Only If You Want by BashfulScribe

A pit formed in Phil’s stomach in that moment. No. No. He had heard about stories like this, but figured they were myths, or weird talking points for people that liked to deny that rape existed. Sure enough, the girl ran to the first people she found – which of fuxking course happened to be Adam and Nicole – and started making up a story about how awful Phil was to her. Worse than that, it seemed as though Nicole instantly believed her.

In any other situation, Phil could see why. In cases like this, it’s important to believe the victim. But she wasn’t the victim. Phil didn’t fucking do it. What the hell were you supposed to say at that point, when you had such a strong moral compass about these situations but knew her to be a liar?

The next few days were hell. Nicole refused to talk to Phil for a good week, and Phil almost got expelled. Amazingly, none other than Adam fucking Watson marched up to the main office the next school day and gave what Phil felt like was a pro-Phil testimony, and thanks to that testimony, Phil never got expelled. Phil officially had no freaking clue how to feel about Adam – at this point it was just Shrodinger’s Cat or whatever. Phil was both pissed as hell with Adam and fucking loved the guy, and could only tell you which of the two was stronger when someone asked.

Still, it was thanks to Adam that, after the whole affair, Phil only went home for the day, his situation too volatile to have him stay at school. The investigation lasted a lot longer, and Phil almost got in trouble for their age gap even if she had consented, but luckily some bylaws or something saved his ass. In the end, due to lack of evidence, the case was dropped, and Phil was allowed to keep going to school.

But at what cost? Everyone knew the story by now. Nicole refused to look him in the eye, even during council meetings. Phil couldn’t even conduct council meetings anymore. He tried, but he kept feeling drained, dried up, out of energy. It didn’t help that his own council was split, seemingly down the middle, on who believed him. The only people he could trust in that council were Jeff, Mack, and weirdly… Adam. What a world. He even had a heart-to-heart with Adam after a council meeting. It was… mostly sad, but also weirdly nice.

That said, Phil had a target placed squarely on his forehead. Other than the specific few who knew him well and refused to believe he did assault that girl, the school avoided him like the plague. Maybe Phil should have been grateful he still was Student Council President, but he wasn’t an idiot – he knew those days were numbered too.

Phil even found his own table to sit at during lunch. It was easy – whatever table Phil sat at, no one else would dare. Phil didn’t care. Phil was drained, emotionless, and broken. It would take a lot of guts, or someone who gave zero shits about their reputation, to sit with Phil at lunch.

And that person was all-too-happy to. A few days into the whole affair, Phil was eating his lunch when he heard a familiar voice clear her throat. Phil looked up from his food to see Olivia, no emotion on her face. “Can I sit here?”

Wordlessly, Phil gestured tiredly to the table, and Olivia promptly sat down. “Sorry I haven’t kept in contact.” she eventually said. “I’ve been busy.”

“Have you heard?” Phil immediately asked, looking up, waiting for her to just leave him too. “What’s happened. Have you heard what’s happened with me?”

Olivia looked up from her food at him. “Was this something I should have known?”

“If you don’t know it, you’re the only person in the school.” Phil let her know. “There’s a pretty juicy piece of gossip going around about me right now.”

“I don’t ever listen to gossip.” Olivia replied, taking a bite out of a peach she brought with her. “It helps when you have no friend circles to listen to anyway.”

“No friends, huh? What about Thomas? You two seemed chummy.”

“He’s like you. He’s a bit of stress relief I got on the side. Now he has a girlfriend, and cut things off with us. Some bullshit about being ‘loyal.’” She took another bite of her peach. “I wish more guys could be like you.”

“You may be the only one left in this high school who is willing to say that.” Phil replied, then paused, staring at her. At this point he really just didn’t care. “D’you wanna have sex?”

“Yes.” Olivia replied without hesitation. “Council office?”

“Sure, I’ll meet you there.” Phil replied, gathering his stuff and getting up. The two knew the drill – he’d get there first and unlock the door, wait for her for a bit, and then she’d show up. Like clockwork, he went to the room, unlocked it, and went inside. Normally he’d just pull out his phone and wait, or maybe even pace due to his nervousness, but this time, he just sat down on a table. It only took a few minutes for Olivia to get there, and when she did, she gave him a playful scoff.

“Gossip hits you hard.” she observed.

“It’s a life-changer. Maybe even a life-ender.” Phil simply responded.

“That’s just short-sighted. It won’t follow you after you leave university. It’s not like you’re being accused of a felony.”

Phil maintained his stare with her until her eyebrows rose in shock. “Really?” she asked. “And did you do it?”

“Nope.” Phil shrugged. “It’s just the way my life is right now.”

“Rough.” Olivia shifted where she stood. “Is there, uh, anything I can do about it?”

“I don’t think there’s anything anyone can do about it.” Phil replied. “Thanks, though.” It didn’t go amiss that that was the first time Olivia acted like a friend around him. Before, she was only hard to read. Now, she was… hard to read in a different way.

Phil hesitated for a second, but then advanced to where Olivia was standing. She was visibly caught off-guard – they normally began their sessions in this room with Olivia getting on her knees, or bending over a wall, but this time, taking the both of them by surprise, Phil kissed her. He grabbed her by the waist and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, then another one, and before either of them knew it, they were feverishly battling tongues and grabbing each other’s bodies all over the way clumsy passionate teenagers do.

Phil had a mess of emotions and hormones swimming inside of him and he knew this was the perfect way to let them all out. Olivia was practically asking for it anyways – she enjoyed being his toy, his cocksleeve, his own personal slut. Phil barely registered when he evolved from making out with her to mashing her against the wall, grinding his pelvis up against hers and placing his hand on her breast, squeezing roughly.

Olivia was enjoying him taking control, if her little gasps and moans were any indication. She surrendered herself to the situation, moaning away as Phil took control and let his hands roam freely over her body.

“You’re wearing too much, slut.” he eventually growled into her ear. Olivia looked back at him to see a hungry, authoritative gaze plastered on his face. She shivered. Obediently and eagerly, she tore herself away from the wall and stripped, getting rid of her shirt, then her bra. She started to take off her pants when Phil held up a hand.

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