Babysitter Rescue by CrazyDaveTrucker60,CrazyDaveTrucker60

We danced the slow dance and I was hard as a rock. Saundra said, “Wow. You’re almost as hard as Scott.” She laughed. It was not a nice laugh, more of a fuck you type of laugh. She had a hard look on her face as well. She was definitely not behaving like my girlfriend.

I said, “Really? You want to go there?” She had a shit eating grin on her face. She was having great fun with my emotions. Suddenly I saw our engagement taking a distinct trajectory to destruction. Did I really want to marry her? I’m glad she was showing me her true face and feelings.

“Are you jealous?” She was challenging me.

“Fuck yes. Are you my woman or not?” I looked straight at her. She lowered her eyes, never a good sign. That usually means a lie is about to be told. Or a lie by omission has already taken place.

“Yes I’m yours. Now you will have to excuse me, I need to use the ladies room. I’ll be right back Honey.” She did not sound loving at all. She just sounded bored, and kind of annoyed. Again, a very bad sign. I just remembered what the babysitter had said. I decided to do something. I got proactive.

Now normally, I am not a jealous or untrusting guy, but after the direct warning from Wendy, someone who seemingly has no axe to grind, I decided to follow Saundra to the Ladies room. She turned the corner, but instead of the door marked “WOMEN”, she went to the “FAMILY” toilet. I waited a few minutes. I tried the door. It was firmly locked. I could hear some grunting and whimpering from inside. Definitely not a good sign. I guess this was the end. I needed access to that bathroom!

I suddenly realized all the times she and I went dancing were basically a repeat of this time. I had no proof, just evidence from tonight and a gut feeling. Had she been fuckin’ a different guy EVERY TIME WE WERE HERE? My blood boiled. I was going to find out in a minute, but I already knew in my bones what I would find. So much for our wedding plans… shot to shit. I was about to break up with a lying cheating bitch.

I am a security agent. I had a passkey, and some door lock pics that worked on almost all these doors in our area. I also had formal training in opening locked doors quickly and quietly. I had opened this door just that way…quickly and quietly. I got my phone out, and started to video as I entered the small room. I was still shocked by what I saw. I almost didn’t believe my eyes. But I kept the phone recording on the scene.

There against the sink was Saundra, and what-was-his-name?…Scott, behind her pushing his dick into her cunt. Or maybe it was her asshole, it was hard to tell. She was saying, “Yes, yes fuck me!” I took their pic with my cell phone for posterity. The flash alerted Saundra and she looked over her shoulder in horror at me. She screamed. Scott pulled out of her and spun on his heels to face me. He pulled up his pants like a comic book character. I laughed at him. What an asshole! This seemed to really piss him off. Then I thought, what a stupid guy I was. I laughed at myself for ever believing in Saundra. I was sorta glad it was finished.

He charged me. I have a black belt in Karate, but this was way too easy. I simply stepped out of the way and he went headfirst into the wall. He knocked himself out! He went down hard on the floor. All caught on my trusty phone! I left it on recording mode for my little conversation with Saundra.

“Thanks for an interesting evening Saundra. Better take care of your new boyfriend. I think he needs to get medical attention. Why did you waste my time, Saundra? If you weren’t interested, you could have just said something. Why lie to me, tell me you love me? Talking about having my children. For heavens sake, we aren’t even married and you are fucking other guys. Gees, ‘I love you!’ what a crock of shit that turned out to be! Hey, good luck to you and Scott. Oh hey, nice red thong! It’s on the floor. Bye bye.” Saundra was tongue tied. She opened her mouth to speak, but then she didn’t. It was as if she wasn’t sure what to say to me as I left her for good. Her red matching panties lay on the dirty floor. How appropriate.

“Oh I almost forgot.” I walked over to her and extended my hand. “My grandmother’s ring back please.” She had it on a chain around her neck, not on her finger. I guess that makes it all okay. “What a sleazy slut you turned out to be! I guess I should be happy to have dodged a bullet. I was going to marry you! I am so happy that I didn’t. Saundra, I really thought you were better than this… slutty behavior. Good luck with your new boyfriend. I just hope you are happy now. Goodbye.”

I had had enough. I walked out. Out of the room. Out of the building. Out of her life! It was bad enough dealing with low-lifes at work, much let alone dealing with them in my home life too. Saundra definitely qualified as a low-life in my book. She gave skanks a bad name! I guess I should be thanking Wendy for the heads up. She saved me from this scuzzy piece of shit.


“Hi, this is Ron. We met earlier this evening?… Yes that Ron. That’s great, but I’m not calling about the kid…Wendy, your kind suggestion was spot on. I caught her with a young guy in mid fuck… ”

“Are you still going out with her?”

“Not on your life! She is officially kicked to the curb for sure!” I explained.

“Are you ok? He didn’t hurt you did he? You didn’t kill him did you?” She then asked, “Will you still be able to take me home? I can uber if I have to, I guess. Or walk…” She sounded so sad.

“Hell no! I will be right there. You just settle up with Saundra, then come down to my car. I’ll be there in front. I owe you big time. How did you know?”

“Ok, meet you out front as soon as she and I settle up. And thank you for being so very nice to me. I’ll tell you the secret in the car. You sure you don’t mind taking me home?”

“Of course I’ll be happy to pick you up and get you home. I kinda just left Saundra there with her new boyfriend on the floor, so I don’t know how or even when she’s getting back. Not my problem anymore.”

“But I can wait down the street for you…Even better, I could come up and kiss you right in front of her!… Oh, that would be so nice! I know, it’s very high school all over again…” She spoke to me.

“Ok, give me a call when you are ready to be picked up. Bye” I said.


“Please, listen… I want to apologize for my behavior. Scott was,… Err, ahh is an old boyfriend. He–”

Saundra was trying like hell to salvage the relationship with me. She had left Romeo in the emergency room and rushed home in a cab to try to convince me it was all a big mistake. I knew it was a planned thing and I was just thinking about all the times she was late or couldn’t make it. It was starting to all make sense to me now, in a new light.

“-Old boyfriend? When did you date him? Jr. High? It really isn’t necessary to apologize to me. I just wish you had not told me that you loved me. That implies a bunch of things, not the least of which is a measure of exclusive behavior. FUCKIN’ an old boyfriend in the bathroom while your love waits for you at the table… Well that kinda crossed the line.” I looked in her eyes and said, “Here are the gifts that you gave me. I thank you for your time.” I handed her the nice ID bracelet, the cufflinks and the nice leather case she had bought me. I pulled off the wristwatch too. She gave gifts probably because she felt so damn guilty about her cheating behavior.


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