I wasn’t expecting her to answer so if I didn’t hear, I would have mine done for my own piece of mind.
Belinda surprised me with a hug. “Jeremy, don’t think the worst. The stress you were both under could have caused any problem. How do you think I schedule your time so you go to the gym and Ian makes sure you work out hard? To reduce that stress. As you’ve said, the new business is working well. You can take a step back. Have that holiday in Croatia or Madeira or both.”
I laughed, “Belinda, you can’t fool me. Sarah told me you told her you can run this business better than me. I might take you up on that. The only problem you would have is replacing you.”
She smiled, her eyes laughing, “Oh, I’ve my eye on my replacement. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t.”
Her phone went, “It’s Dorothy,” she said quietly. She walked to her office. I only heard the beginning, “Hi Dorothy, I’m making my way to my office so we won’t be overheard.”
I stayed in my office out of the way. I knew Belinda would tell me what the outcome was. When she did, I’d head to the gym. I was stressed.
Belinda came back in, she was smiling. After twenty minutes on the phone to Dorothy, I thought she would be spitting blood and demanding a bloody big raise.
She spoke firmly, “She wasn’t for doing this. I told her you were undergoing counselling and the therapist asked you both to have it done by a reputable clinic. You felt it was a big part of what has caused you to split up. By having the tests together, the results together, you can address the outcome together.
“She finally agreed but you have to pick her up. She doesn’t have fuel for her car as all her cards have been cancelled or reached their limit. I think the freezer is taking a hit as she can’t afford the shops. You will get it in the neck for that tomorrow. She let slip she had to cancel her therapist as she couldn’t pay.
“I told her, you’d take her to meet yours so you would both hear the results together for the first time. She didn’t like that until I told her I’d arranged the therapist and she was recognised as the best in marriage counselling by far. Some other counsellors sold an abusive relationship, she just works on the love the couple have for each other. If she can’t fix you, assuming you want fixed, nothing can fix you.”
I thanked Belinda and left. I had a lot to think about though the one thing I didn’t want to think about was what was foremost in my mind. I realised I couldn’t remember the last time I wanked. Would I fill a big specimen tub or just a dribble? I went to the gym where Ian made sure I worked out hard.
As I struggled for breath, I asked, “Does Belinda pay you more for torturing me?”
He laughed, “No, it’s just a perk of the job!”
I laughed. After I finished he took me to his office.
“Jeremy, these are your results. When you started eight months ago to now. Until this last fortnight, your blood pressure has been going down. It’s up slightly but nothing to what it was before. Your body mass index is down from problematic to good. You’ve lost twenty-one pounds even as you built up more muscle. You took the bleep test and went eighteen more runs. The lung capacity is up. Cardiac levels are very good.
“If you had blood tests before you started and repeated them now, I’m sure your levels will have improved drastically. I’d expect them to be in the good to great range. All that work has had a major improvement in your body and I dare say your mind as physical health is linked to mental health.
I looked them over. He wasn’t lying.
“Ian, I can’t thank you enough. I can see where I was headed. You’ve made me far better than I’ve ever been. How can I repay you?”
Ian looked at me, “Jeremy, there are many people waiting on SNHS sponsored physical therapy. The poorest seldom access it due to cost. We have the ability to offer it to many here, without charge. It wouldn’t interfere with any of our staff or classes.”