Brenda Bragton – Dreamwife by yowser

“Roger. I’ll be right over.”

After hanging up, Jamie turned to Brenda, still hugging the bed.

“You mind walking Blue this morning, babe? I gotta go help out Jon.”

Brenda nodded before turning back into bed. “Sure. Be sure to grab a couple of the biscuits I made last night on your way out so you have something for breakfast. Good luck.”

The late autumn air had definitely cooled the last couple days. Dew was on the grass of the houses on the winding road to Jon’s place, sparkling in the early morning light.

Jon had the hood open in his driveway when Jamie pulled up.

It took them just five minutes to get it jumped, Jamie sure and precise with his cables.

Jon was thankful and apologetic. “Sorry JB, I got you out of bed too soon today.”

“No trouble, man. I bet you need a new battery, maybe more. Your alternator drive belt’s in one piece and tight enough, so that’s not the trouble. I’ll stop by on the way home from work and size up the scene. You should be okay today when it warms up a bit, there’ll be less draw on the starter. Can you get a jump from someone at work to get you home if you need to?”

Jon nodded.

“Use as little accessories as you can—no radio, AC, lights. Let me get your truck’s VIN and I’ll stop by later after work to take a closer look at things.”

They shook hands and Jamie was off to work at the Benson Chevrolet dealer in Franklinville.

When he stopped by that evening he and Jon took a look at the truck.

“Brought a new battery along for you. I’ll stress test your old one at the shop tomorrow, but I bet it’s toast.”

Jamie swapped out the battery in short order and the truck started up easily.

“Let’s doublecheck your system and make sure this isn’t your only issue.”

Jamie pulled out his electrical meters and read out the diagnostic code.

“You ain’t charging, Jon. Why your battery went dead on you.”

“Alright. Good to know.”

“No worries, bud. I figured as much, brought an alternator with me. Matched it to your VIN, it should do the job.”

“Battery’s the heart of the electrical beast, alternator’s the pacemaker, you gotta have it.”

With Jon’s help it took Jamie maybe half an hour to install the new parts. He checked the diagnostic plug, which read okay, but also pulled out his voltmeter and took a reading.

“Start her up Jon, and turn on everything electrical—wipers, high beams, everything.”

Jamie squinted at his meter.

“Yep, you’re good to go. Long as system voltage, when the engine’s running, is half a volt higher than the battery at rest, you’re alright. No more troubles.”

“Thanks man,” Jon clapped him on the back. “Saved me good today. How much do I owe you?”

Jamie laughed. “Labor’s free for friends, my wholesale cost from the dealer for the parts come to a hundred and forty.”

“Can I pay you on Friday?”

“Anytime Jon, no prob.”

They shook and Jamie was off.

Jamie relayed the day’s events at dinner with Brenda, and they continued talking in bed.

“Babe, I want to ask you something.”

“Brenda’s eyes arched. Oh?”

“I want ya to lick my balls.”

“You’ve said that before.” She twirled a stray piece of her hair. “Not all that interested.”

“I know, but it would be nice. Nice to have you do it. For me.”

“Lemme think about it, Jamie.”

“Jon says its amazing. Just about the nicest thing in the world.”

She looked at him oddly. “You guys spend your time together talking about ball lickin’?”

“No, no, just came up the other day. But we don’t need to talk any more. You said you’d think about it, that’s fine. But there are more immediate matters.” Jamie waved his cock, now grown serious hard.

Brenda laughed. “Of course.”

She reached over and fondled him. “A cock in the hand is worth two balls in the bush,” and as if for emphasis, she cradled his jewels in their vast thicket of hair.

It was a quick night for both of them, both aroused, both energetic. Jamie got Brenda off twice by licking and fingering, before he ever entered with his tool, so he felt good about that.

On Wednesday Katie Moss got a call from Brenda around nine, just after a light rain the night before. The air was clear and clean, and her back deck was sweet in the morning sunlight.

“Katie, Hi, it’s Brenda. You doing anything at the moment?”

“Nope, just putting off dealing with the kitchen til later. It’s a nice morning today and after Dave leaves for work, I’m always glad to have a quiet moment.”

“Mind if I stop over? Got a couple things I want to ask about?”

“Sure, come on over. Still got half a tank of coffee left. Can’t wait to hear what’s up.”

Katie lived a few miles away, up on a small hill in a nice house that her husband Dave had built. It was a sweet place, deck out the back, quiet and secluded. Brenda didn’t exactly envy Katie, a few years older and wiser, but Katie was one of those honest souls in town, a former high school teacher retired early, who gave good advice and could keep quiet if that was important. More than once she had been a good friend. Brenda guessed not just to herself alone.

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