A Favour Earned, a Favour Returned

A favour earned, a favour returned.

“Here, catch!” shouted Sarah Roberts to her brother. They were playing on the front lawn of their large, suburban home – well, their parents really – throwing a baseball between each other. Jon, short for Jonathon, jumped and caught the ball, spinning round on landing to throw it back to her. They enjoyed playing ball on the lawn, and Jon, having some desire to be a first baseman for the school baseball team found that her throws were random enough that he got practice at catches over his head, by his feet, and to either side with no discernible differences to her throwing action.

Jon and Sarah enjoyed each others company, which can be rare for some siblings. She was 18 now and about to go to college in the fall, whilst Jon had just turned 17. Sarah was 5ft 8in tall, blonde haired with a nice figure. She took care of what she ate, and her shapely body showed she was doing it right. She always kept her hair long and straight, down to the tops of her generous 36D breasts. Her 24in waist bloomed out to her 36in hips and a nice round ass which generally got admiring glances from boys when she walked past. She had nicely defined thighs and calves and really smooth skin. Jon knew she was pretty, but maybe not “hot”. He could not really be subjective on that, could he?

For himself, Jon was a touch under 6ft tall with tousled blond hair and always seemed to be smiling and happy. He kept his hair at collar length so he “did not look like a hippy as his Dad did”, and was always fussing over getting it right. He was a normal kid in his body shape and style but his calves were more defined as he did like to run when he could.

They had just about finished and for a last throw, Sarah put 100% effort in, but shouted too late as Jon turned away. “Jon!” she called, and, as he turned he ducked to avoid the fastball which was about to hit his head. “Whoa! That was a bit faster than normal. Could have done some damage!”

As if the ball had heard him, it bounced off the open front door, and a smash was heard from inside the house. They both ran across to see what had happened. “Oh no, the glass sculpture I got for Mom’s birthday……!” They could both clearly see the destroyed vase. Thankfully nobody else was at home, so the damage could be cleared up, if they were quick.

“What do we do?” asked Sarah, staring dumbfounded at the mess. “Get her another one, I guess?” Jon replied. “I know you are short of cash at present with getting ready for college, but I still have plenty of my birthday money. We can replace it and she will never know?” He added questioningly. “Why don’t you go down to the Lamps and Glassware shop, where I got it, and we can hope they have another. I think it was just over $200 with tax and I have more than that. Do you think you would recognise the same thing, if they have another?”

“I think so,” she replied, “ok, I will take the car and go see. Let me have the cash, and we can work out the details later. Best give me $250 in case it costs more”. Jon checked his wallet and handed over the money.

Sarah went to the store, and Jon got started cleaning up the pieces of the damaged item, being careful not to get any pieces in his foot or hand. It took a good while to get it all collected up, and the floor hoovered, but Jon was sure he got it all, and put it directly into the trash can where it would, probably, not be noticed. He would “be a good boy” and offer to take the trash out for his Mom tonight after their main meal to make sure nobody else saw.

Sarah returned with the vase, which was the exact copy, and they placed it back on the pedestal table the previous one had been placed on. “Whew, that was lucky” Sarah said, “I am sorry I threw the ball without calling first. I guess it is my fault!”

Jon said it did not matter too much right now, and he was glad he had the cash so they could hide their “crime”. Sarah gave him a hug and said ‘Thanks’ as it was her throw that had caused the destruction.

“You owe me one, Sis!” Jon called to her as she went upstairs to go to her room.


Answering his phone, Jon heard a familiar voice. “Hey, little bro! How are you?” Sarah asked him. It was just after his 18th birthday, an event which had passed with lots of celebration and many visiting family members. Jon had enjoyed being the centre of attention, which Sarah normally captured. “I was thinking I STILL owe you that favour from the broken glass vase, and wondered if you wanted to come up to the city and I can show you around where you will be going to college too. I have been so busy with work, and it might be nice to have a break. I thought you could come up on Saturday – the 5th – and stay over the Saturday night? I will take the weekend off. It is only a couple of hours on the train, and there are a few each day, I think? I have a couch for you!” she said with a laugh in her tone. “It has been on my mind to repay that favour for sooooo long”.

They chatted a while (as they regularly had over the last year that she had been away) and firmed up the plans so that he could clear the time from his own work. He thought it odd that she had waited so long, but maybe the fact he was now 18 made things easier? He did not know what she had planned.

“Can you do a teeny, little, favour for me too?” she asked, mirth in her voice, “I know I shouldn’t ask again, but can you go into my room and in the top drawer of the white unit there is a small, light pink, square box with a clear top. It has “Just for You” or something like that on the lid and contains a silver necklace. You know I do not wear silver and it does not suit me anyway, so I thought I might be able to find someone who would like it. Aunt Maggie bought it for me, and, well, we have seen her so rarely, I guess she did not know what I liked. She got it for MY 18th last year!” Jon confirmed he would remember the box, and checked she did not need anything else. They finished their call and Jon told his Mom what the plans were. She was glad he would be visiting the campus where he would be studying and knew that Sarah had always kept a look out for him, as a big sister should do!

One week later (well, 8 days actually) Jon was waving ‘bye’ to his parents as he caught the train to go and see Sarah. He enjoyed train travel and soon was relaxed as the journey passed.

Sarah met him at the station and told him to put his bag into a locker as they could walk around the city better without it. They chatted, walked and enjoyed each others company, but Jon thought he could sense something Sarah wasn’t telling him. ‘She will say if it is something important’ he thought. It was still Summer so it was warm and the afternoon passed in a whirl, what with the newness of the city and that they had no need to rush, and soon it was time to go to the college campus that Sarah lived on, and Jon would soon too. They retrieved his bag and Sarah checked with him that he had brought ‘Aunt Maggie’s’ chain. He had.

Arriving at the college, in an Uber, Sarah announced they were home – pointing to a small block building that looked like it had about 20 rooms in it. She led the way and Jon carried his bag in, asking where he could put it in the moderately small apartment. Perhaps it was because he had a large room at home – as did Sarah – that it seemed small, but it was tidy. Perhaps it looked small because there was clearly evidence of two people living there with cups and plates left on the table, and two computers, side by side, on the worktable in the far corner of the room.

As if waiting for them to arrive, Jon heard a door open along the corridor and a girl appeared from what he guessed were the two bedrooms – at least he assumed there were two as he was not aware of Sarah having any lesbian tendencies.

“Hi,” she said, and Sarah called back. Jon said “Hello” apprising her with a careful look. She was shorter than Sarah, probably about 5ft 2in tall and slim. She looked to be about 100lbs at most. Her hair was an odd colour but looked natural. It was not ginger, nor blonde, nor strawberry but somewhere in that range. It was short and styled, and – he thought – it suited her well. She wore a uniform, probably for some diner or similar, which disguised her small figure. She had a nice ass he noticed but tried not to stare.

“Kayla” she said, and he introduced himself. “Nice” she said and grabbed a pack up bag from the counter. “Got to go, work is calling! See you later, unless you two are in bed when I get back – am working until at least 11pm”.

“I think we will be up chatting or watching tv or something” Sarah said, “see ya later”. Jon waved ‘bye’. “She seems ok,” he said. “Have you been sharing the whole year?” Sarah confirmed they had been and that Kayla was okay as a flat-mate, but most of the plates on the table were hers! “We share the tasks” was all she said.

He asked her about “Aunt Maggie’s chain” to which Sarah replied “leave it here, on the side, and I will put it away later. They had a quiet evening, ordered a pizza and drinks and spread it all out on the sofa to eat and watch tv. Soon, it was almost midnight and Kayla still had not returned. “You can sleep on the couch, I will text Kayla and say you are there so she can come in and not make too much noise.”

It must have worked, because morning came round and Jon woke, realising he had not been disturbed during the night. He got up and went into the kitchenette to make coffee and toast – if there was bread? He found there was and made two drinks along with two slices of toast each. He would take Sarah breakfast in bed, he thought. Taking the plates in his hands, and the two mugs balanced on top, he went into the corridor then realised he did not know which of the 3 closed doors was Sarah’s room. He knew the one directly in front was the bathroom – having used it the previous night – but he had no idea which of the others to choose. Deciding he better not wake Kayla, he chose to go back to the lounge and started to eat his breakfast.

Luckily, Kayla came out of her room to use the bathroom and peeked her head around the doorway. “Hope I did not disturb you last night. It was such a long night and I did not get back until nearly 2am!” He confirmed she had not and decided to offer her the other coffee and toast, which she gratefully accepted. “Thanks,” she said, “never get breakfast “in” bed from Sarah!” she joked. “See you later, I am off back to sleep a couple more hours.” He said he hoped she would sleep well.

He finished his food and drink and decided to just tidy up his “bed” and put the cups etc into the sink, with the view to washing them when he would not disturb anyone. About half an hour later, Sarah finally surfaced and wished him “Good Day”.

‘That is strange he thought, she never said Good Day – perhaps it was a college thing? But she seemed happy and smiling, so he let it pass. She took some coffee and toast from him and he set about quietly washing up the crockery and cutlery. “No need,” she told him, ” they are Kayla’s and she will get round to them when she needs a mug or plate. BUT if you want to earn brownie points then go ahead. I am sure she will be appreciative. AGAIN, a small smirk, or maybe she was just thinking something funny.

They spent a couple of hours wandering around the campus and getting a drink in a nice little cafe. Sarah showed where the important buildings were and pretty soon they decided to head back to the apartment. Approaching the door they could hear the hoover going, and found Kayla, still in her night gown, tidying up. “Oh, Hi,” she said, “I saw you washed up, so the least I can do is tidy, lol.”

“Oh, nice, thanks!” Sarah said. “Everything good for You???”

“Yes, absolutely! Got it all sorted and raring to go” was Kayla’s slightly cryptic reply, but, again, Jon paid little attention.

“What time is your train, Jon?” Kayla asked. “About 6pm, just after” he replied. “That is good, another 4 hours or so. We might get chance to chat a bit………?” she left the question hanging. “Hope so,” he replied, although he did not know what they could talk about. Sarah would lead the conversation, as she knew both of them well.

A beep from Sarah’s phone stopped their chat, and a cloudy expression passed over her face. “I need to go out – crisis!” she said, “the bar, I work at” she explained to Jon. “You can have a chat, I hope while I am gone. I would think I can be back in about 30 minutes.

“60” interjected Kayla, again somewhat cryptically. Sarah looked at her, smiled, said OK and left, promising to bring back some cakes ‘to celebrate’. Jon had no idea ‘celebrate what’ but went with it. “Oh, Jon,” Sarah called out, “Remember what Aunt Maggie used to say to us – Top drawer, white bedroom unit, left hand side – when we asked for treats” and she was out of the door before he could even consider what she meant. He had no idea at all?

They spent a few minutes chatting, and Kayla asked if he wanted to have a shower – as he had not so far that day – and freshen up before he had to go. He agreed it was a good idea. She sorted out body wash and shampoo for him and left him to it. “Don’t be too long,” she called, “the hot water will only last about 15 minutes, lol.”

Not wanting to use all the hot water, Jon washed quickly and dried himself. The towel was quite hard and he made a mental note to bring soft towels when he moved here.

As he opened the door, to shout that he had finished, Kayla called for him; she was in the bedroom. “OK if I come in? ” he asked, and she replied in the positive.

Whatever Jon expected to see when entering her room, was absolutely NOT what he actually saw. He had expected a fairly untidy room – as per the table – but everything was tidy and nothing astray.

More astounding was Kayla. She was sat on the end of the bed, feet on the floor, leaning slightly back supported by her arms which were behind her. That was not the surprise. Kayla was dressed, if that was the right word, in a beautiful ivory and pink lingerie set.

“Come and sit by me?” she offered, and, in somewhat of a trance he did so. “Like what you see?”

Jon stuttered over his answer, causing her to smile and him to go red. “Yes, lovely. Really lovely!” he wittered. He looked at Kayla seeing the lingerie set again and still not sure where to look. She clearly had invited him in, and dressed up for him, so she was not going to complain when he was staring at her, was she?

The soft shiny ivory coloured fabric with the pink flowered insets looked great he thought; soft and sexy. Her small breasts sat perfectly in the cups and he saw, as he looked down that the panties fitted beautifully too, the soft material caressing her skin. The whole set was capped off by the suspender belt and matching stockings. Jon was dumbstruck and unable to think what to say.

Luckily, Kayla started. “I hope you like how I look. I did this for You.” He nodded Yes, still unsure what to say. “Your sister told me about the favour she owes you, and I owe her a favour, so we chatted and decided to clear both in one go. I hope you will enjoy this when I explain, and I know Sarah is happy because she has been thinking how to repay you for a whole year with no ideas at all.

“It all started when she mentioned you had your birthday and would be coming here to look at the campus. She told me what she knew of your private life and what you liked. She said you have had a couple of girlfriends who had similar small bodies, and titties, to me, so we worked out how to return the favours. I REALLY hope you are good with this, as I certainly am.” Jon started to speak, then realised he had no idea what he planned to say.

Kayla continued….. “What we thought was that you will be coming to a big college with hundreds of girls – many very attractive – and could do with some pointers to “help you” make the most of the opportunity.” Jon sort of nodded, still not totally sure what was happening.

“SO……….. we worked out loads of plans, but decided the best would be if I taught you how to treat a girl properly and how to ‘go down’ on a girl, a skill many men lack! Jon was red in the face with embarrassment that she was so forthright and had still not said a word. “I promise, when I saw you on Insta on Sarah’s phone it made the plan so much easier – you are a good looking guy – but I love sex so it was always going to be good for me. Are you happy with this? ”

“Wow, I don’t know what to say.” Jon finally spoke and said “Yes, ok, sounds like a great plan.” He sort of smiled, although was clearly still out of his depth with her being so forward. “I think You are really pretty too!” he said, causing her to smile and her shoulders relaxed a bit. “That makes it much easier,” she laughed. “First, let’s see you, Jon!” Kayla said, “you will get to see all of me in a little while.” He swallowed at the sound of her using his name, then allowed the towel to drop to the floor, and kicked it out of the way exposing his body to her gaze. She did not seem disappointed, he thought!

“Take my bra off” she told him, “you know how to undo the clasp? It is in the middle of my back.” He said he had never actually taken one off a girl, but admitted he had practiced with one of Sarah’s but knew it would be trickier. “Kneel down in front of me first,” she said, “and reach around me to find the clasp.” As he did so, his face came close to hers and he could hear her breathing and feel the warm air as she exhaled. Twisting his head around he kissed her neck, as it was the closest part of her and it seemed like a nice thing to do. He hoped she would realise he was not really relaxed doing this and could not think how to say the words. He reached the clasp and tried to undo it, but when she felt him not succeeding, she told him to put a couple of fingers under the clasp area to hold it still and use his remaining fingers to pull the strap over the top of the clasp and slide the catches apart. He tried again and was successful. She reached up with her hands, which had been in her lap, and held the bra over her breasts, letting the straps fall down her arms.

He saw her gazing down to his groin and noticed his penis was standing firm, up to his full 6 inches, and was bobbing about as he moved. He rocked back onto his knees and looked quizzically at Kayla, watching for her reaction. She smiled, then slowly took her hands away from the bra, allowing it to fall to the floor. Jon stared at her breasts now fully revealed to him. “Oh……… they are beautiful!” he whispered. “Lol,” she replied “if you think these are beautiful, you should see your sisters…… OH, no, that came out wrong…… you know what I mean!!” That seemed to break the ice a bit, and both giggled at the comment.

“You can touch if you like,” Kayla was looking directly into his eyes, “but only if you want to!” Jon leaned into her body and gently touched her, slowly moving his hands over her soft breast flesh. She said he could squeeze a little, but to be gentle, and placed her hands over his. Moving his hands she directed his grip over the small mounds, and onto her nipples, which were hardening by the minute. “Rub gently, go in circles, gentle pressure” she intoned, “you can pinch my nipples if you like, but they are very sensitive so keep it gentle. I guess you are not so experienced with this, so just follow my lead, and we will both enjoy it.”

“Thank You,” Jon whispered back to her, enjoying the feeling of her breasts and the soft warm flesh in his hands. He could feel her little nipples getting so hard, and started circling them with his finger tips, feeling how the areolae seemed to swell slightly and get even harder. They were just a couple of shades darker than her skin and looked wonderful to his gaze, in perfect symmetry on her breasts.

“Keep playing with my nipples, softly” she said, reminding him to stay gentle, “and they will get nice and hard and sensitive. You can kiss them if you like, again, gently, NO TEETH!” His eyes flicked back to hers to see if she was giving any indication she was enjoying what he was doing but found she had closed her eyes and was breathing gently through a part opened mouth.

“So nice,” she moaned, “but let’s move on.” She stood up in front of him, his face facing her panties about 6 inches directly in front of him. “I am assuming you have never gone down on a girl before?” she questioned, “so follow my lead and we will both get nice satisfaction.” Jon shook his head, still not trusting his mouth not to say something stupid and end the situation right there. “Good, I love to be in control, and will make sure you have a good time, and ensure that I do too! Do you like my lingerie, how it fits, these tiny panties, the stockings…..?” her voice trailed off. “Reach around my middle and rub my ass. I love that!”

Jon did as she asked rubbing the slippery shiny material over her ass cheeks, softly pressing the warm material against her flesh. “Faster and firmer” she directed, “grab the flesh, but not hard. You know how to massage it?” He nodded and smoothed his hands around her taking a chance and sliding his hands inside the panties to directly touch the smooth warm flesh of her perfect peachy ass. “Yes,” she moaned, “that is nice, just concentrate on using enough pressure to be sure I can feel what you are doing. My ass is so firm, but the sensation of your hands is lovely and will certainly warm me up. Any other girl too, I imagine.” Jon detected a slight aroma which was new to him, although he realised what it was – she was getting turned on. He drew his hands back onto the side of her hips and hooked a finger on either side into the elastic of the panties, but did not pull down on them yet.

“Wait, not so fast. We have plenty of time. Girls like their men to pay attention, to make sure they are making the girl happy, that way both of us will get the greatest reward. Jon nodded – he seemed to be doing a lot of that – and looked back up to her, very pretty, face. He could see her eyes were just watching him and looked away under the gaze. “No, keep looking at me! You can see so much in how I am watching your actions, and realise when you are doing something right, or wrong. You have taken off my bra, rubbed my breasts and played with my nipples, and then massaged my firm ass and you should be checking that I am happy with how things are going. Ask me! Keep communicating for the best results.”

“How, how, er, how do you feel,” he stutteringly asked, “am I doing anything right?” She smiled at him “You tell me how you think I am feeling. Look at me, and see if there are any worrying signs?” He was not totally sure what she meant and was still somewhat embarrassed by the unexpected situation he was in, nervously laughing, and said “your nipples are still hard?” She smiled, realising his nervousness and said “Yes, they are, but they will always take more attention, if you are gentle. Try kissing them, lick gently, do what YOU think is right. I imagine you have tweaked your own nipples in the past – just to see how it felt? – but remember a woman’s nipples are much more sensitive. BUT, most of all, you can see I am relaxed, I am smiling and I have not tried to move away. All those show that I am happy how things are progressing, and I have not told you to speed up with anything. Just subtle communication – you will learn.”

Jon took the advice to mean she wanted him to return to her nipples, but with his mouth. He was careful not to let his teeth touch her sensitive nubs and sucked softly, first on the left, then on the right, making them both harder again. She let him continue for a few minutes, enjoying the feelings she was getting, although she would go much harder on herself, making her nipples much harder and a little sore, if she was playing with herself.

Jon was getting into enjoying how her soft breasts moulded to his face as he buried his head into her warm fleshy orbs. He did what he thought was the best he could, concentrating on keeping her nipples hard, then using his hands behind her, rubbing her back, and moving down to massage the top of her ass, that he could just reach. All of this was causing his penis to stay solidly erect and standing strong. He sort of smiled to himself.

“I am sure you can do a kind of foot massage, and practice would make you better, but we are not here for that today!” she said, holding his face in her small hands. “You will find lots of women like foot massages, but there are lots of differences as to how hard, etc, so if you want, you could do a course, if you have a bit of cash and spare time. It will be money well spent if you can use it to keep your woman happy!” she smiled as she gave the advice, “but, back to the main event!”

Kayla looked at Jon, studying his face, to see if he seemed to be enjoying himself, and, of course, he was! “But before that, you need to get me really hot, and wet!” He went red at her mention of her secret juices and looked down between her legs, then glanced away.

“Kiss my thighs, on the inside. I am sure you know girls love that, work from the knees up, softly, butterfly kisses. Use your hands to rub the back of them, and move them with your hands so your mouth can do it’s job properly. Wait.. let me lay back on the bed and you can get between my thighs to do it better.” She rearranged herself further up the bed, and left Jon on his knees at the footboard. “Get onto the bed, and back to my thighs,” she commanded “they are waiting for more kisses.” She smiled broadly, and Jon realised she was directing, rather than demanding, his action.

As he moved round the bed to get to her side, so he could get to her thighs better, she asked him to pause a second, then threw her legs up in the air, and lifted her ass up, and skimmed her panties down her thighs, to her knees. “Better,” she said. “Nearly time for your starring role!” She giggled at him, putting him a bit at ease, whilst also raising his nervous threshold. She shucked the panties down to her ankles, and using her feet, flicked them off, onto the floor to join her bra.

Jon felt himself getting red once again and noticed a little perspiration on his forehead. Had it suddenly got hot in here? He looked down at her, realising she was a very pretty girl, but a flash of thought ran through his mind whether that was the fact she was pretty, or just the situation he found himself in looking at her almost naked, body. He had touched girls before, and even had a quick feel of Sally Thomas right boob under the bleachers once, but he was now on a soft bed with a college girl wearing just a suspender belt and stockings, and a smile!

Kayla knew he was inexperienced and smiled to give him the confidence that she was happy. He finished his manoeuvre and returned his mouth to be gently kissing her thighs again. He was hopelessly distracted though now he could see her small tidy patch of pubic hair and the hint of the slit between her legs. This was it, he thought, but then realised he needed to get back to giving her attention.

Kayla spread her legs, giving him an unobstructed view of her pussy which had started to open a little, revealing her labia which, he noticed, were distinctly wet. “Stay focused,” she said, “kiss and stroke my thighs, you will realise when you are doing it right.” He returned to his, very pleasurable, task, but kept glancing at her vagina to see if it would open more or would get wetter. He could certainly smell her aroma much more, quite strongly in fact.

He noticed Kayla had closed her eyes and was breathing gently, her breasts rising and falling slowly. Her hands were on her breasts, pinching her nipples and softly mauling the flesh. She gave little, quiet, moans every now and then, but Jon could not be sure if it was due to her actions or his? He hoped he was responsible for some of it, anyway. “Keep going, kiss towards my pubic hair, kiss more urgently, show me you want to make me happy!” Kayla urged Jon to do more, to speed up his actions, and to get her feeling better. He now had his nose buried in her pubes and was kissing rapidly all around the hairy area, making sure to kiss every square inch of her skin. Kayla was happily manipulating her nipples and was now gasping her pleasure.

Placing one hand on his shoulder, she told Jon to lift up and then to lie down on the bed. “I think it will be better if we do this with me on top,” I can direct you better.”

Jon pulled a pillow under his head and lay back, as Kayla switched herself around and swung one leg over his waist. He got settled and gazed up at her face and breasts. He could feel the slight rasp of the stockings on his side, and decided he loved how she looked with the belt sort of dividing her body into top and bottom. She was looking down at him, slightly quizzically, and then realised his crazy smile was due to her, and the situation they were in, which he clearly, had not expected.

“Let me know if you feel overwhelmed or if anything is wrong. You are about to give me a lot of pleasure, I hope, but I also want you to feel pleasure too.”

Kayla moved forwards onto the top of his chest and rested her ass on his middle of his body. “Move your arms, put them on the headboard at the minute, you can move them back when I am in position.” She shifted herself up a little more and Jon became aware of her small body blocking his view of the rest of the room as her thighs moved to either side of his head and her pussy was directly above his face. “One thing,” she said, “and I mean this, NO TEETH.” If you bite me, we stop! And I am enjoying this so much I don’t want to stop.” Jon promised he would keep his teeth to himself.

“Right, stick your tongue out, far as you can,” she said, “and just lick me, Get your tongue into the slit between my legs and kind of press it against me. Does that make sense?” Jon said it did and she lowered herself over his mouth and he stuck his tongue out to meet her body. It took a few seconds until he found the right way to press into her groove and slid his tongue up towards her pubic bone. “Nice, but firmer” she asked “lick, repeat, press more, go slightly to the left, then the right, then once I open up a bit, try to suck my labia one at a time and keep using your tongue if you can.”

Jon realised he would have to keep his head moving to give her the touch she needed so that she would get to her orgasm sooner rather than later. “Yes, nice.” She said. “Keep going. Do what you think, I am very sensitive down there anyway, so most of what you do will be nice.” Use your fingers to spread me open a bit. You see that little button at the front, that’s my clit, slide the hood over it and lick it.. gently, it is really sensitive. Jon tried to do all the things she asked, and she directed him somewhat by moving her hips to get the best feelings she could. “Make your tongue as long as you can, and poke as hard as you can. Try to get it as far inside me as possible.

Mmmmmmmm, keep going.”

“Mmmmmmmm, Yes, Yes, mmmmmmm,” Kayla was getting the feelings she wanted and was becoming wetter by the minute. Jon was getting plenty of her girl juices on his tongue as he licked, and he sucked it down as it fell into his mouth. It was an odd taste, he thought, but not a bad taste. He happily swallowed all he could.

He could feel and hear that Kayla was getting more animated and the volume of juice emanating from her was now a continuous flow. Jon persevered and was rewarded with louder moans and more movement of her pussy on his mouth. “Yes, more, more, don’t stop, don’t stop, DON’T YOU DARE STOP” Kayla was reaching her peak and with a couple more firm jabs of his tongue and sucking on her clit, she tipped over the balance, ground down on his face and came hard, shaking as she did. Jon kept going and Kayla kept vibrating on him, grinding down a bit too hard on his nose and panting to get the feelings from the aftershocks. “Mmmmm, that was nice, very nice!” she said as she moved back a little and rested her ass on his chest.

Jon was in a form of heaven, still tasting her juices on his tongue, and still astounded at how things had gone. He had TOTALLY not expected this.

“Thank You, Thank You, so much.” He said to Kayla once he had calmed down. She was looking a bit distant, causing him a bit of worry for a moment. “Fuck it!” she said. Reaching for her phone, she just typed in “90” and send.

Sarah was a bit surprised to receive a text from Kayla, and even more surprised with the contents. “Whoa, girl, what are you doing to him?” she texted back. Okay I will wait a bit longer.

Kayla looked back down at Jon who was just watching her. “I just texted Sarah. We have done what we agreed and what I wanted, but, fuck, I am not leaving you, nor me, like this.” She shunted back on his chest back to his thighs and took hold of his penis which was still waving about in the air. “You got me so turned on, I need this. I guess you have no objections? I am on the pill – any pretty girl that enjoys sex at a college needs to be, lol.”

“No,” he replied, guessing what was coming. “Please………”

She took hold of his penis and started to gently jack him back to full hardness whilst her other hand was playing in her pussy. She was so slick with juice that her finger slid in and out easily with a slight slurping noise as it went in. “Here we go, I guess I am your first?” she enquired and Jon could only nod – once again! She lifted herself up, centred him on her pussy lips and slowly, ever so slowly, dropped down onto him, feeling him filling her as she went.

Jon was out of his mind with excitement – he had lost his virginity, totally unexpected, to a pretty girl in a comfortable bed – none of which he had expected at all. “Concentrate on keeping hard,” she said, “and for gods sake PLAY WITH MY TITS!” Jon jumped into action, not wanting to miss a chance to make her feel better, because he was not going to last long in her tight pussy. Thankfully she was going really slowly so he wasn’t about to shoot just yet, and concentrated on fondling the small breasts just above his face and watched her expression. His mind was full of thoughts and totally empty at the same time. Overjoyed? Astounded? Unbelievably happy? Absolutely all of them, he decided.

Kayla had started to speed up a little and her eyes were firmly closed. She was breathing harder now, and her moans had started to increase in volume. Jon was trying his best to hold on and not cum, but it was getting harder and harder (excuse the pun) not to cum with her tight pussy gripping him so. “I cannot last much longer!” he said, breaking her concentration. “OK,” she replied, “hold on, I need to drive myself over the edge too!”

Jon was totally concentrated now, keeping himself from cumming, thinking of all kinds of “other” things, but his orgasm inevitably came. He felt his balls tighten and the cum racing up his shaft. Luckily, just as he started cumming, Kayla was close enough to orgasm again. Her cries were louder than before and Jon realised he had called out her name in his distraction. She looked down at him and almost growled. “I needed THAT!”

She gently raised off him and held her hand under her pussy, before grabbing some tissues off the bedside cupboard – the white bedside cupboard, Jon realised – and dashing off to the bathroom. Jon quickly rose and looked in the top drawer of the unit, finding what he, now, expected would be there. OH! God bless Sarah, he thought. She had known what was going to happen. The sound of the toilet flushing alerted him Kayla was finished. He had used a tissue to wipe himself, and remembered he would need to flush it away later.

“I did not expect that,” announced Kayla, as she returned to the room. She was still only wearing the suspender belt and stockings. Jon gazed at her, breasts gently bouncing on her chest and said she looked gorgeous, but she just smiled and jumped back onto the bed. “I need a cuddle,” she said, “and you are going to give it to me. That was so nice, and I need to wind down a bit. Shift over, let me lie beside you for a while. We still have plenty of time before Sarah comes back. “We had discussed what I would do, but the sex was just an extra I wanted spontaneously, and I am sure you did too. Not planned at all, but very enjoyable on a Sunday afternoon.”

“I have to thank You, Kayla, that was so special. I had no idea at all and Sarah said absolutely nothing, even this morning when we went for a walk.”

“I know she was fine with it. She said “Good Day” this morning loud enough for me to hear in my room, which was our code that today would be a good day, and then she asked if “everything was good” which was a final code that our plan could go ahead.

Jon told her to sit on the bed before they lay down to cuddle, and reached the small box that was in the drawer. “This is for you, I hope you like it?” he said, reaching over her shoulder to fit it around her slim neck. Kayla looked confused. “You keep jewellery in your pocket just in case? I wondered what Sarah was on about when she went out. It is really nice, Thank you”

Jon just smiled and dragged her down to the sheets and holding her close, said “Thank You so much. Such a special day, and a special girl too.” “No, thank You, Jon, that’s another virgin I can add to my list, LOL!” He reached across her body, held her tightly and started to tickle her with his other hand. “No fair, stop!” she shouted, and he did. “Thank you again, Kayla” He liked saying her name.

After cuddling a while, and a few kisses, they heard the door open and Sarah call out that she was back. “Come on out, you two. I have cakes, coffees and plenty of questions!!”


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