Happy Fuck Valentine’s Day by FamilyGuy66

I brought a plate to her. Tory was intently gazing at her screen, chewing on her lower lip. She looked up briefly, saw the food, mumbled thank you, and returned to typing while chewing on my version of avocado toast.

I thought about putting on some music, but thought it might be distracting for Tory. I realized I hadn’t read a book since Cheryl had left me; I’d always been a voracious reader. How sad I’d let myself be so negatively affected by her. I picked up a novel I’d never finished and, realizing I didn’t remember the plot, started anew at page 1.

A hundred and some odd pages later, we lost power. The lights went out and, worse, the heat. I held my breath, hoping it would come back on.

Tory wandered in. “What do we do?” she asked.

“Not a lot we can do, sweetie. If the power doesn’t come back on, we’ll move to the kitchen to stay warm. I’ll get it set up now, if you want to come in. You want to make sure to back up your work regularly since your laptop is running on battery power. As it gets dark, we’ll thank Cheryl.”

“Thank her for what?” Tory asked, looking interested.

“She thought my apartment was ‘too modern’,” I replied. “She gave me some old oil lamps to give the place some character. I used them during the storm I told you about. We’ll be fine, don’t worry.” Reassured, Tory went back to her homework.

In the kitchen, I opened the gas oven and wasn’t surprised to see the pilot light was out. I manually lit it and turned on the heat with the oven door open. That would keep the kitchen passably warm. I moved the table and chairs into the living room, then pulled my mattress into the kitchen. I climbed onto the mattress, amidst a pile of blankets and pillows, and started reading again.

Shortly, Tory came in, one of my sweaters wrapped around her. “It’s getting cold in there, and my battery’s running low.”

“Permission to come aboard granted,” I said, smiling.

“How long do you think the power will be out?” I could tell Tory was concerned.

“Sweetie, there’s no way of knowing. Hopefully just a few hours, but it depends on why it went out. Sometimes, it can be a day or longer; but I promise, we’re gonna be just fine. C’mere.” I opened my arms, inviting Tory to come to me. She settled in against me, snuggling both for warmth and just to be close.

“We’re not going to be able to watch our movies tonight,” she suddenly realized.

“I know, T. That’s ok, though. We also don’t have a stove to cook on, and we need to keep the oven open for heat.”

“This isn’t what I had planned for today,” Tory pouted. “I wanted more for you, Johnny.”

“Sweetie, just a couple of things have to change, that’s all. If I remember right, weren’t you wanting to spend Valentine’s Day with someone you love and who loves you?”

“Well… yeah.”

“Then I think your plan was an amazing success, ’cause here we are.”

Tory snuggled closer and I wrapped my arms around her. “You’re right, Johnny. I’m sorry I’m acting bitchy.”

“It’s ok, T. Even bitchy, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than right here with you.”

Tory’s fingers traced the contours of my pecs, visible through my shirt.

“Do you think the storm made the news?”

“I suppose. Why?”

“Maybe we should call mom and dad, let them know we’re safe.”

“That’s a very considerate thing to think of. We probably should.”

“It’s not so much consideration,” she replied, grinning up at me. “I just don’t want them interrupting us later.”

That struck me funny, and we laughed together. I felt so good now, so happy and relaxed. “Why don’t you call?” I suggested. “I have something I need to do, and it’ll keep you from snooping!”

“Ooooh, it’s about my present! I love prezzies!”

“I know you do, sweetie. I hope you like what I got you.”

“I’m sure I will, Johnny. It’s from you!”

While Tory dialed our parents, I took the gifts from the closet and took them to the living room. I grabbed a sheet from my linen closet to cover the larger gift, as I hadn’t had a chance to wrap it. I then went back to the kitchen.

“…he’s done a great job of setting us up… No, mom, Johnny’s been through this before. Honestly, there’s nowhere I’d feel safer right now….. No… uh-huh, yeah, we have his mattress in the kitchen near the stove. It’s cozy… Mom! Mom!… That’s stupid, mom… We’re perfectly able to sleep in the same bed, mother.” Tory looked at me and winked. “Don’t be disgusting, mother! I promise, if I end up pregnant, boy or girl, we’ll name it after you-”

I grabbed the phone from Tory and glared at her. Covering the microphone, I said, “Don’t torment mom.”

“Well, she pissed me off!”

I glared again, in warning, as I put the phone to my face. Tory pouted. Mom was on a rant.

“Mom, it’s me now… Mom… No, that’s right… Mom, listen. There are nearly five feet of snow on the ground. I can’t get Tory back to her sorority, and even if I could, I’m sure there’s no food service on campus right now….. Yes, I think she’s better off here. She’s safe, warm, and with her big brother…. No, I agree she shouldn’t tease about being pregnant. How’d you get there in the conversation anyway?…. Uh-huh…. uh-huh… Well, I don’t think you saying us sharing a bed in an emergency is sinful was very helpful. Why would you even think something like that, mom?”

I looked at Tory, who was in the process of removing her top and bra. She rolled her nipples between her fingers while licking her lips seductively. It was hard not to laugh. What she was doing was incredibly sexy; why she was doing it was fucking hilarious.

“No, mom… ok, I appreciate that… Yes, I’ll be sure to let Tory know. Listen, I don’t want the phone to run down, since we have no way of charging them. We might need them for an emergency.” Tory was crawling across the mattress toward me, still licking her lips. “Yes, mom… no, I don’t know what would happen if we needed an ambulance.”

Tory had reached me and was pulling down my pants. I stared at her, my mouth agape, my eyes wide as she fumbled my cock out. It was still flaccid when Tory slid her warm, wet mouth over my cockhead, her tongue swirling around it deliciously.

“Ohhhh… huh? No, mom, I… I sa… said no…. oh?… wh-what did you ask?… Oh, sorry, no… that’s a yes… yessss!… Mom… battery…. emergency…”

My baby sister’s mouth felt incredible. I absolutely love getting hard in a woman’s mouth, and Tory had some amazing oral skills. The fact that she was sucking my cock while I talked to our mom on the phone was a bit off-putting, though. Something had to give. One of the two women I loved had to go.

I’d apologize later for hanging up on mom in mid-sentence.

“You,” I gasped, dropping the phone as Tory sucked her way up and down the length of my cock, looking me in the eye the entire time, “are… pure… evil.”

Tory released my cockhead with a ‘pop’ and wiped saliva from her mouth. “Sorry, Johnny. Should I stop and you can call mom back?”

My hands on the back of her head gave her my answer. I pushed forward, watching the outline of my cock against Tory’s cheek as it slid forward, causing her mouth to bulge. Tory moaned in pleasure, and I took that as encouragement. I held her head steady, pushing my pelvis forward, driving my cock into her mouth. Tory’s cheeks were pulled in, providing amazing suction while her tongue caressed the underside of my shaft. Tory bobbed her head steadily, taking more of my cock into her talented mouth every few strokes. Within a minute, I heard the telltale choking sound of my cock pushing into her throat. She moaned, humming around my cock as she pulled back, only to push forward again. I felt her lips against my pelvis and her chin against my balls. My baby sister had successfully deepthroated me! She stayed where she was for several seconds, moving her head side to side until the desperate need for air caused her to pull back and release my cock. A runner of saliva kept us joined while she took three deep breaths before getting back to it.

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