Happy Fuck Valentine’s Day by FamilyGuy66

I almost fell for it, but then saw the grin on her face. “Shut up!”

“Gotcha! Seriously, biting can assert his dominance, but in at least some cat species, it also causes the release of a hormone that encourages ovulation, giving a better chance of pregnancy.”


“Oh, yeah,” Tory said. “I think it’s fascinating to watch. What do you think?”

“It’s quite interesting. It’s like they have these ingrained behaviors; it’s so ritualized. Why do the females bite at him when he pulls out?”

“A lion’s penis is barbed,” she explained. “It physically hurts the female when he pulls out.”

I was astounded by my sister’s knowledge. “Ouch. That’s wild.”

“Literally wild,” Tory said. “Look. He’s going on to the next one. See?”


Tory released my hand, then slid over, putting her body between me and the guard rail. “Watch them,” she said in a husky voice. I saw her breath on the air, coming in shorter, quicker puffs of condensation. “This lioness is from the same litter as the alpha male there.”

“What? You mean they’re-”

“Yeah,” Tory replied. “Sister and brother.”


“Yeah. I guess nobody warned them about possible birth defects, huh big brother?”

“Is that..?” I had no idea what word I was looking for.

“Natural? Normal?” Tory asked. “Yeah, perfectly so. It happens all the time.” Tory pulled my arms around her, guiding them inside her coat, against her stomach. “They’re just doing what’s in their nature to do.”

My own nature was starting to make itself known. It was primal, watching these animals together. It wasn’t sexy to me, but it aroused a feeling of interest. It was my sister’s body pressed against me that I reacted to sexually. My cock got hard with Tory against me. I hoped the thick coat between us would-

“Mmm,” came from Tory’s throat. I felt her push her ass back against me and knew she had to be aware of my condition. “Me, too, Johnny,” my baby sister whispered. “Me, too. You’re not hurting me. You know that, right?”

“Uh-huh,” I barely got out. I began moving slowly, rubbing my cock against my sister’s backside. Honestly, I thought, I was probably pressed against her back. The thick coat only gave me a sense of pressure, not of what was underneath.

Tory rocked back and forth with more force now. Thankfully, we seemed to have this area all to ourselves. “Now then,” she began breathily, “what’s inyour nature to do, Johnny?”

I moaned loudly, hardly daring to believe this was happening. I slid my hands upward from my sister’s stomach, still over her shirt, until they came to rest on her breasts. We moaned together as our lower bodies moved as one. My sister’s breasts were a nice handful, and I was surprised to feel her nipples harden against my palms as she oohed and ahhed. I caressed her gently, softly kneading and squeezing her as she slid one hand between us, down to the front of my pants. “Oh, my!” Tory exclaimed. “I always wondered. That feels like a very nice, very hard cock, Johnny.”

That was all I could stand. I spun Tory around, pulling her to me as I bent my head down and, yes I was sure this time, kissed my own sister. Our mouths opened together, our lips hungering for connection. I felt Tory’s tongue in my mouth, the tip probing, seeking mine. We moaned together. I had never felt lust so powerful. My sister, whose beautiful image had spurred me to countless masturbatory orgasms, slipped her hand down my pants, wrapping it around my cock and stroking as she sucked my tongue into her mouth, closing her lips and licking the underside of my tongue as if she were sucking my cock. She drew back, breaking our kiss as she looked at me, her pupils dilated with desire.

“I want to make you cum, Johnny,” she whispered, stroking my cock inside my pants. “Is that ok? I want to make you cum right he-”

“Ahem!” We both jumped at the unexpected intrusion. Tory had the presence of mind to stay pressed against me. Hopefully, our coats would disguise where her hand was. She did stop stroking me; probably a good idea, as I had already been close to the orgasm she wanted for me.

“Sorry to interrupt.” It was Becky, and I could see on her face she knew just what she’d walked in on. “I’m sorry, Tory, but you and your boyfriend have to leave.”

“But we weren’t-” Tory started lamely.

“Oh. No, you’re not being kicked out or anything, don’t worry. It’s the storm.”

“What storm?” Tory and I asked in unison. It was then I noticed that it was flurrying. Small bits of snow were blowing around us.

“Haven’t you heard? There was a blizzard forecast for later today. It’s getting here a lot sooner than expected. We just got word we’re in a blizzard warning. It’s right on top of us, so we’re closing the zoo. We need to get everyone out for their safety.”

Tory and I hadn’t turned on the radio while we were driving here; I’d wanted to be able to pay attention to her conversation. Likewise, we hadn’t turned on any news all weekend. My mind also picked this moment to remember I had missed some workouts recently. Wow, what a rabbit hole to fall into!

We thanked Becky and left, walking hand-in-cock-stroking hand. In the parking lot, I switched my SUV from front- to all-wheel drive. Snow was already accumulating. It wasn’t bad now, but I knew it could get that way in a hurry this time of year. If the wind started blowing, the snow would turn to a solid sheet of ice long before we got home, and I wanted to get us there just as quickly as possible.

As we waited for the car to warm up, Tory leaned over and kissed me again. “You ok, Johnny?”

“Yeah,” I answered, a bit distracted. “Just thinking about the drive back.”

“Oh,” Tory replied. “I, umm… I meant more the me leaving you hanging thing. I swear I wasn’t trying to be a cock tease. If you’re uncomfortable or distracted, I can sure take care of you. I’ll do it for you right here.” Tory laid her hand high on my thigh, just an inch from my cock, ready to make good on her offer. Man, I had the best sister in the whole world!

“Tory, sweetie,” I said, removing her hand, “thank you so much. I need to get us home safe, though; I’m not sure that an orgasm would leave me any less distracted. It might even make things worse.” I leaned over as far as my seatbelt would allow. “It is something I’ll gladly take you up on another time, ok? I’m not rejecting you-”

“Just not now.” Tory nodded. “I understand. Thank you, and don’t worry, Johnny. I don’t feel rejected at all.”

“Good,” I replied. “Once I get on the Interstate, if it’s not too treacherous, maybe we could talk about what happened back there?”

“We sure can. I’ll be quiet so you can concentrate now.”

“Thanks, T-bird. Hey, have I mentioned that I love you?”

“First time today, actually. You’re kind of slacking.” Tory was smiling as she said it.

Fortunately, most people must’ve gotten word of the storm, and traffic was light the whole way home. The going was slow; I thought our one-hour trip back might take at least twice that long, if not more. Within 30 minutes, the road was already covered with about three inches of snow. In spots where the wind had blown areas clear, I could see the ice covering the road which the snow hid otherwise, and I hadn’t seen a single plow out yet. I told Tory I thought our conversation would have to wait. She agreed.

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