Natural Selection by BumblingFool

“That ashtray weighs exactly eighty ounces, -five pounds. It has a very thin layer of chrome plating on the outside concealing what is hidden underneath. I’m sure you’re wondering what’s underneath right now….lead? Steel? Iron? You would be wrong on all counts. What’s underneath the inexpensive chrome exterior Mr. Rayle is gold. Twenty-four carat .999 pure gold. And in today’s market, that gold costs two thousand dollars an ounce. Two grand per ounce times eighty ounces comes to $160,000.00 Mr. Rayle. Why gold you ask? I wondered the same thing when engaging my benefactor. He said that people see what they want to see when they look at you and size you up. But it’s what’s underneath your exterior that really counts. What’s underneath is your character, your integrity, your honesty, your loyalty, your drive and determination to improve yourself so you can help others. More simply put Mr. Rayle, my benefactor told me that reputation is what other people THINK of you; character is what you ARE.”

“When you tossed that worthless ashtray on the table after quickly judging it, you didn’t believe it worthy of being your graduation present. Now I ask you Mr. Rayle, and I want you to think about this seriously, are you worthy of IT?”

Vance just sat there stunned. He realized that she was right on every count. He thought himself to be mature, yet he sure wasn’t acting like it. There was way more depth to this antagonistic woman than he ever realized. No one had ever put him in his place better than this 120 lb. spitfire had just done. His benefactor was a wise man, wise beyond years. After careful consideration, he responded.

“No, ma’am. I am unworthy of such generosity but I am a work in progress. Perhaps one day you may deem me worthy of it, but until then, like you, I’ll treasure it and every time I look at it, I’ll remember the valuable lesson you just taught me. Thank you and please, please thank my benefactor. I would love nothing more than to show him my appreciation for all of his unwavering faith in me.

She just sat there unmoving, gaging him, evaluating his sincerity. “It works both ways, Mr. Rayle. The lesson is also meant to help you not be so quick to judge others by what you see. Search out what’s in their heart, what they ARE. You just may be pleasantly surprised when you take the time to look at someone’s character.”

He smiled at her upon hearing such words of wisdom. “I’ll try my best to do just that. I have a confession to make. I’m afraid I judged you harshly when we met prior to today. I really don’t know who you are inside, but my initial assessment of you was not very flattering and for that, I apologize. Are we to the point now, after all that has been accomplished that I can now know your name?”

“As much as I am now open to disclosing that information, I’m afraid my hands are tied. I too, am bound by my obligations. Speaking of disclosures, I need an honest and direct answer, does anyone else besides your parents know about the ongoing interactions between us, meaning you, me and your benefactor?”

“No ma’am. I swear it.”

“What about your fiancée Abigail Bergstrom? I understand you two are to be wed shortly.”

“As much as I have wanted to, I have forborne the urge to inform her of my dealings with you and my benefactor. I have not forgotten the penalties that would be invoked were I to disclose that information to anyone else. But I am asking your permission to share that information with Abby once she becomes my wife. I don’t want to be placed in a position to withhold anything from my better half.”

“Although I appreciate your position, Mr. Rayle, I’m afraid that disclosing ANY information about our present relationship would be disastrous to you and potentially disastrous to your benefactor. If you have any respect for him whatsoever, you must abide by his wishes and keep this information from disseminating outside our small circle. If you told her, it could get back to her parents and then on and on and on. It MUST be contained, Mr. Rayle.”

“But for how long? I can’t lie to my wife forever, not even by omission.”

“That’s what we’re here to discuss Mr. Rayle.”

“What’s with all this Mr. Rayle stuff? What happened to boy and Vance?”

“I refer to you by the title that you have earned Mr. Rayle. You have graduated from being a cocky boy to a young man and now to an adult and are addressed as such. We’re here now to discuss your future Mr. Rayle, your future career.”

She handed him a business card with a company name and logo but no individual person’s name delineated. “As you can see, the name of the company you may elect to work for is called Davenport Financial Services and Banking or DFSB for short. They are a multi-billion dollar institution with a sterling reputation. They manage hedge funds, private investment portfolios, banking services, and trading account management among a host of other services. Literally thousands of clients clamor for their counsel and account management. DFSB has offices in five states in the USA and twenty-five locations overseas but their headquarters are located downtown in New York City.”

“I’ve heard of them, of course, especially in the context of many of my financial courses taught at Harvard. They were used as a model for quite a few projects. But I haven’t researched them personally.” He rejoined.

“I figured as much. Now here’s the offer Mr. Rayle, you have earned your shot at an internship with this company. Your benefactor has some influence there and has arranged for you to serve a one-year internship obligation on a fixed salary. Don’t ask me, I haven’t been supplied with that figure yet, I’m afraid, but I will be informed of the amount after I return. But whatever the salary amount is, you will have to subsist on it for only a single year. If you recall from our previous talks, if you quit or choose to leave the company in less than a year from your inception date, then you are free to go, but in doing so, the penalty of being invoiced for your entire educational expense will be invoked. Also note that if you are terminated for just cause before the year is officially up, then the same penalty will apply.”

“And if I make it through the year?”

“Ever the optimistic one, aren’t you? You will be tried and thoroughly tested throughout the year, Mr. Rayle, but if you are still around after your year of service is up, then yes, you will be offered that lifetime position that was previously mentioned. You may decide that this business is not for you. If, after the year is up, you decide you’d rather work elsewhere, then you are free to walk away from DFSB free and clear. All obligations will, at that time be cancelled. You will no longer owe any debt.”

“Sounds good to me. So how do we do this? When will I be expected to start?” He asked.

“Unlike before, we have some flexibility with your start date Mr. Rayle. Let’s see, you get married in two weeks, right?”

“That’s right. May I invite you and my mysterious benefactor to our wedding?”

“Thank you for the offer, but I don’t think that would be a good idea for reasons I cannot go into right now. And what about a honeymoon? How long will you require for that?”

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