Happy Fuck Valentine’s Day by FamilyGuy66

I was mesmerized.

“So, you see, Johnny, my sexual identity has been tied to you from the very beginning. This isn’t impulsive for me, brother. This is the culmination of something I’ve wanted since even before I understood it.

“I want to make love with you, Johnny.” She made it such a simple declaration, free of fear or guilt, and I envied her. Why was it so difficult for me? I wanted to be as free and open as my sister. I wanted to be able to experience life the way she did, completely in the moment, without hesitation or regret.

“I don’t want you to overthink it, ok Johnny? I know you’re going to want to beat yourself up over how you feel about me, but don’t. We’re both adults. We both consent. You’re not going to damage me in any way, and it doesn’t ever have to happen again if you don’t want it to. So, just… no. Just no on guilt. Johnny, will you please take me to bed now? Will you make love to me, please?”

“I’d love that, Tory,” I realized as I spoke that I was saying these things without the guilt and shame that had always accompanied the sexual thoughts I had about my baby sister. “I really would. But this isn’t the right time.” Tory opened her mouth to argue, and I put my finger over her lips to shush her.

“Tomorrow,” I said. “Valentine’s Day. I think that’s the right moment. I think that’s when you and I, little sister, should express our love.”

I opened my arms, inviting my sister into them. Tory stepped forward, a tear in her eye, but smiling. “Just when I think my big brother couldn’t possibly be any more perfect. Guys always try to rush me into bed. Not you, Johnny. Not even when I’m ready to beg you for it.”

“I want to have time tonight to think about today,” I said with a shrug. “Don’t get me wrong, T. I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of this night with you. I want to-”

This time Tory silenced me with a finger. “You don’t need to explain, Johnny. As long as I know you want me, too.”

“I do want you, Tory.” How crazy that just days ago, I’d had to rationalize to myself masturbating to thoughts of my sister. Now, it seemed not only was the idea acceptable, but it was really going to happen. What a difference a few days makes. “It’s going to happen, and it’s going to change some things. Tonight, let’s have a low-key night. Maybe we’ll watch the snow from the balcony doors. Just you, just me…. just us.”

“I love us,” Tory said. “Us sounds perfect. So, how about grilled cheese and tomato soup? Perfect easy meal for a snow day.”

“That’s a great idea!” I said. “You just chose one meal I can actually make! So you, beautiful, can just relax. Maybe you can find us something to watch.”

“I think I’m in the mood for more music tonight. Mind if I use your turntable?”

“Make yourself at home.” I leaned in and kissed my sister, slowly and tenderly, still scarcely believing I was allowed to.

After Tory went into the living room, I expected to hear her spin The Furs. Instead, I immediately recognized the opening notes of The DoorsHello, I Love You. After pouring a can of soup and some milk into the pan, and heating the skillet for sandwiches, I went in and watched Tory listen. She must’ve sensed me, for she turned back and smiled. “I know this one!” she said.

“It’s a good one.”

“The album title is what caught my eye. ‘Waiting For The Sun’. It made me think of the storm.”


“What’s the Celebration of the Lizard mean?” Tory had been reading the album sleeve.

“It was going to be the second side of the album; what you see there were a bunch of songs that would’ve been pieced together. Check out the last section of the middle column. That’s on the album asNot To Touch The Earth. I’ll let you listen. I don’t want to burn the soup.”

“K.” Tory turned back to her reading.

I brought our light supper to the living room on a tray. I had a blanket tucked under my arm. “Grab this, would you, T?” I asked, indicating the blanket.

“What’s this for?”

“Living room picnic,” I smiled.

We sat on the blanket, eating and listening to music. Tory spent time looking through my albums, picking whatever struck her fancy to play. At 10:00, I turned on the local news with the sound muted and captions on. I wanted to see what to expect from the storm.

“Shit, Tory. We’ve already gotten two feet of snow, and they’re saying we could get up to four feet total by tomorrow morning.”

“Really? I’ve never seen that much snow.”

“You don’t want to, T-bird. Three years ago, we had a big storm like that, and it took a couple of days before I could go anywhere. Since we don’t normally get that much snow here, the city doesn’t have enough plows to take care of it quickly. We might be stuck here for a while.”

My sister smiled. “Oh, isn’t thatjust terrible?

“See how you feel if the power goes off for hours, sweetie.”

“Are you trying to scare me with a night of snuggling for body heat, big brother? I’m sorry, but being snowed in with you sounds pretty damn perfect to me.” Tory crawled slowly over to me and kissed me, then finished by licking upward over my lips.

“Mmm,” I moaned. It felt amazing! “Am I over-thinking things?”


“OK. I’ll stop worrying.”

Tory crawled closer, rubbing her head against mine, just like the lions had done. “We’ll just do what’s in our natures, brother.” She pushed her head against my chest, pressing me backward until I had to lay back on the floor. Tory climbed on top of me, straddling me. She sat directly on my cock, which was growing by the second. “You know, Johnny, I don’t think you got to cum yet. I’m here if you need a hand… or anything else.”

I groaned as my sister slid her pelvis forward and back, her crotch sliding along the length of my hard shaft. “Tory… fuck! Damn, that feels amazing, sweetie…. but we’re supposed to wait until tomorrow.”

“I’m not suggesting we fuck tonight, brother. I want to wait for tomorrow, too. Well, I don’t think either of us wants to wait, but I like the idea of tomorrow. But I wanted to help you cum earlier today, and that hasn’t changed. Would my big brother like me to stroke his big, hard cock for him?” Tory reached down, moving her hand toward my cock. I stopped her, grabbing her wrist.

“No,” I said. “Not tonight.” Then I moved her hand to her breast. “But big brother would love to watch his baby sis get herself off again. How would you feel about masturbating together?”

“I get to watch you, too? I’d love that!” Tory pulled her top over her head and tossed it aside. I reached up and took her by the sides, swiftly flipping her over so I was on top of her. My sister’s eyes were glazed, pure desire on display. “Make me naked, Johnny.”

I leaned my head down, biting her lower lip hard enough to hurt a little. Tory moaned. “Mmm… more, please!” I ran the tip of my tongue lightly over her lower lip, corner to corner. Tory was moving her hips beneath me, grinding herself against me. I was harder than I’d ever been. It was time to quit fucking around.

Tory’s breasts were hidden by a lacy purple bra. I noticed the front closure, and ran my hands up her body from her hips, cupping her breasts as I moved to open her bra. I’d never seen this much of my sister’s breasts before, not even in a bikini, since I’d left home before she’d really started developing. My hands trembled with the taboo excitement of what they were doing. A quick movement and the two cups separated, one in each hand. I dipped down to kiss between her breasts, and my baby sister purred with pleasure.

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