You Can Stop That Now… by rhyslysander

She shifted techniques, now giving me long slow strokes with a little double pull a the end, right at the head. Still keeping me right on the edge. “I know there will be some compromise. I promise to get you off twice a day, every day, as long as you don’t touch yourself. But I’ll have to take your word for it. On some days I may go for many more, just to ensure you aren’t cheating.”


“Making yourself cum. I figure if you have cum recently you won’t be able to get it up. If ever I can’t get you hard in less than two minutes, the deal is off.” My arm was getting cramped after holding her leg in a death grip for so long. “I’ll give a couple minutes think about it.” She resumed stroking my dick with her tongue. Damn that felt good. After all this time on the edge I was going to shoot a gallon. Probably on her tits, but damn, that was just fine by me! I thought, what little I could do, about what she was saying. Hmmm. Not really anything to lose.

“What happens on those days when you don’t feel like doing anything? I suppose I could hold out if I new there was additional payback coming.” She pulled off me with an audible ‘pop’.

“You save them up. On the weekend I’ll catch up. If I can’t that weekend, I’ll catch up the next weekend.” She gave me several strong strokes, bringing me right back to the edge. “Anything else?” she resumed bobbing the head of my dick with just her lips.

Thinking was becoming very difficult. All I wanted to do was shoot off. Of course, she knew that and wasn’t about to let me finish before she was ready.

“You have to give me a couple hours between orgasms before you assume I can’t get it up. It is kind of related to how many times I have recently cum, but I cant’ say exactly. I’ve gone five maybe fifteen minutes on some occasions, and needed an hour on other occasions.”

“mmmk” she murmured, not coming off my dick.

I decided I could make one compromise. “When I’m not in town you won’t have to keep counting.”

She stopped for a moment, the look in her eyes told me she was near the finish. Which was good, because so was I. “I already thought of that. Whenever you aren’t in town I’ll put five days in the account. If it is less than five days, that is how many days you get.” She grinned, “And we will keep this agreement until you ask me to stop. Or one of us breaks the deal.” She leaned forward and took me back in her mouth. Then she took my hands and put them on her tits. This was particularly devilish of her since she knew I would not squeeze them as hard as I squeezed her leg. Moreover, I would constantly squeeze them now that she had invited me to.

She was now working my cock with only her mouth and that wicked tongue of hers. I decided I didn’t have anything to lose but I had everything to gain. At least, that was what I was thinking when I said, “Okay, I agree.”

“Mmm” she murmured.

I had more than a handful of tit in each hand and I was kneading them vigorously. My wife had just about my whole cock in her mouth and she was stroking the underside forcefully with her tongue. Her tongue was the only thing moving, and it slowly drove me up and up toward the precipice. After being married for so many years, I figured she knew what she was going to get if she kept this up, so I had long ago quit warning her of my impending climax unless she told me to. It was clearly one of those times, however, when having my dick firmly in her mouth when I came was exactly what she was expecting.

The slow march toward orgasm, driven by the relentless press of her tongue, tightened every muscle in my body. I relished the feel of her big tits in my hands and I concentrated on that delicious tongue laving my cock. I held the muscles at in my cock taught as long as I could, trying desperately to hold off my climax. In the end, however, I failed spectacularly and I lost my hold. I felt the contractions commence and I was only dimly aware of arching my back. This pushed me deeper into her mouth, but she didn’t slow down or miss a beat. I felt the first spurt leave me as the next contraction hit and sent the next spurt down her throat. She made a “mmmmmm” sound and continued stroking my cock with her tongue as she swallowed all of my cum. A bit later when I came back to Earth, I could tell I was no longer pumping cum into the mouth of my lovely wife, but she was still nursing my dick. It wasn’t painful, but it was rather intense. Every five or ten seconds I had a contraction just like my orgasm was continuing, but there was nothing coming out. It was like she was forcing me to keep coming.

“Honey,” I said. The sensation just continued. I was very sensitive and she just kept sucking my dick. I could tell I was still hard. I moved one hand to her head and she quickly put it back on her breast.

She held me there, pleasantly torturing my spent cock with her mouth, for what seemed like forever. The sensitivity was like walking when your foot has been asleep. Not painful but VERY intense feeling. Then she slid her mouth off me and sat back. “I hope that wasn’t to intense,” she said. “I read about that and decided to keep playing with the slinky pull toy until I felt ten more pulses.”

I was very content, and hypersensitive. “Ungh.”

“I might do that to you every time you cum.” My eyes widened at the thought. “Or I might not.” I sighed. “Just think how your weekend would be if I held off all week and then did that to you fourteen times in one weekend.”

I was only a little worried. “I should be so lucky,” I said. I figured she would never be able to keep up that kind of pace for a week, let alone a weekend. But I was sure as hell ready to try.

The End
(look for me at

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