The Chauffeur (#31) Red Door part 2 by PABLO DIABLO

I turned back inside and saw three envelopes on the kitchen counter with my name on each. I picked them up and found three money orders from the twins and Belinda to pay rent. I remembered my deal that I would cash them and give them the money back to use for their schooling. I put them in my pocket and decided to just cash them out of the safe tonight and deposit the money orders tomorrow.

As I walked to my bedroom, I was in awe of what Mom had done. Just before I knocked on Mom’s door, I heard her saying, “OH, GAWD FRED, DON’T STOP, DON’T STOP…THAT’S IT, OH YEAH, THAT’S IT, RIGHT THERE,” I just smiled and walked away.

I went into my bedroom and found new stuff as well. All three of the beds now had new coverings, new pillows, and a couple of new lamps. Just to check, I peeked into the bathroom and of course there were new towels, face clothes and the such.

I stripped down and got into a pair of shorts and my usual white tee shirt. I plugged my cell phone in and left my wallet and keys on the dresser.

Just as I was walking out of the bedroom, Jill came up to me and kissed me.

“What do you think of the touches Mom added to our home?” She asked.

“I love them, can we keep Mom?” I asked smiling.

“Well, she’s busy at the moment. We need to take her to NYC tomorrow. I had Dakota already have the crew get the plane ready. Paula will have a limo here first thing in the morning and Dakota arranged a limo for us in NYC. We’re booked at the Plaza Hotel taking three suites, one for you and I, one for Dakota and John, separate beds, and one for Mom. Since she has let most of her staff go from her place in the Hamptons, do you think that maybe she should think about selling her Hampton home?” Jill asked.

“Well, I don’t really know how much it means to her. It was the home that her and Bob bought together. However, she seems to be someone who is enjoying her life again, Hey, I just had a good idea, Let’s do the Cramer show tomorrow. We can really set Polly on her ear, we’ll announce the horse track deal on his show.” I suggest.

Jill loves the idea. I find Dakota and have her call the producer of Mad Money and book me with Jim Cramer for tomorrow. Let’s also have a check for his charity and give it to him after the taping.

“Let’s also take John with us. I asked him to assume an assistant’s role to Dakota. Since she’s pregnant it won’t be too long before she’ll be a Mom. I’ll still need an assistant and I think John would be a good choice to temporarily take over Dakota’s role, don’t you think?” I say to Jill.

“Yeah, he’s a good choice, a bit surprising, but a good choice none the less. I actually kind of though you might lean towards the new gal BJ,” Jill tells me.

“I thought about that, but I already know what I have with John. BJ is still too new, I don’t know if she knows when to give an opinion or not. Plus John has been with us for a while, I trust him,” I say to her.

“OK, obviously your call,”

“Well, no, I’d like your feedback if you think that I’m making a mistake,” I say to her.

“No, I don’t think that you’re making a mistake. I would, however, make sure he knows that he answers to Dakota. If she’s going to train him, she MUST be in charge,” Jill says directly.

“Yes, of course, but thank you for reminding me,” I say before I kiss her.

“What’s the chefs making to eat? I’m starved,” I ask

“Sammy has a real yummy-looking salad that has some feta cheese, grated parmesan, spinach, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet onions, celery, and some yellow and red bell peppers and walnuts. He also made a citrus balsamic dressing as well as his avocado ranch dressing,” Jill tells me.

“And what about Bobby?” I ask.

“He made beef tips over a bed of egg noodles in a wonderful smelling brown gravy along with several loaves of home-made white bread, although he did make two all grain breads as well,” Jill tells me.

“WOW, that sound delicious. Are they ready now?” I ask.

“No, they said in about 15 minutes. So, you have enough time to shower or begin packing for New York,” Jill tells me.

“Ugg, I’ll pack,” I say.

“Hey, did you remember to call Polly?” Jill asks.

“Of course, you don’t think that I will not want to respond to her personally do you?” I ask.

“No, I guess not. Did your skip-trace friend come through?”

“Oh yeah, I think we’ll be paying her bill with an invite to one of our play parties.

I hear Bobby and Sammy calling for everyone as dinner is now ready. Jill and I walk hand in hand to the kitchen. We stop to admire our new dining room table, Mom did us righteous.

I look around for John. The last place you want to be is behind John in the food line, you just gotta be in front of him. Jill and I are in the line ahead of John. I step out of line and ask John, Diane, and Dakota to join Jill and I at the dinner table.

I step back into line, grab a plate and put a bunch of beef tips and noodles along with three slices of nice hot bread with soft butter.

Jill only took salad, no beef tips.

We sat at the new dining room table. As I was taking my first bite of Bobby’s delicious meal, Mom finally appeared although this time I think Fred rocked her world a bit because she just looked all worn out. Fred, of course, still looked like his stoic self. Although he did smile when we made eye contact.

Jill waved Mom and Fred to the dining table after they got their plates of food.

I began, “Well, we need to leave well before sunup tomorrow. We’re due in New York on Wednesday but I want to be there before noon, their time. I’m booked on Jim Cramer’s show Mad Money which tapes at 4:15. John, you need to bring two suits as well as anything that Dakota tells you to bring. She’s in charge, you are to pay close attention and learn from her. Do you understand John?”

“Yes sir,” he replies.

“Diane, John’s going to be spending a lot of time with Dakota, that’s not going to be an issue is it?” I ask.

“No Daddy, Dakota and I have already talked about this,” she says.

“Good, that’s wonderful. Dakota, I must trust that you won’t make John’s life a hell. He’s got to learn your job before you have our baby,” I say to her.

“Of course, Daddy,” she replies.

“Mom, Jill and I were kind of kicking around an idea that we want to at least have you think about,” I say nervous as all hell.

“Jill and I were wondering what you might think about moving out here and selling your home in the Hamptons,” I say to her.

“Well, it’s about time you offered, I was getting tired of waiting for the invite,” Mom scolds me.

“Wait, what?” I’m a bit stunned at her answer.

“Look Dear, the Hampton house was nice, but it was Bob’s house. I didn’t really like it. I’ve let all my staff go and really have no reason to be there any longer. I’m having more fun in the short time I’ve been here with you and Jill than I have in the last 10 years. I’ve met a trio of nice handsome men that I get to play with. Your play group has taken me in as if I’m everyone’s grandmother, which makes me feel wanted. Plus, there’s no frozen winter to have to deal with out here. My stock broker lives out here as well, and he sounds cute,” she says to me.

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