The Monster – part 4 – by charlieflemming

“Show me,” Jo said before kissing her brother’s lips. His lips seemed to hug hers with each tiny kiss. It was electrifying. Oh, God! Jo thought as pleasure coursed through her body, Clara was right! This is the best kiss of my life!

She pushed her brother down on the bed. Jo just couldn’t stop herself. She forced her tongue into Jack’s mouth and he turned into a corpse again but only for a moment. And that’s when Jo realized, he’s mimicking me! But not just that, he’s adjusting and improving what I’m doing as he goes! The student becomes a master in a matter of seconds! Who is this sex god and what has he done with my brother!?

As they passionately made out, Jo’s body started moving on its own. Her hips began moving against her brother’s waist. Jo’s pantied pussy grinding like crazy against Jack’s hard cock in his jeans.

It was too much for Jo. She realized later that it was because she hadn’t had sex in nearly a week and her body was craving some attention. What she hadn’t expected was that she would then get the best kiss of her entire life followed by the strongest orgasm she’d ever had.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned profusely as she began sucking her brother’s tongue like his saliva was her sole reason for living in that moment. She came so hard and so long that afterward, Jack could feel her pussy juice all over his dick as it leaked right through both her panties and the fabric of his jeans.

As Jo came down from her amazing orgasm she collapsed off her brother’s body. “Oh my God, that was incredible!” She moaned. And moved to spoon her brother.

Except after she moved off Jack’s body everything they just did caught up with him and, scared and confused, he got up, unlocked her door, and practically ran back to his room.

Jo lied there feeling more conflicted than she could ever remember feeling. For one thing, she thought, he’s my brother and it’s just wrong to have these feelings for him, let alone make out with him while dumping dry humping his cock! He obviously thinks I’m some kind of freak! I don’t think he’ll ever want to talk to me again… she sighed feeling depressed again, but that was the greatest sexual experience of my life! And we hardly even did anything! Can I even comprehend what it must be like to fuck him!? My own brother!? The sex God!? Fuck my life!

Jo realized that she was lost. She couldn’t be with him because he was her brother but she couldn’t not be with him because she knew, with a few pushes in the right direction, Jack was going to be the most amazing lover Jo could ever hope to be with.

What Jo failed to grasp in that moment was that she was starting to become very obsessed with her brother. She didn’t recognize it because she’d never been that preoccupied with someone like that before that moment.

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