Anniversary Surprise

An adult stories – Anniversary Surprise by TheJoker33,TheJoker33 Literotica 25th Anniversary Challenge Submission

Please kindly rate my story and leave me comments, I would like to hear what you all have to say. This is a fantasy and I choose to have no STI’s in this world. All participants in sex acts are 18 years old or older and similarities in names or descriptions of the characters are purely coincidental and are not based on any real person living or dead. Please enjoy!

Thank you,


Anniversary Surprise

I was watching the sunset over western Virginia from the Penthouse function room of the Archer Hotel in Tysons Virginia. I rented the Penthouse to celebrate my and my wife’s silver anniversary, twenty-five years together and here I am a glass of Macallan whiskey on ice in my hand; pondering how we made it to this point.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

My name is Sean Miller and I’m fifty years old, my wife Anna is forty-nine. We met in 1993 on a stretch of Interstate 5 between San Clemente and Camp Pendleton where I was stationed at the time. I was on my way back to base after visiting a friend who attended the University of California, Los Angeles. My friend had scored tickets for a Dodgers game on Saturday night.

I stayed the night and most of the day on Sunday and was heading back to base in the afternoon when I saw a taxi on the side of the road, hood up and steam pouring out of the radiator. I slowed down and pulled over to see if I could be of assistance. The cabbie informed me that he had already radioed for help.

He thanked me for stopping and I turned to head back to my borrowed car when I heard the most angelic voice shout out to me. Turning back I saw the most gorgeous young woman I had ever seen standing inside the open rear passenger door of the taxi. She stood about five foot 4 inches tall, a slim but full figure where it counts. Her piercing blue eyes looked towards me as her long strawberry blonde hair blew in the cool southern Californian breeze.

She ran towards me and I couldn’t help but notice her bountiful breasts bouncing in her tank top, nipples proudly standing at attention. It was quite evident that she had no bra on and I was quite happy to enjoy the incredible show before me. She smiled as she stopped before me and her cheeks flushed as she seemed unsure of herself.

Then she finally spoke, “Uhhmm, excuse me, sir. I was wondering if you might be willing to give me a ride back to my college. We have a curfew for the dormitories and I don’t want to be late or I will get reprimanded.”

“Where do you school?” I asked.

“University of California San Diego,” she replied.

“Well I’m on my way back to Camp Pendelton, so I’m not going as far as San Diego. But I can at least get you part way there,” I offered her.

“Are you sure there is no way you can take me to San Diego? It’s not that much further for you,” she pleaded.

I could see the desperation in her beautiful blue eyes. She pouted her lips a bit and I could see tears starting to form. How could I possibly say no to her?

“Alright, I’ll take you all the way to school.” She looked me straight in the eyes and the biggest, prettiest smile crossed he lips. Her bright blue eyes screamed appreciation and with that, she stole my heart. On the way to San Diego we chatted up a storm, she told me she was a sophomore going for a bachelor’s degree in teaching.

I told her I was serving my second year in the Marine Corp. By the time I pulled up outside her dormitory it felt like we were old friends. She beat me to the punch when she asked for a phone number to reach me. I gave her the base number as well as the pager number that I had for my unit in case we got called in for deployment, I was in a recon unit and we could be called to action at any time.

She gave me the phone number to the dormitory phone. I then escorted her to the front door of her dorm, she took my hands in hers and thanked me for bringing her back. Then she reached up and pulled my head down to hers and gave me a fairly long but chaste kiss on the lips. Breaking our kiss she turned and opened the door and told me she would call me soon.

Five years later in late July, we were married in her hometown of Willow Creek, North Carolina. She was happy to be married there as I had left the Marine Corps. for a government job in Virginia. I had no family as my parents took off and left me with my grandparents, they didn’t even come back after my grandparents passed. So the wedding party was all from Anna’s family. We had bought a home in Great Falls, Virginia where Anna got a job teaching at the Elementary School and it wasn’t that far of a commute for my job.

Life was great for us, we were extremely happy and three years after we were married we had our first child; Roger. Then one year later we had a daughter Danielle, followed by Heather and Aaron; twins. Thankfully my job only had me travelling once a month for a few days. So I was home with my wife and kids more than most fathers were.

We raised some great kids and enjoyed doing it as well. Our oldest Roger is engaged to his high school sweetheart and works as a computer programmer. Danielle is in law school to become a lawyer, she wants to practice family law. Heather is also in college to become a teacher like her mother and Aaron is going to school to become an engineer.

With our twenty-fifth anniversary approaching in about three months I decided to book us a Caribbean cruise. Since my wife has a summer job when she is not teaching I had to make sure that she could get the time off from work before I booked the cruise. As we ate dinner one night, I brought it up.

“Darling, can you request two weeks off from work starting the day after our anniversary? I want to book us a Caribbean cruise for our anniversary.” I asked her.

“Oh, Honey. That’s so sweet,” Anna said with a smile. She paused and the smile disappeared, “Unfortunately I can’t. I already requested a week at the end of June. I am going to Atlantic City with Veronica, Emily, and Denise.”

“What? Why? How am I just hearing about this now?” I inquired.

“We just booked it two weeks ago. I was going to let you know about it when it got closer to the time of our trip. I know that you have had a lot going on at work with all the new hires you have been training. I didn’t want to bother you with it right now.” My wife explained.

“Why though? You knew our anniversary was coming up and you didn’t discuss this at all with me.” I asked as I wanted to know the reason why our anniversary was not as important as it seemed.

“The girls and I wanted to take a little trip to watch some shows and gamble a little at the casinos as well as go to the beach and check out the boardwalk.” Answering me with a bit of a perturbed voice. “Besides, it’s not like we ever do anything more than go away for the weekend for our anniversary. We can still do that.”

“We only went away just for the weekend because of the kids. They are all grown up now and we can take extra time to celebrate our anniversary now.” I stated, now irritated both with my wife’s attitude and how she would not think of the fact that we could do more things now with the kids all out of high school.

“Well there’s nothing we can do about it now, you should have thought about this cruise months ago!” She exclaimed. She had never in the thirty years that we have been together ever raised her voice to me like this. I found this very disconcerting.

“Maybe you should have discussed this trip to Atlantic City with me before deciding to go.” I retorted as I stood up and cleared my dishes from the dining room table. Anna said nothing as I walked by her and into the kitchen where I rinsed off the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

I went to my den opened up the liquor cabinet and poured myself a tall glass of Chivas. I walked out to the back porch and sat down to contemplate what had just transpired.

My wife’s behavior at dinner tonight deeply disturbed me. Her reactions were completely out of character and she always told me of her planned outings with her girlfriends from work. This had all the signs of turning out to be something bad. Could my loving wife of almost twenty-five years be planning to cheat on me?

Or worse could she already have cheated on me? Anna and her girlfriends started having girls’ nights out about five years ago. They would go out every other Friday night for dinner, drinks, and either a movie or some presentation at a local community center.

She was never out late on those nights, always home before midnight. Never came home intoxicated or worse for wear. She never acted any differently than at any other time. I played golf on Saturday mornings with the girls’ husbands. We had all become friends as the girls all worked together. None of the other husbands had mentioned anything out of the usual when we would play golf.

I would have to ask the guys if they knew anything about this Atlantic City trip when we golf this weekend. My mind is trying to be analytical without getting too far ahead of myself. If she had been cheating it was certainly after the kids were born because they wanted to check our family genealogy and the results proved that they were my offspring. So that is some comfort.

I will have to investigate this, thankfully investigations are what I do for a living. My family and friends don’t know what it is I really do, they just know that I am a senior data analyst for the government. Which is partially true. I am a data analyst of sorts, but the government entity that I work for is the C.I.A.

I was never allowed to tell anyone what my real job was and what it entailed, honestly, no one ever questioned it after they heard the words data analyst. They just assumed that I crunched numbers looking at budgets and stuff, no one ever thinks that there are other types of data that need to be analyzed.

My wife never really knew what I did in the Marine Corps. when we were dating. She just assumed I was a plain old soldier, when in fact I was a sniper, tracker, and an analyst for a recon unit. My recon unit was one of the few that ran black ops in conjunction with the C.I.A. which is why I was recruited by them when my enlistment in the Marines was up.

To me it was a no-brainer to sign up with C.I.A. they wanted to make use of my analyst and tracking skills more than my sniper abilities; which meant less time in the field doing dangerous work and they promised to have me working domestic assignments instead of foreign. This allowed me to be a good father and husband.

Maybe it didn’t allow me to be a good enough husband. Even with all my training I never saw any signs of possible cheating until now. Perhaps I was truly blinded by the love I have or had for my wife and that’s why didn’t see any of the signs, either way; I would get to the bottom of this.

I finished my glass and then went inside to the kitchen to clean the glass. Taking note of my wife’s presence, she was in the living room grading school work like she always does in the evening. I then went to my den and put the glass away. With my mind still going a mile a minute I retreated to our bedroom and I started to get undressed and ready for bed.

As I was changing, I decided that I was going to sleep on the sofa in my den tonight. I just couldn’t shake my feelings enough to remain totally rational around my wife. So I grabbed a change of clothes for work tomorrow, my pillow, and then went down to my den.

I locked the den door behind me and then set up camp so to speak on the sofa, set my alarm on my phone, and plugged it in to charge. Sleep did not come quickly especially when Anna went to bed and found out I was not there. She banged on the den’s door and yelled about not sleeping in our bed. I just ignored her, she eventually gave up and at some point, I managed to fall asleep.

5:00 a.m. came way too early. Thankfully a lack of sleep was something that I had been trained to deal with in the Marines so it was more of an inconvenience than anything else. I used the downstairs bathroom to get cleaned up and avoided going upstairs to not wake up the wife.

I made my usual cup of black tea, skipped making breakfast, and headed off to work before Anna got up. My normal 20-minute commute to work took about half the time as usual since I had an earlier start than normal, but I wasn’t complaining because it gave me that much more of a head start on my preparations for my new investigation.

I arrived at work just before 6:30 a.m. a full hour before anyone else normally shows up. Once I was settled in my office and my computer had cycled through its starting procedures, I sent an email to my division head. I asked him to let me know when I could have a meeting with him today, as I had a serious personal issue that I needed to address. I hit send and then started making a list of all the items I would need to conduct my investigation.

While making the list I received a text message from my wife, telling me she didn’t appreciate how I had treated her last night and how she thought my not joining her in bed was disrespectful. I chuckled at the message she sent, which was quickly followed up with another message saying that we would be talking about it later tonight.

I chose not to answer and went back to my list. It wasn’t too long after 7:30 a.m. that my desk phone rang. “Sean Miller speaking,” I answered full well knowing who was going to be on the other end. “Yes, sir. I will be there in a few minutes.”

After logging out of my computer, what should be a common practice for anyone before leaving a computer unattended? For us at the C.I.A. it was a mandatory policy to prevent data theft. I then walked out of my office closing and locking the door behind me, garnering the attention of my team from their bank of desks arranged in a way that they were all looking at each other. But also allowing them to be able to watch each other’s six.

I had a team that I built to operate in an efficient and self-supporting way. Each member complimented the others as it should be in their devotion and dedication to each other, myself, and to the C.I.A. There is no other team that I would rather be beside in the thick of things than these men and women.

“Got in early today boss, something big going down?” Asked Marc the most senior member of my team.

“That has yet to be seen,” I offered. “I’ll be back in a while.”

Knowing well enough not to pry any further they went back to work. I made my way out of our suite and down the hall to James Loring’s office, head of our division. I opened the door to his suite and was greeted by his secretary Mary. “Good morning Agent Miller, you can go right in.”

“Good morning, Mary,” I replied as I walked past her and let myself into my boss’s office.

“Morning, Sean. Take a seat.” My boss said as he motioned to a chair in front of his desk.

“Good morning, Jim.” I acknowledged as I took a seat. He closed his laptop pushed it forward on his desk, clasped his hands together and settled his elbows on the desk, and brought his chin to his clasped hands.

“I’m guessing that this is not going to be a pleasant conversation.” Jim states, “What’s going on?”

I paused, somehow feeling like if I said nothing that it couldn’t possibly be real, and when I do say something my world will completely fall apart. Apparently, my pause was too long because my boss gave me a bit of a cough to draw my attention.

“Sorry Jim, this is difficult in more ways than one. I think that Anna is cheating on me or is going to cheat on me,” I said. Relaying that information to my boss was almost therapeutic and it felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders.

“I see,” my boss says as he shakes his head a little. “Tell me everything you know so far.”

For the next half hour or so I recount the events of last night to my boss. All of my thoughts on how and when things might happen and how and when things might have happened already. Jim was clearly processing the information I gave him as a superior in the C.I.A. would, but how he did it was more of that of a friend.

I worked on his team when I first started here, so he knew me just as much as I knew him. We spent a lot of time working cases together and you could probably say that he is my best friend, even though we seldom see each other outside of work as it is better that way in this line of work.

“First of all Sean, I certainly hope that Anna is not cheating on you.” Jim conveyed with sincerity, “However, this must be fully investigated solely for the fact that your wife could be compromised. If for any reason a foreign government has suspicions as to your true employment and they are using your wife, this could have the potential of a security breach.”

“I’m aware, that is why I came to you as soon as I could today. I need to lead the investigation, I have already started planning.” I suggested in hopes that he would allow me to take the lead.

“Sean, you know that you can’t be a part of this investigation it is standard protocol,” Jim noted. I felt disappointed and my posture went slack in defeat, my boss obviously picked up on this. I don’t know if that was the real reason or not for his next decision and I’m fine with that. “That being said, you and your team are the best investigators we have. So I am making an exception, so don’t make me regret it!”

“I won’t. I will keep you in the loop every step of the way Jim, as soon as I know something you will know about it.” I declared with the utmost confidence.

“Very well then, you have all our resources available to you and your team. Have any assignments your team is currently working on passed over to Drake and his team,” my boss said with his authoritative tone.

“Understood,” I replied and excused myself.

It was now a little past 8:00 a.m. as I strolled back into our teams’ suite. Every member of my team stopped what they were doing and gave me all their attention. I closed the door behind me and then walked over to the coffee pot. Grabbing my mug I poured some sugar and then some creamer into the mug followed by coffee.

I turned to face my team, leaned back against the counter, and took a sip of my coffee, letting the warmth and the caffeine take hold of me. This was going to be a long couple of months. I took another sip and then cleared my throat.

“Stop what you are working on, pack it up, and organize everything for transfer. Once everything is ready to go give it all to Drake’s team and brief them on its status. Then join me in my office to be briefed on our next assignment.” I commanded.

“You got it, boss,” my team replied in unison. They quickly ignored me and got to work, I went into my office sat down, and continued outlining the plan for the investigation into my wife’s possible cheating.

Working on the plan and making lists helped my concentration as I was in a work mentality. The pity, loathing, anger, and doubt had vanished. I was now solely focused on my job and treating this just like any other assignment, detaching myself from my home life like always.

As I lost myself in my work, time passed as normal. But to me, I had no perception of time; that is until a knocking on my office door snapped me out of my work-obsessed trance. I looked at the clock on my wall, it was now 11:25 a.m.

“Enter,” I bellowed.

The door opens and my team walks in. “Take a seat and we’ll get started,” I state. Two of them sit in chairs already in front of my desk as the other two grab a couple of chairs along the wall and set them in place next to the others. All four of them have legal-sized notepads and readied themselves to start taking notes.

“What do we got boss?” Asked Marc.

“We have an agent whose wife may have or is about to cheat on him, this may or may not compromise the agent and the company. We have been tasked to investigate this situation fully and make sure if cheating has, is, or will happen that all players involved are vetted. We must ascertain if any foreign or domestic enemies are involved.” I informed my team.

“So who is the poor cuck whose wife is cheating on him?” Inquired Marc.

“I am,” I answered without hesitation. I should be angry at being called a cuck. I should be angry at the entire situation. But the past three hours of not having any emotion whatsoever, made me realize that detaching myself from my home life and focusing on the job; was the only way I was going to make it through this.

“Shit! I’m sorry boss!” Marc apologized, “I didn’t mean t…”

“ENOUGH!” I shouted cutting him off. “Don’t you dare apologize. Everyone else was thinking the same thing. It may or may not be true, but that doesn’t change the fact that we have been assigned to figure all that out.

“We will follow our standard protocol for this situation. Marc and Justin, you will gather all we need for bugging my house. Microphones, cameras the works. Load everything into the Electrical Van, the two of you will be electricians looking into a couple of faulty breakers in case my neighbors get nosey. Bring along the flash drives I need to hack and clone my wife’s laptop and cell phone.

“Sharon and Mike, I have a list of all of her girlfriends that she goes out with for girls’ night. Their spouses are also listed. Start looking into them. I also have a list of the places they supposedly go to on their girls’ nights. They go out every other Friday night and the last time they went out was this past Friday.

“Check for surveillance cameras at and around these locations and see what you can find. Check social media tags for these places, other customers might have taken photos and captured the subject and accomplices in the background in incriminating actions.

“I want you to check all the players’ bank accounts, credit cards, and anything else that may tell us the goings on with the subject. You know the things to look for. The subject and her girlfriends all work at the same school and look into the possibility of romantic connections there.

“They are planning a trip to Atlantic City the last week of June, look into it, see what you can find and I will try to see if I can get somewhat of an itinerary from my wife about the trip.

“Marc and Justin, once you are ready to go let me know so I can leave and get to my house a little bit before you show up. Once you two are done with my house come back here and get set up for bugging the school and doing recon there as well. Bug all the rooms that the subject and her girlfriends teach in as well as the teachers’ lounge.

“Alright team, get to work!” I commanded and they quickly exited my office. I got back to making more notes and realized I was going to need to get some micro-cameras and listening devices to have on my person. I would be asking around about my wife and her friends, having these devices on me will make things easier.

I headed down to the supply department where Marc and Justin were getting what they needed. When I got there they just nodded in acknowledgement and went about gathering all they needed. I grabbed a dozen pens, a ring, and a key chain which acted as a listening and recording device. I also grabbed a lapel pin and a pair of nonprescription glasses that would record video.

Once I was done I told Marc and Justin that I was headed home and they could head over whenever they were ready. I got home just before 1:00 p.m. Marc and Justin showed up in the Electrical Van about 20 minutes later, with my wife being at school until 4:00 p.m. we had plenty of time to bug the house.

After Mark and Justin left I went into our bedroom and changed. I would have to throw modesty out the window for the next three months as we had video and audio recording devices set up in every room of the house. With about an hour left before my wife was due home, I went shopping for the ingredients for dinner.

After shopping and coming straight home; I proceeded to make the obligatory, ‘I fucked up and apology dinner’ for my wife so as to not raise any suspicions. With the smell of broiled swordfish and scallops with a creamy lemon garlic sauce permeating through the house. I knew I made the right choice as the door to the garage slammed but the door from the breezeway was not.

The smell from my wife’s favorite meal was enough to calm the raging beast. The question was would it be enough to keep it that way? I was surprised to see her enter the kitchen with a smile on her face. She walked up to me wrapped her arms around me and kissed me.

“You’re making my favorite dinner!” My wife cooed into my ear.

I hugged her back and then held her out at arm’s length with my hands on her shoulders. “I am sorry for the way I acted last night darling. I got angry because I wanted to do something special for you on our anniversary. I never thought that you might have already made plans to use your time off.”

“It’s okay honey, I flew off the handle as well and I should have told you sooner about the trip to Atlantic City. So I am just as much to blame for last night as well.” Anna replied with a glint in her eye and a certain smirk that meant I was getting lucky tonight.

Normally I would love to have sex with my wife but now, I might not be having sex with a faithful wife. I am not sure how I will be able to get through having sex with her. I was definitely going to have to put on an act, however, I’m not sure if I will be able to rise to the action down below. I’ve had no problems in the past and if I do now, my wife might think something is wrong.

“Darling, dinner won’t be ready for another half hour. Why don’t head upstairs and change into something more comfortable. Your feet must be hurting from standing on those hard floors at school all day.” I suggested to my wife.

“Oh, yes. Wait a great idea. My feet do hurt a little” my wife agreed. She then gave me a quick kiss and made her way up the stairs. I quickly snatched up my phone and made a call.

“Marc, I need you to get me some Viagra and head over to my house ASAP! Meet me at the exterior door to my garage, I will be out to meet you as soon as I get the opportunity.” I ordered my senior team member. I hung up my phone thinking that this was definitely going to be the talk around the coffee maker tomorrow morning at the office.

I had no choice at this point, I had to get a chemical assist in the erection department tonight. We have always had a healthy sex life. Sure it has dropped down to two or three nights a week now, but we were still going at it quite regularly after all these years. To suddenly have erectile dysfunction would certainly raise suspicion.

About a half hour later we settled down to dinner, I served my wife a nice Merlot with her food. Not being a wine drinker myself I had lemon water, not wanting to mix any alcohol with the Viagra. Thankfully Anna was not focused on what I was drinking to think anything of it. Instead, she talked about her day at school and some of the ridiculous things that her kids did.

We talked of the usual things, like what sort of projects around the house needed to be done and how we would need to stock up on more food soon for when the twins come home for their summer break. Eventually, we finished our meal and I began cleaning the table.

When I bent over my wife from behind to grab her plate she wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered in my ear. “Care to join me upstairs for a little fun? I’ll put on something sexy for you!”

“Mmm… how could I turn down such a wonderful invitation from a gorgeous young lady,” I whispered back to her. She giggled like a schoolgirl. “Let me clean up real quick and I’ll be up as soon as I can.” I then kissed her and gave her a little reach around, squeezing her right breast.

After I grabbed her plate, she got up and walked out of the dining room adding some extra flare to the sway of her hips. At forty-nine she still had an amazingly tight ass. Once I was sure she was in our bedroom I raced out into the garage being extremely quiet. Marc was waiting and quickly handed off a bag with the Viagra I asked for.

I went back inside the kitchen and finished cleaning up and set the dishwasher. I headed for my den where I opened the box of Viagra and took out one of the plastic packages. I popped one of the little blue pills out of the foil backing and swallowed it. I then hid the box in a false book on my bookshelf and then made my way upstairs to our bedroom.

It was a damn good thing that I got the Viagra. When I entered our bedroom my wife was partially sitting up, wearing a red crotchless teddie. The lace half cups barely contained her 36C breasts, the tops of her areolas were visible. Her legs were bent up and spread wide, her pussy lips parted and glistening with her juices. No man would not get hard walking in on such a fine and beautiful creature.

The Viagra was doing its job because I was getting hard and it was becoming too uncomfortable to be wearing pants. “Honey, why don’t you get out of those clothes and come have some pie for dessert.” My wife suggested in a very seductive voice.

I shed my shirt and undershirt at the same time and dropped them on the floor. I undid my belt, unbuttoned the top of my pants, and unzipped them. With a little more freedom for my hardening penis, I balanced on one leg and removed my left shoe and sock. Then I switched to the other leg and did the same. Putting my thumb in the waistband of both my pants and underwear, I pushed them down.

My stiff eight-inch cock sprang up as my pants fell down to the floor. I stepped out of them and kicked them away and then climbed up on our bed and inched my way up to my wife and settled my face between her legs. She was definitely hot and bothered as her scent wafted into my nostrils. It was a beautiful scent that I had come to know and love; but now, I was unsure of that love.

For the briefest of seconds as I looked into the pretty little bald pussy belonging to my wife. My stomach churned at the thought that I was about to eat the pussy that has been mine for almost thirty years and now may have had some other guy’s dick in it. I almost wretched at the thought. I quickly got my act together and licked my wife’s pussy top to bottom and giving her clit a little nip with my teeth.

She moaned and squirmed as I gave it my all. It was as important now as it ever has that I get my wife off. She must not think that anything is wrong or it could screw up the investigation. As I gorged myself on the juices flowing from my wife, I reached up with my right hand pulling down the half cups of the teddie exposing her tits.

I groped them and played with her nipples, kneading her breasts. Tugging and twisting. All the while I continued eating her out, bringing her to three or four orgasms before she pushed my head away. “Too much baby, stop please!” Anna cried out, “Climb up here so that I can return the favor.

I moved up on the bed, standing on my knees I offered my hard cock to my wife. She gripped my shaft with her left hand and moved her head placing the tip of my cock to her lips. Opening her mouth she slipped her tongue out, she licked around the head before swallowing half of my cock. She began bobbing her mouth as she swiped her tongue from side to side, licking my shaft as she sucked.

Her right hand came about and cupped my balls. She began to gently knead and massage them while her left hand slightly stroked the other half of my cock that she could not get in her mouth. Even though I was faking my emotional enjoyment, the physical enjoyment was beginning to wear me down.

“Babe! I’m getting real close to cumming,” I warned her. Hearing this she doubled her efforts. Soon I felt my balls draw up and prepare to release my sperm. She could feel I was close and almost completely withdrew her mouth from my cock, she kept a little more than just the head in her mouth and used her tongue to lash out at my frenulum.

That set me off and my jizz erupted out of my dick into the waiting mouth of my wife. To her credit she never missed a drop, sucking every last bit she could, swallowing it. Her mouth pulled off my knob to a resounding pop. I sat back on my legs enjoying the physical relief of releasing a load of cum into my wife’s stomach.

“Mmmm, mmmm. Tasty!” Anna exclaimed as she licked her lips and smiled at me. She got up on her knees, leaned in, and kissed me. Her tongue parted my lips and began to dance with mine, I could taste my cum on her tongue. Moving my hand between her legs I began to play with her clit and she quickly wrapped one of her hands around my shaft and began stroking.

“Looks like you’re ready to go another round already,” she affirmed.

“Always for you, my love,” I answered her. I gently pushed her away and brought my head down to her beautiful tits. I kissed around the nipple of her left breast, then flicked the nipple with the tip of my tongue before moving over to her right breast. I followed suit on her right breast. This time after I flicked her nipple, I sucked it into my mouth. As I sucked her nipple, I swirled my tongue around it.

This caused my wife to moan quite loudly. As I alternated my assault on her her tits, I inserted two fingers in her snatch and started pumping them in and out. On the inward stroke of my finger, I made sure to rub my palm against her clit vigorously. Her moaning was non-stop, and she began thrusting her pussy into my hand and gyrating her hips.

Within seconds her body shook and she came all over my hand. She wrapped her arms around me as she panted for air. Eventually, she husked into my ear, “I need your big cock inside me right now!”

I pushed her onto her back and spread her legs wide. I shimmied up between her legs and placed the head of my cock at her entrance. Grasping my cock in my hand I began rubbing it up and down through her wet pussy lips. Her hips began to thrust in wanton desire. I took my dick and slapped her clit with it. She shrieked in joy.

I lined up my cock and then rammed it into her cunt, hitting her cervix. “Oh FUCKKKK!’ My wife screamed. I just grunted as I let my anger to the surface and began fucking her for all I was worth. She moaned and moaned loving every second of it. She egged me on and I reciprocated by plowing into her as hard as I could.

She came hard around my cock, her pussy walls clamping down on me. Once her orgasm subsided, I pulled out and flipped her over bringing her to her knees. Then I slammed my dick back into her cunt, fucking her like a dog; like a bitch in heat. Having just cum a few minutes before I knew that I could go for a while now without cumming.

I continued to pummel her womb with my cock for another ten minutes or so, bringing my wife to multiple orgasms. When I could feel that I was getting close, I once again flipped my wife over. With her on her back again I took her legs and put them on my shoulders. Pushing my dick back into her snatch, I put my upper body weight on her legs practically bending my wife in half.

I began sawing in and out of her twat like a man possessed. The sound of our skin slapping together as I fucked her almost drowned out her pleading screams.

“That’s it! Fuck me! FUCK ME!” My wife screamed as I drilled her cunt.

“I’m going to destroy your fucking cunt and then I’m going to fill it full of my cum!” I shouted.

“YES! YES!” She screamed, “Destroy my cunt and fill it with your seed!”

I pounded her pussy now with reckless abandon, the closer I got to cumming the harder I was slamming her snatch. A few hard and deep strokes later, I buried my cock into her cunt. My cock twitched as I shot rope after rope of cum deep inside my wife. Her pussy trembled around my shaft as she came. I eased back letting Anna’s legs fall to either side of me, with my cock still inside her pussy we both were panting trying to catch our breath.

Anna had a very sated smile on her face, “That was great.”

I just smiled at her and withdrew my cock from her pussy. Her cunt lips were gaping wide as my jizz began to flow out and down her ass crack. My dick was still rock hard, this Viagra shit was no fucking joke. Reaching up to my wife’s shoulders, I took hold of one shoulder strap of her teddie and ripped it apart. Then I grabbed the remaining shoulder strap and ripped it off as well.

“SEAN!” My wife yelled. I pulled the teddie down to her waist and then I got up and straddled her stomach, flopping my cock in between her breasts. I grabbed both of her tits and mashed them together over my dick. Using the mixture of my cum and Anna’s juices as lube I began to fuck my wife’s titties.

It felt great having her beautiful tits wrapped around my cock. Her nipples hardened under my grasp, she was getting turned on again. As I fucked her tits, I repositioned my hands so that I could play with her nipples as I fucked her bountiful mounds. I twisted, pulled, and pinched her nips as I slid my cock between her breasts.

Anna was really getting into it as she bent her head forward and opened her mouth, so as I pushed up between her tits she would suck my cock into her mouth. She would suck hard each upward pass, cleaning my cum and hers of the head of my dick. The added sensation of my wife’s mouth was drawing me closer to another release.

I gave my wife’s nipples a good squeeze, she screamed out and began to shake as she had another orgasm. I pumped my cock a few more times and let go of her tits as my balls erupted. My cum lanced out of my dick, landing on her tits and her face. Anna jerked at first surprised at my jizz hitting her face, then she just smiled her eyes closed as they were covered in sperm.

I climbed off my wife feeling an incredible need to take a piss. I went into our ensuite bath, and over to the toilet. I lifted the seat up, took hold of my dick, and realized it was still fucking hard. There was no way I could piss with it hard, so I started stroking my cock furiously. I needed my erection to subside as I really felt the build-up in my bladder.

I jacked off like a teenager looking at his first girly magazine. I put my left arm up resting my hand on the wall behind the toilet as my right arm pistoned my hand up and down my cock. Again I felt my balls tighten up and then explode, I pumped my right hand as I aimed at the toilet bowl. My load shot out of my shaft and into the water.

My body trembled and I struggled to keep myself upright as my balls emptied themselves. I kept stroking my dick squeezing as much cum out as possible until finally I started going soft. Then my bladder let loose, I sighed a long satisfying sigh as my bladder was finally able to empty itself. I gave myself a shake, flushed the toilet, and cleaned myself off.

Walking back into our bedroom my wife was fast asleep, legs splayed open oozing cum. I crept up to her nightstand and grabbed her phone. I then went downstairs and pulled her school laptop out of her school bag and took it into my den.

As I sat down in my leather office chair I realized that I was still naked. Oh well, no time to worry about that now. I opened her laptop and turned it on, then opening my desk drawer I pulled out a flash drive and plugged it in. The flash drive began to run its program to crack the password to the laptop.

While the flash drive was doing its thing I plugged my wife’s cell phone into a work cell phone which then began the process of cloning. As her devices were being accessed and all information on them being retrieved, I took a couple of the pens that record audio and went out to the living room where Anna had left her purse and put one of the pens inside. Then I placed the remaining pen into her school bag.

Upon returning to my den both the laptop and cell phone had been unlocked and cloned. With the laptop now unlocked, I swapped out the flash drive with another that would install spyware that was undetectable by any virus scan software currently on the market. Now whenever the laptop connected to the internet any new information would be sent to the cloud where we could access it.

As the flash drive was hard at work, I took my wife’s cell phone and downloaded a ghost app. The ghost app would find a current app that was always in use and embed itself in it so it would not be seen. This app worked just like the spyware that was being installed on the laptop. A few minutes later and everything was in place. I put the flash drive with the data from my wife’s laptop and the cloned phone into my briefcase to bring to work with me. I put the laptop back in Anna’s school bag and went back to our bedroom, where I plugged her cell phone back into its charger. I looked at my cum covered wife and had the desire to clean her up.

I went to our bathroom and filled a small basin with warm water and soap. Along with a washcloth I went back to our bed and gently cleaned up my wife. After I emptied the basin into the sink and washed and rinsed the washcloth and basin. I went back to my wife, carefully picked her up, and moved her so I could peel back her side of the bed covers.

I then moved her to her side of the bed and pulled the comforter over her. I shut off the light on her nightstand, and then the main bedroom light. Going over to my side of the bed I opened the comforter up and sat down on the bed. Then I turned off my nightstand light, laid down, and went to sleep.

My 5:00 a.m. alarm woke me from a sound sleep. I reached over with my right and shut off the alarm. My wife had herself wrapped over me hanging on for dear life, so carefully I began to extricate myself from her clutches. Eventually, I found my freedom and headed into our bathroom. It was like the autopilot engaged, my Marine Corps. training took over.

I was out of the bathroom after the standard military fifteen minutes to shave, shit, shower, and shine. By 5:30 a.m. I was dressed had my briefcase on the kitchen table and had started the water for my tea, I also turned on the coffee pot so the coffee would be ready for Anna when she got up.

After the workout from last night, I decided on a fairly hearty breakfast. Grabbing all I needed from the refrigerator and the pantry I started making a couple of Western omelets, toast, and some sliced fruit. Just as I finished laying breakfast out on the table my wife hobbled in quite bow-legged and looking a little ragged.

“Sit down and I will get you some coffee,” I suggested to Anna.

She said nothing and made her way to her seat and sat down. I brought over her coffee and a glass of orange juice and placed them by her breakfast. She leaned up and kissed me on the cheek.

“Thank you for cleaning me up last night,” she said to me as I straightened up. “You really wore me out.”

“I was in rare form last night for sure,” I chuckled and then thought to myself, next time I’m only taking half a Viagra.

“Thank you for making breakfast this morning,” my wife added.

“You’re welcome,” I replied and then sat down to eat. We both ate in relative silence which was fairly normal for us, as to an extent we were both still waking up. Once I had finished eating I started cleaning and filling the dishwasher. Anna brought over her dishes and handed them to me.

“Since it’s Friday, do you want to go out to dinner tonight?” Anna asked.

“Will you be up to it? You’re walking quite gingerly this morning, people might talk.” I answered back with a smirk on my face.

“I could care less what about a bunch of strangers say. I’m more worried about what everyone will think at school.” She said with a partially concerned look.

“Well, I’m sure the girls will want details at lunch,” I stated.

Anna lightly slapped my arm. “Probably,” she said. She then pulled my face to hers and she gave me a passionate kiss. “I’m going to go take a shower and see about cleaning out my vagina as much as I can. I don’t need a bunch of your cum leaking out of me all day.”

“I bet that would be harder to explain than you walking bow-legged all day” I added.

“Most definitely,” she replied. “See you tonight, and have a good day at work. Love you!” She kissed me again and started to head upstairs.

“You have a good day at work too!” I said as she started climbing the stairs. I don’t think she even noticed that I didn’t tell her that I loved her back.

After I finished setting the dishwasher, I grabbed my briefcase and phone and headed to the garage. Once I got behind the wheel of my car I breathed a sigh of relief as I made it through another interaction with my wife hopefully without giving it away that I knew something was going on.

The drive to work was an uneventful traffic-filled morning like usual. Near bumper-to-bumper traffic, horns honking, middle fingers waving. A typical drive in a suburb of Washington D.C. I always felt relieved as I entered the parking garage at work, I could switch into work mode and leave everything else in the world outside.

Entering my teams’ office suite, I was not surprised that everyone was gathered around the coffee pot and that the conversation had stopped. I closed the door behind me. I knew full well that they all probably worked straight through the night and watched the video of my wife’s and mine’s sexual escapades last night.

“Spit it out and get it over with!” I suggested, noticing that they were all chomping at the bit.

“Well it’s kind of hard to say boss,” Marc snickered.

“Looked like you had a rough time of it boss,” said Justin trying not to laugh.

“That’s what she said!” Mike blurts out garnering a laugh from everyone, I almost laughed too. Then I looked to Sharon, the only member of my team not to say anything yet.

“Well boss, after what I saw. If things don’t work out with your wife… I’m available.” Sharon said looking me straight in the eye and as serious as a heart attack. I actually felt flattered because Sharon was good-looking.

“Everyone done?” I asked. They all looked at each other and said nothing. “Now that that is out of your systems, Sit Rep (situation report) my office in ten minutes.” I walked into my office, closed the door, and sat down at my desk. I took out the flash drive that had the copied data from Anna’s laptop and the cloned phone from my briefcase.

I almost burst out laughing, if it had been anyone else but me they were talking about I would have laughed along with them. That comment from Sharon, was very unexpected and maybe something I should keep in mind. I took a few minutes to gather myself and my thoughts as my computer booted up.

A few minutes later my team strolled into my office. Sharon went over to the 72-inch flat screen on my wall and turned it on, this gave my team the ability to cast information on their tablets so everyone could see it.

“Marc, what do you got?” I asked.

“Justin and I got into the school late last night, it was really quite easy. Probably ought to let someone know that security sucks there. Anyway, we snooped around and didn’t find anything of importance. We also set up audio and video feeds in all the areas that your wife and her friends would be.” Marc replied, “We also set up in a few other areas that may or may not be areas of concern as a precaution.

Justin and I ran background checks on all school employees as well as checking social media on them and came up with nothing of note. Once we are done here Justin and I will go to the girlfriends’ homes and put in some audio recorders.”

“Very good. Mike?”

“I think Sharon should present what she has first,” answered Mike.

“Okay, Sharon?”

“I looked into financials for your wife and her three friends. About four and a half years ago, the four of them all opened up bank accounts at institutions separate from their spouses. At the same time, they also opened up P.O. Boxes.” Sharon stated. This was not looking good. “I also did background checks and looked through their social media accounts. Everything turned up clean other than the bank accounts and P.O. Boxes.”

“Anything else?” I questioned.

“Not at the moment boss,” answered Sharon.

“Alright Mike, your turn?”

“I found next to nothing with the places on the list you gave us. They do go to some of those places occasionally but not very often and when they do there doesn’t seem to be anything hinky going on.” Mike noted. Once Sharon got into their financials I was able to find out where they were really going most of the time.

“They weren’t venturing too far away. They pretty much stuck around the Hilton Garden Inn in Falls Church. Plenty of restaurants and bars within walking distance of the hotel, which also has a bar. It appears from security footage at these places, that they would arrive and then go to the restrooms to change. After changing they would then wait at either the bar or at tables waiting for men to hit on them. When all four of them had a man they would go to the hotel.”

Mike then nodded to Sharon and she began to speak again. “Apparently they were being frugal with their money as only one of them would get a hotel room for the night and the others would join up with them after a room was secured. They also rotated who would pay for the hotel room.”

“According to the hotel, the rooms they always rented would have two full beds. So it looked like they would share,” Mike added. “The men would usually leave a few hours later followed by the girls about an hour after. The girls would also change back into the clothes they started out with and then head home. The next morning whoever got the hotel room would then go back to the hotel and turn in the room key.”

“Mike and I will continue looking into the surveillance footage and ID the men that they hook up with run them through our databases and do background checks,” Sharon stated.

“As of right now, it doesn’t appear that they have any steady men that they meet up with. But we haven’t been able to get through a lot of footage yet.” Mike imparted.

“Okay then. Everyone carry on as you have planned for the rest of the day.” I commented. “Then take the weekend off and let the computers do what they are supposed to. I have golf tomorrow morning with the girls’ husbands, I will see what they know. If I get something of importance I’ll be in touch. Dismissed!”

The team left my office and I thought about all the information I just absorbed about my wife’s adultery. So this all started shortly after girls’ night began and they were all in on it together. The secret bank account makes sense as well. My wife’s summer job is at a retail store where she gets paid based on commission. So when the amount of money she was depositing decreased, I was told that business was not as good.

I was going to have to do some subtle prying tonight at dinner and see if I could get any more information about the Atlantic City trip. I also had my weekly golf game tomorrow morning with the husbands. I will ask what they know about the trip as well. The weekly golf game also gave the girls a chance to drop off the hotel key card without any of the husbands knowing about it.

They had this planned out pretty well, I can’t help but wonder who the brains of the operation is. I’m also quite sure the guys will find it very interesting that their wives are stepping out on them as well. I will hold on to that information until I am ready to release it to them.

My day proceeded like any other after I accepted the facts for what they were. I compartmentalized my wife’s cheating and moved on. I notified my boss of what we had found so far and promised to keep him abreast of any other developments. He told me that even though he thought there was no outside interference from other nations or criminal organizations, to continue with the investigation until I was satisfied both personally and professionally.

I appreciated that he would give me the leeway to continue with the investigation even if it was mostly for personal reasons at this point. I’m sure he took into consideration that Virginia is an at-fault state with divorces, so the more evidence of infidelity I have the better the outcome for me in the divorce. Soon it was time for me to go home and meet up with my lying, cheating wife for dinner.

When I walked into our house from the breezeway, I realized that I had no longer loved my wife. I didn’t really care if I found out why she cheated on me or not. I just wanted out of my marriage with the best possible outcome for me. Until then all I had to do was act like the same old loving husband, I had been up until 3 days ago.

“Honey, I’m home!” I shouted as I closed the door behind me.

“I’m almost done getting ready,” Anna shouted back from upstairs.

I went into my den dropped off my briefcase on my desk and grabbed one of the pens that records audio. Putting the pen in my breast pocket, I quickly ran up the stairs and into our bedroom to use the bathroom to freshen up a bit. My wife was sitting at her make-up desk applying her face. She really didn’t need make-up and I told her that all the time, but she still wore it anyway.

I decided that I was going to have fun with the situation as much as I could. She was wearing a nice light blue dress that accentuated her bosom, showing off a bit of cleavage. The dress wasn’t long, but it wasn’t short either. The way she sat currently presented a lot of thigh. I walked over to her, leaned down, and ran my hand up the inside of her thigh.

She jumped at the unexpected touch. I ran my hand up to her pussy, I cupped it with my hand. She gasped. “Sean!” My wife husked.

I began rubbing her mons and applying pressure to her clit as I whispered in her ear, “How’s my pussy tonight?”

Anna moaned and pushed her hips up creating more pressure on her clit. Then she took hold of my hand and pushed it away. “Sean, if you keep doing that I will soak through my panties and dress before we go out for dinner” she stated.

I stood up rested my hands on her shoulders and looked at her through the mirror in front of us. “I don’t see a problem with that.” I declared.

She looked at me with both lust and uncertainty in her eyes before she spoke again. “Please Sean, can we wait til later? Besides, I’m still quite sore and tender from last night.”

Leaning over her again, I place my hand back on her thigh. Placing my mouth to her ear I say, “You know the best way to make the soreness go away is to work it out,” and I start moving my hand towards her mons again. She pushes back almost instantly.

“Sean, we have reservations in forty minutes. We have to get going.” She ordered. I breathed out a sigh of fake disappointment and then made my way to the bathroom.

While we were on the way to Sweetwater Tavern, one of our favorite restaurants. I began to tease my wife some more and placed my hand on her thigh as I drove. Once again she jumped a little but said nothing. So I began to caress her thigh, and after a few moments, she placed her left hand on mine. She gave it a light squeeze and just let her hand rest on mine as I continued to caress her.

When I pulled into the parking lot at Sweetwater it was quite full and I had to park almost at the very back of the lot. I checked the time on the console clock, it was 6:51 p.m. We still had a few minutes before our 7:00 p.m. reservation. I opened my wife’s door and helped her out, then I escorted her into the restaurant. We only had to wait a minute or two before we were escorted to a table.

“I hope a booth is okay?” The hostess questioned as she presented us with a booth at the end of the booths on the far wall.

“It’s perfect,” I replied. I assisted Anna into the booth and then joined her on the same side instead of taking a seat across the table from her. My wife leaned against my shoulder and took hold of my arm. The hostess smiled and placed menus on the table in front of us. Then she informed us that a waiter would be around shortly.

We looked over the menu deciding what to have for dinner as the waiter showed up with some iced water. He asked us if we were ready to order and we asked for a few more minutes to decide. He removed the extra place settings and informed us he would be back in a few minutes to take our order.

True to his word, the waiter returned about five minutes later. My wife ordered the Wood Grilled Chicken Breast with roasted green beans and mushrooms over angel hair pasta with brown butter sauce. She also ordered a glass of Bordeaux wine. I ordered the Drunken Ribeye which is marinated in a pale ale, with roasted mushrooms and mashed potato. Still opting not to have any alcohol mainly because I was driving, I ordered a sweet tea.

As we waited for our food, I moved my right hand to my wife’s thigh again. She did not jump at all, however, she wrapped her left arm to my right and laid her head on my shoulder. I took this as a sign of contentment and lightly caressed the inside of her thigh. Feeling no pushback at all I decided now would be a good time to see if I could get some information out of her regarding her trip to Atlantic City.

“Darling,” I said loud enough for her to hear me over the other customers talking and the light music playing.

“Yes, my love.” She cooed into my ear.

“I was wondering if you and the girls have your itinerary planned out for your trip to Atlantic City.” I calmly asked.

“For the most part. Why do you ask?” She stated and then followed up with her own question. She did not seem concerned or alarmed, which was good.

“I was just wondering, in case maybe I wanted to send you and the girls some flowers or wine one night,” I answered.

“Oh, that’s so sweet of you!” She replied and gave my right arm a strong but caring hug. “Emily has all the specifics and booked the hotel room for us. I will make sure you get the itinerary before we leave.”

“That would be great,” I declared. “Maybe I will convince the guys tomorrow to throw in with me and we can get you girls an expensive bottle of bubbly.”

“You are so thoughtful!” Responded Anna as she kissed me on the cheek.

Deciding not to press the issue after learning that Emily booked the hotel, that was good enough to know where to begin in Atlantic City. I now went back to my having fun. As I caressed the inside of my wife’s thigh, I began edging my way closer to her mons. Anna inhaled rather sharply as my hand brushed against her clit. Like earlier in the evening I began rubbing her over her panties and applying pressure to her clit.

Her soft innocent moans were barely audible to me with her head resting on my shoulder. Her breathing increased slightly as I continued my ministrations on her panty-covered vagina. My idea was to make her want me more than ever. I knew that she was fully committed to her cheating at this point and would not back out of whatever was planned for Atlantic City.

That being said, I wanted to build up her want and need for me so great over the next three months that she would be utterly destroyed when I announce that we were getting divorced. Anna began grinding against my palm and I could feel the dampness weeping out into her panties. I slipped my fingers into the edge of her panties and pulled them to the side, then I pushed two fingers into her pussy.

She gasped and her breathing quickened, she began to squirm as my fingers plunged in and out of her box. I looked over at her as I could now hear my fingers making squishy noises as they fucked her pussy, which was getting wetter and wetter by the minute. The swell of my wife’s breasts as her chest heaved as her breathing got heavier was a sight to behold.

Her moaning was getting louder as well as the squishing of my fingers as I quickened my pace. I broke my gaze from her heaving chest and looked around at the other booths around us. Most of them were too engrossed in their meals or discussions to notice what was going on at our booth. Diagonally across from us was a young man staring right at us with a grin on his face.

I smiled and gave a little head nod, he nodded back. I then devoted my full attention back to my wife and fingering her snatch. I could tell Anna was getting closer as she began to thrust her hips into my fingers. I looked up and saw from across the room that our waiter was heading our way with our meal. I plunged my fingers in one last time and attacked my wife’s G-spot.

I saw her right hand shoot above the table, quickly grasping the cloth napkin and inserting it into her mouth just as she came on my fingers. She stifled a loud moan with the napkin and her pussy gushed all over my hand. She came so hard and her juices were so plentiful that I was sure I heard it dripping off the bench onto the floor.

I calmly sat there not moving my fingers that were still embedded in my wife’s pussy. She placed the napkin down just as the waiter stopped at our table and began placing our meal before us. He told us he would return with more water for us and took his leave. The man at the booth gave me a quick thumbs-up and went back to conversing with the others at his table.

Anna was beginning to get her breath under control. I slowly withdrew my drenched hand from between her legs and wiped my hand on my pants, I was glad I wore a black suit to work today. Anna squeezed my right arm tighter garnering my attention.

She looked into my eyes, “That was so bad, but it felt oh so good!” With her right hand, she pulled my face to hers and she gave me a small passionate kiss. I made sure to kiss her back with an equal amount of passion. Breaking our kiss she lightly spoke again, “Sean honey, my panties and dress are thoroughly soaked. I can feel my juices running down my legs and into my shoes!”

I grinned at her and said, “Sounds like someone had a lot of fun to me.”

“I did,” she responded. “I’m so going to reciprocate later.” Then she kissed me again.

Neither one of us was able to finish our meal. The portions here are very generous. As we waited for our leftovers to be returned to us with my debit card and receipt, Anna began rubbing my crotch and to my amazement, I began to get hard without the Viagra. Even though I wasn’t in love with her anymore, I guess I was still in lust for her. At forty-nine she was still drop-dead gorgeous.

The waiter returned a few minutes later with our doggie bag and my credit card. After leaving a tip and signing the slip, I moved out of the booth and stood up. I extended my hand to help my wife up and as she stood up I looked at the rear end of her dress and it was definitely soaked. The light blue material was considerably darker with it being wet and anyone could tell that it was wet as well.

I looked under the table and there was a small puddle of my wife’s juices. Grabbing the doggie bag with my right hand and then switching to my left. I presented my right arm to Anna and she took hold of it and wrapped hers around mine and I escorted her out. She wore that wet dress as a badge of honor and really accentuated the sway of her hips as we left.

Anyone looking at her wet dress would think of maybe three reasons why it was damp. A spilled drink, accidental urination, or what actually happened. Only three of us that night knew for sure. Although people may have been paying more attention to the tent in front of my pants as we left.

No sooner than we were out the door of the restaurant and breathing in the fresh spring night air, Anna unraveled her arm from mine and shoved her hand down the front of my pants. I almost dropped the doggie bag. She grabbed my cock and began stroking it as we slowly made our way to the back of the lot where we had parked. I could not move that quickly with her jacking me off.

By the time we made it to the car, I was incredibly turned on and just had to have my wife. Dropping the doggie bag on the ground, I took her hand out of my pants. Then I spun her around so she was facing me, I lifted her dress above her waist and then yanked her panties down. I grabbed her luscious ass with both hands and lifted her onto the hood of my car.

I quickly unzipped my pants and pulled my hard dick out, Anna spread her legs and I fed my log to her beaver. As I fucked her in earnest, she leaned into me and we kissed. Her tongue parted my lips and joined mine in a joyous dance of pure carnal lust. I pumped away in her pussy, the squelching of her wetness echoing through the parking lot along with the slapping of flesh.

Without a care about anyone else around us, we fucked like teenagers trying to get off before curfew. She broke our kiss so that she could catch her breath, seizing the opportunity I pushed her back down on the hood. Then I grabbed both of her dress’s shoulder straps and pulled them down over her shoulders, I continued pulling them down until her tits popped free.

I watched as her nipples instantly hardened in the cool night air. My hands grabbed her bountiful orbs and squeezed them. “Oh God!” Escaped my wife’s lips as I played with her gorgeous full breasts. She began moaning quite loudly as I fucked her cunt, I could feel the front of my pants getting wet.

“Oh Fuck. Thats it. Keeping fucking me. It feels so good,” Anna pleads. Her moans grow in intensity, I can tell she is getting close and I’m not that far away either. Removing my hands from my wife’s tits, I grabbed onto her hips to hold her in place as I pick up my pace fucking her cunt. I watch as her boobs bounce in an almost circular motion from the hard fucking she is getting.

Her moans are becoming very loud now, I can barely hear our bodies slapping together. I can feel Anna’s vaginal walls getting tighter, I start pounding her harder. “Yes! YES! I’m cumming!” She shouts as her pussy clamps down on my shaft. Her muscles ripple and began milking my cock. I feel the rush of her juices flowing out around my dick. It’s too much and I slam into her cunt one last time as I shoot my load deep inside her.

“Oh FUCKKKK! Fill my pussy with your spunk!” My wife screams. I groan loudly as I continue to unload inside of her. We both start to become aware of our surroundings again only to hear a bunch of clapping and whistling. My wife’s flesh turns deep red, I pull out of her pussy and my cum flows out mixing with her juices on the hood.

I quickly tuck my cock back in my pants, Anna is completely frozen in shock. I lift her and carry her to the passenger side of my car and set her inside amidst a round of cheers. I closed her door and then went around the front of the car grabbing the doggie bag and her panties off the ground. I quickly get in the car throwing the food and panties in the back seat.

I start up the car and pull out, heading to the exit of the parking lot. Once I get out onto the street and begin driving I glance over at my wife. The street lights show me that her skin is glowing, I also notice that her dress is still bunched up around her waist. Her tits are still on display and bouncing along with the contours of the road.

I look to where I’m driving and soon we hit a red light. Looking at my wife again, I see her legs are wide open and a pool of my cum has settled between her legs. Thankfully I have leather seats. I look up at my wife’s face and she is staring at me, she smiles.

“Thank you,” is all she says.

I think she is still in shock but gradually coming out of it. The light turns green and I’m back to driving, eventually, I have to use the windshield wipers and wash the windshield as a big glob of cum flew up the hood and splattered on the window. I chuckled and thought Anna might as well, but she was fast asleep.

When we got home I opened the doors to the breezeway and the house, then I carried Anna inside and up to our bedroom. I placed her on our bed, undressed her, and then cleaned her up for the second night in a row. Once I had her tucked in I went back to the garage where I grabbed the doggie bag from the back seat along with Anna’s panties which I put in my coat pocket.

I put the doggie bag on my workbench and then proceeded to clean off the car and then the passenger seat. About a half hour later I was done. Before heading back inside I put my golf clubs in the trunk of my car. I went inside, putting the leftovers in the refrigerator. Then I went up to our bedroom I put Anna’s panties in the clothes hamper.

I undressed and rinsed off my suit coat and pants and hung them up to be taken to the dry cleaners. Then I rinsed out my wife’s dress and put it in the clothes hamper as well. I quickly took a shower and then went to bed.

The next morning I got up and readied myself for golf with the guys as our wives would meet up for brunch. Anna got up shortly after and was in the shower when I was about ready to leave. So I made my way into our bathroom and slid the shower door open just enough to reach in and squeeze her ass. She jumped and squealed.

“Darling, I’m heading out to the golf course.”

“Okay Honey, have a great game!” She replied.

I found golf to be boring, the only reason why I played was to keep the status quo within our group of friends. Golfing with them was expected of me. I played pretty well, but it wasn’t exciting. The only part I enjoyed was hitting the 19th hole and having a beer or two afterward. I questioned the guys about the Atlantic City trip, they said they were told a few weeks ago about it and agreed that it sucked how I found out about it.

Frank suggested that we should go to a casino and do some gambling for the week while the wives were away. I wondered if maybe he was thinking of stepping out on Denise and using the three of us as a smoke screen for his indiscretions. I had told them that I was thinking it was time for a solo camping trip into the Appalachians.

They all agreed that it sounded like something that a retired jarhead would do. Tony and Dave told Frank a week-long gambling trip was too rich for them. They eventually agreed to get together for drinks and maybe dinner one of the nights that our wives were gone.

The rest of the weekend was fairly uneventful. When I got to the office Monday morning the team was already there and hard at work. I told Sharon to look into Emily’s financials to find out what hotel and room they were staying at as well as any other information that could be obtained.

The first thing I did after getting situated at my desk, was book an appointment with the company’s divorce attorney. Yes the C.I.A. has a divorce attorney on retainer. You wouldn’t believe how prevalent divorces are with spooks, and this guy was good at protecting the company as well as its agents.

I then went about setting up surveillance for this coming girls’ night out on Friday. It would be next to impossible to get video footage not knowing the room that they would occupy beforehand. It wasn’t possible, but I was saving that option for much later in the investigation. Until then we would settle for audio in the rooms and visual outside.

Around lunch time I called my eldest daughter Danielle. I told her since her mother’s and my twenty-fifth anniversary was coming up, that I thought it would be nice to throw a big party. Danielle agreed and we briefly worked out a small plan that would get us started. She told me she would enlist the help of her siblings and we would continue to plan on our lunch breaks so as to not raise suspicion with her mother.

The next two months went by as expected and nothing of national security came up in our investigation, which was a slight relief. Anna and friends continued to be sluts and I carried on as before, but still having sexual fun with my wife. I think she was enjoying becoming an exhibitionist. Her only request after the night at the tavern was that we travel a bit further from town. So that the chances of being caught by someone who could ruin her job were limited.

So branching out further from home and the warmer weather opened up our options. It had gotten to the point that Anna was begging me to take her out three to four times a week so that we could fuck in public. Most times we were never caught but we did have a lot of close calls and a few times we definitely had an audience. My wife had become insatiable.

Friday morning of the Atlantic City trip had finally arrived, I was packing my car for my solo camping trip and my wife still had not given me the itinerary for her week away. It was obvious that she didn’t want me in the know. The girls showed up in Veronica’s SUV as I finished packing up my car. I helped Anna with her bags, carrying them to the SUV and storing them in the back for her.

I closed the hatch and kissed my wife goodbye. “Have a great time Darling, enjoy the shows!” I said as she climbed into the SUV.

“I will Honey. See you in nine days. You have fun camping and please be careful.” Anna replied in turn.

I then leaned into the driver’s side window and addressed Veronica, Denise, and Emily. “Have fun girls and keep my beautiful bride out of trouble.” The girls giggled and they said that they would. After they backed out of the driveway and left, I went inside the house to make sure everything had been turned off. Once I was sure I had checked everything, I decided I should use the bathroom before I leave. After relieving myself, I went to the sink to wash my hands.

As I washed my hands I looked down at the countertop and made an interesting discovery. Sitting next to the porcelain toothbrush holder, were my wife’s birth control pills. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was intentional or an honest mistake, I was leaning towards a mistake as I don’t believe she would willingly chance exposing her infidelity by purposely getting pregnant.

Taking out my phone I open the camera app, go to settings, and enable the time and date stamp. Then I take a picture of the birth control pills sitting on the counter, satisfied with the evidence that my apparent absent-minded wife left behind. I then locked up our house and drove to work.

Mike was waiting for me in the parking garage. Marc, Justin, and Sharon were already in Atlantic City and were probably getting ready to bug the girls’ hotel room. I grabbed my bag containing the basic necessities and threw it into the van we were taking with us. We then hit the road and were on the way to witness the further destruction of my marriage.

We arrived at the same hotel as the girls, the Ocean Casino Resort. They had picked very well when choosing this place to stay, it had multiple bars, nightclubs, restaurants, and a casino. We had booked four rooms ourselves, one room was set up as our command center. Sharon had her room for her downtime, and Marc, Justin, and Mike had a room to share.

They insisted that I have a room to myself as they were sure there would be times that I would need to be by myself to decompress. I reluctantly agreed only because they were probably right. My team had already devised their rotating shifts for surveillance and sleep. I was mainly there strictly as a supervisor and an aggrieved husband. I didn’t need to be there for any other purpose.

I exited the van after applying some facial prosthetics to alter my appearance, a slightly larger nose, a mustache, a wig, and colored contacts. I was also wearing a different set of clothes, I had outfits for the whole week to support my undercover identity.

Mike and I grabbed our bags and proceeded to the room functioning as our command center. Marc opened the door and let us in. He then went and sat at a desk with a bunch of computer monitors showing multiple angles of the girls’ room and their bathroom. There were also cameras covering the hallway to their room in both directions, as well as cameras in the main lobby showing every entrance and exit.

From the monitors I could tell that the girls were all lying down in the two beds, they appeared to be sleeping. “Marc, Sit Rep?” I asked as I sat down on the edge of one of the two beds in our command center room.

“They arrived about an hour ago and decided to get some sleep before going out tonight,” Marc replied as he looked at this watch. “They are planning to get up in about five hours to get ready. Sharon is in her room sleeping and Justin is in our room sleeping as well.”

“Anything word on what their plans are for the evening,” I inquired.

“Dinner at one of the restaurants here at the hotel and then going to one of the bars afterward to pick up guys,” Marc stated.

I looked at my watch, five hours from now would be about 7:00 p.m. So they would have a late dinner probably around eight or so, then they were off to one of the bars to find their dates for the night. I was a little tired from our four-hour ride and if they were planning on making a late night of it I should get some rest as well.

“Okay, I’m going to my room to get a little shut-eye as well. Call me when they get up. Mike, you should get some shut-eye too. Marc, call Sharon, Justin, and Mike as well when the girls get up. As soon as they arrive, fill them in and then get some sleep.” I said giving my orders.

“You got it, boss!” Marc answered. He then got up and opened a case on one of the beds. He pulled out a small box and handed it to me, “Here’s your earpiece and mic, I also sent you an email to your secured address. It has the server link to the command center database, so you can review footage on your laptop this week anytime you want.”

“Thanks, Marc,” I replied and then let myself out and headed to my room.

It seemed like my head had just hit the pillow when my phone went off. Marc was calling, he informed me that the girls had just got up and were getting ready. I dragged myself out of bed and used the bathroom, and reapplied my disguise now with the nonprescription glasses for video footage. I got dressed and put in my earpiece and asked for an audio and video check. Given the all-clear, I made my way down to the lobby and found a seat that watched over the elevators.

I pulled my phone out and made like I was playing a game with it and it added to the illusion of the earpiece I had. Almost everyone these days has earbuds for listening to music and whatnot, so they did not draw the same attention as they used to.

A short while later I heard Sharon in my ear informing me that the girls had just left their room and were heading to the elevators. Sure enough, a few minutes later the four of them stepped out of the elevators dressed to the nines. Clearly, they had at some point swapped clothes out after they picked up Anna, as she had not packed any evening wear remotely as sexy as she now had on.

With my eyes, I followed them to the restaurant they chose for dinner. As they waited to be seated I got up and slowly made my way towards them. In my ear, Justin announces that he will be joining me for dinner, so I get a table for two after the girls have been seated. Justin soon sat down and we ordered a quick and light meal so that we would be finished eating before the girls.

As we would have no audio on them outside of their hotel room, it was imperative to have at least two of us to keep tabs on them. If one or two of them stepped away from the rest, one of us could stay behind as the other followed. Dinner was uneventful. The girls paid their bill and then went to the ladies’ room, after ten minutes they came out and proceeded to one of the bars.

The girls found a table over by a small dance floor. Justin and I split up as we followed the girls inside, I went and sat at the bar on the far end with a decent view of the girls’ table and dance floor. Justin found himself a small table in between the dance floor and the restrooms. I preferred sitting at the far end of a bar as generally, people would leave the lonely guy alone, especially if he looked like he was sulking.

The bar had two bartenders working, the one on my side was a cute redhead probably early thirties. She reminded me of a young Tawny Kitaen. “What can I get you?” She asked.

“Just a tonic with lime please,” I answered.

The bartender then made me a tonic with lime and placed it down in front of me. “Designated driver tonight?” She inquired.

“Yeah, something like that,” I muttered.

“Drinks on the house then,” she smiled.

“Thanks,” I said as I nodded my appreciation.

Over the next three hours, we watched my wife and her girlfriends dance and flirt with almost every guy that passed by their table. To their credit, they kept their drinking to a minimum while they were on the prowl. They were prepared for the hands-on dancing techniques that their male partners were using, I think my wife was groped more tonight than I groped her for the first months we were married.

It didn’t appear that they had any special type of man they were looking for, except they all made sure to check out what the men were packing as they danced. I guess I would find out later if they were all size queens or not, once I checked out the footage from their hotel room.

Things started slowing down in the bar around midnight, the girls I guess had decided on their prey for the evening. For the next hour, they all sat around their table talking, drinking, and being all lovey-dovey, kissy-feely. The cute bartender brought me another tonic and lime, I think maybe my fifth or sixth one of the evening.

With business winding down in the bar she would gravitate over to me more and more as she cleaned up. We would make idle chit-chat, pretty much the basic topics they teach in bartending school, keep the patron engaged enough to think that they are being listened to and hopefully you get a generous tip.

It was close to 1:00 a.m. when the girls grabbed their chosen dicks for the night and left the bar. Justin followed them out to see that they stayed in the hotel instead of going somewhere else. Having them stay in the hotel made things easier for us, but we were prepared to follow them elsewhere just in case.

I stayed behind as I was really not feeling up to watching the festivities right now. With my job done for the night, I relaxed and completely slouched down and sighed. Apparently, my sigh was too loud and it drew the attention of my red-headed bartender.

“You weren’t a designated driver were you?” She asked.

“That obvious huh? Don’t worry I’ll pay for the drinks.” I offered.

“Nah, the drinks are still on the house. And yes it’s pretty obvious now that you’re the only customer here now.” She stated.

I chuckled, “I suppose that is quite obvious isn’t it.”

“So Hon, what’s your story?” She wondered.

“Well to be honest I was spying on my wife and her friends” I answered, seeing no harm in being partially honest. Especially since no one else was around. The bartender did not seem surprised, hell its probably a weekly occurrence here. I was starting to feel confined by my disguise. I pulled off my wig, followed by my mustache.

She stood there without the slightest bit of shock on her face, that was until I peeled off my prosthetic nose. I put the wig, mustache, and nose into the pockets of my sport coat. I felt so much better.

“I take it things must be pretty serious for a get-up like that.” She commented.

“Yeah, my wife is cheating on me,” I replied. “Those four women who left a few minutes ago with those men, that was them. They are heading upstairs to have an orgy!”

“Oh dear!” She exclaimed and she placed a hand on top of mine. “I can only imagine how tough that must be for you. What are you going to do?

“Well, I never thought she would betray me. I certainly wasn’t prepared for how I found out.” I remarked. “I have already started the divorce process, I just need more solid evidence for it.”

“Would you like to talk about it? It might make you feel better.” As she asked this I looked into her eyes. I hadn’t noticed her cool emerald eyes before, they were breathtaking and most importantly the look she gave me was of complete sincerity.

“I wouldn’t want to bore you with it,” I mumbled.

She squeezed my hand, “Darling I still have another forty minutes before I close up and my cleaning is all done. I don’t mind you bending my ear if you want to let loose. My name is Michelle by the way, but you can call me Shelly if you like.”

“Thank you, Shelly. My name is Sean,” I responded.

I don’t know why exactly, but I found her to be very comforting. So over the next thirty or so minutes, I explained everything to her of course excluding anything to have to do with me working for the C.I.A. I told her that I had hired a private investigator and I was here this week with him to observe firsthand what my wife and her friends were up to.

“So now I am dreading going back to my room and watching the video that the P.I. is filming,” I commented to Shelly.

“Sean… if you like, I can come up and watch it with you. So you don’t have to go through it alone,” Shelly offered.

“I… I…” stuttered as my mind went blank.

“Boss!” I hear Sharon in my ear. “Hey boss, she is really into you. She hasn’t broken eye contact with you once since you started telling her about Anna cheating on you. She also hasn’t moved her hand from yours either.”

“I… I…” I am so unsure.

“I’ve already run a background check on her boss, she’s divorced. Three years ago. Her husband cheated on her and got her best friend pregnant.” Sharon said into my ear. “She’s been there before, take her up on her offer.”

“I… I…”

“It’s okay,” Shelly says with a look of dejection in her beautiful emerald eyes. “I understand, I get it.” She begins to pull away.

“GO FOR IT!” I hear being shouted in my ear from all four of my team.

“No!” I gasp. Shelly stops and looks into my eyes once more. “I’d… I’d… really appreciate your company!” I managed to blurt out.

I was rewarded with a big beautiful smile. “Well alright. Give me a few minutes to close up then.”

I stood up, reached into my inside pocket, and pulled out my wallet. I took a twenty-dollar bill out and handed it to Shelly. “For the great service tonight and keeping a cool glass of tonic in front of me all night.” I smile and then say, “I’ll be waiting out in the lobby for you.”

“Thank you. I’ll be right out” Shelly says as she pockets the twenty.

I head out into the lobby and lean against the wall next to the bar.

“Good decision boss!” I heard from Sharon.

“Thanks for the push, you guys!” I say low so as to not draw attention.

“Not a problem boss!” They all answer.

A few minutes later Shelly appears and lowers the security gate to the bar and locks it. I present my arm to her, she wraps her arm around mine and we head up to my room. We acquaint ourselves with each other along the way, trading facts about our lives. Eventually, we make it to my room and we go inside, I clear off the bed so that we have a place to sit while we watch the orgy in my wife’s room.

I take off my suit coat and the video recording glasses as well as my earpiece. Making sure that I have turned them both off. On the desk, I open up the case for my colored contacts, remove them from my eyes, and place them back in their container. I turn to look at Shelly and her mouth is agape.

“You have the most stunning blue eyes, I have ever seen.” She exclaims.

“I could say the same about your green eyes” I stated. We both blushed.

I go to the mini-fridge and offer Shelly a drink, she asks for a beer and I grab one myself. I then turn on the TV and set up my laptop, I use a VPN to secure my connection. Then I cast to the big screen. I pull up my email and see Marc has sent a new email so that it looks like it’s from a P.I. My team really is the best, the link takes me right to the footage so I don’t need to log on to our server and possibly expose that I’m a C.I.A. agent.

I hesitate to start the video. Shelly grabs my hand, “It’s okay, we can talk a bit longer until you’re ready.”

“Thanks,” I say as I give her hand a little squeeze. So we talked for a while. I don’t know how long for, but Shelly already feels like a best friend to me. Finally, I decided it was time to get it over with and see what my wife and her friends have been up to.

“I think, I’m ready,” I say to Shelly.

She grips my hand tight and smiles, “I’m here for you.” She says. “Don’t be afraid to stop it if you have to.”

I smile back at her and train my attention to the TV and with the mouse in my right hand, I click the play button on the video. The recording started as soon as they came into the hotel room, the girls were giggling as they led their dates in and sat them down on the edge of the two beds.

“Which one is your wife?” Shelly asked.

“The one in the purple dress,” I replied.

“Wow, she is beautiful!” Exclaimed Shelly. I chose not to respond to her comment. I felt nothing for my wife now, she was indeed beautiful but it didn’t seem right to acknowledge that to Shelly. Perhaps because I may have grown smitten with her and did not want to chance hurting her feelings, I couldn’t say.

The girls were putting on quite the strip show now, it was obvious to me that my wife had certainly had a lot of practice. Their dates were very heavy-handed, groping the girls as they shed their clothes. They were switching partners as they stripped as well, I knew that they did this from the audio we had of their regular meet-ups back home.

Still, I never could picture my wife doing anything like this until now. As the girls finished stripping they began working on the men, getting them naked as quickly as possible. Once they started in with the blow jobs, watching the recording started to feel more like watching a porn video. I could feel my cock begin to stir, I didn’t want this reaction to happen. But I have to admit my wife and her friends were still sexy.

The show on the TV continued and Shelly and I watched as Anna and her friends were getting fucked by the men they picked up in the bar. After the girls had their first round of orgasms, they swapped partners and the fuckfest continued. It was right around this time that I noticed that Shelly was gripping my hand tighter. Turning my head a little to look at our hands that were on the bed between us, I notice that Shelly’s free hand is rubbing her left breast over her work dress shirt.

Shelly is getting as turned on by this as I am. I return most of my attention back to the TV but still watch Shelly from the corner of my eye. On the screen, my wife is begging for her current lover to cum inside of her. I wonder if she still hasn’t realized that she left her birth control at home, she should be ok for a few days without taking it.

After those days are up, all bets are off. As the guy fucking my wife emptied his balls into her, I noticed that something was rubbing my cock over my pants. Looking down, I noticed that Shelly’s right hand was now stroking me. I never noticed that she had let go of my hand. I turned to look at Shelly, and she was staring at me. She had her shirt open now and her left hand was inside playing with her breast.

She had a smile on her face as she stared me down, I’m pretty certain I had a blank look on my face. The look in her eyes was that of lust and love, could she be falling for me that quickly? Of course, she could! Because I think I have fallen for her in the same amount of time. A few moments passed as we looked into each other’s eyes, the sounds of the girls screaming in orgasm brought me back to reality.

It was a reality that I no longer cared to watch. I paused the video and returned all my attention to Shelly. I removed her hand from my crotch and then grabbed her shoulders and brought her closer to me. Then with my left hand, I drew her head to mine and I kissed her, hoping that she wanted this as much as I did. I was happy when she began kissing me back, our lips parted and our tongues began an erotic dance.

The passion in our kiss is like something I have never felt before, even with my wife during our best times it was never like this.

Is this the passion that only lovers can have after being betrayed by those that we thought were the loves of our lives? Maybe I will never know for sure, but one thing that I am sure of is that I love this woman.

This woman who knew nothing about me other than the betrayal that we both shared. Over the past couple of hours, we had shared our life histories with each other. We have bonded over our miseries and she has told me that life will go on after the divorce and that things will get better for me. And now… now she is showing me that as one love has died, another is born.

Shelly’s hands move to the top of my chest and she frantically unbuttons my shirt as we continue to kiss with the same passion. With my shirt now open, I break our kiss and quickly yank it off. Then I grab her wrists and place them at her sides. With my hands I began to lower her shirt off of her shoulders, as I exposed her shoulders I leaned in and began to kiss her neck and slowly moved my way to her clavicle.

With the shirt down around her waist she shimmies out of it and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling my face in between her large bra-covered breasts. Breasts that were fairly well hidden by her dress shirt, but now I can see that these magnificent orbs are much larger than my soon-to-be ex-wife’s. With my hands, I reach around Shelly’s back sliding my hands over her soft skin until I find her bra clasp.

I unclasp her bra and once again move my hands to her shoulders, this time pulling her bra straps down and freeing her gorgeous breasts. They are perfect and still firm sitting high on her chest. For such large breasts to not have begun to sag yet was clearly a feat worthy of a deity. My hands with a mind of their own just had to feel them and they were truly astonishing. Firm yet supple, a natural beauty.

She has dark pink areolas about the size of silver dollars and her nipples are proudly standing at attention. They look absolutely delicious and I sink my mouth onto her right nipple, it is thick and long; delectable. Shelly’s hand grabs my head and she runs her fingers through my hair, she then grabs hold and pulls my mouth away from her right tit resulting in a loud pop.

Shelly moves my mouth to her left breast and pulls me in. I oblige her desire and suck her nipple into my mouth, sucking and licking not only for my pleasure but for hers as well. It’s not long before my ministrations to her nipples bring forth an orgasm. Her body shakes and she moans loudly, then once again pulls me away from her large orbs.

Our eyes lock in on each other, “I have never had such an intense orgasm, and from nipple play alone!” Shelly sighs and then leans in for another passionate French kiss.

“Stand up!” Shelly demands after our lips part. Not wanting to disappoint her I do as she says. Standing before her, she reaches out and unbuckles my belt and immediately goes to work undoing my pants. Once the button is free and my zipper is down, she slides off the bed onto her knees. Grabbing hold of the waist of my pants she begins to pull them down, taking my boxer briefs along for the ride.

As my pants and underwear slip off my thighs, my eight-inch cock springs up from its confines slapping the underside of Shelly’s chin. She giggles for a few seconds until she soaks in the vision of my manhood before her. “It’s… it’s so big!” She exclaims with a look of astonishment in her lovely green eyes.

She looks up into my eyes and she smiles as she tries to wrap her hand around my thick shaft. She then licks her lips, opens her mouth, and engulfs the head of my dick. Her tongue dances around the head of my penis and she begins to add a little suction as she works my manhood.

Shelly eventually begins to take more of my cock into her mouth, soon I can feel the head of my prick at the back of her throat. She has almost all of my shaft in her mouth now, and she slowly begins to bob her head on my dick swiping her tongue in a swirling motion along the bottom of my shaft. I stroke her hair as she continues to give me the best blow job I have ever had.

After a few minutes, I can begin to feel my balls tighten up and the pressure building. “Baby, I’m going to cum soon,” I warn Shelly. As she continues to suck my shaft she looks up with her eyes. Those beautiful emerald green eyes belonging to this fiery redheaded beauty, smile at me with pure joy and happiness.

“AHHHH!” I grunt as my cock spews the first couple of jets into Shelly’s mouth. She stops bobbing her head and her lips wrap tightly around my shaft as I unload. My knees almost buckle, and I barely manage to stay standing. After I finish cumming, Shelly pulls her mouth from my deflating manhood. Tilting her head back she opens her mouth, showing me my cum. She closes her mouth and swallows, then opens up and shows me that she swallowed it all.

“Yummy!” Shelly says.

I reach down and help her to her feet and pull her into a kiss. Our tongues lash out at each other and I can taste the saltiness of myself on her tongue. We kiss until we run out of breath and break away gasping for air.

“That was great!” I whisper in her ear.

One of her hands wraps around my cock and starts to stroke it. “I hope there is plenty more where that came from,” Shelly asks.

“For you, definitely,” I answer. “But now I’m hungry and ready to eat.”

“Oh, you are now are you?” Shelly states. “It just so happens that I have a nice meal all ready for you.”

I step out of my pants and quickly remove my shoes and socks. My hands then find their way to Shelly’s pants. I deftly began undoing them and pulling them down, she stepped out of her pants and took off her shoes and stockings. With Shelly wearing nothing but a pair of regular white panties that have become very wet and translucent, I pick her up and lay her down on the bed.

With Shelly laid out on the bed I spread her legs open and leaned in between them. I take a deep breath of her earthy scent of arousal. Softly I begin kissing her thighs as I move my hands under her and bring them up to grab hold of her panties. I pull her panties down her thighs as she lifts her ass in the air, as she drops her butt back onto the bed I continue to free her panties from her legs.

Tossing her panties aside I put both of her legs on my shoulders and slide my face down between her legs. Finally, my eyes behold her vulva in all its glory. Slightly large and meaty lips, already spread open revealing her wet and waiting pussy. Peaking out from under its hood, a clearly excited clitoris begging for attention.

I take a long slow lick of her snatch from top to bottom, tasting her juices. Shelly has a sweet but salty taste, that is quite divine. I finish my first taste by sucking her clit into my mouth and I’m rewarded with a very positive moan from Shelly. Drawing away a little, I begin to suck and nibble gently on her lips giving them a little pull before I sweep my tongue between them again.

Over and over I lick her sweet snatch, dipping my tongue inside and probing her vagina like an explorer would map out new lands. Like a true explorer, I would always keep the north star in sight and would reaffirm my bearings by showing love to the all-important clit. The near-constant moans and squirming ass were all the confirmation I needed to know that I was on the right path.

With Shelly’s moans getting louder, I focused my mouth on her clit while redirecting a couple of fingers inside her pussy to search for her g-spot. I found it as I was rewarded with a scream of ecstasy, a gush of juices in my mouth and Shelly’s thighs clamped around my head. I slurped up her juices as quickly as I could to keep up with her release.

But I was not quick enough and soon my face and the blanket beneath us were soaked eventually Shelly loosened her grasp on my head and I was able to come up for air. Her juices dripped off my face and ran down my chest.


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