“My wedding day” by VampirTARA

And I replied back to my sister Toni, “You mean, when I went down on you in the tent, that wasn’t yours! It was David semen that I was licking up and swallowing, what the fuck sis, oh yuck!”

She replied back, “I’m sorry sis, but come on get up now!”

Well, after taking a shower, I slipped on my little pair of shiny satin black bikini panties and matching bra. Then put on a pair of tight dark blue jeans and a long sleeve blue flannel shirt. I fixed my long raven black hair in the mirror, quickly putting it into a ponytail, then slip my tennis shoes on and went downstairs. Me and my sister grabbed the birthday cake and ice cream, then went across the street to Kenny’s apartment. Well, as we walked in, Kenny and his buddies, Sam, mark and David, we’re sitting there watching a porno movie.

I yelled, “Okay guys turned that off!” well, they ignored my announcement, they kept on watching some girl with long black hair sucking on some guy’s penis.

Well, Kenny blurt it out I wish some girl would do that to me!”

Then, it flipped to the same girl was riding a guy and Kenny’s buddy David blurted out, ” she looks like Tara, I think it’s really her!”

I blurted out nice and loud, “I don’t think so, NOT!” as my sister Toni went over and shut the VCR off. They all wined when she did that, so we got out the cake and ice cream and sung happy birthday to Kenny. We sat around eating cake and ice cream bullshiting, while playing poker for quarters. as we played poker, I thinking about how much of a crush Kenny’s had on me for long time and what I heard him say, when they were watching that porno movie. I thought about what my sister said, well, I was out of quarters anyways, so I decided, “Why not, let’s make Kenny’s day.”

I reached over and took Kenny’s hand, I then stood up and said to him, “Come on let’s go in your bedroom Kenny, I have a birthday present for you.” As I gave Kenny’s hand a little tug, my sister just looked with a smirk on her face. He got up off of the sofa and I lead him over to the bedroom door, only a few feet away. Kenny opened his bedroom door and I followed him in, I closed the door behind me. I turned around and leaned back against the bedroom door and said to Kenny, “Kenny remember, when you was watching that dirty movie with your buddy’s a little bit ago and you said, you wished a girl would do that to you!”

Kenny replied, “You mean, when that girl was sucking on that man’s dick or when that girl was on top of that guy, going up and down on that guy’s dick!”

I replied back, “The first one! well, yesterday was your 18th birthday and with my wedding and everything. I didn’t get a chance to give you a birthday gift, Kenny how would you like me to suck on your penis.” Kenny had the look on his face, like little Ralphie in ” A Christmas Story ” when he got his Red Ryder Carbine Action air rifle.

Kenny replied, “Yes Tara, yes yes please, I’ve never had a girl suck on my dick before!”

With my arms down in front me and my fingers interlaced, as I strolled over to Kenny I said, ” You haven’t, well Kenny when you leave this bedroom you will no longer be able to say that, because I’m going to let you stick your penis in my mouth and I’m going to suck on it! I stood in front of him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Then, I sat down on the edge of the bed I said, “Take it take out, take out your penis Kenny!” Kenny stood in front of me and was quickly unbuttoning his shorts. He pulled his zipper down and reached in his boxers, as I sat on the edge of the bed in shock of how quickly, he was trying to get his penis out. I think he wanted to get his penis in my mouth, before I change my mind. Well, he pulled his erect penis out, I do have to admit, for being a little chubby, Kenny did have an average length penis, it looked to be about 5 and 1/2 inches, but it was thick and it curved exactly like a banana.

I could see the thick bluish veins pulsating that ran up the shaft of his penis. The head of his penis was a deep reddish purple and it was throbbing, I reached over and wrapped my fingers around the shaft of his penis. Then, I parted my lips and leaned forward, then slid my lips over the head of Kenny’s penis. As I started slowly bobbing back and forth on it, I could hear Kenny’s Buddy’s in the living room asking my sister, “What are they doing in there?” Then my sister with a giggle replying, “I don’t know! I took his penis out of my mouth and ran my tongue up the shaft of it.

Kenny blurted out, “Tara that feels so good, please don’t stop!”

I slid my lips back over the head of his penis again and I Swirled my tongue around the head of it. Just then, Kenny ejaculated a big thick warm jet of semen on the roof of my mouth, then another big thick warm jet of warm semen ejaculated into the back of my throat. Then there was one final little thick squirt of warm semen onto my tongue. Kenny was done ejaculating, but his penis still kept on spasming between my lips. I kept on sucking on his penis, as I let my Kenny’s thick warm semen slide down my throat into my stomach. Then, a minute later, I slid my lips off of Kenny’s penis and said, “Boy that was super quick, it only took you a minute or two to ejaculate, wow you squirted a lot in my mouth.”

I sat there on the edge of the bed holding Kenny’s soft and limp penis in my fingers, I hooked up again and said, “Happy birthday Kenny, let’s go out and have some more cake and ice cream.

Then Kenny said, ” Tara, can I see your boobies first?”

Giggling, I looked up with a smile and said, “Sure.”

I stood up in front of Kenny and slowly unbuttoned my flannel shirt, the look in Kenny’s eyes, as I slowly parted my shirt open. His eyes were glued to my black satin bra that was trimmed in lace, I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra. Then, I reached up with both my hands and slid straps of my bra off of my shoulders. I let my bra dropped down to the carpet, then I stood there with my hands on my hips, letting Kenny look at my breasts.

Kenny said, “Can I touch them, Tara?”

I smiled and said, “Sure.”

I stood there and let Kenny fondle my breasts, he played with my nipples and squeezed my breasts for a while.

Then Kenny said, ” Can I see your butt again Tara, you have a pretty butt?”

I giggled and said, “Kenny would you like to see me naked?”

Kenny said, ” Yes please!”

I Then, reached down and unbutton my jeans, I could see Kenny’s eyes was glued to the front of my blue jeans. So, I slid the zipper down on them and then slowly parted them open. Then, I slid my jeans off of my hips and down my thighs, then stepping out of them, as slid down my legs to to my feet. I kicked my blue jeans with my right foot, out of the way, I reached to my hips and hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my shiny satin black bikini panties. Then, I slowly slid my bikini panties down off of my hips to my thighs, I let them fall to the carpet and stepped out of them.

Then Kenny said to me, ” Tara you have pretty panties and you have no hair on your pussy.”

I replied back to kenny, ” Yes, I always, take the hair off my pussy.” then I slowly turned around letting Kenny see my naked body. After turning around, I said to him, “You like what you see Kenny?”

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