Happy Fuck Valentine’s Day by FamilyGuy66

“But seriously, I’m not going to be in the way?”

I shrugged. “Nothing for you to be in the way of, sis. My usual Friday routine is working late, coming home with some takeout, having a couple of drinks, dusting off the vinyl, and enjoying a night of old music.”

“You’re not seeing anybody?”

“No. I just got out of a relationship, remember?”

“Like six weeks ago, you said!”

“Yeah, and?” I shrugged. “I don’t think I’m ready, and I don’t want to jump into just anything. Besides, it’s never been that easy for me to meet women.”

“What? Why not? You’ve got a lot going for you!” Tory started counting on her fingers. “You’re smart, funny, caring, handsome-”

“Pfft,” I answered dismissively.

“-you make well-reasoned arguments,” Tory continued without missing a beat, looking at me like I was stupid.

“You had me until handsome.”

“What? You are!”

“C’mon, Tory. I’m ok-looking at best. I’m never gonna be mistaken for a Hollywood leading man, and I’m alright with that. The fact is, you got the beauty genes for our generation. That’s why I work on myself. I can’t change my plain face, but I can keep in shape, sharpen my mind, and be a decent human being.”

“I think you’re crazy. I know a half-dozen girls who would love me to set them up-”

“No.” I normally don’t speak sharply to my sister, but I wasn’t budging on this. “Look, when a relationship ends, I give it the respect and the time it deserves. I don’t go looking for a rebound just to avoid being alone. When the time is right, I’ll find someone special. So thank you, but please bite your tongue before you make me grab it to shut you up like I did when we were little, ok?”

“Don’t you dare!” she said, covering her mouth with both hands. Tory wasnot a fan of that, I remembered with a chuckle, wisely keeping the smirk that wanted to accompany it to myself.

“So,” I said, wanting to change the topic, “what’s on the menu for tonight?”

“I haven’t decided yet. Do you want anything in particular?”

“Meat, preferably cooked,” I smiled, standing up. “But now I’ve got to get going, or I’ll be late. Thanks for caring, but please don’t think about setting me up with one of your friends, ok?”

“OK.” Tory huffed, looking like she was wanted to go into sulk mode, but at least she wasn’t focused on her painful break-up.

“Promise me,” I said.

“I promise I won’t set you up with any of my friends,” Tory grumped.

“Text me if you need anything,” I said, giving her a sidearm hug.

“K. Hey, will you be working late, since it’s Friday?”

“With a pretty girl like you waiting at home? What am I, crazy?” That earned me a grudging smile. “I should be home by 5:30.”

“Dinner’s at 6. Call if you’ll be late!” Tory called as I headed to the door.

I turned back to her. “Make it 6:30, ok? I like to work out when I get home.”

Tory smiled. “Whatever you say, big brother.”

My workday passed pretty quickly. I only found myself thinking about my baby sister a few times before lunch, mostly wondering how she was doing. After the afternoon marketing meeting, sitting at my desk, I caught myself mentally replaying last night’s movie snuggles, seeing Tory’s lean, bare midriff, remembering the feel of her ass against my hand. Not surprisingly, a respectable hardon tented my pants. I reached down and gave my cock a squeeze. Maybe I shouldn’t encourage him, I thought. Iwas thinking about my baby sister, after all. No, fuck that. It was just a fantasy, not real. I needed this.

Though my office at work was small, it did have windows with blinds and a locking door. Getting up, I made quick work of the privacy they offered, then unzipped my trousers as I returned to my desk. Sitting down, I allowed my mind to wander as I pulled my cock to full hardness, my pants and boxers around my knees.

Picturing Tory as she implored me with her pretty blue eyes, so vulnerable, needing her big brother… and oh, what her big brother would do for her… the feel of her sitting on my lap in the kitchen – in my mind, she grinded her pussy on me as she hugged me close… the feel of her bare skin as I absently stroked her… stroking myself, my cock stretched taut, straining with its need for release… “Oh, Tory!” I moaned as, shuddering, I quietly squirted the evidence of my lust into a handful of the tissues I kept handy in my desk.

I had just tucked my cock away, my perversion satiated for now, when my cell phone rang. ‘Mom’, the screen informed me.

“Hi, mom.”

“Hi, baby. I just talked to Tory.”

“Yeah, she’s had a rough day.”

“So she said. Is she staying with you?”

“Well, she’s at my place today, if that’s what you mean.”

“Oh, ok. I might’ve misunderstood. Be a good brother, please. Take care of your baby sister.”

“Don’t worry, mom. I will.”

“I worry about the two of you, so far from home.”

“We’ll be fine, mom. You don’t need to worry.”

“Are you seeing anyone yet?”

“Mom, I’m at work.”

“A mother can ask, can’t she?”

“OK. No, I’m not seeing anyone. I just don’t think-”

“Johnny, you know I love you, but you can’t just think your way through life, any more than Tory can go through life purely on emotion. The two of you are so different-”

“Yeah, but combined, we make one amazing, fully functional person, right?”

“It’s not a joke, Jonathan Michael-”

“Mom, I gotta go. I’ve got a meeting.” Once she invoked my full name, I knew the conversation had nowhere to go but down.

Mom sighed. “Go, then. I’m sorry to nag. I just worry about my babies.”

“Your babies will be fine, mom.”

“You two are so good for each other. I’m happy you’re there for your sister.”

“I’m happy to be there for her.”

“Call me this weekend.”

“I will, mom. Bye.”

“And Johnny-”

Sometimes, pressing the red End button is the only option.

Checking in, I texted my sister.Burn the building down yet? 🤣

Ping.Still rubbing the sticks together smartass

Ping.I have a surprise when u get 🏠

I sent backOK

Ping.Wanna know?

Nope. I like surprises. Gotta work.

I got home and unlocked my door, but found Tory had latched the security chain. There’s something wrong, I thought, with having to knock on your own door. But it soon got better.

Tory opened the door with a smile, wearing a vintage 60s-era pleated skirt and a snug-fitting white blouse, her hair pulled back in a simple ponytail, her face free of makeup and showing no signs of recent crying. She looked stunning as she smiled at me. “Hi, darling. How was your day?”

“Oh, you know, the usual. Keeping the world safe for capitalist pigs. You look incredible, by the way. Wow.”

Tory snorted. “The outfit’s meant to be ironic, caveman. Do you want a beer or something?”

“Thanks, but I gotta hit the gym first. And ironic or not, you do look really beautiful.”

“Well, thank you, Johnny. You’re always such a gentleman. Hey, before you go – do you notice anything different?”

God, I hate that trap. Her hair looked to be the same length and color, it wasn’t about her ironic clothes, and her nails weren’t freshly painted.

I gave up. “No, sorry.”

“Look around,” Tory urged. I did. The place looked somehow different…

“Did you clean my apartment, T-bird?” I keep a pretty decent house, for a guy, but it looked like Tory had worked some kind of magic.

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