Can We Be Saved by NylonDreams,NylonDreams

I laughed when she mentioned Dorothy going ballistic, “Belinda, you have had a very long day. Unless there is an earthshattering element, it can wait until tomorrow. We can close my door and discuss it.

“Thank you for Sarah. She was as you described. I’ve been flayed and soothed.”

Belinda laughed, “Okay. There wasn’t anything which exposed what she was doing. I do think she loves you and you have surprised her by your actions. See you tomorrow.”

After eating in, I checked our accounts. There were a series of transactions which didn’t make sense. I couldn’t find their name anywhere. I would have my investigative people track those down. It could be the counselling Sarah mentioned.

I looked further back and saw the medical clinic bills. I’d add those to Sarah’s information. I doubted they would say what had happened. I did check their website. It was a gynaecology/fertility clinic.

Belinda and I discussed her meeting with Dorothy. Belinda admitted she had said how cut up I was over her tattoo and that Mike and the tattooist had seen so much of her. There were several phrases which Dorothy repeated which made little sense.

I hadn’t spoken to Dorothy. She had managed to persuade my mum to call me. It wasn’t a good call. Mum told me that Dorothy had needs I wasn’t meeting. She didn’t like me reminding her how when she went outside her marriage to address her needs, she fucked her husband so much he drank himself to death. I wouldn’t allow that to happen to me. If Dorothy has needs I can’t provide, she can accept the divorce and move on. She can fuck who she likes after.

The week went slowly or quickly, depending on what I was doing. I had more information for Sarah.

Unbeknown to me, Belinda had given Sarah more of the story than she gave me.

When I saw Sarah, I gave her a folder with what my team had learned. There was no further information on the gynaecology clinic but their site showed they investigated reproductive health. The other strange recurring bills turned out to be a counsellor who specialised in empowering women to take control of their lives. Her building had a great deal of security as many partners of her clients objected to her methods. It appears she breaks more marriages than she fixes.

Sarah studied the contents for a few minutes. She didn’t look pleased.

She looked at me and spoke sadly, “I can make a working hypothesis but to confirm that I would need a couple of things which I suspect you may not like.

“If I assume Dorothy had her reproductive health checked, if it came back positive, she would assume, you have a problem. We can confirm or repudiate this if you have tests yourself.

“This other counsellor and I don’t agree on much. I dislike her attitude to men and how it damages her clients’ relationships. There are a number of complaints outstanding against her at our registry which I’m sure your investigators have found. I believe she should lose her licence.

“This clinic, which doesn’t have the best of reputations, often send females there. I would suggest your wife gets retested at another facility. It would be good if perhaps you can invite her to the same one as you so you both are tested at the same time. Say you’re concerned that your troubles started when she was involved with the other clinic.

“The second part, I need to know more about your relationship. Did you acquiesce to whatever Dorothy wanted? Did you do stuff for her rather than what you wished to do? Could she have misconstrued what you did as weakness instead of love?”

I thought for a few moments, “I suppose I did overcompensate for not being there by agreeing to most of the things Dorothy wanted. She picked the holidays which were seldom any of the ones I suggested when we discussed our plans. I accepted what restaurant she wanted, the hotel. I only dug my heels in when she suggested we take my mother with us.”

Sarah smiled, “On Monday, you said you never forced yourself on Dorothy? Did you never try to get her to be more adventurous, dirty even?”

I laughed, “I did try but the frozen north was warmer so I stopped. She seldom drinks much but on occasion when she had, I was even allowed to eat her to several orgasms and I did once touch her rosebud. She slapped me.”

Sarah smiled, “Belinda was confused by what Dorothy said. This counsellor spurts this shit.

“In business you are successful, you have earned respect from many not only for your expertise but also as you treat people well. At home, Dorothy may see you as subservient to her as you acquiesce to her all the time. This counsellor will have played on that and told her to take control of you. The teasing with others, the denial of sex, her behaviour with Mike and the others.

“She repeatedly told Belinda this was the first time you have said no to her. She wasn’t expecting that. She expected you to roll over and allow her to have her way.

“Now she may love you and believes she’s doing this for love. I have an idea in my mind how it was presented to her, but I’d need to speak with her.

“Can you arrange those tests for both of you and have her come with you next week? I know you will not be happy but it will clarify her action quickly.”

I thought for a long time. Sarah gave me the time as she knew it was a very difficult decision.

I spoke firmly, “I can, I think, see what you suspect. I know I can’t go on like this. I’ll speak with her. I don’t know what she’ll say but if necessary, I’ll ensure she knows without her co-operation, divorce will be the only option.

“I have to say the thought of those tests scare me.”

Sarah smiled, “I’d be surprised if you weren’t. It’s a big step. The thought that you might be the one with a reproductive problem is a hard one for anyone to take. I suspect with that clinic, it’s not as cut and dried as that. Hopefully, the tests will confirm my suspicions that both of you are healthy, just need to reduce your stress levels about it.”

We spent the rest of the session on my mental health wellbeing. She finished with more hypnotherapy. I was certainly more relaxed. I was managing to work on it slightly when alone.

I returned to my office which took Belinda off guard. I explained what Sarah wanted and needed to see if it could be arranged. Belinda sent me for the coffees as she researched the laboratories. She was speaking with someone when I came back.

She smiled, “Tomorrow at 10.30am. The results will be ready in 72 hours. You’ll need to confirm to them that you authorise them telling Sarah the results. She’ll have them for your 4pm appointment.”

I nodded, I was like a bloody dog, nodding all the time, “Sarah wants Dorothy there.”

I felt like I imagined a condemned man must have felt heading to the gallows. I needed to speak with Dorothy.

I called her. It rang until voicemail. I hate voicemail. I spoke slowly, “Dorothy, I’ve given some thought to what started all this. It was that bloody gynaecology clinic you went to. I’ve researched them, they are charlatans. Belinda has arranged an appointment for both of us to be tested with a reputable organisation for tomorrow at 10.30am. I hope you will come with me. You can call me or Belinda to confirm or not.”


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