Babysitter Rescue by CrazyDaveTrucker60,CrazyDaveTrucker60

“I don’t want to break up!” She whined. “I do really love you, I just made a very bad mistake. You can certainly keep all of the gifts I gave you. I don’t want them back. Please reconsider? I will make it up to you, double-down, and in spades.” She looked at me with those gorgeous eyes so full of tears… And then I thought about the dancing, and the fucking, and I realized that I was a just a fallback position. Just a dick with a wallet that she could use whenever she needed to. I didn’t want to just be a “penis and a paycheck”. I decided maybe I should just string her along the way she had strung me along. But first, I needed a little bit of payback, so…

Wendy entered the living room and sauntered over to me. Her full breasts jiggled as she walked towards me. I jumped up and gave her a nice little kiss… On the lips! I helped the pregnant woman get her coat on. Time to go.

I turned and said, “Saundra, I will think about it. I promised to take Wendy home. Good night and good luck.” I did not kiss her. Who knows where those lips were tonight? I had a reasonable guess exactly where those lips were, and I am sure as hell not kissing her!

I opened the door and Wendy walked out followed by me. We left in a hurry, as Saundra wailed a bit sadly. I had to get away from this horrible woman. Wendy felt the same way. Saundra had not even paid her for babysitting her kid.

“Don’t worry about it. I will pay you. That bitch was just as you said she was. I owe you a lot more than the money. Wendy, will you go out with me? I am a decent and kind person, and I like you.” I said.

“I’m pregnant with another man’s baby.”

“Are you getting back together? You still love him?” I asked her the obvious questions.

“No, and hell no! I had almost the same thing happen to me, as what happened to you.” She looked at me with those eyes so full of caring and love. She was very, very dangerous to me!

We got in my car to get her home, and she kissed me full on. She was a great kisser. I kissed her back.

As we got going she told me a spy story.

“My sister washes hair at the salon. She’s not licensed to cut hair, but she’s allowed to wash and rinse. And she takes care of the cash too. Anyway, your girlfriend-” I cut her off.

“-Ex-girlfriend!-” I jumped in there.

“-ok, your ex-girlfriend was getting her hair trimmed and fixed up. She was talking about the dumb guy that was so interested in marriage. She was going to fuck her old boyfriend in the bathroom as he waited for her in the club. The stylist said that could not be done, come on… She said she had already done it to the dumb ass three times, and he was none the wiser. She had even had him eat her out afterwards before they fucked. My sister was so disgusted she said fuck it. I’m not babysitting for that skank. Not so she can abuse a good guy. That’s the real reason for my being there instead of her. I had to warn you somehow. I am not happy with what happened, but I am glad you know the truth about your girlfriend.”

“Ex-girlfriend! Absolutely, positively, she’s-so-done, EX-GIRLFRIEND!!” I exclaimed, maybe a bit too loudly. I took her hand in mine. “Want to go to my house?”

“Fuck yes. Let’s go. I am going to fuck your balls off.” She grinned.

“Pregnant women are twice as horny as regular girls. I have a little bit of a treat for you too. You are going to suck out my excess milk. I’m going to be your cow. You like sucking on big milky tits, don’t you? Then you can fuck me again, cause milking makes me horny too! Come on man, step on it. I really need you to fuck me good and hard.”

I broke a few speed limits getting back to my house. We got in and there was a flurry of flying clothes leading to my bedroom.

She actually pushed me onto my back and jumped on board. She shoved her milk dripping nipple into my mouth as she lined up my cock, which was hard as tool steel, to plunge into her hot, wet cunt. She thrust herself down my meat pole as I sucked her huge milky tits. She was positively purring as she fucked me hard and her pussy grabbed my hard cock and she squeezed me as we fucked. She took great delight in squirting her milk in my face. I took delight in sucking her big dark nipples and getting a milky reward for her attentions. I pushed her on her back and fucked her pretty hard and she had a huge climax. I was just behind in time and I spewed rope after rope of semen. My coming set her off again, not quite as big an orgasm, but still a big cum. She didn’t want me to pull out.

“Your dick feels perfect, right where it belongs!” She said. I had to agree with her, it did feel wonderful. We spooned and my cock went rigid again as I felt that marvelous ass. She handed me the lube, and then I was deep in her behind. She had a very, very hard come as I filled her anus with my sperm. We slept like that, locked together for a while. We both had to pee. She was on the bowl and she asked me to piss on her clit. It was about the weirdest thing I’ve ever done. Then we slept in each other’s arms. It was very nice. I held her close, and she actually purred like a pussy cat!


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She’s a full-time babysitter now. Of course they are all her children! Well, our children really. After she had her first, we went on to have nine more kids, every single one beautiful and healthy, thank goodness. After ten children, she had her tubes tied. I try to be a good husband and the best dad I can be!

We still try to break the bed! She is still incredibly sexy to me, even if she put on a few pounds. It all seemed to wind up in her ass or her huge tits! I don’t mind in the least! My wife is pure sexy to me!

I overheard my wife and her sister chatting about me being a sperm donor and father to her sister’s children, but that’s another story.


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