, and the student completing her school day in her panties.

Panties were also subject to school regulation; according to the handbook we received with the twins’ enrollment they were to be “constructed only from white, unpatterned fabric of a sheerness sufficient that most details of the student’s vulva (including, but not limited to, inner or outer labia, clitoral hood and clitoris, and pubic hair) can be easily ascertained by a casual observer”, and had to be either bikini briefs or boy-shorts. A skirt check offered a convenient opportunity to also verify that a student’s panties conformed to the requirements, and if they did not, similar punishment could follow.

Additionally, they wore white button-down blouses made from a very light fabric, and these could only be buttoned to the midpoint of the girl’s chest in order to fully display her cleavage. The rules also stipulated half-cup shelf bras, which provided some support while ensuring the student’s nipples were in direct contact with her blouse; the combination of the constant stimulation of the light cloth and the freely-circulating air was designed to keep their nipples erect and visible through their blouse for most of the day.


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