The Chauffeur (#31) Red Door part 2 by PABLO DIABLO

When the elevator dinged for the top floor, Jennifer practically leaped off the elevator, running all around to our playgroup taking them by the hand to go see her new car.

Jill came over to me and said, “Another new car eh?”

“What was I to do? She was driving a 2009 VW with 240,000 miles on it, no AC, and duct tape holding the seats together,” I tell her.

“What did you buy her? Hmm, let’s see Dakota and Tina got BMWs, Sharon and I got Mercedes, what did you buy her Rolls Royce?” She said laughing.

“No, smarty pants, a 2019 Chevy Impala. Emerald green,” I tell her.

“How much was it?” Jill asked.

“$21,000 out the door,” I tell her.

“Well, at least you’re coming down a little bit. You didn’t bring the sales lady home with you, did you?” She asks smiling her beautiful smile.

“Again, no smarty pants. I left her at the dealership,” I tell her.

“Hmm, must have been married,” Jill responds.

I just shake my head; this woman knows me better than anyone else on the planet.

“There’s a gift for you on your desk,” Jill says to me.

I walk over to my desk. I see an envelope that has weird markings on it.

As I get close to it Jill says, “It came by process server,” just that piece of information made my heart sink. I know that nothing good comes by process server.

I pick up the envelope. I see the return address to be Polly Nestor care of an address in the Hamptons. I look all over it, before I decide to open it.

I take the legal document out of the envelope and open it to begin reading it:

This announcement is to inform all the Board of Directors, David Greene, Jill Morgan-Greene, all Senior Management Vice President level and higher, as well as any notable stock holders that a special meeting of the Board of Directors has been called. This special meeting is to take place Wednesday at 9:00am in the main auditorium of the Jaxson, Inc. corporate office in New York, New York. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the performance of David Green and vote on the removal of Mr. Greene from the position of CEO of Jaxson, Inc. It is also to vote on replacing Mr. Greene with Alicia Nestor. There will also be additional time to discuss and vote on other matters as the board sees fit.

Should Mr. Greene fail to appear before this board, it will be the determination of this board that Mr. Greene is resigning and will NOT be compensated any further. In addition, should Mr. Greene be removed from his position, his wife Jill Morgan-Greene will also be removed from her position as Director of Financial Affairs.

This special Board of Director’s meeting is being called by Elizabeth Polly Nestor, board member for 15 years.

I find the announcement funny as she is quite the bully and she hasn’t realized that she has picked a fight that she won’t win.

I dial up Ms. Nestor.

“Hello Polly, its David Greene. I just wanted to tell you in person, that both my wife and I will be at the special board of Directors Meeting. We will see you and the Board Wednesday morning at 9am. Be sure to bring all the issues you have against me as I look forward to hearing them.” I say to Polly.

“Oh, Mr. Greene, rest assured that I’ll have enough to have you out on your ass and your wife as well. Be sure to have your resume updated as you won’t have a job with us by lunchtime,” She tells me.

“Well, I look forward to this performance you’re trying to put on. Gotta go, actual things must be done. Take care Polly, bye, bye, I hang up.

I put in a call to my skip-trace friend, “Hey Darling, how goes the skip trace?” I ask.

“OH David, do you have a fax machine by you right now?” She asks me.

“Yes, here’s the phone number………” I say giving her the fax number.

She says that she’s going to fax me the documents of what her investigators came up with. I hear from her in an excited voice, which sounds promising.

I call Dakota into my office. I show her the letter. Her response was the same as Jill’s was the other day, “That cunt,” Dakota spews.

I hear the fax machine printing page after page. “Darling, we are getting your fax now. Thank you for all you’ve done. I expect that this will be 24 hours turn around visit to NYC. So why don’t we plan on seeing you on Thursday, sound good to you my dear?” I ask.

“If it ends with my hands and mouth on you then then it’s a deal,” she says to me.

I hang up from my skip-trace gal, but the fax machine is still printing out pages.

Finally, I hear the fax machine stop printing. I get up and head to the fax machine. There sits more than 60 pages of information. I pick the whole pile off the machine. I separate the stack into two piles, one pile on Alicia Nestor the other pile on Elizabeth Polly Nestor, funny thing, the Elizabeth Nestor is a much larger pile.

I begin to look at Alicia’s pile. Right away I see some things that make me laugh.

1. Alicia had the bare minimum LSAT score to get into law school.

2. Alicia finished law school with a 2.011 GPA, barely a C average.

3. Alicia was fired from Hooters for not taking care of customers.

4. Alicia didn’t pay for law school, neither did Mom they bullied the law school into offering her a scholarship.

5. At 24 years old, Alicia has already been in bankruptcy twice.

6. Alicia has been in multiple relationships, none of them ending well.

7. Alicia graduated from high school at 19 barely making the minimum to graduate.

8. Alicia’s driver’s license is currently on suspension for too many points. It will remain on suspension for 18 more months, which makes me wonder, how will she get to work?

9. Alicia doesn’t have an active voter’s ID card.

10. She lives with her Mom in the Hamptons.

11. She went to private school, which only would acknowledge the time she went there, they would not verify what type of student she was.

12. None of the professors in law school would say that she was a good law student.

I set the stack of papers about Alicia down and picked up the much larger stack of paperwork on Polly.

1. Polly has been divorced 6 times, her longest marriage was for 21 months.

2. Polly has been in bankruptcy court twice.

3. Polly has been arrested three times for DUI, she is currently on probation for her latest DUI.

4. Polly has a fico score of 502, with several companies again filing for non-payment

5. Polly is currently being challenged by the car finance company for non-payment.

6. Polly bullied the private school to give Alicia a free ride, no tuition due.

7. Polly’s latest husband, one who she was married to for 11 months is now suing her for him paying the property taxes on her Hampton property.

8. Being a board member for 15 years is the longest thing that Polly has accomplished.

9. Polly goes out to eat virtually every night, which explains why she doesn’t have very much money.

10. Polly tried to have the local electric company pay a portion of the electric bill under their low-income program, which they denied her.

11. Polly has 132 credit cards, many of them with past due balances.

12. Polly has no savings.

Just the quick scan of the paperwork should make things a bit easier. I’m sure that Polly will have lots of my decisions and will want to question them all. I chuckle to myself thinking that it’s easy to arm-chair quarterback decisions.

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