The Games People Play by TryAnything

The Games People Play by TryAnything

*Author’s Note: This is erotic fantasy. It involves sexual situations between consenting adults, all of whom are over 18 years of age. Since it is fantasy and it’s my fantasy, I presume a world free of STDs. I hope you enjoy the story; if not, such is life. Comments are always appreciated.

The Games People Play

I walked into the hotel’s lounge around 7pm. It was a 5-star hotel with a lounge to match. Lots of wood and leather, a good comfortable feel.

Looking around, it wasn’t yet that crowded, only a few tables occupied by couples and a single black man at the bar. I opted for the bar and realized as I sat on the seat 2 down from him that the man was absolutely huge. He must have been 6’8″ and he was wide across the shoulders. I decided that he must be a professional athlete.

I loosened my tie a bit after I had ordered a Grey Goose dirty martini. I was surprised when it appeared almost immediately and was even more surprised after I had taken a big sip that it was ice cold, perfectly made. I looked at the bartender with the astonishment apparent on my face.

“I didn’t think anyone but me could make a martini the way I liked it,” I told him, taking another gulp. “I am very impressed.”

“Glad you like it,” the bartender replied, turning to attend to his duties.

“Good drink?” the black man asked in a rich, mellifluous baritone with hints of a Caribbean accent.

“Never had one made better,” I replied, taking yet another sip.

“They always taste better at the end of a hard day,” the man observed, taking a swig on his Heineken.

“There’s truth in what you say,” I agreed, finishing my drink and signaling for another. “I’m Ron,” I said as I waited for my drink.

“Jonah,” the man replied, holding out his huge hand which mine disappeared into. “I have been meeting with very boring bankers all day,” he explained. “I would rather be back home in Barbados.”

“Barbados,” I said. “I can’t say that I’ve ever been there. What do you do?”

“My family are farmers and we have a restaurant in the town,” he replied.

“It must be quite a farm and restaurant,” I observed, taking in his $2,000 suit and $50,000 Rolex.

“Yes, we are very successful,” he replied with a rich laugh. “And what brings you here?” he asked.

“A business conference,” I explained. “I’m the CIO of a computer company. I’m also looking forward to going home tomorrow.”

“Do you have any dinner plans?” Jonah asked. “Perhaps we could…now that is something beautiful,” he said, looking towards the entrance.

I turned my head to see what had caught his attention and saw a beautiful redhead, ringleted hair down around her shoulders. She was wearing a sort of diaphanous black dress that shimmered as it moved and caught the light. With her being backlit at the entrance, it turned her dress almost translucent, making it obvious that she was naked underneath. She might as well have been naked, so clearly could we see her. The dress was cut low enough so that her full, C-cup breasts were partially on display.

She hesitated at the entrance, looking around, then slowly approached the bar.

“Are you looking for someone, Miss?” the bartender asked.

“N-no,” she replied. “I was supposed to meet my husband, but he missed his plane and won’t be here until tomorrow.”

“Please, you must join us,” Jonah said, getting to his feet. “Excuse me for overhearing, but a beautiful woman like you should not drink nor eat by herself. My friend, Ron, and I would be delighted if you’d join us.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude,” she said, now standing perpendicular to the entrance, the light making her dress translucent to the point that her hard nipples were clearly visible poking through the material.

“Nonsense,” Jonah replied. “We’d be honored by your presence.”

“Indeed,” I agreed, a smile on my face.

“Well, if you’re certain it wouldn’t inconvenience you,” she said. “I’m Jo,” she said, offering her hand, which we each took in turn, Jonah’s hand dwarfing hers as he helped her onto the seat between us. “It would be lonely by myself.”

Jo ordered a drink and we chatted. After the drink, we decided to eat in the hotel’s restaurant that had been awarded 3 Michelin stars. The dinner was incredible, and expensive, but Jo’s company was nothing short of sensational. She was relaxed and engaged. By the time the dinner had finished and we were sitting back with snifters of Louis XIII, we were all comfortable with each other.

“So, what brings you to town?” I asked. “I don’t believe you said.”

“Oh, I was on a buying trip for our chain of shops,” she explained. “My husband was going to stop to see what I’d found on his way to a meeting elsewhere. Now he won’t be here until later tomorrow.”

“What kind of shops do you have?” Jonah asked.

“You’ll laugh, but it’s a chain of lingerie shops,” Jo replied.

“I find that interesting,” Jonah said. “You don’t wear your own products?” he asked, his white teeth gleaming as he smiled at her.

“Oh!” Jo said, her cheeks coloring and her nipples getting even larger and harder, if that were possible. They were clearly visible. “Now I’m embarrassed,” she said, taking a large swallow from her snifter. “But since you asked, no, I usually don’t wear our products. In fact, I don’t personally own any.”

“Of your own products?” I asked, a puzzled look on my face.

“Well, underwear,” Jo replied, her face coloring even more. “I was going to model the samples I bought for my husband. That’s about the only time I wear any. That’s actually how we met. I was a lingerie model and he was a buyer at a show.”

“An interesting contradiction,” Jonah said, “though one I am personally very glad of. I would hate to think of anything hiding your beauty any more than absolutely necessary.”

“You are too kind,” Jo said, taking another swallow of her cognac.

“Do your shops have an on-line presence?” I asked.

“Yes, we have an on-line shop,” Jo replied. “Most of our orders come through our website.”

“I should like to see that,” Jonah said. “I’m sure my wife would enjoy it.”

“Yes, I agree,” I said.

“But what you have just purchased, is that also on your website?” Jonah asked.

“No, not yet,” Jo replied. “Once we agree about what we’ll carry, then we’ll put it into the system and put it on the website.”

“It would make my wife very happy if I were to bring her something that nobody else had access to yet, something exclusive,” Jonah mused. “Would it be possible to see your new selection, perhaps purchase or order something before anyone else has a chance?” he asked.

“Uh, well, yes, I suppose so,” Jo stammered, nonplussed for a moment. “If you’d like, I could show you the new samples.”

“I would very much appreciate it,” Jonah said, a big smile splitting his ebony face. “And I know my wife will. What about you, Ron. Does your wife also like lingerie or is she more like Jo here?”

“A bit of both, I’d have to say,” I replied.

“Then maybe you can show both of us at the same time,” Jonah suggested. “We can go back to the lounge, perhaps get a table in one of the corners.”

“Oh, no, I couldn’t,” Jo gasped, her eyes wide. “You’re both really interested?” she asked.

“Yes,” we replied simultaneously.

“Well, I suppose you could come up to my room,” she said. “I wouldn’t be so uncomfortable with both of you. I’m sorry.”

“No, no. Of course, you’re right,” Jonah said. “I’m sure we could also prevail upon the desk or room service to send someone to help.”

“Oh, I’m sure that won’t be necessary,” Jo said, a bit abashed. “I’m sure it will be okay.”

“Shall we, then?” Jonah asked, rising to his feet as he finished his cognac.

As we rode the elevator up to Jo’s room, I was struck by how tiny she seemed next to Jonah. She was only about 5’4″, but a very lush 5’4″.

“That is quite a collection of samples,” Jonah noted when we had entered her room, a huge pile stacked against the wall. “Are you sure that this is not a bother for you?”

“No, it’s okay,” Jo replied, her face flushed, whether from the situation or the drinks, I had no idea. I was feeling no pain. “Is there anything in particular that you’d like to see?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” Jonah said. “I’ve never done this before. I guess I should see it all.”

“I’ll tell you what,” Jo said. “I’ll spread all of it out on the bed. That way you can see it and also compare it to the other things.”

Jonah and I sat in the comfortable lounge chairs that were in the room while Jo pulled things out of the various packages and arranged them on the bed.

“Take a look at these,” she said after several minutes.

Jonah and I got to our feet and walked over to the bed. It was covered with bras and panties of various types and colors. Jonah picked up a few of them, holding them up, turning them, trying to picture how they’d look.

“Is this all of it?” he asked.

“No, there’s more,” Jo replied. “But there wasn’t enough room on the bed.”

“Well, only a few of these seem interesting to me,” Jonah said. “I’m having a hard time picturing it.”

“That’s the main reason most women try them on,” Jo said with a smile.

“Can we see some more?” Jonah asked.

“Sure,” Jo replied, moving to stack the ones on the bed together. “These are more conventional,” she said. “These next ones are a bit more sexy,” she explained as she began to lay them out on the bed.

“I’ll say,” I observed, seeing the sheer material, the tiny pieces of material held together with string, some of them crotchless.

“Ah, this is more like it,” Jonah said, holding up several of them, looking at them. “But I still have a hard time picturing how they will look,” he said, holding one pair of panties down in front of Jo’s dress. “I don’t suppose that there’s any way I could prevail upon you to model some of them for us?” Jonah asked as he looked down at the diminutive woman.

“Oh, I just couldn’t,” Jo gasped, her eyes wide.

“You’d be just as covered if not more so than you are now,” Jonah pointed out. “It would really help me to make a decision.”

“I agree,” I said when she looked at me like a deer in the headlights. “I’m a typical man. I’ve never shopped for these things. I’ve only ever seen them on a woman. I’m having a hard time picturing it, too. But I’m not asking you to do it if it’s something that would make you uncomfortable. I’m sure my wife will be happy with whatever I bring her.”

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