Happy Fuck Valentine’s Day by FamilyGuy66

I drove, trying my best to focus on the road. “Hey, Johnny?”


“Umm… I want to ask something. If it’s not cool, just say so, ok?”

“OK. What is it?”

“Well, I’m…” Tory took a deep breath. “I’m still super worked up. I’m so wet it feels like I’m sitting in a puddle here.”

“Oh. Wow.”

“Would you mind if I took care of myself? I’ll cover up and be as quiet as I can, but if it would be too distracting-”

“Go ahead, Tory.”

“Are you sure? I mean-”

“Do youwant me to give you a different answer, T?”


“Then go ahead. It doesn’t sound like it’ll take too long, anyway.”

“No, I don’t think it will.” Tory began wriggling in her seat, her hands at her waist, working her pants down her legs. I glanced at her and saw her pants and panties bunched around her ankles. My coat covered her lap, and Tory’s hands disappeared under it. The scent of her arousal reached my nose. Not surprisingly, she had a clean, pleasant smell suited to a pretty, healthy coed. I breathed deeply, realizing that the smell of my sister’s pussy was turning me on all over again.

I focused on the road, trying hard not to be distracted by either Tory’s soft whimpers or the wet, squishing sounds coming from between her legs. I couldn’t help wondering what my sister’s pussy was like. Did she wax? Did she have full outer lips? What about her clit? How big was it? How did my sister taste?

I shuddered, shaking my head as I realized I was letting my mind wander. I drew on all my inner strength so that the sounds and smells emanating less than three feet to my right wouldn’t cause me to drive us off the road. I was glad for the light traffic.

I glanced again at Tory. Her eyes were closed, her mouth half-open as she worked herself with her hands. Her breath came in short, explosive gasps, her cut-off cries coming faster now. I saw her hands beneath my coat, unselfconsciously moving rapidly as Tory’s body went stiff, not breathing for 5 or 10 seconds, then she softly moaned, “Oh, Johnny, oh, baby…”

I just watched my sister get herself off, I thought, amazed. It was one of the most erotic things I’d ever seen.

As her climax finished, she exhaled sharply. “Fuck! Wow!”

My cock had never been so hard. At that moment, I fully admitted to myself for the first time that I wanted my sister. This was no simple attraction, no idle thought; nor was it a passing incestuous fantasy. I wanted to make love with this beautiful, incredible woman who, for reasons I didn’t understand, seemed to want me, too.

Her body satisfied, Tory dozed in the seat as I managed to guide us safely along the interstate. The snow continued to fall, gaining in intensity, the wind howling. I eventually pulled up behind a snowplow and was content to follow it the rest of the way home at a safe distance. It looked like nearly a foot of snow had fallen so far, and it was falling even harder now. We were in a full-on blizzard as I finally pulled off the interstate, honking my thanks to the plow driver, three long miles still left to home. I had to slow to a crawl, the wipers barely able to clear the windshield before another gust of blowing snow covered it again.

The return trip took nearly three hours. I sighed when I pulled into the parking lot, finally able to relax. I turned off the headlights and the ignition then shook Tory gently.

“Hey, sweetie. Wake up, sis. We’re home.”

Tory blinked several times, looking around in sleepy confusion.

“Wow, how long was I asleep?”

“A little over two hours,” I answered, grinning. “Must’ve been some cum!”

She smiled sexily. “You have no idea, big brother. Thanks for not minding.”

“Sweetie, the only thing I minded was not getting to see more.”

“Just ask if you want to watch sometime. I think that would be so hot!”

I reached over and took Tory’s hands in mine. Pulling them to my face, I tried in vain to catch a whiff of her pussy. Tory watched in fascination, smiling as I took her right hand in my mouth, sucking her fingers. I got a faint taste of my sister’s pussy juice. My eyes closed in ecstasy – she was delicious! “Speaking of fucking hot!” Tory groaned. “Shit, you’re making me wet again. Johnny, I think we should take this inside, ok?”

“Mm-hmm.” With my mouth filled with pussy-coated fingers, that was the best sound of agreement I could make. Tory took her hand back, unfastened her seatbelt, and leaned forward to pull up her pants.

“Ummm… can I see it?” I asked as Tory was wrestling her pants over her knees.

“Yeah?” she smiled mischievously. “You want to see your baby sister’s coochie, big brother?”

“To start with, yes, please.” Tory let go of her pants and unbuttoned the coat, opening it wide as she raised her ass off the seat of the car, angling her pelvis toward me. From the little I could see, my sister’s pussy looked as good as it tasted. I did notice she had a patch of hair on her mound, and I wondered if she kept herself natural.

Tory’s eyes were on mine as she ran her fingers through her blonde pubes. “You like, Johnny?”

“It’s beautiful, T-bird. Thanks.”

“No problem, brother. I mean, I can’t imagine a scenario in which you’re not going to see it even better real soon.”

We made our way across the deep snow of the parking lot, into my building, and onto one of the elevators. Tory turned to me, and we embraced. My little sister looked up at me, and in her eyes, I saw reflected the love I knew she could see in mine. “You know, Johnny, the past few days since I came over for Thai food have been something else.”

“You think, T?” I brushed a strand of hair back from her face.

“Is it ok if we talk first when we get home?”

The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. “Of course, sweetie. I’m not in a rush.”

So into the kitchen, we went. Tory put on coffee for me and the tea kettle for herself.

We sat in companionable silence, warming our insides with hot drinks. Tory looked at me over the rim of her cup, sipped then said, “So, you kissed me first today.”

“Thanks for noticing.”

“It would’ve been hard not to,” my sister smiled. “I kind of feel like I might’ve gone a bit too far before that. I acted….” Tory grinned. “…like a complete animal!”

“You mean grinding on me lion style?” Tory nodded. “I don’t think you went too far. Tory, The truth is, I’ve thought about you for so long. I mean, I’ve fantasized about you. I even have recurring dreams about you, little sister. I just never thought that anything like this would ever actually happen between us.” I sighed. “I’m just concerned that, once you get over the worst of your break-up, you might regret any impulsive decisions you make.”

“Impulsive? Johnny, do you think this isn’t something I’ve thought about and wanted, too? Shit, Johnny, I’ve felt for a long time that we could be so much more than brother and sister.”

“You have?” I was actually shocked.

“Johnny, my god, yes! You know, when we lived at home, I once walked into the bathroom, not realizing you were in there. You were in the shower, and you didn’t hear me come in. You know how that shower glass is nearly see-through, right?”

I nodded.

“Well, I couldn’t see like, graphic details, but I was watching you move your hand forward and back in front of you. I realized what you were doing, Johnny. You were masturbating.” I blushed. “I watched you for almost a minute, then I went to my room. I locked my door and took off my clothes. Johnny, that was the first time I’d ever touched myself, and the first time I had an orgasm.”

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