How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 13 by Thors_Fist

Laura stopped and turned to Jeri. “You did, Miss? How did you like it and who did you fuck?”

“I liked it, and it was someone we met on the ferry on the way up. Brick asked him to join us for supper. His name is Tom Hathaway, and he was asking about dating me, once he knew we were divorced and not trying to get back together. Of course, once he stopped to think about how I’d just fucked him with another man, I’m not sure he’ll be calling me.”

“Would you date him if he asked, Miss?”

“I think so. He was handsome, seemed nice.”

“I hope it works out for you, Miss.”

“Would you mind if you and I sixty-nine while Brick fucked you, Laura?”

“Not at all, Miss. It’s my favorite way to fuck.”

One of my favorites as well. Jeri and I undressed, and we all got into bed together. While the two ladies, lapped the feminine folds of their counterpart, I fucked first Laura, leaving a large helping of semen in her, then had them flip over and fucked Jeri. After cleaning up, we went to sleep, a lovely angel on either side of me.


After fucking Laura again in the morning to put a cherry on the top of her breeding, and Jeri left for work, I called Cheryl.

“Did you and Jacob decide how you want to handle your breeding?”

“I’m taking Thursday through Sunday off from work. We were wondering if I could stay with you from Thursday morning through Sunday. He’d come over in the evenings after getting off work, and have sex with Laura, then go home. He was wondering if he could stay on Friday and Saturday nights to observe my breeding on the weekend. We’ll both get out of your hair Sunday evening.”

“That would be acceptable to me. I have a suggestion as to how we approach the first time with him watching, to make sure it bothers him as little as he thinks now. We’ll discuss that when he arrives. Is he going to allow us to video some of his sexual encounters with Laura?”

“Jacob has no problem with that.”

“I’ll text you the address and we’ll see you Thursday morning around nine, and Jacob Thursday evening. We’ll order Chinese take out or something for supper. You won’t need much in the way of clothes while you’re here, but bring something for dining out a couple nights.”

“You got it. Thanks again, Brick. We’ve been wondering what we were going to do about children. You’re really helping us. You were right about the other women talking about you so much. I’m really looking forward to having sex with you.”

“Does Jacob know?”

“Yes, and he’s kind of excited about the idea of both of us fucking someone different after all this time.”

“Remember, be ethical. Never do anything behind the other’s back. You have to remain emotionally committed to one another. I don’t want to give you both a child, then have your marriage go to hell.”

“I understand. I feel like our marriage is pretty strong. Not being able to have children tested it, but you’re helping to fix that.”

After talking with her, I called Nick’s plastic surgeon’s office and told them I’d be taking care of all of his medical bills, and asked if they could tell me as soon as they scheduled his surgery. They said once he signed a HIPPA release, they could keep me in the loop.

Since I hadn’t exercised the last three days, I took Laura to the gym and we worked out strenuously, fucking halfway through our workout. We went to use the hot tub afterward.

“I think there’s something about pregnant women using a hot tub,” I said. “We need to check on that, make sure you don’t do anything to endanger our child.”

“Yes, sir.”

Before we got in, I saw that a woman’s internal body temperature had to be kept below a hundred for the baby’s health, so we turned the thermostat to 99°. If the temperature outside the body was less than a hundred, the inside couldn’t go over. I had Laura sit in my lap and fondled her to my great enjoyment, and several orgasms.

Jeri came after work and we fed her a chef’s salad, then she packed up all of her things. I loaded everything in her car.

“One more for the road?” Jeri asked.

“Of course.”

“Just me this time.”


I made love to my ex, taking my time, wanting her to remember this time together. I licked the cum out of her pussy when I climaxed inside of her. She ran her fingers through my hair as I did so. Before she left, she gave me a kiss.

“Let me know if your mom tells you anything,” I told her.

“Certainly. Call me if you need psych services. If you need a good fuck between any of your other women, think of me.”

“Frequently. And tell me if Tom calls.”

“Sure. Goodbye, Brick. I feel better about us than I used to. Thanks for that.”

“You’re welcome.”

When I went into the house, I texted Phillip and told him his wife was going to get fucked frequently over the weekend, starting Thursday, by another man whose wife I was going to breed. He’d agreed to let us record him fucking Laura, so we could send the videos to Roxanne to dole out if he was pleasing. He thanked me and told me he was trying to get hold of Househusband, but he hadn’t been online the last couple days.


The next couple days were fairly similar to Monday. Working out, interspersed with frequent fucking, although those were for fun at this point. On Tuesday evening, Becca came over for some fun.

“How did your date go with Jamaal?” I asked after we’d finished having sex. “Did he get his check?”

“He got his check and the date was good. He’s a nice young man. I like him. He had a lot of questions about you and us.”

“Does he want you to give up sex with others?”

“Not yet. We just had our first date. I doubt he’s going to stop fucking other people yet.”

“The next time you talk to him, ask him if he wants to fuck Laura and if he’d be up to recording it for Phillip’s pleasure. Maybe next Monday evening. I’ll take you both out to eat first if he wants.”

“He might be game. I’ll ask him.”

On Wednesday, I helped Laura clean the house and buy more groceries since we’d be having company the next few days, all except for the bed linens, which we’d change on Thursday morning before Cheryl got there. I figured we could maybe grill on Saturday, so bought steaks and Betty Crocker au gratin potatoes.

When I fucked Laura that night, I said, “I’m not going to fuck you tomorrow, given that I’m trying to breed Cheryl. You can wait until Jacob comes over for your fucking, although I’m fairly certain Cheryl will be licking you at some point.”

“As you wish, Sir. I defer to your wishes.”

I was starting to drift off with Laura curled around me when I got a text from Nick.

Sorry it’s so late. Doctor told me you’ve contacted him about payments. Thanks a million. Surgery scheduled for Monday, October 11 at 0700. Nora’s ovulation scheduled to start Sunday, the tenth. She said it lasts about five days. I hope you can get it done the eleventh through the thirteenth. I’ll be discharged morning of fourteenth. I’d like you gone by then.

It will be done as you request. I texted back. Good luck on the surgery.

“Was it Mistress or Phillip, sir?” Laura asked sleepily, fucked into a near coma.

“It was Nick. His surgery is scheduled and he wants me taking care of Nora while he’s in the hospital. It’s right after I get back from San Francisco again.”


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