The Family Mansion Rewrite – part 8: The Dinner – by charlieflemming

“Um, Nathan, yeah,” he said, too embarrassed to look at her while he was covering his erection in his pants, he was still overly excited from what was discussed in the therapy session, not to mention how sexy and horny his mother seemed to be acting around him, “Or Nate, if you prefer.” He croaked out after another moment of what felt like dead silence to him.

“Pleasure, call me Darlene.” The hot waitress said. She leaned over, looking directly at Nathan, her shirt hung down and when Nate glanced at her he almost bit his tongue when he glanced at her and saw that he could see right down her shirt. Darlene didn’t wear a bra when she worked, mostly because it rubbed her tits the wrong way under the apron, and she knew full well that Nathan was getting a good look at her bare breasts.

She had really good ones, Nathan thought as he stared, perky with pretty pink nipples that seemed especially hard. Nathan wondered if something was making Darlene horny but he couldn’t imagine what. He still hadn’t gotten in his head that anyone could ever be attracted to him.

Liz saw how Nathan was ogling the waitress and suspected something was up so she cleared her throat.

Darlene stood up completely right away and straightened her clothes out. Just in that incredibly brief interaction with Liz’s son, Darlene could tell that Nathan was about the shyest person she ever met. She wasn’t super picky about who she fucked, as long as they weren’t some kind of creep, but she was definitely more attracted to confidence than Nathan’s incredibly shy demeanor. He was handsome, sure, but she didn’t have time to teach a virgin how to fuck. That’s just how Darlene was with the people she dated, for the most part.

“What would the two of you like to order?” She asked again, a bit rough this time as she wasn’t sure what was going on between Liz and her son but she felt like she didn’t need to have any part of it.

“Actually,” Liz said, “If you give us a few minutes, I think we’ll be able to order then.” Liz just wanted Darlene to go away so she could finish what she wanted to talk about with her son.

“Anything to drink?” Darlene asked before walking away, unable to stop herself. It was her instinct as a waitress.

“Um, two glasses of water,” Liz said quickly, and Darlene walked off.

“Okay,” Liz said to Nathan. She had calmed down and was much less horny. Darlene’s interruption had definitely helped, though now Liz wondered if she and Darl would have to have an awkward conversation at their next book group. “Okay,” she said again, “What happened this morning wasn’t your fault, Nathan, it’s mine. I’m the adult and I should have known to, um, stop everything before it all went spiraling out of control.” Liz gulped as she feared to say this next part, “I think I should admit that I do feel I’m, um, attracted to you, Nathan. But-”

“I think you’re hot, Mom,” Nathan admitted quickly. He was so excited to know that his mother felt an attraction to him that he was enthused to say the feeling was mutual. Of course, this was right before he realized he said this and blushed a shade as red as his hair. He looked away again, wishing that he could die of embarrassment.

Liz moaned slightly as her pussy twinged slightly from her son’s compliment. Her husband never complimented her, in fact, she didn’t have a single memory of him doing anything like that, so when Nathan said she’s hot, something inside her seemed to explode in pure lust. She had to do everything in her power to keep herself from tackling her son right then and there and start kissing him all over his body.

But those feelings still scared her, “Nathan, I’m your mother and you’re my son and we can’t do anything about whether we’re attracted to each other or not.” Liz explained.

Nathan was bitter when he then said, “So back to the way things were and you’ll just ignore me.”

“Nate,” Liz said, comfortingly, “my son.” She took one of his hands from the table and held it in both of hers, “No. Not like that ever again and I’m sorry if you feel that I’ve neglected you most of your life.” Liz was very regretful about that, “I only hope that I can make it up to you.”

“How will anything change?” Nathan asked.

“Well,” Liz thought about what her therapist said, “I think it’s like what Dr. Kim talked about. We should do more activities together, both just you and me and with the rest of the family. And I think we should start with what Yumi said about more appropriate touching.”

“Like what?” Nathan said as he felt his mother fondle every inch of his hand with all ten of her fingers. This was turning him on a lot for reasons he didn’t fully understand.

“Um, well, holding hands like this is okay.” She said as she stopped just fondling his hand like it was some kind of drug and just held it tightly. Liz then thought of something else, “Actually, maybe we can practice more now.” She got up and walked around the table to Nathan’s side and her son had to scoot over so she could sit down beside him.

“Um, well…” Nathan mumbled as he and his mother’s legs touched sides under the table. He liked the feeling of her smooth leg from her skirt down rubbing against his bare leg as well. His cock twitched in his pants but he was glad that the table was in the way and no one could tell just how aroused he was.

It didn’t help Nathan’s arousal one bit as Liz took his hand from the table, and moved it underneath. Nathan wasn’t sure where his mother was about to move his fingers and was both afraid and excited that his hand might be about to touch its first pussy, even if it was his mother’s cunt in a crowded restaurant, Nathan was more than eager for more sexual experiences in his life, especially after having none at all before that morning. Of course, Nathan’s self-esteem was so low that he could only assume that no one could ever like him in a sexual or romantic way, especially not his own mother.

But Liz wasn’t letting this go, “I think we should try some other appropriate touching,” as she said this she stood and walked around their table to sit right next to her son. As she sat, she took her son’s hand and placed it on her leg. “This would also be okay for you to touch me here.” She explained as she let go of her son’s hand and his fingers started lightly touching her with his big, strong hands. Liz was so turned on by her son’s touch that she didn’t care that Nate fondling her leg, that she put aside the fact that it wasn’t exactly “appropriate” like she had explained, as her son lightly touched her thigh. “I think it’s just as appropriate for a mother to touch her son in the same way.” Liz said as she reached her hand closest to Nathan under the grab his leg and wrap her fingers around his muscular thigh. Liz took a deep, sharp breath as she realized just how much her son worked out since she could tell from how his leg felt so naturally flexed, totally different from her flabby husband who didn’t think exercise was very important. Liz starts to feel her son’s legs higher and higher on his inner thigh, she felt her hand pushing under the leg of his shorts. She wanted to feel his cock-

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