Take Me Tom Pt. 80-83 by Boo96

Chrissie smiled. “Hey! I’m right here! Don’t I get a say in this?” she answered, so coquettishly.

Emily leaned down to her ear, and murmured, “No, sweetie. You get NO say. If your brother won’t fuck you, I will,” she said, brushing Chrissie’s copper-red hair back, and kissing her neck.

Talk about foreplay for their date!

“C’mon! Out!” she giggled at us, and we went downstairs, the smells inviting. I grabbed a couple of cookies, trying to stay out of their way!

We had a serious talk about the costs of a container versus selling what we had, and buying in the UK. Chrissie assured me it was best to take what we could, so I left it to them to sort. One less thing…We pottered around for a while, but I felt that we were in the way, seeing that the baking was finished. Chrissie and Emily were going through a few more bits and pieces, and as the kids were getting bored, I grabbed them, the majority of the fresh carrot cake, and a plateful of biscuits, and headed home.

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