Blame Social Media by janon314,janon314

Compared to my usual works, it is short with a limited plot. Enjoy

Blame social media

It started on social media like so many things. In the old days, you’d get psychology students calling in to local chat radio stations and making up stupid claims about things. And the radio host had to sound supportive and go along with them.

When social media took over, anyone could post anything and see if someone was dumb enough to believe it. Well, Sophie is one of those people.

I’m Eric and I’ve recently graduated with a low-level job in graphic design. My flatmate is Kevin and we’ve been flatmates throughout our university time. He’s a nice enough guy, but likes to party a little too much and I’d not trust him around the ladies when he’s drunk. His partying and stuff made him have to retake his final year. Which pissed his parents off no end, but he said he gets another year of partying before entering the real world.

While my love life has been a little dry recently, Kevin always had a girl on hand. Or as he more crudely puts it ‘on his dick’. His current girl is Emma, who is only 19, and looks all sweet and innocent until she’d had a few drinks. Then she can turn into a party animal.

The problem with Emma is she seems to come as a package with Sophie. Most people would get the hint that when their friend wants to visit their boyfriend, they don’t always want company. Sometimes she’d sit on our sofa while Emma and Kevin are in his room fucking loudly.

It wouldn’t be that bad, as she’s pleasant to look at. A few pounds overweight, but carried it in all the right areas. Tight arse jeans and figure hugging t-shirts. I might have asked her out, but for her annoying habit of going on and on about conspiracy theories.

The stupider the better and no logic or explaining how physics actually works can dissuade her. Unfortunately, Kevin thinks it’s funny to ask her about one of the latest ones, just before he leaves the room to fuck Emma. Leaving me to be showered in the excrement that comes out of her mouth. Hearing the sounds coming from his room reminds me that Sophie could do far more useful things with her mouth than talk.

On one stormy evening, I was doodling on my laptop. Trying to practise with the new software I had to use for work. As a kid, I obsessed with two things: sci-fi and sex. I was always drawing cartoon aliens, and as I got older, large-breasted and large buttocked naked women. I was certainly popular at school for supplying stylised cartoon renderings of sexy teachers or hot students.

For the last couple of years, I’ve been combining both topics together. Drawing the classic ‘grey’ aliens around naked or semi-naked women. Obviously, with anatomically improbable proportions. Kevin keeps saying I should do a series and sell them online.

Emma and Sophie arrived dripping wet and I can’t help noticing how Emma’s t-shirt was partially transparent and sticking to her chest. Naturally, I get caught looking, but she laughs it off and calls me a pervert trying to get a free wet t-shirt competition. She rushed off with Kevin and I saw Sophie was just as wet and bedraggled, so I offered her a towel to dry off.

She looked up and thanked me, and I saw how prominent her nipples were through her shirt and bra. I returned to my seat when she asked.

“Would it be weird if I put my shirt on the radiator to dry out?”

I wanted to say, of course, it would be weird, but shrugged instead. She could be annoying, but if she wanted to strip off, why would I object? She turned her back and slipped off her blouse, then draped the towel over her shoulder and turned to face me. The towel did a pretty good job covering her, but it looked like she was braless as well.

As she walked behind me to put the blouse on the radiator, I minimised my current artwork. I doubted she’d be impressed with a naked woman wrapped in tentacles as a ‘grey’ approached her with a huge glow finger extended. She returned to her seat on the sofa, facing me. Some water must have dripped off her wet hair as she absently lifted the towel to dry her hair off.

Her bra was rather plain and rather thin and seemed to have a hard time containing her tits as she jiggled them about drying her hair. Suddenly I’m hit with inspiration and opened up a new image and sketched. In my head, I see a nude woman stepping out of a shower. She’s drying her hair and is oblivious to the two ‘grey’s’ outside her window looking in. One of them is attempting to climb in.

Having a life model to draw from is very rare for me, so I tried to memorise Sophie’s body so I can finish it later.

Suddenly, Kevin appeared in the doorway. He was barefoot and wearing only his jeans, but paused when he saw Sophie shirtless. She looked up at him questionably.

“Did you read the latest studies about how to avoid alien abduction?” he asked her.

She shook her head, and I groaned inwardly that he was priming her again. “Apparently, they have proven that you can’t be abducted if you’re engaged in sexual acts.”

She quickly put down the towel and reached for her iPhone. Kevin looked at me and mimed large tits with his hands and mouthed the word ‘Whoa!’ to me. I had to agree, but big tits only get you so far. She looked back at Kevin, who moved his hands as if brushing something off his chest.

“How is it supposed to work?” She asked.

“I’ve not read much about it. But it seems the electromagnetic field created during sex acts form a barrier that the aliens can’t get through. Depending on what acts you’re doing, it could extend as far as ten or fifteen feet away from the body.”

She looked down at her phone and was furiously typing away. Kevin grinned at me and I mouthed the word ‘bastard’ at him. He grinned wider and mouthed back ‘enjoy’ and then left us alone.

Knowing there had to be some crackpot out their pushing this stupid theory, I flicked on to the web and saw dozens of hits for stories of the sort. After clicking on a few, it was obvious that most were posted by teenage boys trying to persuade gullible girls into sex. I remember a similar one about rubbing semen into breast tissue increased the breast size. Although there was the tiniest bit of truth in that. Manual stimulation of the breast tissue could increase the bust size temporarily.

For a blessed 15 minutes, we sat in silence. If you didn’t count the sound of fucking coming from Kevin’s room.

“So, what do you think about this?” She asked, holding her phone up.

“You know how I feel about that sort of junk.”

“It says here that a blow job gives minimal protection, but anal is the most effective. And look, this guy has a Harvard Phd.”

She hurried over, and I panicked. I’d drawn enough, for you could tell I’d been drawing Sophie and her big tits. So I flicked to the only other image I’d been working on. Remember the woman, wrapped in tentacles.

“Just because a guy claims to have a degree from Harvard does not make it true.” I said as she came around the table to show me her phone.

When she saw the image on the screen, I braced myself for an outburst, but got a different one than I’d expected.

“What do you call that, then? That’s proof, isn’t it?”

Only proof that I’ve got a bit of a pervert kink to my artwork, but I didn’t say that.

“It’s not exactly proof…” I was going to say an artist’s impression was not like a photo.

“Ah, I’ve got you. Normally, you shoot down all my theories without giving it a moment’s consideration. If you’re not doing it this time means you think it might be true.”

An idea hit me, and I decided to avoid my usual confrontation. If I sort of went along with it, she might shut up about it.

“It’s not proof, but I’ve not had a chance to read enough to decide one way or the other.” Not that I needed to, as I already knew it was bunkum.

There was a tremendous flash and boom behind us. Sophie jumped and her large bust bounced off the back of my head. Shame I wasn’t facing the other way. Then I remembered the forecast had predicted a thunderstorm this evening.

There was another flash, and an accompanying boom, followed by the lights going out. ‘Great’ I thought, no power again. We lived close to a substation and every time there was lightning, it seemed to get hit and knock the power out for hours. Luckily, there was enough light from my laptop to see what I was doing.

“Eric, I’m scared.”


“I read somewhere that the aliens like to black out the power before they come for you. Something about the electricity in the wall making it harder to enter a home.”

You had to hand it to the guys who make up this stuff. They added just enough minor details that sound plausible to sell the big lie.

Sophie pulled on my shoulder, and my chair spun. Before I could say anything, she plopped herself down on my lap.

“What if they are out there now? We’re not protected.”

“You could stand outside Kevin’s door and hope Emma likes it up the bum. That way, you could be inside their bubble of protection.” The only bubble of protection in his room was an industrial size box of condoms.

“But what if they aren’t in bed? If they are on the other side of the room or not doing it at the moment?”

Couldn’t she tell I was taking the piss?

“Hold me.” She wrapped her arms around my neck, and in reflex, I put my arms around her. The naked flesh of her back reminded me of her state of undress. Having her breasts pressed against my chest reminded me of how long it had been since I’d had any intimate contact with the opposite sex.

Warm skin and the smell of her shampoo added to the stimulation, and I felt a stirring in my pants. I just prayed that Sophie didn’t notice. But my luck ran true to form, and I felt her moving on my lap. As she did, it got bigger and there was no way she couldn’t know I was getting an erection.

“Eric, I know you don’t always seem to like me…”

“That’s not true…”

“Anyway, could you do me a huge favour? Just this once.”


“I know you don’t believe in any of the stuff I do, but could you go alone with it just this once? I’m terrified, and I need you to help me.”

“What do you want me to do?”

In response, she stood up and turned my laptop to face the sofa. Illuminating that part of the room. Then she took my hand and led me there and had me sit. Instead of sitting next to me, she knelt between my legs and reached out to unfasten my belt.

“I realise a blow job only gives minimal protection, but perhaps with Emma screwing next door, we might be safe.”

Sometimes life gives you a test to measure your moral standards. Times when you can stand up and declare your moral fortitude. Well, I flunked this one.

Having a hot young woman offering to suck your dick is a trump card that’s hard to turn down. Especially as her cool, smooth fingers extracted my dick and cooed over it. I could have stopped it. Right up to the point when her mouth sank over the tip. After that, I’d have declared aliens were real if it meant she’d keep going.

She did it slowly and deeply. Not rushing it, but if she thought it was to protect us, she might want to make this last until the power came back on. This one time I was rooting for the storm over the utility company fixing that.

“Would it be better if I took my bra off?” Who’s going to say no to that? The bra was discarded, and she sat back to let me look. “What do you think?”

“I think they are amazing.” I replied honestly.

“Good, I’m glad you like them. You can play with them as I suck your dick if you like.”

Again, what’s with the stupid questions? My hands shot out as she resumed sucking and I marvelled at their size and weight. The pertness of her nipples pressing into my palms. With each bob of her head, she sucked away some past thought about how annoying I’d thought she was.

After five glorious minutes, she pulled back and slowly wanked the shaft.

“Are you enjoying this?” I nodded, as I couldn’t trust myself not to blurt out, “fuck yeah!”

“Me too, but would you mind if I tried something else?” Again I nodded and watched as she stood.

She kicked off her shoes and quickly unfastened her jeans. With one quick push, her jeans and underwear were down to her knees. Her shaved pussy popping into view. Part of my brain noted that for the detail in my artwork, but the rest of me just enjoyed the sight.

“Do you want me to return the favour?” I asked.

“Not right now. I just think we need extra protection.”

“Oh, right? Want me to grab a condom?”

“No silly, I meant this.”

She grabbed my dick and lowered herself onto it. Watching my dick slip inside her was one of the most erotic sights I’d seen in a long time. The light from the laptop illuminated her from behind and it was almost like a heavenly glow as our bodies conjoined. Once her lips were pressed against my pubes, she let out a long sigh.

“Emma is always going on about how great Kevin’s cock is, but I think I won the prize this time.”

Cupping my hands under her buttocks, we work in unison to fuck. Any aliens were not getting anywhere near us tonight.

At least that was what I thought until I heard a noise in the hall. Glancing over, I saw Kevin silhouetted in the doorway, uselessly flicking the light switch on and off. He was wearing boxer shorts and seemed to be semi hard.

“No power?” He asked before he seemed to register what we were doing.

“Eric is helping me by protecting me from aliens.” Sophie said.

Her simple words seemed to be contradicted by her bouncing enthusiastically on my dick.

“Oh, right!” He replied, elongating the last word.

“You put her on to it.” I added.

“Do you want to help?” She asked him, and scrambled off me, only to turn and impale herself in reverse cowgirl on me.

She held out a hand towards Kevin and he glanced once at his room and then stepped into the room. Sophie pulled him close, and I was rather glad that she blocked the view as she tugged down his boxers and started to blow him.

“Fuck me!” He exclaimed rather loudly.

“Keep it down, for fuck’s sake.” I shot back, and he glanced nervously at the doorway.

Having Emma walk in on us would not be a good idea.

“Thank god you were wearing a condom when you fucked Emma.” Sophie suddenly said. “I don’t want to be tasting her pussy juice again.” Both Kevin and my mouths dropped open at a comment like that and I made a mental note to follow up on that at some point.

However awkward it was for me to be having sex whilst the girls blowing my flatmate, Sophie, seemed to be super into it. She was fingering her clit and tugging on her tits and becoming increasingly loud. Kevin took matters into his hands by grasping her head and taking charge.

His dick muffled some noises, but it would fool nobody into thinking the sounds weren’t sex. Especially when she climaxed.

Kevin was looking terrified at the door, praying his girlfriend wouldn’t wake up. After Sophie calmed down a little, he stepped back and pulled up his boxers.

“I really should go.” He said and hurried from the room.

“Oh, that’s a shame. I was really enjoying that. And I’m sure it was probably protecting the entire house.”

“Why don’t we go to my room? Less chance of Emma walking in on us.”

“True.” She giggled and stood up. “Although I kinda want her to see you like that. As proof, I got the better cock.”

Sophie was kinkier than I thought.

We fucked for hours, not noticing when the power finally came back on.

I woke up snuggled next to her, and I worried if it was going to be awkward.

“Morning sleep head. How are you?” She asked.

“Fine. And you?”

“I’m a little tender, in a good way. Someone fucked my brains out last night.”

“Yeah, about that. The thing is about that alien story…”

“Relax, I know it was bollocks.”

“Excuse me?” I was shocked. “Then why?”

“Because I’ve been trying for weeks to get you to be interested in me and make a move. Half the time when I was on about conspiracy stories, it was just to wind you up. When Kevin told me that obvious bullshit story, I thought I’d use it to take advantage.”

“You took advantage of me?” I asked in feigned outrage.

“And you didn’t put up much of a fight.”

“But I felt guilty about that all night.”

“Didn’t stop you pounding my pussy.”

“True. Now what?”

“I think after all that sex, I’m owed breakfast in bed.” I slipped from the bed and put on a dressing gown. “Oh, and can you get my clothes? I don’t want to make it too obvious to Emma that we were fucking in the living room.”

“Fine, but when I come back, I want an explanation why you know what Emma’s pussy tastes like.”

She gave me a sexy wink as I left the room.

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