The Chauffeur (#31) Red Door part 2 by PABLO DIABLO

“Mom, how do you ‘sound cute’?” I ask only to get poked in the ribs by both Jill and Dakota, both of whom giggle.

“Mom, this Board Meeting will be bloody if Polly gets her way,” I try to warn her.

“Oh, she doesn’t know that she’s bringing a knife to a gun fight,” Mom tells us. That line makes all of us at the table laugh.

I see a litany of women walk into the kitchen. The porn twins, Belinda, Allison, Kim and Kay, Paula, Donna, Sharon, and of course Jennifer. I watch Bobby and Sammy, they both have their patter flirting with each lady.

I like them both and am very glad that Dakota sourced them out through the culinary school.

Fred asked if there was anything that he could do while we were gone. I suggested that he try to help Paula some more on training new drivers. He told us he would be happy to do so.

Dakota said she had Mom’s plane ready to go and the suites were booked at the Plaza and a limo would pick us up and carry us around.


As we finished dinner, Dakota poked her wrist to remind me that we were fast approaching 8pm. I got up from the dinner table, leaving the dishes on the kitchen counter.

I headed to my bedroom to put on a different outfit. I put on long black slacks, a black dress shirt and dress shoes.

Dakota also went to her room to change outfits, although I had no idea what to expect from her.

I left my phone plugged in charging, I only picked up my keys and put them in my pocket. Dakota came to my bedroom, with the bag of items that we had bought several days earlier.

Precisely at 8pm, three ladies all dressed in beautiful attire, all wearing their collars came to my bedroom and knelt down.

I walked over to each, lifting their head from looking at the ground. I raised each one up kissed them and moved onto the next one.

“Ladies are you sure you want to continue. If you are not sure, now is the time to bow out. However, your safe word is still in play, so don’t fear anything,” I tell them.

I get silence. I lead the three of them and Dakota to the Red Door. I unlock it and push it open. Each lady steps through the doorway and into the room. Once all of us were in the room, I shut the door behind us. I saw that made Penny a bit nervous. Dakota leaned into her ear and told her not to worry, that her Master wouldn’t allow any harm to come to her. She seemed to relax when she heard that.

“Kneel” I direct.

Each of the ladies kneel submissively.

I start with Sindee. I take her over to this table that has straps on the far side. I have her bend over the table. Dakota begins to tie her hands to the other side of the table, leaving her standing but bent over the table. I lift her dress and see that she has not worn panties, which makes me smile.

Next, I move to Anabelle. I take her to the big X in the center of the room. Dakota fastens her arms and legs to the parts of the X and wraps the ties around her midsection.

Finally, I take Penny to this bench. I have her laydown on it facing the ceiling. Dakota again straps the submissive to the object. Penny looks the most vulnerable. She is laying on her back, her legs spread. As she was being tied to the table, Dakota lifted her dress revealing that she also had no panties on.

I go back to Sindee. Dakota hands me a cloth flogger. I gently rub the flogger up and down across her pussy. She flinches. I slowly begin to use the flogger on her body. One, two, three, four times the flogger makes the noise of it striking her body. I don’t like that she has a dress on. I unzip the dress and let it fall to the floor. I hear a distinctive change in her breathing. Again, I start with the flogger. One, two, three, four times the flogger strikes her naked torso. I gently rub the handle of the flogger up between her legs. I whisper in her ear asking, “Are you my willing slut?”

“Oh yes Master, I am here for you to do with me what you will,” Sindee says.

Dakota hands me an anal butt plug, not a large one, but with enough size to ensure that Sindee will know it is there. I hold it out for Dakota to squirt a small amount of lubricant on it, as I don’t want to hurt my submissive. Gently I insert the plug into her gorgeous ass. As it reaches it full depth, I pull it back out and slide it back into her. She is keeping quiet, even though I didn’t request that, it was a nice touch. Dakota hands me a small pair of nipple clamps, I look at them and the position that Sindee is in and decide that I can’t use them as she is bent over this table.

Sindee gets four more swats with the flogger.

I walk over to Anabelle. Dakota hands me a different flogger, this one has several little plastic tentacles extending from it. I swat Anabelle four times as well, but I don’t strike her as hard knowing that this flogger has a bit more sting to it. After the fourth strike, Dakota hands me a black vibrator. I reach down between Anabelle’s legs and feel how wet she is from the excitement of being a submissive. I gently thrust the entire dildo into her and tell her to hold it and not let it drop from her pussy. She has a look of worry on her face as I see her body rolling through orgasm after orgasm while she is trying her hardest to hold onto the object.

From there I move to my favorite. She is on her back, her legs spread, and she has a look of nervousness. I begin rubbing her pussy, occasionally slipping a finger into her womanhood. As I’m doing this, Dakota goes back over to Anabelle and turns the vibrator to a higher speed of vibration. This makes Anabelle really struggle as orgasm after orgasm rolls through her body.

I watch her struggle to keep the vibrator in her pussy. I see copious amounts of wetness leaving her body, causing a small puddle on the floor at her feet.

I go back to my third submissive, Penny. I insert three fingers into her and begin to thrust them in and out repeatedly. Penny’s breathing begins to change almost immediately.

Anabelle begs, “Master, please. I can’t hold this any longer, my body is betraying me. Please Master, I beg of you,” Anabelle says in a desperate tone. I stop playing with Penny and walk over to Anabelle.

“Darling are you sure you want me to remove the vibrating object?” I ask.


Since I want this to be a good time for them, I remove the vibrator and walk it over to Sindee and put the vibrator into her pussy, although I turn the item on high. I lean into her and tell her that she may not cum until I instruct her to do so.

“Yes Master,” Sindee replies.

I go back over to Penny. I reinsert three fingers into her pussy, which is very wet at this point. I go back to thrusting the fingers in and out of her. I add a fourth finger and continue my thrusting. Finally, after several thrusts I insert my thumb into her making my entire hand inside of her. I spread my fingers out as I continue to thrust into her. She is cumming hard, very hard. Her body is squirting wetness that coats my hand and wrist and up my forearm to my elbow.

She begins begging as she is cumming so hard that she is almost struggling to even catch her breath.

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