How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 13 by Thors_Fist

“No kidding.”

“Please, Sir,” Laura said, “please fuck me again some time today. No offense intended to Cheryl’s husband, but he can’t fuck me like you can, Sir.”

“Let’s see if we can’t improve his next fucking of you tonight.”

“That would be lovely, Sir.”

“I think you should wear the largest size butt plug too, to help increase the feeling of fullness in your body.”

“Yes, Sir. An excellent suggestion.”

“What are you talking about?” Cheryl asked.

“To prepare yourself to be fucked anally, I strongly recommend using anal plugs to prepare yourself first. But in addition to preparing for anal sex, plugs help fill up the space available for a cock, and even smaller cocks feel bigger inside of you, plus, it mimics the sensation of being double penetrated.”

“Can I wear a plug too?”

“Have you ever had anal sex before?”


“We can start you on the smallest one.”

“You wouldn’t be fucking my ass, would you?”

“I wouldn’t waste my sperm in your mouth or ass while you’re trying to be bred. And not unless you went through all five plugs first. The last one is three inches in diameter, and it’s what you need to accept my cock in your ass. Jacob could probably fuck you in the ass by Sunday night, though. He’s small enough”

“Let me try one.”

“Sir, if you have more Ben Wa balls, we might want to have Cheryl start tightening up her pussy.”

“I gave my last ones to Jeri.”

“I still have the largest size you gave me, Sir. She could start using those.”

“If you wish to give them away, it’s your choice.”

“What’s a Been what ball?” Cheryl asked.

“It’s a pair of small heavy balls Chinese courtesans have used for centuries to keep their vaginal muscles tight in order to maximize stimulation to their lover’s prick. It’s what Laura is using to keep herself tight for her husband. It strengthens the pelvic wall muscles, doing automatic Kegel exercises to keep the balls inside of you. It’s spelled B-E-N space W-A. If you wear them while working, it will keep you stimulated, and exercises your pubococcygeus muscle.”

“I’ll try them too,” Cheryl said.

Laura got the lube, her largest Ben Wa balls and the smallest plug and I inserted it in Cheryl’s bottom. I slipped the Ben Wa balls inside of her pussy.

“Until you get used to carrying them around in you pussy, I recommend that you wear underwear. When you drop them, and you will when you start, they’ll be caught in your underwear instead of dropping on the floor. Then you’d have to wash them, and it could be embarrassing. By the way, we’re going out to dinner tonight. You’ll be wearing one of your sexy outfits. You too, Laura. Dress like the slut you are.”

“Yes, sir.”

I went down to the gym to work out for awhile before Jacob came over, leaving his wife alone for the rest of the afternoon, so he could test her cunt tonight and see she was tighter than yesterday, especially if she wore the balls all afternoon.

Jeri called midway through my workout. I was panting pretty hard when I answered.

“Fucking someone, Brick?”

“Working out. No more fucking until after dinner. Did you find out more information about cuckolds?”

“No. I actually wanted to tell you that Tom Hathaway called me on Wednesday night, and we chatted for awhile, then again last night, and he asked me out to dinner tonight.”

“We’re going out for dinner too. Tell me where you’re going, and I’ll try to stay out of the same restaurant.”

“I’m taking the ferry to Bainbridge Island, Brick. I’ll probably spend the weekend there.”

“Wow, pretty sudden.”

“He’s already fucked me in a threesome. I’m not sure how sudden it is, given the circumstances. I’m not sure yet if I’ll have sex with him, but it’s definitely a possibility. Since it’s a ferry ride away, seemed pointless to try coming home tonight. Tom seems nice. I’ve enjoyed our chats.”

“I’m glad for you Jeri. I hope it works out, and he makes you very happy.”

“Thanks, Brick. Just felt I should let you know, given the last couple of weeks.”

“I appreciate it, but it wasn’t necessary. I know you have your own life to live. I’m not going to stand in the way of your happiness. Have you talked to your mother yet?”

“No. I’m still thinking of how to broach the subject with her, especially since she propositioned you. Plus I’ve been on the phone with Tom the last couple nights. I’ll talk to you later, Brick.”

“Goodbye, Jeri. Have fun.”

Good for Jeri. I hope she found someone. I went back to my workout.


I came out of the shower catching the women dressing for dinner before Jacob got there. Cheryl was using Laura’s phone to document Laura getting ready for a date with her husband for Phillip. That sounded weird to me. She apparently wasn’t having any problem with the idea of Jacob with another woman. On the other hand, she was with another man, so there was that. Perhaps she recognized the underlying fairness of it all.

By the time Jacob got there, we were all dressed and ready. I helped Jacob install the app for controlling the Lush 3 on his phone, then inserted the toy into his wife’s pussy, then showed him to operate the controls.

“Your work schedule and your wife’s, is interfering in your love life. She works evenings, including Saturday and Sunday, being off on Monday and Tuesday, and you work weekdays, I’m giving you this toy, Jacob. My first lesson to you, is to think about sex with your wife frequently, and to play with her frequently. With this toy inside of her and on, you can give her orgasms from anywhere you can make a phone call, if she’s in a wifi signal. So, if you’re at work and on a coffee or lunch break, you can be giving her an orgasm. While you’re sitting around the house at night, and she’s at work, you can be playing with her. Now, she may have to turn it off if it could cause her to drop dishes or something, but as she gets used to the sensation of having orgasms remotely, she may be able to leave it on constantly. You should be fucking her every chance you get. Don’t let your love life slide because of job schedules, children, or anything else. It’s important to your relationship.

“You were both reaching the point, you were considering an affair. Don’t. If you should choose to continue having sex with other people, don’t be fucking behind the other person’s back. Practice ethical non-monogamy, with the knowledge and consent of your partner. Establish rules for how you’ll play. But if you’re going to fuck other people, it’s especially important to fuck each other. Physical intimacy helps create emotional intimacy. You don’t want all of your physical intimacy to be with others. You don’t want that physical intimacy to deteriorate to ten minutes of fucking a week. It should be romantic. Undress each other, use candles and music, create romance. If you don’t, your marriage will collapse on your indifference.”

“Your marriage lasted six weeks, man. Our’s has lasted seven years.”

“I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants, and my wife expected fidelity. Do you know how many women I’ve seduced, Jacob? Literally hundreds, if not thousands. No known married women up till the present, but at least some of those women were probably married. Every time I go out with a woman, she has my complete and undivided attention. I’m not checking out other women at that moment. I’m romancing her. I don’t whip out my dick and say, ‘Look at what you get to fuck’. I get her to the point she asks to take out my dick, or just takes it out. I’m constantly touching her; a hand, a shoulder, her back, brushing hair off her face, creating the desire for sex. I want her willing to pulll her own panties off, not have me tear them off. You should constantly be seducing your wife, or someone like me will do it for you. You can’t live off the romance you had in high school forever.


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