Big Mike Ch. 24 by Awkwardstranger,Awkwardstranger

I spent the night in the fleshy paradise of Mike’s hairy crevices. At that point, it wasn’t my first overweight overnight, and I’d gotten used to actually getting sleep and overcoming the fear of being crushed. He would nod off and snore violently, and then put on his CPAP machine for the rest of the night. Mike slept deeply and would never wake when I’d get up to pee in the middle of the night. I would always wake before he did, giving me time to appreciate and caress his body. That morning I crept between his thighs and sucked the sleeping giant until he rose.

After we snuggled and pawed at each other through his reluctant awakening, I popped up and got partially dressed with the clothes that I found around me. Mike rolled himself upright as well, which soon caused the gas bubbles inside him to erupt in an elephantine fart. I fled from the room before it could hit me and shut the door behind me in a fit of laughter.

I made my walk of shame through MIke’s living room in a scene that was now becoming familiar. Aron was fully dressed, cleaning his breakfast dishes after a night of hearing us have rough sex while I scampered out wearing my black hoody but no pants. I always felt slightly guilty for making him the audience to our daddy and daughter dialogue, but there was no shame, actually. Aron was a cool dude.

“So…I’ve got options for you.” He looked to me while drying a frying pan but then glanced away at the sight of my bare legs. I stood behind the counter to obscure my naked skin.

“Eh…options of what, exactly?” I leaned my elbows into the counter. Mike seemed to be content milling about in his room for the moment.

“Hoes. I messaged some girls last night and narrowed down the search.” Aron looked shocked.

“Well…that was fast.” I nodded cheekily.

“Yes. And so are they. That’s what you want, right? Wham bam, thank you ma’am?” Aron smirked and shrugged, but didn’t answer. “Don’t overthink it. Here are your choices. Sara’s a classy Persian girl, kinda modest but totally fun. And you’re her type. Hailey is more wild, likes to party, with just…a touch of white trash. And they’re both total dolls, so don’t worry about that. I’ll text you their numbers and you can pick.”

“Wow. Thanks Felicia. You’re very…well connected.” I nodded robustly.

“Yeah, waitressing. It’s a goldmine of hoes.”

Aron was on his way to work so we didn’t chat for long. He headed out just as Mike emerged from his room. I was curious to see who Aron would pick, but I also had more pressing concerns. Mike was stomping into the kitchen in his usual t-shirt and sweats, and with just the two of us around, I knew it would just be a matter of time until he was ordering me to scrub the floors naked or some submissive kinky thing. I intercepted him with a suggestion for his day off before he could get creative.

“Let’s shower!!” I said with exuberance.

Mike opened the fridge before he responded, giving me only a glance as he grabbed a four litre jug of chocolate milk and began to chug. Watching him drain that big container of half its contents in a few heavy gulps silenced me. He slammed it down on the counter and rumbled out a wet belch.

“What’s that?” His voice was deep and suspicious. “What do you wanna do?”

I felt a little wave of trepidation run through me and internally revelled at what a blunt weapon his deep voice could be. Nevertheless, I smiled softly and explained myself.

“I was thinking…we had so much fun getting dirty yesterday…” I walked towards him with small steps. “Now I wanna clean up.” I reached out my hands and softly pressed into his big belly. He looked down at me with consideration.

“Oh yeah? But last night you were in love with my smell. You were begging for me to make you dirty…”

A big arm scooped around my low back and his opposite hand pressed into my upper back. His body was hot from sleep. The closeness was a more pleasant reminder of the depravity that he’d subjected me to the night before. He’d made me beg for the luxury of getting teabagged, his heavy testicles pressing into my forehead under the bulk of his sweaty paunch. From there I was ordered to lick my way up his crotch and around his abdomen, between the bulk of his thighs and belly. Once I reached his chest he’d guided me under the voluptuous ridge of each heavy man breast and into the pungent black forest of his armpits. Mike had huge arms, dense with muscle and round with fat, and each one easily engulfed my head into a black hole of his acrid funk. I still felt like his stink was basking me like a murky cloud.

“Yeah…and now…I’m begging you to make me clean. Wouldn’t it be nice to be all soapy and warm together? I wanna run my hands all over you…serving you. And feel your strong hands scrub every inch of me. Can we? Please?”

I looked up at him with a delicate wince in my blonde brows, hoping to soften the glare behind his black shaggy beard. He huffed out a breath through his nostrils, the warm air pressing into my face, and conceded.

“Alright, I guess I’ll allow it. So the rec centre, huh?”

“Yeah. Thanks, daddy.”

“But if I’m gonna clean every inch of that body, I better make it extra dirty first…”

His bear paw at my back forced me to return to the black hole of his armpit while he chuckled at my expense. The oniony stink bathed my face once again. From the world outside Mike’s pits, I heard him gulping heavily as before, seemingly polishing off the rest of the chocolate milk, followed by a big belch. The man of my dreams…


It was later in the afternoon when we met up again at the rec centre. I needed to run home to get a change of clothes for myself and towels, but he’d begrudgingly agreed to meet me there. The shower room was the best place to properly clean Mike’s huge body, given that he couldn’t fit in either of our apartment showers. I saw him standing near the bike racks out front, wearing his usual combination of a graphic tee, sweats, runners, and black-framed glasses.

I skipped up to him in delight and grabbed one of his big hands with both of my little ones.

“Let’s go!”

I tried to pull him into motion but his weight was unmovable. Instead, he pulled me into his mass effortlessly, causing me to bounce off his belly. He gave me a little smile before letting me guide him inside.

Once in the foyer, Mike turned down the hall towards the private shower room but I used all possible strength to pull his arm in the opposite direction.

“Wait, come this way.”


“Cause I want a drink.”

Mike resisted being guided into the more densely populated foyer but nonetheless allowed it. I snuck my right hand into the warm mitt of his left palm and we walked more casually up to the vending machines. A wall of large glass windows exposed the brightly-lit pool room. A couple families milled about, either leaving or arriving with towels around their shoulders. A few small groups of teenagers filled the available benches and chatted, having just finished a lacrosse game or something. We felt their eyes as we approached.

I leaned into the vending machine and looked at the glowing options. I took my time, letting Mike stand behind me and absorb the semi-crowded environment.

“You have any change?”

Mike raised an eyebrow in suspicion while he fumbled through his pockets.

“These gold-diggers…” He gave me a fiver.

“Tha~anks.” I bought a San Pellegrino Arranciata and leaned back against the plastic of the vending machine while I drank it. Mike watched me sip, then looked around. Some of the teenagers around us had clearly never seen a six-eight, near-eight hundred pound guy before

“So how is it?” he asked.

“Good…how’re you?” Mike furrowed his thick brows at me.

“Dandy. We doing something here or you just want a fancy soda?” I shrugged nonchalantly.

“Just catching my breath. I’ve spent a lot of time trapped in your armpit in the last twelve hours.”

“Hn, yeah? And you don’t like it?” I sipped again and shook my head side to side.

“No, I do like it. I like both. When you force me, using all that size and power, it’s like I’m underwater. It gets kinda dark sometimes. But when I’m in public with you…it’s like I can breathe again. I just like to catch my breath every once in a while. You know?”

Mike nodded and looked around at the crowd a bit.

“Yeah, yeah. I get it. Girlfriend stuff. Okay, so is that why we’re here?” He fidgeted where he stood. I saw his discomfort and stepped into him, placing one palm on the upper curve of his belly.

“Not just that. I also reeaally want to wash your body. Because I like serving you.” Mike looked down at me, now standing close to him, without his usual stubborn glare. “And after you’re all clean I was thinking…” I rubbed my hand in a circle around his belly, but he stopped me with his huge paw, without a word. I sipped and stared up at his quiet face.

“What? You embarrassed to be seen in public with me?”

Mike looked down at me with a little snarl, sensing my provocative question.

“All right, ya little smart ass… what’s your boyfriend lesson for me today?” I smiled big at his stubborn acceptance of the task.

“Just be natural. Stop fidgeting. You’re so powerful when we’re alone. Be just like that, but in front of people.”

“You want me to teabag you?” I laughed again, bigger than normal, and pressed my body right into his belly.

“No! Don’t be silly!” Mike raised a brow at me, noticing I was hamming it up to catch some attention. A few stares came our way. “You can just hold me. Put those big hands on me.”

I acted for the crowd but spoke quietly enough that only Mike could hear me. He slowly accepted my suggestion, his eyes darting around but his hands slipping around my shoulders and lower back. I smiled big and sipped my soda.

“When people look at us together, they see how little I look in your hands, right? And your hands are so big…the girls are wondering how big your cock is. The guys are probably jealous. Cause I’m hot, right? And I’m yours. You own me. And you don’t even have to try. It’s effortless.”

Mike began to smile, and I could see it was genuine. He still seemed aware of the people around us who observed, but the truth of my words seemed to kindle his confidence. I continued.

“It’s just like when I smell you…your scent just controls me without you even trying. You should feel the same way when you walk in here, like you’re in control without even trying. Everyone in here is either your property or they’re not worth your time. Look at them. They all know it, too.”

I smiled up at Mike as much as I could while he turned to look at the crowds to either side. He stared slowly and confidently, letting himself be seen. I kept my eyes on him, seeing the smirk on his face. When his head turned back to me, his confidence made me feel like I was glowing inside. I puckered my lips slightly, prompting him to kiss me.

Mike saw the signal and slid his hands around my back, pulling me in tighter. Unlike yesterday when he’d kissed me outside the comic shop, he didn’t grab my hair like a leash; the crowd tempered his dominant tendencies. Instead, he slipped one wide palm around the curve of my left buttcheek and curled the fat fingers of the other hand around my right shoulder. His big hands tightened with a firm but restrained grip as his lips opened and descended.

He took me in with his kiss, strong and hungry with his usual appetite but lacking any hint of cruelty. His fingers were hungry too, and squeezed me while his tongue began to play. I murmured a tiny whimper of surprise as it penetrated my lips and filled my mouth. I had provoked the kiss, but he had taken control and pushed it further. My eyes were closed but I knew we were being watched; I knew that they were watching Mike, incredulous. It was perfect.

He broke the kiss slowly, and made eye contact for a few seconds before releasing me from his firm grip. My body was limp post-kiss, as usual; the only reason I didn’t drop my San Pellegrino was because my arm had been pressed into his belly. I took a step back, blushing and sedated, before taking another sip. It took a second for my eyes to wander away from Mike to notice half the crowd looking at us, mostly at him.

When I looked back to Mike, he was staring only at me. He reached out and took the can from me and gulped down what remained. He licked his thick lips and then crushed the can in his grip before tossing it in the trash.

“Let’s go.”

I nodded, with no words and a smile, and began a walk out of the foyer. I could barely take a step before Mike’s big hand propelled me with a firm smack on my ass. I let out a little shriek before giggling as I quickened my pace. Mike lumbered after me slowly with a cocky smile.

After I grabbed the key from the desk, we snuck into the ‘family’ washroom which we locked behind us. As soon as that deadbolt turned, I could almost feel the pressure change. It was like Mike’s big body had shrunk the confines of that shower room, and then shrunk it again by letting the power seep out of him and into every corner of that space.


His words imprinted onto my nervous system and my body moved as his will commanded. I took off my clothes and stood in the middle of the room before him. Again, he licked his lips and stroked his shaggy beard. His expression had become stern and still again.


The tiles were cool on the surface of my skin as I lowered myself before him. Mike gave his crotch a squeeze and looked down at me. He kicked off his shoes and threw them in the corner. The sight of even his shoes coming off began the incredible anticipation of his eventual naked form. Mike slapped one foot down directly in front of me.


I gave him only the quickest glance up before lowering my head and placing my hands around his thick ankle. It was easily as big around as my thigh just above the knee. I peeled the black sock down past the thick overflow of dense ankle flesh and around his heel. He adjusted his wide foot to let me pull it off completely, revealing the fat dome of his forefoot, covered in black hair. He changed his position to let me repeat the process with the other foot. I was impressed, as always, how wide and thick his feet were, his arches flat to the ground. His big club toes wriggled on the tiles, sprouts of black hair thick on each one.

There was a pause after I took his socks off. I glanced up at the curve of his belly just above me. Slowly, Mike’s face appeared above his tremendous circumference as he leaned forward.


The pressure changed again, as another wave of power seemed to press down onto me, lowering my head down to his foot. I gingerly pressed my lips into the top of his big hairy foot, feigning a little moan of pleasure. As I began to raise my head, I felt a sudden compulsion to do more, to offer Mike more submission and prevent him from commanding anything too creative, so I licked. I pressed my tongue into his foot and licked long and slow along the hairy surface, until I reached his ankle. Then it was Mike who revealed a small moan of pleasure.

“Good girl.” I smiled up at him and started to rise, but he stopped me. “No. Stay down there. I’m just starting to get hard.”

Mike took a few steps back so he could easily look down at me. He leaned to one side, his arm reaching below his belly to squeeze his cock. His expression looked pleasured, as though he was indeed growing erect. The thought of his flickering lust and swelling cock ratcheted up my anticipation of what was about to happen to me. When Mike curled his thumbs under the hem of his pants, it ratcheted up again.

My heart started beating faster as Mike slipped his sweats down, exposing the dark hair of his rotund thighs. I swallowed hard as they fell down to his knees. Mike’s hips and ass were already very hairy, but his legs became furrier and furrier further down towards each ankle. As he kicked his pants aside his whole lower body was revealed in all its sasquatch glory. The little shuffling steps he took caused a big wobble in the abundant flesh of each thigh.

Mike’s hand returned to his crotch, squeezing the bulge in his underwear beneath the weight of his belly. I pursed my lips together, imagining the sweat and the swell of his big cock, imagining what he would do with it, where he would place it, and how he’d command me to taste it. His big fingers squeezing caused my pelvic floor to clench in anticipation. My glutes squeezed together, rocking my pelvis against my heels.

“You’re getting excited, little girl,” Mike said with a curl in his lips. It wasn’t a question. We hadn’t even started the shower yet and I could already see the horizon of my climax. Like the kiss in the foyer, Mike had taken control of my provocative idea. I wanted to clean him, but by the sneer on his face, I could tell he wasn’t finished making me dirty.

“Beg.” His voice was so deep and rough, even moreso because of the malice in his mind.

“Please daddy, please let me see it. Please let me taste it.”

I rocked my hips more, still kneeling in service before this lustful king. Mike was looking genuinely horny himself, and showed some haste as he began removing his underwear. The girth of each thigh slowed him down, but soon enough Mike’s dirty underwear were down to his feet and being flicked in my direction.


The look in his eyes only confirmed my suspicion that I was to be reduced and lowered. I didn’t know if this was a response to the boyfriend lesson that I had tried to give him in public. Maybe it would’ve happened regardless. I didn’t care; he’d made me desperately want to submit.

I bundled up Mike’s two day-old briefs and shoved them into my face. I huffed in the smell, letting his scent bathe and nourish me. I huffed again and again, trying to take as many molecules from his glands into my lungs, into my blood. I grinded my hips as I breathed in even deeper. I felt like maybe I was going mad; the smell of Mike’s grungy briefs should’ve been something I needed to suffer through, but instead I relished it.

I lowered Mike’s underwear from my face to witness Mike jerking his fat cock. He held his right arm in a reverse grip, with his thumb pressing against his body and his pinky knuckle facing me. The sight of this huge man, beating his meat, his hairy flesh wobbling with each stroke, was enough to break my dam; the next pelvic thrust brought a trickle of fluid down my labia as I clenched my ass. My fingertips became wet as I touched myself.

“Ohh…that cock.”

Again, Mike’s lips curled into a fuller smile. My obedience was like a Pavlovian bell, sure to make him salivate. He took a few steps forward, now standing almost directly above me. He loomed above me like a mountain, the big head of his cock peeking out from the hole he made with his fat fingers. His furry thighs wobbled on either side of me. Above my head, Mike used his free hand to slightly pull up the hem of his shirt, revealing yet more flesh and fur jiggling in a hypnotic sway.

My fingers and hips pumped again as I panted through a stream of ejaculate dribbling between my thighs. Mike huffed and puffed, sweat beading down his own thighs. He began to growl, announcing his coming arrival.

“Oh, Mike, please…let me taste it.”

“No…I don’t think so, slut.” Mike demeaned me with a raspy breath. “You don’t deserve it. Just shut your mouth and stick out your face.”

Mike’s words hammered down my pride but caused my lust to swell. Even being denied his taste made me feel as though I was of some use to him, giving me worth. Mike grunted in arrival, and I stuck out my face to receive his bounty.

A big rope of cum released from his testicles and splattered across my face. Mike grunted in pleasure as his orgasm began. More warm droplets rained down on me, causing me to wince and close my eyes at the splatter. Another deep grunt, and another torpedo of semen rocketed into my hairline. Mike’s growl soon became a low pleasured moan, telling me that his balls had been sufficiently drained. He continued to pant heavily, and even I was whimpering as I fingered myself.

“Yeah…keep going.”

He flicked his fingers and made the remaining droplets of semen rain on my face. I continued to grind and moan and curl my fingers inside, spurned on by the sound of his heavy breath and the weight of his semen my face. Mike took a few steps back again and began to pull his shirt up over his head. My eyes bulged at the sight of his bare belly, rotund and hairy. He threw his shirt aside, now standing fully naked before me. He looked down at me with a smile and slapped his belly from both sides, fully aware that I was captive to his form.

“Hmm, that face is all covered in cum. I guess now you’ll need a shower to clean it off.”

He stepped over to the tap and grabbed the handle. The sight of this huge furry man walking was utterly perfect, hundreds of pounds of flesh rippling with each heavy step. Mike looked back down at me over his round, hairy shoulder, and his face lit up with a sneer.

“But I bet you don’t want a regular shower. You’re such a greedy slut.” Mike turned back to me and raised a handful of belly with one hand. “You want a golden shower to wash that pretty face.”

I looked at Mike’s cock, now relaxed, and then up at the cocky smile on his face. The realization that a guy was about to piss on my face for the first time entered my mind, but there was no space for consideration or hesitation. I just kept pumping my hips and fingering myself.

“Beg for it, slut. Beg.” I obeyed without thought of hesitation.

“Please daddy, please wash me off. You drained your balls, now drain your bladder all over me.”

“Oh yeah. More.” I huffed out a breath to get further into character.

“Oh, please…I need your piss. I wanna feel your warm piss all over me. Please, daddy…”

“Oh, fuck yeah…” Mike’s deep, pleasured voice changed into a long moan as his big urethra let loose and my golden shower began. “Uoohhhhhhhhhhh…aahhhhhhhhhhhhhh”…yyeaahhhhhh…”

The contents of Mike’s big bladder splattered over my face. I felt the warm fluid washing away his cum and drizzling down my neck and breasts. Like his funky briefs, I would’ve thought the stink of his piss would’ve abhorred me, but in my elevated state of arousal, I adored it. His warm piss ran down between my thighs where my fingers plunged tight. It was like he was entering me through that warm, golden stream. I clenched my glutes at the thought and moaned in orgasm.


Mike chuckled to himself as his stream died out. He still panted hard, his bladder now drained. A minute or so passed and my own sex slowed. Mike looked down on me with the biggest shit-eating grin.

“Good girl…what do you say?”

I panted and pulled my fingers from my body.

“Thank you, daddy.”

“That’s fucking right.”

Mike finally turned on the tap and mercifully let the warm water rain down on me. I just stayed on my knees for quite a while, not feeling ready to stand like an equal human. Mike stood right over me for a while, letting the water run down his huge body and rain onto me.

Eventually, I got to my feet and accomplished the task that I’d planned. I took out my soap, shampoo, and thick soaping mitt for Mike’s nether-regions. I began the delightful task of cleaning every inch of Big Mike. I didn’t think about the deprecating scene that Mike had submitted me to; I didn’t want to ruin the shower with unnecessary thoughts. I just enjoyed all of it: cleaning Mike and becoming clean myself. We took our time, as Mike’s tremendous bulk and thick black body hair required over half an hour of scrubbing to get clean. Gladly, he let me clean literally every inch of his body; he was much less restrained than he’d been the first time. He seemed to be content now with letting my hands wash all his crevices: the folds of thigh flesh upon each knee, his double chin under that shaggy beard, his navel, his bulky pecs, and especially his huge furry ass crack.

After we were fully refreshed, we made our way down the rec centre hall. I wore a new outfit: a sky blue long sleeve shirt that clung tight to my body with dark blue denim jeans that clung even tighter to my ass. I wore my black vans and kept my wet hair slicked back. Mike wore that same grey sweats and black shirt that he’d walked in with.

Before we headed out the door, Mike’s firm hand snuck around my hip and stopped me in my tracks. I looked up to him, and he pulled me in with a loose grasp.

“Hey. The shower was a good idea.”

Mike leaned down and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. He then opened the door for me while I blushed at the affectionate peck. I smiled up at him without saying a word, noticing a few stares from people lounging in the foyer. Gladly, the boyfriend lesson seemed learned.

It was almost an hour later when we got back to his place. We didn’t pick up dinner; I’d told him I wanted to order delivery instead. The truth was I wanted to eat right away, but not take-out. I took my time suggesting it, bit by bit. As we walked home, I told him how nice his body hair was when he was freshly cleaned. I told him the first thing I wanted to do was cuddle. I played the role of daddy’s little girl as we walked in the door, begging him to get naked with me in bed. It wasn’t until he was buck-naked on his mattress, clean and dry, that he protested.

“You really wanna lick my asshole?” he asked with a groan.

I bit my lower lip and expanded my chest with a deep breath. I was naked too, standing at the foot of Mike’s bed. The sight of Mike’s hairy thighs formed a deep canyon of hidden treasures. Like Shangri-La, Mike’s ass crack was a forbidden paradise that had been off limits to me. I had kissed his ass and caressed his thighs but he hadn’t let me in for one single reason.

“That’s…kinda gay.” I sighed.

“Yeah, you said that last time. But…it’s so not. I guarantee you’re gonna love it.” Mike looked down along the slope of his supine body at me, unimpressed. “There’s really no option for me. I’m your little servant, right? It’s my duty to pleasure every inch of you. I’ve sucked your cock, I’ve kissed your feet, I’ve licked your armpits. Your ass is the only part that I haven’t pleasured yet.”

I touched his big foot and ran my fingers along his sole. I knew he liked his feet being touched; he liked the sight of a woman being brought low.

“Imagine using my tongue for your pleasure…in the deepest, darkest part of yourself. You liked cumming on my face, right? And pissing all over it? Wouldn’t you like to use my face to pleasure your ass?” I leaned down and brought my lips to his big toe, puckering them into a gentle kiss. “Won’t you let me?” I let my lips slip around his toe, sucking the fat digit and whimpering with a quiet, submissive moan.

“Ah…fuck.” Again, my submission was like Pavlov’s bell to Mike. “Alright, I’ll allow it…since you’re such a good girl.”

That began Mike’s slow turn from back to front, his bed creaking and his flesh swaying. Once he’d turned face down, I was gifted the glorious sight of his broad back, wide his, and bare naked ass. Mike’s eastern European lineage seemed to be the origin for his thick, dark body hair, and the hair on his huge ass was as thick as anywhere on his body, save for his chest. I let my hands press into the back of his ankles and slide up, enjoying the coarse forest of his hair.

As I began my slow entrance into him, I reflected on where I was with Mike. A day out from our date, it was clear that he was going to milk the last week of our ‘deal’ for every last drop. He relished my submission, at least as a fetish. Sometimes I wondered if it was more. I wondered if this obedience was the only way Mike could imagine being with a woman, having no experience in any past relationships. I wondered what our normal would be in a week or a month’s time. I wasn’t sure if we’d be cuddling on a park bench or if I’d be licking his dirty feet. I was worried that he wouldn’t be able to let go of the roleplay, and deeper still, I was worried that it wouldn’t be roleplay for much longer; I imagined myself years in the future, kneeling on his dirty floor while he ignored me for Call of Duty.

“You know…you might be right,” Mike said. At that point I was elbow deep between his furry butt cheeks, separating his inner ass with my palms. “If I really do like it…it might become your new routine. Be careful what you wish for.”

Just like how my submission was Mike’s Pavlovian bell, Mike’s dominance was mine. The sight of his exposed anus and the deep tone of his voice made my mouth water. Mike’s perfect body was the cheese, and his dirty mind was the trap, locking me in place. As I opened my mouth and extended my tongue, I knew that his dominance had already snared me. Whether I was having brunch with Mike’s sisters in a year from now or tied up in his bedroom with a cellphone sticking out of me, I was going to relish it. I didn’t know what that meant about me, but it didn’t seem to matter. All that mattered was finding ways to serve Big Mike.

My tongue pressed into his anus and I slowly lapped from bottom to top. Mike grunted sharply, but didn’t argue. My tongue bathed him up and down, the thankfully clean hair of his ass covered my cheeks on either side. I layed down between his thighs as best I could and let the bulk of his ass cheeks relax onto either side of me. Mike seemed nervous, but slowly began to settle with a more pleasured moan.

“Ohh, shit…that’s…that’s not bad.” A minute or so passed until Mike had embraced the state of being rimmed. I could feel his body relax and I knew it would be a long night. I wanted it to be; I wanted to settle into this position of being Mike’s personal ass licker. And by the gentle hum of Mike’s moan, it seemed like he felt the exact same way.

Earlier, I had mentioned the need to be seen in public with him as a breath of fresh air. After the fresh air and the sun on my face, though, it was time to go back underwater. I wiggled my face back and forth, pressing deeper into Mike’s ass, my tongue reaching further towards his colon. I was diving so deep underwater that I thought I might truly drown.

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