The Family Mansion Rewrite – part 8: The Dinner – by charlieflemming

“Are you ready to- um…” Darlene said as she came over to the table. She had meant to keep an eye on Liz and Nathan because they were acting a little strange when she talked to them before, but completely forgot about them when another customer came in and then took forever to decide that he just wanted coffee. Darlene forgot they were there and came back over, thought it was weird that they were now sitting on the same side of the table, but stopped her question when she stood next to the table. Being that the tables were attached to the walls and the booth was not pulled all the way up, Darlene in the only angle in the restaurant where someone could see everything that was happening underneath the table between Liz and Nathan. Darlene was speechless as it looked like Nathan had a humongous erection, bigger than any cock Darlene had seen before, and his mother seemed to be reaching her hand up his pant leg in order to grab it.

Nathan’s mind was in overdrive as he seemed to remember that he was sitting in a public place. His mother’s hand on his leg had given him a boner and all the blood in his brain running his memory had all gone to his cock, “Um, what? Who? What?” He said in surprise as he removed his hand from his mother’s leg and tried to move away from her on the bench.

Of course, Nathan couldn’t move away from Liz as she refused to let go of his leg. Her hand was still about an inch under the leg of his shorts, and very slowly inching further up his leg towards his crotch. “Could I help you with something?” Liz said confidently, she was feeling amazingly naughty as she could just feel the side of her son’s cock with the tops of her fingers as she slowly slid her hand up his thigh. What am I fucking doing!? Liz thought desperately, but she couldn’t stop herself. Nathan, her own son, being this close to her was turning her on so much, she felt like she was out of control.

Darlene stood with her mouth open in utter shock. She could plainly see that Liz’s hand was inching up her son’s inner thigh, definitely not an appropriate place for a mother to have her hand for her own son. Especially when he has an enormous and quite obvious erection in his shorts. “Um, uh, um,” Darlene stammered, but then swallowed, realizing that she was probably overreacting to something innocent, even if she could plainly see that Nathan had what looked to be a very uncomfortable erection. “Um, just wondering if you’re both ready to order.” She said.

“I’ll have a cobb salad,” Liz told Darlene, clear and confident, something Darlene had never known Liz to be, “And my son will have scrambled eggs and toast.” Liz noticed how nervous her son was, and she may not have known her son well but she knew him enough to realize he would have been too shy to answer right then.

Nathan just grunted, sure that whatever was happening was beyond his control. All he knew was that he had to will his erection away but it was basically impossible with Liz touching him so intimately under the table and he could feel as her fingers lightly touched the sides of his cock. Being that he was even more virginal than most virgins he’d never had someone else’s hand this close to his erection (that he knew of) and the thought of his mother’s soft hand wrapping around his cock was distracting him from any other thoughts at that moment.

As soon as Darlene was back in the kitchen and out of view, the horny, sexy mother turned to her handsome and confused son, “help me pull the bench forward.” Liz ordered Nathan as she took her hand off his leg and grabbed the plastic, padded bench from the underside.

Nathan was slow on the uptake, “What? Why?” He asked in a low voice, not sure if the other customers on the other side of the room could hear them or whether or not he wanted them not to hear them.

To answer, Liz turned her head to her son, fluttering her brown eyes, she lightly licked her lips with the tip of her tongue, and smiled sexily.

Butterflies flew out of Nathan’s stomach and filled his empty brain cavity as he fell in love with his beautiful mother, “Uh, okay,” Nathan said automatically as he and his mother pulled the bench up to the table in front of them.

Liz had let her personal Sex Demon take over completely. It was too much letting herself brush her son’s leg and lightly touch his cock with the back of her hand. She couldn’t hold back, not right then, not with her pussy flowing with need and so close to the object of her desire. She didn’t care that it was incest, or that it was wrong. And, as soon as they sat on the bench again, the bottom half of their bodies now covered by the table in front of them, and Liz reached under the flat surface, grabbed her son’s cock, and pulled Nathan’s huge dick out through the leg of his shorts.

Nathan had to do everything in his power not to cry out in utter shock as his mother laid her hand on his dick and felt as she freed Nathan Jr. under the table. He glanced around, certain somebody could see, but the other customer across the room seemed absorbed in his newspaper, and Darlene was still in the kitchen in the back. Meanwhile, under the table, Liz slowly started stroking her son’s cock.

But then, the shock wore off and Nathan realized what was happening to him. His own mother, Elizabeth Slope, possibly the hottest woman he’d ever known, but had never really seen sexually before that morning, was now giving him a slow handjob in a public place. He felt as she gripped his dick tightly about the shaft, stroking all the way up to his cockhead, overflowing with pre-cum under the table, she seemed to love it as her hands were coated in it and Liz used to the friction to cover his cock and stroke faster and make the whole experience more pleasurable for her son.

This was when Darlene came out of the kitchen with their food. Liz saw her this time and slowed the stroking of her son’s cock under the table just enough that it didn’t look like her upper arm was moving much, but even then, Nathan’s cock was so long that Liz had to make some pretty obvious arm movements in order to go all the way to his cockhead and back. It never occurred to Liz to stroke less of her son’s huge dick, oddly enough.

“Oh, lunch is here, isn’t that great Nathan?” Liz said, teasingly, as she stroked her son’s dick under the table and watched him squirm.

Nathan had not noticed that Darlene had come back because he was lost in the pleasure of feeling his mother stroke him off under the diner’s table. Of course, realizing someone else was there watching was like a jolt of electricity by how shocked he was. “Oh fuck no!” he shouted as he then went crosseyed and started cumming all over the underside of the table.

“Holy hell, are you okay!?” Darlene yelled, positive that Liz’s son was having a heart attack right in front of her.

Nathan had no choice but to shut his eyes and ride it out. He could feel his semen shooting all over his legs, and was sure that his shorts were soaked, along with the underside of the table and the floor.

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