Only If You Want by BashfulScribe

Olivia’s hands flew – perhaps nervously, perhaps due to the cold – to her face as Phil slowly started, his tongue beginning at her also shaven thigh. His tongue trailed its way up, ensuring he slowed down at all the right points that would make her just want him more. And based on the suppressed sounds Olivia was making, this conquest was going perfectly according to plan. By the time that Phil’s tongue first reached its prize, he heard Olivia loudly and uncontrollably let out a breath of air with a quiet “Ooh.” Only not smiling due to his tongue being busy, he continued and began to drag his tongue across her slit, paying careful attention to what areas made Olivia moan the most or the loudest. He knew that his tongue would return here in time, and he wanted to make sure he had mapped her out so that next time he could be even better and impress her even more.

Before reaching the clit, Phil’s tongue danced around it a little, in order to properly tease her. If he had any kind of handle on her personality, he knew Olivia would not be patient when it came to being teased, and sure enough, when he looked up, he found that her hands were now gripping the wall, with her breath coming out in frustrated pseudo-snarls and gasps that roughly translated to ‘please, no more, lick me already.’

Not only was Phil a good ambassador for his translating skills, but he also knew how and when to arrive in style. Employing a style he was proud to say he crafted, he first licked her clitoris by curving his tongue around it, giving Olivia a sensation they both knew she hadn’t felt before from getting eaten out. Olivia’s hands went from gripping the wall, to moving around erratically in front of her with no destination in mind, to settling on Phil’s head, grabbing his hair as he began to tongue her slit with determination and effort, knowing that he was impressing her.

Encouraged by her moans and the way she was rocking her hips into his eagerly accepting mouth, Phil began to insert his tongue inside Olivia strategically, moving his hand to Olivia’s lower abdomen. Slowly, his thumb found her clit, and he began to rub her as his tongue danced a dance of love inside her, making her make sounds she wasn’t making consciously, all the while his own dick pulsated painfully in his pants. He knew that he would be winning her over soon, and when he did, he’d be sure to fuck her right after. Right here, against the school. Olivia would be begging for it, and it would be all thanks to him and his oral administrations.

Unfortunately, fate had other plans. Just as he was getting to the point where he would need to come up for air afterwards, he felt one of the hands let go of him and tap him on the head. At first, Phil didn’t react at all, but a few seconds and another forceful tap later, he confusedly slowed his pace, and then stopped entirely. Slowly, he brought his head back and faced Olivia, his face no doubt soaked with her juices. He expected to find her panting and as glassy-eyed as ever, but she was instead remarkably well-composed.

Phil rose slowly, one eyebrow lowered, his knees suddenly feeling the full force of the cold, wet hell they had sat in for way too long. “…Hmm.” he finally broke the ice.

Olivia shrugged, then pulled her underwear then pants up. “I told you.” she replied coolly. “It’s nothing personal. I’m sure you were doing a good job.”

“Thanks.” Phil replied without meaning it. He knew that the anger he was feeling was irrational and that it was just as much not her fault as his, but… couldn’t she have tried to enjoy it a little bit more?

“Plus, not every guy will even do that. Most think cunnilingus is gross and just try to go for shoving their dick inside me. One didn’t even have the brains to make out with me first.”


was beginning to feel a little better. “Sounds… dry.”

“Something tells me he was sick on Sex-Ed class day.” she quipped back, leaning against the wall. “So, why do you find sex enjoyable?”

“Well, I… uh…” Phil started clumsily. “I suppose I like the power that comes with it. I really felt like… I felt like I was in control down there, you know?”

“Mhm.” Olivia nodded.

“Even though I suppose from a bird’s eye view, I was the one on my knees and you were the one with your hands on my head.”

“Is a girl in power when she gives you a blowjob?”

“Point made.” Phil admitted.

“No, I’m serious. I’m asking you. Is she?”

Phil stared at her weirdly, but then thought about it for a second. “I guess it depends on the status quo of the situation. Like, if the guy is a nervous wreck but she reassures him she’ll take care of him or something, then she’s in control. But if he demands she gets on her knees then fucks her face…”

“Romantic.” she quipped.

“…then I guess he’s in control.”

“I like when a guy is in control.” Olivia added. “I just can’t ever ask a guy to be in control because then he’s not, you know? I think deep down all girls just are submissive and crave dick.”

Phil didn’t call himself a feminist by any means – in high school it was still considered a dirty word, after all – but even he knew that was going too far for him not to reply. “Yup, Stepford wife.” he joked.

“That’s why I’m so open.” Olivia continued, ignoring him. “I might be the one to get him to say it, but I’m not going to ask anything. I want a guy who can say he’ll do this, even if he calls himself pathetic and doubts himself from time to time.”

“Oh, shut up.” Phil replied, annoyed at her words. “I’m not pathetic. I did a good job.”

“I’m sure you did.” Olivia replied with another shrug. “So, what happens from here?”

It was Phil’s turn to shrug. “I don’t wanna stop what we’re doing. Especially if it means I get to fuck you.”

Olivia nodded coolly. “You can use my body any time you want.” she replied with too little emotion.

“I mean- I… I’m not gonna right now.” Phil stumbled to say. “Like, no offense, but after what you just said, I’m not in the mood.”

“Okay.” Olivia replied. “I wouldn’t like it unless you were really passionate anyway.”

So, she wanted domination, did she? Phil did like a challenge. “Give me your number, right now.” he told her as he got out his phone. “When we’re next both on campus and I need a good hole to fuck, you’re mine. Got it?” he practically snarled, trying to catch her off guard.

He would need practice. Olivia nonchalantly nodded and told him her number. “I understand.” she finished.

Without another word, Phil tore his eyes away from her and walked away. He had finally gotten what he wanted, and more. And even though his life was potentially going in a new direction, Phil wasn’t sure if he wanted to squander this opportunity.


One of the places that Phil felt the safest was his basement. Not safe from any threats or anything like that, safe from the expectations he knew people had of him. Everywhere else he had to be Phil Love, President of the Student Council, but in his basement he could hang out with a friend and just be another guy, hanging out with his friend, not having to worry about his behavior cutting loose affecting anything in his future.

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