40M Cousin with His Mom by inzeztlover,inzeztlover

I recently discovered that my 40-year-old male cousin (who I’ll call “Josh”) has been in a long time sexual relationship with his own mom. It shocked me to learn this but mostly it fascinated me because I had never heard of such a thing. Call me naïve but I didn’t even think it was possible for a mom and son to have sex with each other like nature would intervene to stop it. I had a bunch of questions and wanted to know more about their relationship. He’s been really open about everything with me.

It started after they were a bit on the older side when he was almost 40 and she almost 60. I’ve never known either of them to have a partner in my whole life. They lived independently for many years but at some point decided to consolidate and move in together. I don’t know if money was tight or they just were lonely and wanted companionship. It wasn’t sexual until a few years later.

How I found out about it was that we were all staying together in the same house while traveling to attend my sister’s wedding out of state. And no it isn’t like I walked in on them fucking. It was more subtle.

My sister’s house was a decent sized but there was about a dozen people staying together with only 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Josh and his mom were going to share one of bedrooms together which didn’t seem that out of the ordinary even though there was only one bed in there but whatever. No big red flag for me.

Getting ready in the morning with a dozen people sharing only 2 bathrooms took a masterful act of coordination. This is when my curiosity first became aroused because Josh said he and his mom would share the bathroom together to get ready at the same time. Call me shy or whatever but I couldn’t imagine ever sharing a bathroom with my parents as a grown man. I wondered if that would change when I got became 40 years old but I doubted it.

“Really? Together?” I blurted with curiosity. My own parents immediately dismissed my obvious concern like it was no big deal. Josh interjected that they “do live together” and are used to seeing each other “like that.” I lived at home with my parents through most of my 20s and never saw them “like that.” I guess I’ve been spoiled by having my own bathroom all these years. But whatever, no one else seemed bothered by it. I wouldn’t describe myself as bothered either but more like fascinated.

They were second to use the bathroom that morning, after my own parents who had to leave a bit earlier to meet up with my sister who first used the other bathroom.

Josh and his mom brought in with them was a small duffle bag. I heard the shower going so I knew at least one of them, but assumed both of them, took a shower. The shower wasn’t on for very long either so I concluded that they must have showered together. When the door opened, I got my confirmation because they were both still damp from the shower. He was wrapped in just a towel, and she was wearing a bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her head. What they wore in, Josh in his boxers and his mom a nightie, must have been in the duffle bag. They offered up the bathroom to whoever was up next and went into their bedroom to get dressed.

I was bewildered for witnessing a grown man take a shower with or in front of his mom, and then go to get dressed together. Mostly I wondered how common it was for them to do this since they both seemed so comfortable with it. Did they shower together at home? At the very least they seemed more than comfortable being naked with each other.

My mind sought answers so I sat down next to Josh at the wedding. There was a break before the ceremony was about to begin. Curiosity got the better of me and I commented to Josh on how “comfortable” he and his mom were around each other. He brushed it off like it was nothing. I told him I couldn’t imagine being like that around my mom. He said something about how some families have different types of relationships, and some moms and sons are just closer than others.

There was something in what he said or how he said it that I first conceived that their relationship might be sexual. The idea just popped randomly in my mind. I brushed it off as ludicrous and far-fetched. Surely a mom and son don’t do that together.

I asked Josh what he meant. I immediately apologized for asking, but admitted that I found it fascinating because their relationship was so different than anything I was accustomed to seeing. I still remember his exact response.

“Sometimes when a single guy and a single woman live together for a long time things happen.”

In follow-up, I asked for clarification of what he meant by “things happen,” to which he clarified he was referring to sex.

Damn! Was he insinuating he has sex with his mom? What else could that mean? I could no longer handle the suspense and explicitly popped the question. “Can I just ask, do ‘things happen’ between you and your mom?”

He admitted they do without hesitation or any sense of wrongdoing. He said they live together as if they were married. Our conversation ended right about there but I still begged for more details and met up with him again after the wedding where Josh freely talked about how their relationship developed.

Josh and his mom were living back together for about five years before things became sexual between them. The standards of mom-son conformity slowly eroded during those years. They shared a bathroom together and it just became easier to drop the pretense of privacy around each other using it. Josh said it felt awkward for a long time being naked around each other especially because he would sometimes become visibly aroused in her presence. But they became increasingly comfortable with being nude around each other to the point where they no longer gave it any thought.

Josh talked about how neither of them had been involved with anyone for years. They each took care of our own sexual needs in private. They knew what each other was doing because it was about the only time they bothered closing their bedroom door. That was an expected conformity they still maintained. On a couple of occasions, they caught the other in the act but those were rare and they always immediately excused themselves to make an apologetic exit.

As Josh and his mom conformed less and less to the standard mom-son relationship, they began to see each other more as friends. They talked candidly about things close friends discuss but not moms and sons, including general conversations about sex.

One night, the talk became about how much they both missed sex but neither was eager to find a partner. They were happily single. That’s when they first entertained the possibility of having sex with each other. There wasn’t any hesitation from either of them. They both felt it was the right thing to do and there was no risk since she could no longer get pregnant. They were already numb to being naked around each other including while Josh had an erection.

There wasn’t much more talk or consideration. They immediately went to her bed to have sex. Josh said it was great but it wasn’t any major conquest or anything to brag about. Just plain sexual intercourse. He said it mostly felt great having sex again in general since it had been so long. The fact that she was his mom barely registered because they no longer had that kind of relationship. They were more like roommates and close friends. But their strong love for each other was definitely felt which made it that much more special.

They found the convenience of having sex with each other beneficial and it became a regular thing, but they mostly maintained the same relationship they previously had otherwise during the first year. Slowly their relationship transitioned from roommates enjoying FWB and more towards a romantic couple. Josh moved into his mom’s bedroom full time. Josh said they don’t have sex all that often and they aren’t kissy-kissy either. He likened their relationship almost like a couple who have been married 20 years… a loving couple whose sex drive is on the mend.

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