Alison Goes to London Ch. 15 by GrushaVashnadze,GrushaVashnadze

The story so far:

It is 2050, and Alison is a student at the Royal Academy of Fucking in London. Her closest friends are Bradley and Claire — with the latter of whom she is having a clandestine love affair. Her other friend Eva has now broken up with her abusive fuck-buddy Chad, who seems, unaccountably, to be stalking her. And Alison has offered to help a college acquaintance of hers, aspiring anal slut Riley, to become a fucker like her.


“OH FUCK, I CAN’T FUCKING DO THIS!!!” screamed Alison in frustration. She was standing naked in the bathroom, scowling angrily at a flexible suction-cup dildo which waggled mockingly at her from her wall-length mirror. Her mouth was drooling — but her pussy was not. There was nothing, Alison thought, nothing at all pleasant about trying to deepthroat a dildo.

“What is it, pretty cunt?” called Claire from the bedroom.


“I’ve never known you to be unable to take a dildo, baby,” said Claire, as she appeared naked at the bathroom door, wiping sleep from her eyes. “What’s the — oh!” Claire paused as she took in the sight of the dildo, protruding from the mirror some five feet off the ground. “Are you…?” She smiled knowingly, and giggled.

“DON’T FUCKING LAUGH AT ME!” bellowed Alison at her lover, pouting and clutching at her own throat. “I CAN’T FUCKING DO THIS!”

“Oh baby, baby, I’m sorry, it’s just — why didn’t you tell me you wanted to learn to deepthroat? I can help you, my love, you don’t have to do this alone! Where did you get this thing anyway?”

“Eva gave it to me. She said it might help if I just did a bit every day. She said I need to relax — but I can’t fucking relax if I feel like I’m gonna puke all the time!”

“Fuuuck, sweet cunt, there there, you should have told me. Here, I can help you relax — let’s do this together, my love.” She wrapped her arms around Alison’s naked body, as their breasts squashed against each other and their tongues gently entangled. “Mylove,” Claire smiled.

“Oh, say that again, baby: it makes my heart flutter,” muttered Alison into Claire’s hair.

“I’m not sure we want you all a-flutter if you want to learn to deepthroat,” giggled Claire. But she said it again anyway: “MyLove.” And, as she slid slowly downwards, “Here, turn toward the wall, lean forward a bit, and let me relax you first…”

It was not long before Alison was moaning in soft pleasure, as she felt Claire’s clement tongue probing between her buttocks, gently tickling her little pucker into a modest but blossoming gape. “That’s so good, Claire,” she whimpered, as her lover’s hand slid between her thighs, curling a finger upwards into her sweet depths. “Yeah, finger my pussy, baby, while you lick that asshole, that’s so fucking good…”

As warmth and pleasure from her nether regions suffused her body, Alison looked again at the latex member waggling at her from the wall mirror, and in her re-awakened lust it began — just began — to look tempting. She licked at it tentatively, then wrapped her lips around the glans. Claire’s oral and digital ministrations were gentle — perfectly calibrated, in fact, to help Alison to relax into her horniness, rather than making her desperate to come. Alison moaned. She wanted something in her mouth, and she began to suck the dildo deeper and deeper, basking in the double pleasure of three of Claire’s fingers up her pussy, and her lover’s wet tongue slurping just round the rim of her rectum.

“Aargh!” Alison gagged. It wasn’t working. “Fuck this fucking throat of mine! How I do not gag, Claire, when something’s fucking choking me?”

“Okay, babe, let’s take it one step at a time. Here, let me take that thing off the wall.” The dildo squelched noisily as Claire prised it off. She slid it gently up her own pussy, twirling it around a couple of times so that when she pulled it out again it glistened with a thick layer of cunt-juice. “Always nicer when it’s tasty!” she giggled, before holding it gently up to Alison’s mouth. “Now, baby, I want you to sing for me.”

“You’re joking, right?” Alison pulled a face.

“No, seriously. Open your mouth wide, breathe slowly through your nose, stick your tongue out like you’re at the doctor’s, and hum from the back from your throat, ‘Aaaaaaaah…'” That’ll help keep your throat relaxed, and stop you retching on your own saliva. Go on, try it.”

Alison did as instructed, humming a half-speed contralto version of the “Bates Butt” jingle whilst Claire gently held the dildo, easing it ever so slowly into Alison’s mouth. Every time Alison started to get tense or nervous, Claire moved the fake cock slightly backwards, giving Alison a chance to regain control of her breathing. “Oh good, pretty fuck-slut, that so good,” Claire encouraged. “Relax, relax, it’s okay, you’re my bestest cunty-baby.”

After several false starts, Alison managed to get to the point where she could stand the feeling of the dildo at the back of her throat. She continued to hum, switching to a slowed-down version of “The Prettiest Whore”, still gargling her spit to keep herself relaxed, letting all the dribbles flow unimpeded down her chin.

“Oh yeah, baby, that’s good. Guys will like that,” Claire continued her encouragement — until they were interrupted by a familiar voice calling through the bathroom door: “Hey, is anybody there?”

“Hey, Brad, just the cock we needed!” Claire called out.

“I just wondered if you wanted to join me in jerking off to one of those 1980s porn flicks — you know, prep for Monday?”

“Later, sure thing, Brad — but come here first: Alison’s learning to deepthroat!”

“You’re kidding!” said Brad, poking his head around the door and taking in the sight of his two lovely lady friends in the bathroom, Alison’s lips wrapped around the dildo, Claire kissing her face and neck soothingly, her hand gently stroking her vulva.

“Well, here’s your chance, Dinky Dick!! giggled Claire. “Wanna be Alison’s first ever real live deepthroat cock?”

They moved into the bedroom. Alison knelt, eyes closed, and opened her mouth wide to Bradley’s rather small cock. Still humming and moaning, gently encouraged by Claire’s whispered words of love and pleasure, she felt Bradley’s member gently touch bottom. She hummed yet more, concentrating on inhaling slowly through her nose, feeling her saliva gurgle and gargle against Bradley’s cock-head, the excess continuing to dribble slowly out of her lips and down onto her tits. Bradley was, as ever, as wonderfully sensitive at fucking throat as he was at pussy or ass. Whenever Alison started to gag, he would gently, slowly, pull back to allow her to regain her composure and to relax her throat again. And then he would wait until Alison signalled ready, her tongue outstretched as she recommenced her humming, softly reciprocating with just a touch more of his length. Soon Alison was finding her flow, enjoying the satisfaction of each new quarter-inch, realising that the flesh of Bradley’s abdomen seemed just a tiny bit closer each couple of minutes — until she felt the tip of her nose touch his stomach, and her tongue stroking the slack skin of his scrotum.


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