Only If You Want by BashfulScribe

Phil’s friend Jeff Swanson also enjoyed it for the same reasons. The two had grown up together but only really connected by high school. That said, they were so close by the end of their junior year that when Phil ran for President at the end of the prior year, anyone could have guessed he would be bringing Jeff on board. Jeff had Phil’s same concerns in mind, and the same reliefs about the basement.

“Bam! There’s one.” Jeff commented, showing Phil his phone. Phil looked over the webpage, a post from the BiggerThanYouThought subreddit, while Jeff just grinned. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

Phil was in the middle of texting Nicole, but stopped to stare at the picture of a pair of what looked like E cups on an almost impossibly small figure. “Those have gotta be fake, bro.” Phil shot back.

“Look at the shape!” Jeff argued. “Fake tits don’t look like that. Look at the… uh…” Jeff held the phone back to his face to get a reference, then shoved the phone back under Phil’s nose. “Look at the curve!”

Phil laughed aloud. “The curve? Fuck are we in, grade school? You read that online?”

Jeff shrugged and brought his phone away from Phil’s gaze. “Say what you want but I think they’re real.”

“Yeah but neither you or I will actually get to see them in our lifetime.” Phil rebutted. “So it doesn’t matter. I’d rather get the real deal, that’s why I’m texting The Queen herself.”

Jeff lowered his phone in thought. “…Ally D. goes by ‘The Queen’?”

Phil chuckled to himself. Ally was known around the school for coming in at a whopping H cup. “Nicole, dumbass. I’m texting Nicole.”

“Well, you were mentioning tits. Ally has the biggest ones in the school by far, right? Nicole’s are, like, small compared to her.”

“You just call a girl with double D’s small?” Phil asked incredulously. “You need to stop watching so much porn, dude. I think it’s giving you unrealistic expectations of tits. You’re gonna expect ‘em to have E’s and suddenly C’s are like A’s. It’s like community college.”

Jeff snickered. “Nice. Either way, excuse me for liking ‘em big. How far have you gotten with Nicole anyway?”

Phil sighed and lowered his phone. Jeff’s smile got bigger. “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Jeff concluded, beaming.

“Can’t blame a guy for trying, man.” Phil protested. “Plus, taming a wild beast like Nicole is like impossible of impossibles. Look at this.”

Phil extended his arm to show the phone to Jeff, displaying their recent conversation history.

“Jeez, she’s blunt.” Jeff commented. “Well, that’s Nicole alright. What did you expect? You like ‘em blunt and raw.”

“Yeah…” Phil trailed off, looking at his messaging history and noting Olivia’s name also there, staring at him, daring him to make another move.

“Hey…” Phil started again, getting jeff to raise his eyes from the screen. “So, I need an opinion.”

Jeff promptly put his phone onto the nearby table and sat up, giving Phil his full attention. “Send it.”

“Okay, so you know how I have a crush on Nicole?” Phil asked, answered by a nod from Jeff. “And you know how we’re not actually in a relationship, like an actual one?” Another nod. “What if another girl actually gave me the green light? Like, she wanted to have sex with me too? Like, do you think there’s a moral issue there or…”

Jeff laughed out loud. “A moral issue? What are you, fuckin’ Ghandi? No, there’s no moral issue. If Nicole is too much of a bitch to actually admit she likes you back and start something, then you get to do the fuck you want.”

Silence filled the air as Phil chewed on Jeff’s words, but Jeff continued anyway. “Look, did she say anything about it being official?” Phil shook his head no. “Right, so it’s nothing exclusive, she never said anything about being exclusive.” Phil shook his head again. “Well then there you go dude, nothing to it.”

“I mean, I never made it official in the first place either…” Phil pointed out begrudgingly.

Jeff took a noisy bite of some corn chips he scooped up from the nearby open bag. “All the more reason why it’s okay.” he pointed out, mouth full. “If she’s the type that would get hurt from that, either she knows she should have made it official in the first place or she’s a manipulative controlling bitch.”

“You already think she’s a manipulative controlling bitch.” Phil argued.

“Yeah, but you like her.” Jeff shrugged. “Friends support friends. You’re being a dumbass, bro, but if you think you’re in love-”

“I know I’m in love.”

“Alright, alright, if you know you’re in love, you’re gonna go for it anyway. But that doesn’t mean a man don’t have needs. If you’ve got side tail lined up, it’d be a shame to let it spoil.” He continued to take another mouthful of corn chips into his gaping mouth.

Phil slowly looked back down at his phone, nerves on fire. His inner moral high-ground character was doing battle with his innermost wolf on the prowl, and he knew which side was going to win.

Yo. What do you think about going after you sexually but Nicole romantically? Like, is something wrong there?

Phil smirked to himself. The first thing he did to try and impress Nicole was to perfect his spelling and grammar when sending texts. Nicole used to be a complete bookworm and really loved when guys were articulate.

Almost immediately the phone buzzed with Olivia’s response. I don’t mind if you don’t

“Dude.” Jeff commented, reading over Phil’s shoulder. “You got balls just straight-up asking her like that. What’s she look like, do I know her?”

“Shut-in girl, goes to the library a lot. Black hair, brown eyes, kinda like one of those baggy hoodies…”

“You and the fucking black hair.” Jeff dryly retorted.

Phil didn’t respond, and put his attention back into the conversation with Olivia. Yeah? I think I want to try something like kissing her soon, but I also want to fuck you sometime soon.

A couple minutes went by, to the extent where Phil was getting nervous as to if he offended her or not. After a fair bit though, a different buzzing sound came from Phil’s phone. Puzzled, Phil picked up the phone to see Olivia sent him a Snapchat message.

“We’re in.” Jeff quipped, noticing Phil had Snapchat open.

Phil rolled his eyes. “Dude, chill. It might not be-”

“It’s Snapchat. It is.” Jeff responded coolly.

“What do you think I should do?”

“If it is what you’re hoping, save it anyway, then ask after if she’s cool with saving. If not, apologize and tell her you’ll delete it.” Jeff explained expertly.

“And then I delete it?” Phil asked, then the two of them shared a laugh. “Alright, here goes.” On the outside, Phil wanted to appear as calm as a big blue ocean, but on the inside he was a little nervous. His thumb almost shaking, he hit the screen and the picture came up.

As if he should have expected anything else, the image definitely surprised both him and Jeff. The picture was exactly as shy as Olivia herself, which needless to say was not shy at all. It was a picture of her laying across her bed, her face conveniently out of the picture. She was laying flat down on the bed, with her legs in the air, pointing off in different directions, just barely obscuring her womanhood from the desperate eyes of Phil. That didn’t mean that he wasn’t treated to a sight of her beautiful, albeit moderately-sized, breasts. Her nipples, which would meet any man’s definition of perfect, stood proudly and practically cut into the air. It was clear that she was very turned on at the time of the video. As a nice little ribbon on top, her free hand was draped across her stomach, showing off her painted light blue nails.

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