Just as I suck her clit in my mouth, she hits a button on the side of the table. I feel the dildo punch in me. The force and speed to witch this machine is fucking me is unmatched to any man. I cum instantly squirting on the table. My moans are muffled as I moan and scream into Kara’s pussy. She holds my head down even though I am not trying to pull away. The machine is beating my ass and pussy up. Making me cum so quickly over and over its ridiculous. I know my frequent orgasms are slowing Kara from coming.
I keep licking and sucking pressing my nose into her clit while punching my tongue as deep in her pussy as I can. I reach under her legs for leverage and pull my face into her pussy more. My moans and screams are driving her wild because of the constant vibrations. I slide my tongue down out of her pussy and over her asshole. I press my lips hard against her asshole sucking at it while sliding my tongue up her ass. I use one hand to rub her clit while giving her a good rim job. Her body is constantly moving and squirming as her orgasm is getting drawn out.
I start sliding my tongue in and out of her ass as fast as possible while still sucking. My fingers rubbing her clit hard and fast. My mouth vibrating more as my moans and screams from my own orgasms are getting stronger and louder. I slide my tongue up through her pussy and back to her ass. Then, I slide it up again finding her clit and pull it with my teeth while moaning. I whirl my tongue around her clit while pulling it with my teeth and I shove 2 fingers in her ass.
I feel her body jerk and her hips lift up. She starts to orgasm and squirts all in my mouth and on my face. I release her clit lapping at her pussy and sliding my tongue back to her ass and back up to her pussy back and forth while she sprays my face and mouth with her cum. Finally, when her orgasm subsides. She gets off the table and sees the massive pool of my own cum on the table.
She hits the button again and the machine slowly comes to a halt. She removes the dildo from me and the machine.
Kara says “Lick this table clean and then go clean yourself up. Axel will be home soon.”
I nod my head “Thank you.”
Kara leaves going back upstairs. I slide down off the table and start licking up my cum on the table. There is so much of my cum and Kara’s cum. I keep licking and sucking it up. It must have taken me 15 minutes to get the table clean. The taste of our juices was so good. I was a little disappointed when I finished.
I make my way upstairs. My body is physically spent but not as much as yesterday. At least today I can still manage to walk by myself even though it is at a slow pace. I draw a bath and clean myself up. And head to bed. I wonder if Axel will wake us up when he gets home.
I have been following Mr. Brawn around all day. He has been going to different places frequently. He knows people are after him and doesn’t stay in one place too long. I follow him back to his roach motel. He goes inside and I turn on the audio bug I planted on him. He calls for an escort. I decide this would be my point of entry. I wait 10 minutes.
I walk up to door and knock. Mr. Brawn comes to the door quickly expecting a hooker. When he opens the door, I shove the door open pulling one pistol and holding it to his head and kick the door closed behind me. It takes him a minute to process but, he knows why I am here.
I look around the room. “Where is the money?”
“Duffle bag, please just take it. Don’t kill me please.”
I open the duffle bag it is filled with cash but, I know this isn’t all of it.
“Where is the rest?’
“If I tell you, will you let me walk away.”
I see him glance at the closet while talking.
“No I won’t.”
I go to the closet opening the mirror door and finding a small safe.
I crack the face off the digital lock and connect it to my phone which runs a program automatically unlocking the safe. Inside there are several account numbers to offshore accounts all registered under random bogus names. His eyes close and head lowers. He knows he has no leverage. I grab the bag and the account numbers. I peak out of the window. I see the escort coming down the motel sidewalk to the room.
“At least you will die lucky.”
He gives me a strange look.
“You will let the hooker in and fuck her however you want before I kill you.”
The hooker knocks on the door. I conceal my pistol and open the door. She realizes there are 2 people here.
She says “My donation is double for 2.”
“That is not a problem bitch. Now get your cock sucker in here.”
She was not happy about the insult and I could tell she wanted to walk away. However, she is a hooker and she wants the money, we all know she has no respectable standards.
She walks in and I close and lock the door behind her.
“Mr. Brawn, you get first dibs.”
The hooker steps to him and drops to her knees and pulls his cock out. She sucks him good and long. The anxiety of what is to come makes it very difficult to get hard. The hooker keeps sucking hard and long finally getting him hard. He lies down on the bed with her. She climbs on top of him sliding down on his cock. Her hips start to rock back and forth. Her ass starts bouncing up and down. She pulls her tits out as they bounce and flop.
I notice that he trying to mouth something to her. He is trying to mouth that I am going to kill him. Little does he know she will die with him. She doesn’t pay him much attention since she is used to getting a lot of weird people. She just thought he was another weird guy.
She continues riding his cock rocking back and forth and bouncing up and down. She realizes that he is having difficulty cumming. She contracts her pussy tight around his cock and grinds hard into him.
She moans “Cum on baby….. Cum for me.”
He can feel the sensation and temporarily forgets his pending death for just long enough to orgasm, ejaculating in the hooker.
“UUUHHHH UHHHHH OHHH UHHHH.” He grunts and moans out as he cums.
I proceed to take a step closer to the bed.
The hooker turns her head still sitting on his cock.
“Your turn big boy.”
“No it’s not.” I reply walking closer.
When she says this, Mr. Brawn realizes what is next. I pull my pistol out just as he opens his eyes and jerks trying to get her off him. I pop both of them in the head and then double tap them both. I pick up the bag of cash, account numbers, and my back pack then walk out.
I put my helmet on and get on the motorcycle I had left there this morning. I ride back down to the dock where I had the boat docked at. Once I get my backpack and the duffle bag in the boat I toss the helmet in the bay and send the motorcycle behind it.
I crank the boat and leave heading back to my island which is a 2 hour ride in my speed boat.
I arrive back at my island at 1am. I bring the duffle bag and my back pack up into the house. I walk to Kara’s room and then to Amanda’s room. They were both asleep. I decide I will take a hot both and relax before I wake them up.