A Christmas Carol by thelastenglishking

This catatonia proved to be Charlotte’s undoing; Jake’s cock brushing against the rosebud of her bottom barely registered. Only in the moment Jake broached the muscular ring of Charlotte’s bum did she become aware of his intention… painfully aware. But by then it was too late, Charlotte’s protests were quelled by a hand pressing her face into the pillows once more.

For the first time Charlotte struggled for real; she’d never consented to anal sex, not even with Kris and Jake’s harsh words confirmed that she wasn’t alone in holding to that taboo. “Your tight-arsed daughter doesn’t take it in there either… But I won’t have to worry tonight will I Chaz; you’re not going to complain to anybody if I take your arse are you.”

Charlotte continued to struggle, but the moment had passed, her resistance had begun too late and Jake’s cock continued forcing its inexorable way into Chaz’s bowel. Jake’s words only added to Charlotte’s ire; he was right… After all that’d gone before she could never divulge this sordid assault and retain her good name.

With that conclusion reached all fight left Charlotte and she surrendered to her fate; taking solace from the fact that while insistent, Jake’s assault was this time more… considerate. It was perhaps a minute before Jake penetrated fully, but exactly when during that minute Chaz’s acceptance arrived couldn’t be pin-pointed; it was long before Jake’s scrotum slapped against her ravaged pussy.

Charlotte’s heart-rate and breathing had both sky-rocketed from the off; soon after that came the heat, infusing Charlotte completely, leaving her whole body flushed and bathed in sweat. Only then did Chaz begin acknowledging the internal sensations from Jake’s cock driving ever deeper into her over-stretched bowel:

It felt as if a greased baseball bat was being forced inside her, penetrating so deeply that Chaz was sure it’d reach her stomach; plus the distension… Charlotte felt fit to burst! And it wasn’t just Jake’s cock: While one hand still pinned Chaz’s head against the pillow, Jakes other arm had snaked around and it too was now between her legs.

Reminiscent but oh so different to Jake’s earlier assault: Jake’s two middle fingers were again speared deep into Charlotte’s pussy and being twisted aggressively, but this time to even greater effect. Her pussy was now constricted by the cock in her bum and Charlotte could feel the pressure of Jake’s twin intrusions on either side of the delicate membrane which separated her passages.

Jake’s thumb meanwhile had begun stroking against the delicate button of Charlotte’s clitoris. That along with Jake’s cock now pistoning into the very depths of Chaz’s bowel while his fingers gouged into her tight pussy soon had every nerve-ending in Charlotte’s body feel to be discharging at once; the outcome was inevitable.

Charlotte’s second climax arrived like a tsunami, a tidal wave of pleasure rising up to break over her before crashing destructively onto the beach, carrying Chaz along with it. Charlotte’s whole body shuddered and shook; her stomach roiled and her heart palpitated while she screamed into that pillow in her release.

Charlotte’s orgasm was simply explosive, far and away the most powerful climax that she had ever experienced; it was minutes rather than seconds before Chaz recovered sufficient coherence to look around and see… Nothing. Charlotte was alone once more, surrounded by the darkness and silence of an empty house.

Reaching unseeingly across to her left, Charlotte found and grabbed a handful of tissues from their box atop the bedside table and used these mop-up the liquid mess between her legs. A second bunch of tissues Chaz balled-up in her hand, before pressing them into the entrance of her pussy; Charlotte could sense her juices still leaking freely.

Chaz used a third handful of tissues to mop-up the similar outpouring which coated her right hand and the huge dildo which was still clasped tightly within it. Charlotte had discovered this monster on the kitchen table soon after Kris had left for work that morning; it was gift wrapped and Kris had affixed a label which read ‘To help you make it through the night’.

Charlotte lay back on the pillows and smiled around the dildo which she’d slipped between her lips once again. The box containing her husband’s gift had told her that it was called a ‘Dominator’ so Kris could only be pleased with the way in which Charlotte had utilised it; though perhaps she might not mention whom she’d been dreaming of while she’d done so?

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