The Same Old Story – End 02 by NylonDreams

I fell asleep still troubled. At work, Kat called and gave me two options for the appointment. I told her the one which worked best with my schedule.

The first few sessions were very difficult to participate in. The counsellor, Sharon, deconstructed both Kat and me. Don’t get me wrong, she’s friendly, warm, engaging but she is focussed on helping people so fires arrows straight to the roots of the problems.

I failed on the first session. Sharon had Kat explain how she felt about our relationship, what was good, just okay, bad and bloody awful. Kat was looking at me all the time, like a deer in headlights. Kat was struggling to get it out, “Great is how Andy did everything he could to make me see how much he loved me. Good would be our social life. Okay, was the times we spent just being together but far too often ignoring the other. Bad was me, I was so fearful of losing him as I sucked at sex. Bloody awful was my stupid fantasy that fucking a large cock would miraculously ignite a sex life I wanted to give Andy.”

Sharon looked at me, “Your view of your marriage?”

I answered, “I’m no longer sure of anything. I loved Kat so much, the anger I have matches if not exceeds that. Before, I thought Kat loved me as much as I loved her so I tried to show her how much I loved her. Our social life was good because of Kat. I’m a lot more shy, nervous around people I don’t know. Nothing was really bad, even our limited sex life, until I caught her preparing herself to fuck another man. Bloody awful doesn’t cover that.”

Sharon asked Kat, “Why do you think your sex life was poor? Has Andy complained?”

Kat shook her head, “Andy never complained as such, hinted a few times. I had a sheltered upbringing. I had one sexual experience before I met Andy. It was as awful as my mother told me it might be. It wasn’t quite “do my duty” but she said, sex is something you enjoy more as you experience it especially with the right person. She was right. The boy wanted me to suck his penis. It wasn’t particularly clean, I gagged but he shoved it in anyway. He wasn’t complementary about my skill. He didn’t take time to prepare me so it was painful. He managed a second erection and did the same again. It was just as bad.

“It left me fearful of intimacy. It was two years before Andy and I started dating. No one had even had a meeting with my bare breasts since that experience.

“Andy’s a fantastic lover. I recall so fondly the first time I felt him caress my naked breasts. I never felt him remove my blouse or my bra but he did. His touch on my breasts was amazing. His whole focus was on my enjoyment. I learned I could have multiple orgasms whether through oral or penetrative sex.

“Whenever I tried to reciprocate, I failed. He’s much larger than my other experience but he’s so gentle, most of the time. I couldn’t manage him in my mouth. I tried a striptease but even that was a disaster. The more I failed, the less I was prepared to do, to challenge myself.

“Ever since my mistake, I’ve gone over our life. I realise that I have changed so much. I wear less revealing clothes even though mine didn’t reveal much to begin with. I changed to functional granny style underwear not the lightly sensual ones I had worn when I met him.

“Andy would suggest something and I would knock him back. Some names I called him when he did, revolted me as they were so nasty.

“I ended up in the girls circle as their apparent sexual freedom seemed so enticing. If only I could be like them, Andy would be able to have what he wanted. It was a stupid fantasy which has destroyed us, even if it’s not official yet.”

Sharon asked, “Kat, did you feel worthy of Andy’s love? Did his treatment of you change?”

Kat thought, there were tears, “No. Andy was perfect. I was just a little girl in a woman’s body who failed him. I tried and tried to be better for him but the more I failed, I resented that he was so perfect. He’s never changed, he’s always put me first, no matter the shit I have given him.”

She was sobbing.

Sharon looked at me. I wasn’t moving towards Kat which I would have done previously. I could tell this gave her cause for concern.

“Andy,” she asked, “Were you satisfied with your sex life?”

I shook my head, “Yes and no. I wanted Kat to enjoy it. When we first started dating, she did wear decent lingerie, not slutty but sensual. I thought to entice me which it did. She did say she didn’t have much experience. I never knew until now it was such a bad experience. We surprised ourselves when she came from me just playing with her breasts.

“I knew there was someone in her who wanted more. I tried to suggest things like this today but the more I did, the more it seemed to backfire. The lingerie became underwear. She never instigated sex or allowed it outside the bedroom. We still had a frequent, if tame, sex life. While she still had me play her to several orgasms, all I got latterly was a quick few strokes to get me hard and told to help myself.

“When she started the girls’ night outs, our limited sex life stopped. I felt an undertone, I couldn’t put a name too. I was suspicious but didn’t want my suspicions confirmed. If I hadn’t been so pissed off with the traffic, I wouldn’t have been home in time to see how she was dressed.

“I couldn’t have been hit any harder physically than I was mentally. Here she was preparing, bare pussy, very sensual lingerie and revealing dress. All my fantasies in one yet it wasn’t for me. Every word she spoke was just another dagger into my heart.

“When she left for big cock, I was utterly devastated. My anger was building and building. I checked the divorce laws.

“When she returned, she may not have gone ahead but my perception of her had changed remarkably. I have no trust in her. What will tomorrow bring?”

Sharon asked softly, “Why are you here?”

“A friend suggested we have counselling. He felt, I needed help to make a decision for me, not for Kat. If I could get over my devastation, could I rebuild with Kat? Was her supposed regret, guilt, real or a sham? I only had questions, no answers.”

Sharon turned to Kat, “Why are you here?”

Kat spoke slowly, the pain in her was in every word, “I love Andy. Together we were as one. I had two goals, if possible. One was to prove to Andy, I’d never be such a selfish bitch again. To try and build a better us. The second was to be the best sex partner and wife, he could ever imagine. I need help to gain the confidence to do the things we both want but also to do them well.

“What Andy said, shows he has made his mind up, just not admitted it to himself. I’ve truly fucked us up!”

Sharon looked at me, “I don’t know. I guess the lack of trust is what drives my thoughts that divorce is the only option. Without trust, how can I live with knowing she may be looking for a replacement?”

Sharon looked straight through me, “What hurt most, her actions or your ego being bashed?”

I almost shouted, “Her actions!”

“Are you sure? Did you think about her or just yourself?”

I started to reply but stopped, I remembered, “I never thought about her for some time that evening. I was only interested in my feelings, my pain, my devastation.”


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