Adventures in Swinging Bk. 02 Ch. 05

An adult stories – Adventures in Swinging Bk. 02 Ch. 05 by IrishLaddy59,IrishLaddy59 Cabin M-377

Day 5, 1135hrs ship time

On approach to Georgetown, Grand Cayman Island.

“You can’t be serious, Jare,” Seth said, blocking the door. My best friend stood with his hands on his hips. It was clear he wasn’t going to let me leave the cabin.

“Trust me, Seth,” I implored. “There is something about this lady. Something deeper down she hides that may have value to us. My gut tells me I can pull it from her.”

Dave shook his head, “The only thing you will pull is the dagger from your chest after she plunges it in.”

I shook my head, “You brought me into this game of cat and mouse. You told me we needed to know their intent and plans to get Ellie off the ship. Crossthwite’s problem remains; he must override Evangeline’s ethical subroutines, or he won’t have a single buyer ever.”

Bunty hugged me and said, “You could wind up dead on the side of the road if you go off this ship. You could also be held hostage to gain Ellie’s cooperation. Is that worth your life here at this critical stage?”

“Bunty, combined with the Oscar-level performance you and Heather gave the other night, I think I can tip things over the top to get what we want. An invitation to the big party and access to Crossthwaite. Evangeline has confirmed Karen’s psych profile for the sick son of a bitch. He is a true sociopath. He can’t resist the bait to see us at his debauched orgy. In front of our faces, he believed he would laugh and take Ellie from us. His ego practically demands it,” I said, resting my case.

“I will enjoy a meal with her. I will try to establish that she can trust me. I will hold suspect everything she tells me. I am going to fuck her six ways to Sunday and hope that is enough to get us an invite to Crossthwaite’s Island,” I said, hoping it filled the prescription the team wanted.

“Don’t get carried away and spend more than a few hours with her Jare,” Bunty cautioned.

I pulled my ‘Docksides’ on over my bare feet. In the mirror, I looked at the pleated chinos and the summer weight tattersall button-down shirt. Heather approached behind, put her arms around my waist, and hugged me tight.

“You look good, Preppy,” she said.

I turned and kissed her cheek and said, “Remember, Love means never having to say you are sorry.”

Heather burst out laughing, “That is total horseshit, Jare.”

I chuckled and called over to her husband. “Seth, hasn’t she ever seen Love Story?”

Seth shook his head no, “You are forgetting she loves action-adventure stuff.”

I turned to her, “O.K. Die Hard, stay close to Karen and watch out for Ellie, please.” Heather smiled and nodded. Then she hugged me again, hard.

“I will be fine, don’t worry,” I said. I picked up the phone’s handset and punched the number for Terrell’s cabin. After three rings, I wondered if this was all for naught. I heard a click.

“Hello,” Bernadette answered.

“I hope you are hungry. Ready for brunch?” I asked.

She drew a breath, “I am famished in more ways than a lady should admit.”

I smiled. “I am on my way to rescue you. See you in a few minutes,” I said.

“Jared, I am truly excited to have this time with you,” she said. “Don’t be long.” then she hung up.

I opened the cabin door, and Heather waved to me as she closed it. It took a little time to work my way forward and change decks to reach the Terrells’ cabin. The passageways were full of people heading topside. It was then that it struck me that I was breaking the rules yet again. This would be the worst. I was going to cheat on Ellie. I knew someday I would have to come clean and tell her. I hoped she would extend me the grace I gave her after she played multiple times with Bunty and Heather. I knocked on the door, and it opened to a vision of loveliness.

Whatever this woman’s name was, whatever her history in the psychiatric hospital amounted to, at this moment, she was a vision of pure beauty. Her blond hair had an almost platinum sheen to it. Her face was a curvy oval. Her mouth was wide, and her lips were proportioned. Her nose was thin and delicate.

“Bernadette, give me a moment. Your beauty has overwhelmed me,” I admitted. She smiled at me with the brightest white teeth. It was a perfect accompaniment to her little giggle.

“Thank you,” she said, closing the door behind her. “I am so glad your migraine is gone.”

“Me too, they suck,” I agreed. I offered my arm and hooked hers through mine. I could smell a sweet citrus cologne on her. “So, how about the Palm Court Bistro?”

She leaned her head against my arm as we walked, “That sounds delightful.”

“I must thank your husband for being so gracious and allowing me this time with you,” I said.

“Oh, we have a bet. He has ulterior motives. He thinks you will be a dud in the sack. I told him are you ready for me to tell you he rocked my world?” she confessed.

“Wow, high praise, Bernadette, thank you. I should tell you I studied the oral arts with an Asian lick master from the far-east,” I laughed. She cracked up as we walked on.

We found the Palm Court and were seated. I ordered scrambled eggs and toast with a small bowl of pineapple and melon. The choice of fruit wasn’t lost on her. There was a glint or twinkle in her eyes. The corner of her mouth curled upward ever so slightly. The woman was sexy. She barely carried 120 lbs on her five-foot six-inch frame. I could see she was braless under a lovely blue flower print sun dress she had on. She ordered tea and poached eggs with a scone and jam.

She asked me about my childhood. I told her how my family was of Scandinavian descent. My parents were firm, taciturn, and not demonstrative with their affection. I told her the abbreviated story of Ellie and me. I spoke glowingly about my daughters without divulging details.

She pressed me for more details on what had brought Ellie and me together. I said we were two geeks and computer science uber-nerds. She laughed at that and said she had an image that we were like the characters in the ‘Big Bang Theory.’ I told her I knew people like that, but Ellie and I were more mainstream. I ordered two Bloody Marys for us. She told me a contrived story of her youth, meeting Zachary after college. They worked for the Hedonism chain in the Caribbean before taking their current jobs on the cruise line. I acted enraptured as she weaved her backstory. I kept reminding myself that this couple probably set up the real Terrells.

I asked for the bill and signed the chit for charging the cabin. “What is your fancy, Bernadette?” I asked.

She answered, “You.”

I smiled, “What playroom would you like to visit?”

“I want you to myself, Jared,” she cooed. Zachary is gambling all afternoon.”

This would increase the danger because we wouldn’t interact publicly. I decided to push ahead. We strolled back to her cabin, and she led me in. She put her purse and wrap down on a chair. Then, she slid up to me in a sultry way, wicked desire suddenly in her eyes. Her demeanor was like a different person. I grabbed her face and did my best Richard Gere ‘Pretty Woman’ kissing imitation. I surprised her when I lifted her in my arms like a groom carrying his wife over the threshold. I steered us into the bedroom and the un-made bed. I noticed the sheets had no evidence of any sexual activity at all.

I laid her down on the bed and joined her. I took a moment to gaze into her eyes. What I saw was a woman seeking absolution. She didn’t look like an escapee from a psychiatric ward. I leaned into her and kissed her softly. A beam of light came through the portal as though it had been planned. It illuminated her blonde hair, which sparkled.

She returned my kiss as I lay beside her. Her mouth joined mine, and her lips parted, allowing her tongue to find a companion. We played a game of hide and seek. Her breath was warm, and she tasted like raspberry preserves.

“I know we have a lot of pent-up energy. There will be time for that in the days ahead if you want me,” she said.

“That isn’t my motivation for being here,” I admitted. “When you and your husband saw Ellie and me, I turned my head, and my eyes beheld only you.” She shivered under me. Momentary goose bumps formed on her arms. I pressed ahead and weaved truth and lies to stay ahead of her. “This trip is a first for my wife and me. Our marriage has grown stale, and we joined a group of friends who swing to see if it could re-energize our love life.”

Bernadette pulled away from me, and she smiled. With a voice that conveyed compassion, she said, “Zachary and I haven’t been intimate in the last year. We stay together, but truthfully, our marriage is a sham. We go on this cruise every time it runs, once every two months. We look for other couples to please our master and light our passion. We play and swing, but we go to bed every night with our backs to each other.

I listened to an interesting choice of words, ‘Please, our master.’ I nodded, gently stroking her hair, “There is a countenance to you, Bernie. I can’t imagine any red-blooded male turning his back on you.”

She giggled, “My Daddy used to call me Bernie.” As though a light switch had been flipped, her persona changed as she sighed, “When he took me each night to his bed and showed me how I was his special girl.”

I tried not to register any shock. This poor thing was a victim of incest. This would explain much. Karen would have a field day with her. This woman was revealing her life through her Bernadette persona. I reached behind her and unzipped her dress. She pulled herself to a sitting position and tugged the dress over her head, flinging it into the corner.

I hadn’t had the pleasure of seeing her nude form. I wondered if Bunty and Heather were as impressed as I was.

“Do you like what you see?” she asked coyly.

“I am overwhelmed by your beauty,” I said. I stood and unbuttoned my shirt, undid my pants, and shook myself free of clothes. Bare and exposed. In the back of my mind was Ellie’s voice warning, ‘She is a cold-blooded killer.’ I edged into the center of the bed on my knees. Bernadette matched my move. We wrapped into each other’s arms and kissed longingly. I sucked on her tongue and broke off the kiss to give attention to her neck. I freed a hand and delicately caressed her breasts. She moaned and drew a deep breath. Her hands had found my manhood. I was rock hard, or as Ellie liked to joke, ‘There is that pink steel rod.’ I could feel energy building between us.

“Lay back, let me play,” she suggested.

“Your wish is my command,” I said obligingly. I laid back, my head hitting the pillows. Bernadette kissed her way down my torso.

She stopped at my nipples and said, “These need attention.”

I said, “Those two buttons are orgasm triggers. Use them when you get bored or want a quick end to our liaison.”

She nodded and withdrew her tongue from my chest, “Ummm, glad you warned me. Good to know. I will file that one away.” She continued her journey south. Her mouth was like light silk being dragged along my skin. Airy and delicate. Ellie’s voice returned and warned me, ‘Do not get lost with this lady.’ I ran my hands through Bernadette’s hair. Her mouth found my cock, and I gasped.

“You like this then?” she inquired.

“That and everything about you,” I sighed.

She sucked my crown into her mouth, and her tongue darted to my tip. She ran it over me and drew out a strand of pre-cum. Then she drew the liquid in and swallowed it. She plunged her head down as she created suction, only to pull back. I watched her work me over. Sliding down alongside my thigh between my scrotum. Inhaling the ball sack, sucking and licking it. Then, she rolled up the high-speed center lane back up my shaft.

“I love a bare man. I can taste all of you,” she shared. You are open and exposed to me, vulnerable for my taking,” she smiled wickedly as she plunged down my shaft in a free-fall to my public bone. She came back up, “Your penis is magnificent. Not too long, nice girth. I think I will go take a ride in the country.” She pushed up and straddled me. I could feel her drag her delicacies the length of my cock. Then she raised, positioned me for entry, and slid down slowly. I savored, bottoming out at the entrance to her womb.

I looked at her, and she seemed lost in thought as she swayed and rocked on the cock that filled her. She remained in that pose. I could feel her kegling on me. She maintained the motion, eyes closed, mouth open. I was beginning to believe she might be having a seizure. But then she popped up, dropped down, and her thighs squeezed me. My God, she was posting. In her mind, she was riding.

“You love horses,” I observed.

Her eyes opened, and a tear ran down her cheek, “I am sorry. I was awash in a memory from another life.”

“Bernie,” I said. “Come back to this moment with me. This is real. You are with someone ready to accept you unconditionally.”

“Why?” she asked. “You don’t even know me.”

“I placed my right hand between her breasts and tenderly pressed my fingertips where her heart lay. “I always could know a good soul when I encountered one. You are a good soul. You are a beautiful woman, elegant and graceful. There is a spirit of good and kind struggling to take dominance. You are resilient.”

Bernadette humped up and down to keep me hard, “Jared, I am a tortured soul. I have done things that I can’t reconcile with myself. I thought I would find freedom in this new life of tropical islands, but I am enslaved with no way out.”

“There are always possibilities. No matter what torments or haunts you from your past. Make peace with the ghosts of before. Forgive yourself and live each new day as a chance to create the best version of you.”

“Who are you?” she asked. “How can fate bring someone randomly who can say such things to me?”

“Perhaps I was destined to be here and help you find your way to a better tomorrow,” I offered.

Bernadette picked up the motion on me as she shook her head slowly. She began a ‘bump-and-grind.’ Her persona changed, and the wicked look on her face returned. She began to pound on me as if to punish herself, but she was so obviously inflamed in passion. Her pussy was wet and slick, coating my shaft like a piston would be in the cylinder of an engine. She said nothing. Just looked me in the eyes and touched my nipples.

“Be careful what you wish for Bernie,” I gasped. She rode me like a stallion. Harder, faster, she was pile-driving me into the mattress. I saw waves of pleasure flow over her and into me. She was relentless on some quest for our union to purge her demons. She moved her hands to my neck, and she squeezed hard. She was strong.

“Choke me, Jared,” she cried. I lifted my hands and filled them with her neck. I squeezed. “Harder,” she cried out. I complied. She was now as fast upon me as anyone had ever been and perhaps would ever be. Her choke hold on me was intense. I was reaching my tolerance level. “Tighter, Jared, tighter,” she begged. I was at the limit.

“Cumming, cumming,” I announced.

“Yes, yes, yes, I feel you,” she cried out as I squeezed her neck with almost killing force. My brain felt like it would explode as the orgasm force was somehow multiplied in intensity many times over. Waves of ecstasy consumed me. I began to get tunnel vision. Bernadette was talking to me, but I couldn’t hear her. Then oblivion enfolded me in a sweet darkness.

I opened my eyes as I came around. Bernadette was washing my face with a cool, wet cloth. She was cooling me as she cooed sweetly. The wicked look was gone, and all that was left was her angelic face.

“Are you feeling better?” she asked with concern.

“Better than okay. How long was I out? I asked.

“A few minutes,” she answered.

“Bernie, that was the most incredible orgasm I ever experienced in my forty-four years. Was it as good for you?

“Always is good, Jared. That was a technique I learned long ago. I love it, and I use it only with exceptional people,” she said, smiling.

I took the cloth from her hand. I swiftly rolled her over, facing her as she lay on her back. I went straight down her torso without detours allowed until I reached her delicacies. I hungrily devoured all she presented to me. I ran my mouth the length of her, the softness of lips sliding over hers. I came upward and found her clitoris. I sucked it into my mouth hard. She squealed in delight. I drank every bit of our joining into my mouth. My essence mixed with hers had a delightful lemony taste. She humped at my face in a fit of sexual gluttony. One free hand came around her leg and went up to cup her left breast. I pinched, tweaked, and rolled her nipple between my thumb and fingers. My other hand slid under, and the index finger found the entrance to her bummy. I pressed against the tight button, and it gave way, my finger sinking into her.

“Ah yes,” she gasped. “Ah, it’s so, so good.”

I added another finger to her bum. I could feel viscous liquid flowing from her pussy down to my fingers plunging and probing her ass. The intensity and pace of my prayers at her temple pushed her over the top. She arched her back and forcefully pressed herself on my mouth. I eased back, and she finally took ragged breaths, slowly coming down from her climax.

I disengaged and slid up her torso till we were face to face. Just as I did with Ellie, I blew a calm wind over her face, relaxing her. After a time, she opened her eyes and smiled.

I whispered, “We aren’t supposed to use this word in this lifestyle. But, beautiful lady, you were just made love to.”

Her eyes widened, “I could sense that in you. There is an empathic quality to you that is rare in men. You drove my demons down and slammed a door on them. Thank you. I love you for that, Jared. Your wife is a fortunate woman.”

“I can’t imagine any life without Ellie, and God help me; I can’t imagine it without knowing you are free to be something quite special in this world, Harriet.”

Her eyes had been closed, but they jolted open wide in recognition and terror.

“Look at me, Harriet, look at me, I urged. She turned her head. “Despite all that I know, I meant every word I just said. I see goodness in you. You are a good soul whose past life was shattered and tortured. I accept you as you are unconditionally. I am here to save you.”

“Please, help me,” she pleaded.

I focused on her eyes, “Play your role in this spectacle and change nothing you would do with Zachary. Focus your thinking and give no indication you are anything but what your master wants you to be or do. Can you stay in that role for me?”

She nodded, “Yes, I can, Jared.”

“We are going to show your master that we can replace his lies with our truth,” I challenged.

“You can’t,” she said dejectedly.

“You are mistaken. Just because something isn’t true doesn’t mean you can’t believe in it.” I said.

She looked at me quizzically, her eyes telling me she needed more to understand. I smiled, “There is a movie cherished in my family called ‘Second Hand Lions.’ Do you know it?” She shook her head no. I continued, “It is a beautiful coming-of-age story about a little boy dumped and abandoned by his mother. He is left with two worldly uncles who teach him what being a good and responsible man means. The movie’s best moment is when the boy asks his Uncle Hubble to give him the grown-up man speech. Let me see if I can paraphrase it. My daughters loved to hear me recite it when I tucked them in at night.

‘Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things we need to believe in the most.’ I watched as her pupils dilated, and she looked enraptured. ‘That people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money are meaningless. That good always triumphs over evil. That selfless love, real love, the truest love never dies. It doesn’t matter if these things are true or not. We should believe in them because these are the things worth believing in.’


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“You still with me?” I asked.

“Yes, that is beautiful,” she exclaimed. “Can you really save me, Jared?”

I cupped her face in my hands. “I am willing to risk my life to give you a chance at the life you deserve to live. Meet me at Hermes tonight, and we will walk and dine in the formal dining saloon. I will introduce you to a dear friend whom I trust implicitly. Tell ‘Zachary,” I made the quotes sign. “Tell him you are playing me like a harp from hell. At dinner, we will engage in quiet conversation. I will ask you questions. You must tell me the truth. Do not be afraid. The things you say will never see the light of day anywhere. I need the truth to work out my plan.” I changed the subject to bring her back to what we shared. “Making love to you today was very special to me. I want you to know that I desire you.”

Harriet hugged me so tight, “Go then, Jared. Make your plans. I will dress most elegantly for dinner tonight. I want to be free of all this life. I am so very sorry for what happened to your wife.”

“You know,” I answered. “I already forgave you for anything you know or had to do with that despicable act. But there will be no mercy for your master who ordered it. I am coming for the fuck.” I got up and dressed. Harriet came and hugged me tight. We kissed tenderly. As I left the cabin and the door closed, I needed to be sure she was on the level. I moved down the passageway and went up one deck. I moved to a screen and held my amulet up to it.

“Jared, are you safe?” Evangeline asked.

I answered, “I am not sure. I need you to help me.”

“Of course, what do you require? She asked.

“I want you to conduct full surveillance on Bernadette and Zachary Terrell.”

“That requires a command authorization code input only by the senior officers aboard this vessel.” she reminded me.

“I understand,” I said. “The situation has changed. Accept priority override, Alpha, please.”

“Instructions received. All audio, video, and network communications are being recorded. Tracking surveillance mode is initiated until further notice,” Evangeline replied.

“Thank you, Evangeline. Feed the data stream to the team in M722. I don’t know what I would do without your support.” I turned and walked to the nearest lift. I was grateful I was alone as the doors closed. I needed a moment to process the guilt and shame for what I had just done and for what I knew was coming.


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