Take Me Tom Pt. 80-83 by Boo96

“You choose a couple of cars, and we’ll talk about it, all right?” I said.

Chrissie and Emily just smiled at each other. “Tom, we want you to have your car back. If we can help, we will, okay?” Chrissie said.

“That’s very kind of you, darling. It’s not that important, but thanks,” I said.

They both laughed at me. Yeah, I didn’t buy it, either!

We turned everything off, and made our way to bed. Chrissie’s stomach was playing her up, so she wanted an outside place tonight, and Emily greedily grabbed the middle. Cleaned and changed, we all slipped in, kisses and hugs all around, and we were set.

I lay there thinking about how natural this was all becoming. We just seemed to work so well together in so many ways. Not that Chrissie and I hadn’t, but this was a different connection, somehow more effortless, and more profound.

Chapter 81

Catching Up and an Awkward Encounter for Chrissie

The rest of the week went well. Every day, I was thankful for these two. I could give them parts of our growing list, knowing everything would be sorted. Chrissie found that it may be more cost-effective to keep her furniture and have it all shipped. Emily could keep any pieces she wasn’t sure about, instead of selling things off. They had found a firm that would pack, ship, and set everything up in our new home. We would just need a diagram of the rooms, and stickers saying what went where. We’d save money on a rental, and get into the house as soon as we landed.

Ems was signing paperwork to get her house sale going. Chrissie had a viewing on Wednesday, and it seemed to go well, but no offer was forthcoming yet. I called Ben from work, and caught up with him. I apologised for not getting a hold of them when Emily and I were in town. He understood, which didn’t surprise me. Then the BIG news! Elaine was pregnant! It was their first, and both were overjoyed. Chrissie was walking by the room when he told me, so I called her in, and told her. She shrieked and grabbed the phone from me, congratulating him, and asking to speak with Elaine. For the next fifteen minutes, I sat there, as I’m sure Ben was, and listened to the one-sided conversation. It was still early days, but all was well. It was wonderful to catch up with them both. I missed his companionship, he being my closest friend over there.

We hadn’t heard from mom and dad yet. I was in two minds to head over on my own, try to talk some sense into them, but put that off for a few more days. We were invited to Emily’s parents tomorrow, Friday evening. Ems was pretty blasé about it. After all, she’s a mature thirty-five-year-old woman! She was going to mention it Thursday evening, so we would just be filling in some grey areas Friday night, although there shouldn’t be any! Emily had spent Wednesday night at her place, keeping it dusted, and ready, and rethinking what pieces of furniture to bring. Chrissie and I had a relaxed evening in bed, talking, and touching. I couldn’t resist my touches getting more insistent, and amorous as the evening wore on.

“I…I really shouldn’t, Tom. Another day or two?” she asked, shyly, not something she was comfortable talking about, even at thirty-six!

I…I don’t care, Chrissie,” I said. “There’s no reason for you to feel awkward. I don’t. I…I won’t go down on you, but there’s no reason we can’t make love, darling?” I explained.

“Really? You would seriously…you know…even now?” she asked, surprised. “It’s a bit…oh, forget it! You’re just trying to embarrass me! Stop it, Tom!” she sighed, getting frustrated.

“Chrissie. Look at me,” I smiled. “I’ll make love to you anytime, darling. You still don’t understand how bloody desirable you are to me, do you?” I asked.

“Oh, I get that, Tom!” she chuckled. “But…now? I…I’d be happy to just blow you…

if that would help?” she asked, shyly.

“It’s not about me, Chrissie,” I laughed. “It’s about us, okay? I know I shouldn’t say this, but…you DO know it’s you, don’t you? As close as I am getting with Ems, it’s you. I love the dynamic between the three of us, but no one will ever be closer to me. I understand what Ems is bringing to us, but it’s you,” I sighed, leaned over, and kissed her. “Chrissie, it’s NOT about me getting off. It’s me making love with the woman I love. If you don’t want to, fine. I can wait, believe me. I just don’t think something like that should hold us back, understand?” I asked.

She cupped my face, kissed me chastely, and whispered, “Perhaps I should grab a towel then?” she coyly giggled.

She skipped back to the bed, bashfully laying the towel down, and slipping her tight panties off.

“I can’t believe you really want to do this, Tom. God! You’re a bad brother!” she giggled.

She laid down next to me, her hand around my head, and pulled me to her wet lips. We languidly kissed, our hands touching each other’s face, tenderly exploring the bodies we had come to know so well. I brushed the flowing red hair from her face, falling in love with her all over again. I nuzzled my nose into her ear and whispered, “I’ll always want you, Chrissie,” and licked her hanging lobe.

“Ohh…my, Tom,” she moaned into my neck. “Always, darling man,” and gently bit me. “You do know it’s you, too? It’s always you,” she sighed, contentedly.

Our bodies, warm against each other, moved, and caressed each other, her initial reticence slipping away. I leaned down, and consumed her tight breasts, rising and falling under my greedy mouth. Chrissie threw her head back, her hands grabbing my hair, squeezing, and moaning my name. I slid between her open legs, my mouth touching her shoulders and arms and licking her enlarged nipples. She shifted her pelvis under me, lifted her tiny ass, grasped my throbbing cock, and placed it at the entrance to her valley, holding it there, pre-cum dripping onto her pussy. We looked at each other, holding our breath, and prolonging this wondrous moment. We locked eyes, neither of us moving, but the ardour rising with every beat of hearts. It was as if our connection grew with every passing pulse, both of us wondering who would instigate this consummation.

“Take me, Tom,” she whispered, and I plunged my hardness between her slick lips, as her hips rose up to take me. I sunk myself in her smooth rift, my cock pressing deep into her. Her loud ‘oooohs’ echoed through the room, as we took each other. Chrissie had an all-consuming look, not believing that I wanted her this way tonight. I slowly pulled out, and slivered back inside her, Chrissie holding onto me, as she wrapped her legs around mine, and shifted up, our bond complete.

My hands probed her long red hair, lost, as I was, in her fragile beauty. Every firm, tenuous stroke filled her, teased and loved her.

“Ohhh, Tom,” she subduedly sighed. “You’re such a bad…brother,” and lifted her hips up, immersing my shaft deep inside.

My hands slipped along her body, touching every contour, as if it was the first time we were naked. I leaned down as far as I could, kissing her surging sides, her ribs trying to break free. We kissed frantically, our groins matching each other in their smoothness, and ferocity. Chrissie took every manic lunge, both of us lost in each other’s lust, and love.

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