Ascending Lauren Ch. 15 (3.38) by SimpleEnigma,SimpleEnigma

“Fuck them, and don’t hush me, you prick! You specifically led me to the guy I’ve been trying to avoid for weeks. And then let him and his buddies screw me like a two-bit whore.”

Let them? Uh, you didn’t exactly holler rape. Besides, isn’t that how your thing? To be sold to the highest bidder?”

“We could’ve been killed.”

“Whoa, hold on. You already did their leader once. If he was going to kill you, he would’ve done it in that alley.”

“It was stupid then and just as stupid now. HOW COULD YOU?”

Corey pulled the phone from his back pocket and shook his head. “And to think I thought I was doing a good thing,” he scoffed, pressing play.

“That’s it, boys, fuck me.” The voice was muffled through the pool hall door, but definitely hers. “Fuck my pussy HARD!”

His wife’s eyes widened. “You creep! You recorded me? Again?”

“Relax, it’s just audio. Point is, you seemed to be enjoying yourself.”

Lauren was seething. If blood could pour from eye sockets, it would have been coming out in buckets.

“Get…out,” she hissed.


“You heard me. GET OUT,” Lauren yelled.

“Oh, c’mon, we’ve been having such a nice visit.”

She ran to the bedroom and ripped all his clothes from the dresser. Dragging the suitcase back to the living room, she opened the apartment’s door and threw it into the hallway.


He stared at her. “It’s midnight. My flights not until nine.”

“Then you’ll be there in plenty of time to get there. Now GO!” The anger in her voice was thick and hung heavy.

Corey hesitated, then stepped into the corridor and looked back. Well, here she is, man, in the wild, just what you hoped to see.

“Yeah, okay, I get it.”

“Do you?”

Lauren stopped and collected her thoughts. Exhaling slowly, she sashayed over to him in that highly exaggerated walk women have.

“Really? Good, baby, I’m glad. Then you can certainly see how you’ve turned your loyal, abstemious wife into a full-on whore. That was all your doing, cuck. ALL YOU! You weren’t satisfied with me just being a sex kitten, were you? No, you had to turn me out. So, did you enjoy being my pimp?”

“It wasn’t like that.”

She grabbed a handful of his crotch.

“Hey, be careful there.”

“How was it, then, Twisty? I bet this little cock of yours got hard, didn’t it? Did you whack off listening to me fuck those real men? Just how many of your pathetic excuses for cum stains is poor Mendo scrubbing off the tables right now?”

“C’mon, I was just…”

“Just what? Seeing how far I’ll go? Well, you haven’t seen anything yet. Go ahead, go back to Iowa. I’ll be just fine. There’s a whole town of cock here. You wanna be cucked? Then strap in, baby, I’ll cuck you straight to hell. I warned you a long time ago, once that switch is on it might not go off. And baby, that light is blazing bright and hot right now.”

“Please, Lauren, don’t do this.”




The slamming door reverberated down the empty hallway. Two apartments down, a small dog began to bark.

The last thing Corey saw before the gold 23f numbers nearly took off his nose were the tears streaming down his wife’s pretty face.

“I love you,” he proclaimed softly.

It was 12:03 a.m. Nine hours until his flight. It was going to be a long night on the concourse.


December 26th.

Lauren woke the next morning with streaks of mascara on her cheeks. She’d spent most of the night crying. What a horrible way for Corey’s visit to end! And after they were having such a good time. Why’d did have to take her to the pool hall? More disturbing yet, why’d didn’t she just leave? She wasn’t a prisoner, nor did she fear those men.

He’s right, I could have just left.

Sniffling and supporting her lower back with one hand, the stiff and very sore office manager shuffled to the bathroom, needing to pee and soak in the tub. Her vagina had endured several rough incursions over the last couple days and needed a break. As the bath filled with hot water, Lauren sat on the toilet and drained her bladder.

Why had she come down so hard on him? Well, on the surface, the answer was easy. She was genuinely pissed at him passing her off on strangers. Under that endearing smile, however, was a man who was hurting. He seemed happiest when she was giving him what he needed.

If he wants to be cucked so bad, then I’m going to redefine the goddamn word.

Call it a twist on tough love.

Pouring herself a cup of coffee, Lauren spied a couple of gifts she’d missed when hastily tossing his shit into the suitcase the night before. Picking up the unopened camcorder, she tore the giftwrapping off admired its high quality. A devious smile crept across her face as she studied the instructions.

The next few weeks will especially fun..


December 28th.

Caroline Miller sighed with relief as the Colorado Springs Municipal runway disappeared beneath ominous snow clouds and out of sight. The timing of the next blizzard had been sketchy, creating much anxiety amongst those still on the ground. It appeared now she’d dodged the bullet and was well on her way to sunny Miami to see her mother.

Mom. Thanksgiving was the last time they were together. To say that weekend ended awkwardly would be an understatement. The shock of seeing her mother having sex in an amateur video was actually more memorable than the scene itself. If she recalled it correctly, there were at least three others, all much younger. Like most children, Caroline had rarely considered the sexual side of her parents. There were just…Mom and Dad. So, it was no wonder that their budding alternative lifestyle had taken her by surprise. Not just because they were her parents, but growing up in Iowa, they’d never been exactly liberal thinking. Church volunteers, PTA, scout leaders, and coaches? Yes. Sex adventurers? Absolutely not. Yet, in many societies it wasn’t completely unheard of. Many empty nesters, no longer having to conform to parental norms, sometimes dabbled in atypical and even risky behavior. That being said, having an orgy with kids half her age and filming it might be a stretch, even in the most liberal communities. The worst part about it was that her sister Amelia was right. Mom had left Dad behind and found other lovers to fill the void. The only twist was, it was he who encouraged it.

Dad. Good lord, not only did he watch Mom, he recorded it. That meant her father was a willing and by all accounts enthusiastic cuckold.

Cuckold. Christ, that’s fuckin’ weird. The man she’d always considered a man’s man, an outdoorsman, fisherman, and passionate football fan, was now a guy who liked to passively watch another man get his wife off.

Wow. Just wow.

At least she wasn’t cheating on him. And as mature adults, how they expressed their sexuality was their business alone, as long as it didn’t infringe on others. Caroline wondered just how often they had been veering from their own bed. Considering they were living apart, that was hard to say. The pics on her mother’s social media accounts didn’t exactly conjure up images of a lonely woman pining for her husband. Surely at least one of those hot guys had come close to bedding her at some point. And knowing her mom’s low tolerance for alcohol, there was a high probability they succeeded.

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