Bad Girl Pt. 03 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

WHAT? Why have a slave if she can say no to everything?

Jane took a deep breath while I freak out; Vickie smiled, then Jane continues, “However, she can only veto your requests if it puts your health or recovery at risk.”

Ohhhhhh OK.

Jane smiles as she continues, “She will get things you need, feed you, wash you, and in general, assist the nurse. She’s allowed to use a heavy hand if you move too much, lift too much, or are too active. The doctor was very strict with us that you need to relax and take it easy. Your body took a hell of a hit.” She’s crying now. “We thought we were going to lose you. I need my big brother. I love you.”

She wants to hug me, but Vickie’s waving hands stop her. She settles for kissing me, and we both enjoy that tremendously. I do love my little sister.

While Jane is looking sad, I make her day.

With a soft voice, “I could use an ice cream shake.” She looks up with a smirk on her face. “Oh, one other thing. I don’t think I told you.”

They’re both looking at me, waiting for more. I smile as I draw this out.

I continue with a smile, “On the way here.” Pause. “I think I felt a twitch in my leg.”

Vickie falls to the bed, sitting while she cries. Jane doesn’t move an inch as she is bawling her head off.

Mom and Sophia come running; they look concerned at hearing the crying.

Jane manages to say, “Bill … twitch … ambulance … leg.”

Somehow, they both understood that code; their reactions are much different; they are both jumping for joy.

I temper their joy, “Hey, I still can’t move my legs. I only felt the one twitch, nothing since then. I just wanted to share that and give us all hope.”

Jane, mom, and Sophia leave my room. Vickie stays and looks sad. She then perks up.

With a sly smile on her face, “There is no way you have had sex since your accident. Do you have needs?”

I answer honestly and with a wondering look on my face, “I don’t know. I can’t feel anything, and I know I have not felt an erection.”

Vickie moves closer, “For science, let’s try an experiment.”

Her hand starts on my arm, slips to my chest, and then works its way under my hospital gown. If you’ve ever been in one, it’s easy to reach anything. As she reaches my waist, I lose track of her hand. I can see her yanking my cock. I felt a faint feeling, but it wasn’t enough to bring me the joy it should have. On the positive side, I did get hard, and Vickie had a great time sucking my cock. She has missed him.

I am disappointed because even though he got hard, it was far from ordinary for me. Vickie worked for fifteen minutes to get her reward, and I got zero joy from it. Actually, it’s negative joy, and it’s depressing seeing that I can’t get it up. We don’t discuss that anymore.

The nurse comes back from lunch and gives me a milkshake. The ice cream feels good on my throat; this is good. I bet in a few days; I feel differently.


I’m sleeping by myself right now. Half of me has hard casts, and the other half is still deeply bruised. To be safe, the nurse instructed no bedmates. She did twinkle her eyes when she said that it wouldn’t be long.

Breakfast is coffee, juice, and cereal. Jane works today, so Vickie is feeding me. The nurse would love to, but Vickie is forceful.

While feeding me the cereal, one spoonful at a time, she placed my coffee mug between my legs to hold it in place.

It’s not long before I am screaming. Vickie is confused and looking for something that’s sticking me. She knocks into my good arm twice, causing more screams from the pain in my arm. Finally! I get my arm around her and grab the God damn coffee. It was roasting my nuts!

Vickie skyrockets up and does her happy dance. I assure you, it’s a sad and embarrassing thing to see. However, I now understand her joy. My inner thighs felt the heat, and the nurse wasn’t paying attention, so she’s confused by our emotions. I have tears in my eyes.

I spell it out for her, “I felt the hot coffee against my inner thigh; it’s HOT!”

Like a laser, she pulls the blanket off my feet, then runs her fingernails up and down my foot, from toes to heel. I know she did because I felt her.

I tell Vickie excitedly, “Call Jane and mom, tell them I felt a fingernail scratch my foot from my toes to my heel.”

She fumbles for her phone.

The nurse instructs me, “No trying to move yet. YOU WILL wait for the doctor, and I’m not having you take two steps back on my watch.”

Later, when the nurse takes a break, Vickie again sucks my cock. I get harder this time, and she is rewarded with more cum.

The nurse is about to say something. Vickie walks out of the room, smiling.


The doctor came home with Jane and mom. They are all eager to see me. The doctor uses a pinwheel on my foot and my whole leg jerks. Everyone is smiling and relieved.

The smiling doctor says, “See, I told you it wouldn’t be long. You’re still healing, don’t rush this. Don’t try exercising or forcing movement. Let your body finish healing. When these casts come off, you will need some PT (physical therapy). You still have seven weeks. Enjoy the time off.”

The doctor leaves.

Jane is all smiles, “Slave, make dinner. I think we have pork chops, mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, and peaches for dinner.”

Mom put out her arm to Vickie, “Come on, I’ll help you out.”

Jane slowly takes off her shirt, pants, and bra. She gets in bed and lays next to me with her nipples touching my arm.

Jane whispers to me, “I want you using Vickie for any sexual needs she can solve during the day. I will then repeat anything she does at night. She has been a great sport with me. I have no doubt that you saw through our plan to get both of you together again. I’m sorry, mom and Sophia pressured me. However, we have had a ton of fun together. Because of that, I want her to get some of what she wants.


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“I’m not telling you what to do, only suggesting it. It’s hard for me to tell how you feel about her. I bet you’re conflicted. You were deeply in love, and then she hurt you. I believe she does love you as much as you loved her. Mom and I love you, but I’m not sure that is enough for me.”

I try to talk, but she shushes me.

She continues, “I know you love us; I just don’t know if that is enough for you. I can’t give you the family you want. No talk, just rest. Let’s nap before dinner.”

To be continued …

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