Carrot Shortcake by Sneakyphoenix,Sneakyphoenix

This is outrageous, she thought to herself. What kind of woman would let herself be caught dead in a getup like this?

Maria is a woman who calculates every possible risk before making her move. When she bet against Kadin at cards, she deemed the chance of seeing him in a skimpy fireman’s outfit worth the risk of having to show herself in a playboy bunny outfit. However, a worthwhile risk is a risk all the same, and the cards decided that she would be caught alive in that exact getup.

She stepped out of the changing room, heralded by the clack of her high heels- thank God she at least knew how to walk in heels- and sarcastically struck a pose, not bothering to wipe the irritation from her face. While Kadin laughed up a storm, she noticed Hector… remaining silent, taking in the sight with a soft grin. When his river-blue eyes met with hers, she looked away reflexively.

“You might as well take a picture. It’ll last longer.”

“Good idea!” Hector chimed, digging around in his pocket.

“You- That wasn’t an invitation!”

Hector sulked in light disappointment as Kadin fell out of his chair laughing.

When they all had composed themselves again to leave, Maria returned to the changing room to remove the costume, but she hesitated to put it back on the rack. The way Hector was looking at her… it wasn’t the worst feeling.

She’s had stray thoughts about him before. About taking his scruffy white hair in her hands, about how tall he was- 6’6″, nearly a whole foot taller than Maria if she stood up straight! They’d joked before about fucking to relieve the emotional tension between them, but… she started to really consider it now, and she has the feeling Hector is too.

…She slid the clothes into her purse. No sense spending money on such a big gamble- If he isn’t interested, it’ll gather dust in a cabinet for the rest of her life.

So now, she’s sitting on the couch of her and Hector’s flat, in full playboy bunny costume, waiting for him to walk through the door.

Sitting in anticipation with nothing else to occupy her, Maria’s thoughts linger on her garb. The leather bodysuit hugs her form, not choking her, but not letting her relax fully, either. The fishnet stockings feel uncanny on her, and the wrist cuffs shuffle when she moves her arms. Most of all, though, the ears keep flopping into her field of view, and she’s this close to just-

“Heyyy, Maria! I didn’t know you liked bunny rabbits so much!”

Maria jolts back to the real world as Hector closes the door and leans in over the arm of the couch, bearing an innocent grin. She scrambles back on impulse, inadvertently giving him an eyeful of an indecent angle. “You-” She clears her throat and leans against the opposite armrest, resting one leg inward. “No, I couldn’t care less for rabbits.”

“Planning on going to a costume party, then?” Hector takes a seat across from her.

“Of course not. You really think I’d waltz out in public in this?” The difference in attire between the two is stark- Hector is still in his casual outing look, a white sweater and light skinny jeans with some blue sneakers.

Hector grins, and the whimsical undertone to his voice disappears in an instant. “Then what in the world are you all dressed up for?”

Maria opens her mouth, but her words aren’t there. She looks into his eyes- sealing her own fate- and shivers. Hector’s own gaze is locked on her. Not on her body, on the outfit, or what little is left to his imagination, but on the blush spreading through her face and the words behind her eyes.


At last, she musters a sentence. “It’s for myself.”

“I don’t think either of us believe that lie. Care to try again?”

She goes silent again, drawing her legs close together to hide herself. His eyes were still trained on her, unflinching, like a vast ocean calling her to its depths. To drown in him. It was taking all of her better judgment to resist, and even that was a losing battle.

“…To feel attractive.”

Each word she picks is spoken with tactical effort. She can’t risk making herself too vulnerable, but if she’s too cold… she’ll lose this opportunity. She takes another look at Hector, tearing herself away from focusing on his eyes. He’s… Smiling at her. Warmly.

“As fun as trying to tease it out of you is, this back and forth isn’t going anywhere. So…”

He leans in. Not domineering, still giving her enough room to get up, but making his intentions clear as crystal. Maria’s heart starts to hammer.

“Want to blow off some steam with me?”

Maria is a woman who calculates every possible risk before making her move. But after he’d been dangled in front of her as long as it’s been, always just out of reach, joking about it every time, all to lead up to this moment…

In an instant, Maria pulls Hector in for a deep kiss. Just as quickly, Hector pushes back, pinning her against the sofa and taking control of the kiss. She resists his reversal, but her efforts become plainly half-hearted as he gropes her through the leather bodysuit. She settles in under him, focusing on holding back her whimpers instead.

A few long and passionate seconds later, Hector rises off of Maria and lets her sit up before pulling her into his lap and pinning her legs open with his own. Maria bites her lip and leans back into Hector as he redoubles his fondling- stroking her inner thigh, massaging her breasts, and trailing his hands just around her stiffening prick. She feels his own cock press against her ass, and takes the opportunity to grind back into him. She may have lost dominance in this instant, but she isn’t giving up quite yet.

All of a sudden, Hector takes hold of her by the jaw, leans into her ear, and nips at her, squeezing a surprised squeak out of Maria. “Enjoying your massage?”

The whisper rocks her core like a violent sea. “Just… just don’t stop…”

“If you insist.” He chimes playfully before trailing down and biting the base of her neck.

“Aagh- ghaahh… Hectorrr…” Maria breathes out his name, grasping for his arms to anchor herself in him. Her focus shifts from trying to regain control to retaining her senses as Hector’s focus remains fixated on making her come undone.

“Careful with all that noise, Maria.” He rises back to her ear. “We’re pretty close to the door, and it’s far from soundproof. What if someone hears your moaning?”

She shivers. “D-don’t say things like that!” She meets him with her own whisper, albeit sharper.

“Really? You’d rather make all the noise you wanted until someone barges in and sees your pretty body on display like this?” He tugs at a floppy bunny ear to accentuate his point.

“No! I’m not a shameless… I wouldn’t let anyone else even look at me dressed like this!”

Hector takes hold of her chin and tilts her so she can look into his eyes.

“So you want to be all mine?”

She gazes into his eyes, well and truly trapped. “You’re…”

“You only want me to see you dressed up and undone like this?”

She squirms in his lap. Her desire is burning away at her, screaming to just quench herself in him. “You know… exactly what you’re doing, Hect-”

“And so do you. So you know I need you to say it.” His candy-sweet smile mocks her in tandem with his cold gaze.

“…Fine. I dressed up like this to get your attention again, and I don’t want anything or anyone to interrupt us right now, so just…” What does she even say next? Kiss me? Grope me? Fuck me? Maria’s thoughts are a hazy pink cloud, and Hector’s smirk isn’t helping one bit.

“Well, now you have it.” he hums, without a care in the world.

“…Have what?” Maria manages to prod.

“My attention. So, why don’t you show off?”


Hector grins. “Stand up so I can appreciate this playboy getup you’re in.”

“You… can’t be serious.”

“You’re the one who wanted to show off.” He leans back and unwinds his legs from her own.

She flushes. “Don’t you use my own words against m-ee!”

Maria’s indignance is interrupted by a buck of his hips into her own. Even through both of their clothes… she can feel how hard he is.

“Well, if you’re sure, I could go take care of this myself…” He trails off with a wry grin.

Maria stands up without a word. She takes a few steps, and then turns around.

“Fine. Take a good look. And no pictures. Not even a joke about it.”

“Alright. I’ll just ask again if I forget, then.”


Maria strikes a pose- the same one she took when she first wore this outfit as a dare. One hand behind her head, the other on her hip, eyes locked with Hector. Now that they’re alone, he’s making no effort to balance his gaze with respect. She watches him drink her in, from her blushing face framed by the floppy bunny ears, to her neck and shoulders, clothed only by a small white collar with a black bow tie. To her generous cleavage, made even more pronounced by the hug of the leather and covered only barely to modesty. To her tight midriff, and her… crotch…

She only now realizes how openly her cock is parading her arousal, as it plainly and visibly bulges against her outfit. In a desperate attempt to salvage some dignity, she turns around as quickly as her heels let her, and inadvertently bends over to show off the low back of the bodysuit, her plump rear, and the small, fuzzy tail. All the while, her thighs stay on display, snugly hugged by her fishnets. She can hear Hector snicker at her predicament.

“Have you… gotten your eyeful yet?”

“Almost! Can you put your hands up like a bunny?”

“…What?” Maria’s plain confusion overpowers her embarrassment as she turns to look over her shoulder. To think that Hector can switch from innocent to arrogant at the drop of a hat just to get what he wants…

“Y’know, bunny paws!” Hector mimics the movement- arms close in to his sides, with his hands and wrists held up and pointed down.

Maria may be hot and bothered, but she’s not stupid. She knows that if she makes that pose, her forearms will press her breasts together even more. Instead, she takes his request as an opportunity. He’s clearly let down his guard- this is her chance to take control again.

“You mean like… this~?” Maria puts all of her grace to use, turning around and miming the pose. True to form, her chest is squished together, and she even shifts her shoulders to add to the allure. Topping it off, she side-eyes him with a wry grin, ready to see him realize he’s bitten off more than he can chew.

Except that isn’t what she sees. Hector’s deep blue eyes betray nothing but amusement, and his smile is just as sweet as when he demonstrated the pose he wanted to see Maria match. The words that pass those lips are just as sweet, but strike her core deeper than she ever thought two words could.

“Good bunny!”

Her blush returns in full force. “Wh- I’m- I’m not some pet for you to order around!”

“I dunno, you’ve been doing a good job taking orders so far.”

“That’s- I don’t- You’re not-” Maria tugs her fake ears over her face and groans in frustration.

“Is something the matter?” Hector asks, fake pity seeping from his voice.

She takes a deep breath… and wells up all of her pride. “No, Hector. Because this is where we stop playing games.”


She turns to face him and takes a step forward. If she wants Hector to take her seriously as a dominant partner, she needs to stand her ground and push back. And right now, she knows exactly what that means.

“Pants off. It’s your turn.”

He smiles. “Where’s this all come from?”

“Is that a complaint?”

“Not from me.” He shuffles his way out of his pants without getting up, leaving Maria to kneel in front of him and fish his dick out of his boxers herself.

And as she pulls his underwear down, his dick flops onto her face- from Maria’s estimate, easily seven, maybe eight inches of stiff cock. She blinks for a few seconds before taking hold of it and stroking it.

“Think it’ll be too much?”

“Of course not.” She can’t let a single nerve show. She’s practiced before. Her toys aren’t… quite as big, but she knows what to do.

She leans into the base, kissing him between the balls and shaft, trailing steadily up his cock at her own pace. Surprisingly, she’s met with no interruption by Hector, smug comment or otherwise. She reaches the head and watches his pre begin to bead, but leans back in for another pass instead of savoring the head of his cock quite yet. After some slow stroking and another pass down his cock, the bead has grown enough to roll down the head.

Maria smiles. “Looks like I’m not the only one who was looking forward to this, hm?”

Before Hector can answer, she laps up the precum, taking the head into her mouth and swirling it around her tongue. She’d tasted a dash of her own precum after letting her fantasies push past apprehension one lonely night, but tasting a steady stream of it while sucking dick is… another matter. Not decidedly worse, but certainly different.

Having found her rhythm, Maria slides more of his cock past her lips, careful to keep her teeth out of the way. Keeping her tongue active, she looks up at Hector to gauge his reaction, only to be met with a sly grin- the only warning she receives before he crosses his legs over her shoulders. As best she can with her mouth full, she demands to know what he’s trying to do.

“Don’t mind me, just settling in. You seemed to be getting pretty comfortable yourself.”

She grumbles through his shaft.

“Tap my hip if it’s too much.”

He’s challenging her. Maria is certain, Hector is challenging her to see exactly how much he needs to push her to make her throw in the towel. Well, she’ll be happy to show him that he’ll need to try harder than this to bring Maria Voldaren to heel.

She takes hold of his thighs and starts bobbing up and down his cock, working her tongue as best she can. Each time, she takes just a little more of his cock into her mouth than before. If she focuses, she can even hear Hector’s breath becoming unsteady. She takes the chance to weave one of her hands under his leg to massage his balls, making every effort to get him past the edge.

It isn’t long before Hector’s small gasps of pleasure turn into moans, and as Maria gets more and more confident, a hand on her head interrupts her. For an instant, she expects him to push her forward, to make her take every inch of his cock down her at once- she’s watched porn, after all, and knows well how that goes for the receiver. She’s prepared, though. She inhales through her nose and braces for-

Instead of a massive thrust, Hector gently rustles her hair. Weaving his fingers into the base of her hair only to gently comb through it. The feeling makes Maria pause and forget about showing Hector up, even about sucking his dick. She just lets her eyes unfocus and enjoys the moment. She hardly even notices when he guides her up and down his cock- slowly at first, but then matching her previous pace- until his warning.

“Ngh… Gonna cum…”

By the time Maria recovers from her haze, she’s taken Hector’s cock to the hilt, with the legs once crossed behind her now splayed out from pleasure. All of this is just in time for her to feel him pulse in her throat and cum directly down it. Hardly prepared, she gags, leaning back from his cock on instinct. Once her throat is free, she sputters as the rest of Hector’s orgasm paints her face and chest. It falls hot and heavy on her, and the last thing she’s prepared for is the taste. It’s clumsy, messy, and just enough to prick Maria’s eyes with tears.

“Hey, hey, easy now. Are you alright?” Once her senses come back to her, she sees Hector leaning in to inspect her.

Maria spits cum up and takes a few heavy breaths before nodding. She looks down at herself- Her tits are glazed with cum, and the persistent warmth on her face betrays to her how coated her face is. Even her tongue is still reeling from the aftertaste.

“Alright.” Hector takes hold of her chin once more and tilts her head up so their gaze can meet. Those abyss-blue eyes peirce Maria’s and look into her soul. “I really didn’t know if you’d be able to take me all the way to the hilt. You’re such a good bunny, Maria.”

Maria finally realizes, only when it is assuredly too late. Every move she made tonight- each kiss, each step, even each word- it was all in a dance to Hector’s tune. But now, she knows the rhythm, she knows her partner, and most importantly, she knows how it feels to let your partner take the lead. And at this point, she’s fully content to lose herself to this dance.

“Well… Thank you…”

“I’ll give more of a warning the next time I cum. That, or we could stick to facials. You do look pretty cute like this!”

Maria chuckles bashfully before standing up in front of him again. “Well, I’ll give you one more eyeful before I have to clean myself off, then. And remember, no pictures.” She even puffs out her cum-coated tits with the bunny pose for him, but Hector’s gaze wanders south.

“You sure you don’t want to go for a second round?”

“Huh-hhuah?!” Maria is interrupted by Hector standing up and tracing two fingers up her stiff, trapped cock as he slings the other around her waist to grab her ass, pinning her close.

“I want to give you a reward for doing such a good job. Don’t you want to cum too?”

“I…” Maria’s head is swimming. From the thrill of swallowing and being covered in Hector’s cum, from the pride she feels from being praised and complimented, from his posture trapping her against him, from how much she wants to cum. How much she needs to cum. She looks into his eyes, totally helpless.

Hector pets her again. “Don’t worry, I’ll take great care of you. Just trust me, alright?”

Maria nods along. Her coherent thought is lost at sea, and to her, Hector is the only thing in the world right now.

“That’s a good bunny. Now, let’s hop to it.” He guides her out of the flat’s common space and makes for Maria’s bedroom.

On the way, the clack of her own heels and the flopping of her ears wakes Maria up just enough to recall walking out in full playboy bunny attire as a part of a lost bet. She was so frustrated- she thought it beneath her to be dressed like that, to be ogled by just anyone. But now, when she’s just sharing it with Hector, the vulnerability isn’t nearly as intimidating.

And as she finishes that thought, Hector gestures to the door in front of them. “After you.”

Maria perks up, and strays out from his embrace to open up her bedroom to Hector.

Inside, the scarlet-painted room is perfectly neat. The queen-size bed is made, her fashionable drawers are organized, and the closet is firmly closed. About three quarters of the belongings here were stolen in some way, but if Hector can’t figure that out, she doesn’t need to draw attention to it. His focus is better spent elsewhere.

Maria sways her hips as she walks to the closet and opens it with a small flair. Inside is a mountain of kink gear- dildos, vibrators, gags, blindfolds, ropes, harnesses, and even a riding crop.


Hector whistles. “Never would have put you down for such a physical girl, Maria.”

“It’s a hobby.” She decides not to mention who her thoughts kept drifting towards whenever she ordered or used any of her equipment. “And now…” She walks into the closet and gestures to it all like a gameshow diva. “Everything in here is at your disposal tonight.”

“You’re sure?” Hector muses in wonder, with a gleaming hint of lust too subtle for Maria to notice.

“Of course. They’re all clean and ready for use.”

Hector smiles. He closes the distance between him and Maria once again, caressing the side of her face. “All of them except for one.” His finger catches a glob of cum, and he smears it across her lips. “But I think I like you messy like this.” He playfully boops her on the nose.

On reflex, Maria licks her lips clean. His cum has started to cool off, but it still only added to her heat. It takes all of her willpower to not start fondling herself or humping Hector’s leg like a desperate animal.

“So, Bunny-Toy, how do you think I should use you?”

“Bondage and toys.” Maria blurts out before she can even think about being embarrassed.

“Hm… That gives me a good idea. Get on the bed, face-up, and hold onto the headframe.”

“Yes sir.” She brushes past him to get by, but he puts a hand on her chest.

“You don’t need to be so formal about it, you know. Just call me Hector, alright?”

“Yes… Right, Hector.”

“That’s better.” He pets her once more, and passes by her to look through her collection. As he does, Maria climbs onto the bed and positions herself accordingly. Her queen-sized bed has a sturdy metal frame, but the swirling heart of the headframe and the lavish bedsheets and pillows fuse form and function together. Maria moves one of the two sets of pillows under her head and grabs the two sides of the heart, letting its spade point down directly at her messy face.

She turns her head to watch Hector stroll out of the closet with a sly grin on his face and his hands behind his back. “I could really get used to seeing you like this, you know.”

Maria shivers as she watches his gaze eat her up once more- especially when he stares at her cock. Shame and lust battle inside Maria’s mind, leaving her clinging to the headframe dumbfounded.

“Now, I picked out just the right tool for the job.” Hector reveals what he was holding- a hitachi vibrating wand. “Ready for some fun?”

“I’m… wait, you forgot the rope.” Maria gives a half-hearted chuckle.

“I didn’t forget anything.” Hector climbs onto the bed with her and leans in close. “We won’t be needing the rope, because you’re going to be a good bunny and keep your hands on the headframe, aren’t you?”

Maria squeaks and knocks her knees. “Yes… Yes, Hector.”

“Good.” He grabs her chin and kisses her deeply, and Maria is happy to reciprocate. After a few blissful moments, he breaks away with a smile.

“You taste like cum.”

Maria can’t help but laugh again. “And who do you think is to blame for that?”

“You, of course.” Hector slides down her neck, as singsong as ever. “All I did was a little teasing, and then you dove into my pants, dead set on getting me to cum into your mouth.”

“Th-that’s not h-aaugh, I…” He interrupts her with loving bites on the neck and collar. “You pushed your cock so far down, I could barely…”

“I wanted to oblige you, but I didn’t want a mess. But I guess that makes one of us, doesn’t it?”

“Nhhhooo, I wanted… I was gonna suck you off and show you the cum in my mouth, and you were gonna be seduced, and I was-”

“Maria, I can teach you how to suck my cock. Would you like that?”

“Wh… whah?” Maria looks into his warm, blue eyes. Falling into him more and more with each word shared, and with each kiss, and with each brush against her. With anything he does.

“I’ll show you how to give a blowjob.” Hector frees her breasts from the bodysuit. “Suppressing your gag reflex, teasing with your tongue, keeping spunk in your mouth to show off, the whole works.” He massages her breasts, careful to avoid the cum. “And then you won’t make a mess of yourself by accident like this- only when you mean to. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

It feels so good. Hector feels so good.

“Yes, yes please, Hector, please…”

“Alright. We’ll save that for another day. For now, though…”

Maria hears the click of a button and the buzzing of the wand.

“It’s your turn, Bunny. And remember- hands stay on the frame.”

Maria shudders with anticipation, but manages to take a steadying breath as she readjusts her grip. She’s used that wand before, and knows how wonderful those vibrations feel in the right places. She’s also seen enough porn to know how easy it is to keep someone on edge with it. If she’s going to-

Hector runs the head of the toy along the inside of her thigh, and she short-circuits on cue.


“Wow, you have such a pretty voice, Maria.” He turns off the wand. “Let’s see what other cute noises I can wring out of you, hm?”

Maria pants, looking down to watch Hector press the wand up to her other thigh. The sensation still comes as a surprise, but one she’s more prepared for. She was not, however, prepared for Hector to tease his hand across her prick through the bodysuit.

“OOohh, cuh… careful, sensiti-iive~!”

“What was that?”

“My cock, it’s pent up and sensitive, and-”

“Are you about to cum already?”

“N-no, of course not-”

“Good bunny! Keep it that way until I say so, alright?”

“Until… what?”

“I want you to really want to cum before you burst so it’s even more of a reward! That means you can’t cum until you have permission, alright?”

“If… if you’re sure- AAAaghn~!”

Hector runs the wand over Maria’s cock after adjusting to pin her legs down with his own. Even through the leather, she’s sensitive enough to feel each vibration wear away at her like a river cutting stone. And in a few moments, it fades again as Hector turns it off again.

“Oh come on, I need-” She watches him turn to meet her wild gaze. She’d barely noticed that she lurched forward and just about let go of the headframe, but Hector’s deep blue eyes gave her pause. He never said what he’d do if Maria let go of the frame- only that she wouldn’t if she was a good bunny. The glare tells her everything she needs to know- and that’s more than enough to make her retreat and readjust her grip.

“What do you need, Toy?”

“I… I need more to cum.”

“Hmm…” Hector muses. “How do you mean? Do you mean you want me to be more thorough?” He turns the wand back on and runs it down the length of her shaft, coaxing out a surprised moan and a lot of squirming.

“Or you want me to up the intensity?” He turns up a dial on the wand and presses it against her taint.

“HuuuUAAAH, HECTOR~!” Maria squeals helplessly, bucking against the vibrator.

“Yes, Bunny?” He responds, sweet as can be.

“You’re ghonna… fucking break me, Hector…”

“Don’t worry, I’m not breaking you yet. Believe me, you’ll know when it happens.” And just as casually, he pulls the wand away and turns it off.

Maria pants to catch her breath, clinging onto the headframe for dear life as stars dot her vision. She feels hands brush against her nethers, sliding under the bodysuit, fondling her for just a second before pulling the strip of leather between her legs aside. Then, the sound of tearing vinyl brings her back from cloud nine.

“Did- did you just rip my stockings?!”

“Yeah, they were in the way.” Hector fishes out her cock and starts idly stroking it.

“Nhhgh- but you just ruined…” Maria’s conscious thought begins to wane again.

“So you were planning on wearing it out, huh?”

“N-No!” Maria squeaks. “…Well, eventually, maybe, but not anymore!”

“The hole isn’t that big. It fits under the bodysuit, I made sure.”

“You… you’re sure?”

“Yep. No one else would be able to tell.” Hector twirls a dollop of precum from the river flowing from her cock. “Not unless they were staring at it from real close up, of course.”

“Don’t… s-say things like that…” Maria turns away as best she can, but her pulsing cock betrays her.

Hector laughs. “You seriously look way too cute when you’re covered in cum and acting all bashful.” He presses the wand against her bare taint. “But I’d bet you look even cuter covered in your own cum.”

“You- You’re letting me cum?” Maria snaps back to attention, throbbing in his grasp.

“Yep. Once the wand is on, you have permission to cum all over yourself.”

“Th-thank fuck, thank you Hector…” She devolves into breathy rambling.

“Five…” Hector starts to count down.

Her hips struggle to contain her anticipation, pressing back against the head of the wand.


She stares at Hector, wild passion clouding her senses.


He suddenly turns the vibrator all the way up to high and feverishly jacks Maria off, aiming her cock up at her.

Maria squeals, and a blinding orgasm follows immediately after. She spends an eternity howling her lungs out and cumming all over herself. She tries to push out Hector’s name, but the word is lost into breathy moans and shrieks. The only coherent thought in her mind, even as her back arches and her knuckles go white from holding the frame, is the image of Hector’s eyes, locked in the confident stare he gave her seconds before he turned on the vibrator.

About fifteen seconds later, Hector lets up on the vibrator. He collects some of Maria’s own cum on his fingers, and gently slides them into her slack-jawed, panting mouth. Wordlessly, she licks up his fingers and sucks them clean. Her eyes flutter as she reorients herself.

“Gooood bunny.” Hector gently praises her, running his other hand through her hair once more. “I knew you’d look cuter like this. All breathy, undone, and covered in cum.” He slides his fingers out of her mouth.

“You’re… too good… not fair.” Her head is still swimming, but she can make out Hector giving her a concerned look over.

“How about I get you some water, okay? You just wait here and relax.”


Hector turns and starts to leave, but pauses to glance back. “Oh, you can let go now as well. Like I said, relax for me.”

Maria lets go and splays her arms across the bed as soon as she’s given the word. She hears Hector leave the room, and before long she hears him come right back, guiding her to sit up and drink from the glass of water.

“There we are… better?”

“Still… kind of woozy, but much better.” She readjusts herself and takes the water to nurse from, while Hector puts the wand away. “How are you so good at… that?”

“Experience.” He answers plainly, closing the closet door.

“This… isn’t your first time?”

“Nope. Is this yours?” Hector grins.

“I’m… Yes, yes this is my first time.” Maria does her best to answer without blushing.

“Well, I’m happy to have the honor of being your first.” He smiles. A genuine, warm smile, paired with eyes as blue as a summer night. “That aside, you’re pretty good for your first. Have you been training for it?”

“N-no, of course not!”

Hector only looks at her as he opens up the closet once more.

“I’m… I meant not training for you!”

“That’s a good idea. Another time, though.”

Maria blushes and looks away. “Well, I’ve got a lot of cleanup to do, so if that’s-”

“Already cleaning up?”

Maria pauses to turn back around. “…Yes, why…” As she lets her gaze fall past Hector’s sweater, she sees exactly why. His cock is standing at attention once again.

“But we haven’t even gotten to the main event. You’d have to go and clean up all over again, and that’d just be wasteful.”

“You mean… you want to fuck my ass, don’t you?” Exhilaration tinges her words.

“Such a smart bunny-toy!” Hector leans in and pets her head. “That’s right, I want to bounce you up and down on my cock like the insatiable bunny you are!” That singsong tone again. It just… drives Maria wild.

“Well… not like that, you aren’t.” She licks her lips to drive the point home.

“Hm… I guess you’re right.” Hector feigns consideration before turning to her. “Any ideas?”

Maria just grins, rolls onto her back, and opens her mouth, her head hanging off the side of the bed.

Hector gasps. “Good bunny! I didn’t even have to teach you that trick!” He rustles her hair as best he can from their positions. If Maria had more of her wits about her, she would be taken aback at being treated like a pet in training. Instead, Hector’s Bunny-Toy just brings her paws together to squish her breasts.

He lines his cock up to her lips. “Say ‘aah’, Bunny~”


Hector slowly slides his dick past his bunny’s lips. “There, niiice and easy.” He gently runs his hand through her hair. “Since you’re so eager to give head like a good toy, do you want to have your first blowjob lesson right now?”

She responds with a casual thumbs up.

“Alright! Let’s start with that gag reflex.” He trails a finger up her throat, making her shiver. “The first step is to relax your throat, and to do that, you need to relax your mind.” At the same time, he starts gently fucking her mouth. “An inch or two past your comfort zone with each thrust, at a constant rhythm to help you adjust.”

She lets out a low groan of relaxation, trying to hold her throat open to the best of her ability.

“The second step is managing your breathing. If you’re trying to breathe through my cock, you’re going to gag. Instead, you want to breathe through your nose, and time it with my thrusts. Like this- In…” Hector slides his cock deeper into Maria’s throat. Obediently, she breathes in on rhythm.

“And out.” He retracts, and she exhales.

“In…” Again.

“And out…” And again.

“In…” She finds the rhythm.

“And out…” And lets everything else fall away.


“And out…”


“And out…”

“Good Bunny.”

She blinks back to her senses again after… some time, only to be met with Hector’s taint resting against her face and his full length sheathed in her throat. She staves off the urge to gag long enough for him to retract himself from her mouth with a wet pop.

“That’s it, you’re such a quick learner! I was worried you were going to doze off at one point, though. You don’t need to relax that much.”

“I’m…” She takes a few deep breaths of fresh air. That familiar taste of precum is fresh on her tongue. “I wasn’t dozing off.”

“Hmm…” Hector looks towards her crotch, then into her eyes to study her for a few seconds. Then, he smirks and sheds his sweater before climbing onto the bed. “Well, I’d pry further, but I have a better place to pry into, and a fresh coat of lube for it.” He crosses his legs and pats his lap expectantly.

Maria… disregards the matter as well. She shuffles around to face away from him and-

“Ah-ah-ah, Bunny. Other way.” Hector interrupts her.

She pauses, but corrects herself, letting him pull her into his lap by her hips.

“That’s better. I want to see all the pretty faces you make bouncing on my dick.”

He grinds his cock between her cheeks, but Maria puts a hand on his chest. “Hold on.”

“Hm?” Hector pauses for her, and she studies her situation to find just how to express what she needs to say.


Maria… nods.

Hector gives her a warm and understanding smile. “Happens with everyone. I promise I’ll be nice and gentle… on one condition.”

Her heart stops. “What?”

He grins. “You need to shout ‘crow’ if you need me to dial it back.”

She sighs and flicks his forehead. “You imp.”

Hector giggles while Maria lifts herself to align with his cock. She teases it against her asshole, trying to ease into the act as best she can. She takes a few deep breaths to relax herself, only to be interrupted by two mischievous hands groping her ass and spreading her cheeks.

“Need a hand?” Hector smirks.

“I’m…” She’s interrupted by a prod at her backdoor. “Fffuck, just… just keep it spread…”

With nothing more than a dirty look, Hector lets Maria ease herself onto the tip of his spit-slick shaft. With one good push and a squeaking moan, she fits in the head, and slooowly sinks onto the next few inches.

“Fuck… fuck, that’s big…” Maria’s cock, slick with precum, stiffens at the sensation.

“Too much?”

“I can take it.” She grabs his shoulders to steady herself.

Maria rises about an inch up and falls another two, letting out a shaky breath each time his dick brushes against her prostate. She repeats this cycle until Hector is… maybe halfway buried inside her before she stops to collect herself again.

“So, is it as good as you’d hoped it’d be?”

“You are, you’re so fucking good…” Maria whines.

“I am?” He prods.

“You’re the… the one fucking my ass right now…!”

“Maria, I’m just sitting back and letting you have your fun. Do you want to see what it looks like when I’m fucking you?”

“Oh, yes.” Maria practically moans.

“Well, it takes a lot of energy… I don’t know if you’re really up to the task, either…” He hems and haws, massaging circles into her asscheeks.

“Come on, Hector, fuck me! Fill me up, breed me, make good on that promise to bounce me up and down on you like a bunny!” Despite the need and indignation in her voice, she doesn’t move an inch off his cock.

“Breed you?” Once again, his entire demeanor changes like a flash of lightning. “You want me to breed you? Is my Bunny in heat?”

Maria clenches down and freezes up. Her face is inches away from his, and she can see the way he’s glaring at her- sizing her up like a piece of meat.

“Bunny, I asked you a question. Are you in heat?”

“Yes.” Her carnal desire to be fucked into submission has taken over. She’s throwing herself into Hector’s jaws, and she couldn’t be happier.

He lets out a reserved chuckle. “What am I going to do with you… How about I knock you up? Would that calm you down?”

“Yes, yes it would, please-”

Her babbling is interrupted as Hector suddenly thrusts into her, burying three inches inside her at once. His next thrust is no kinder- two inches up, then all the way to the hilt. The bunny doesn’t even try to stifle her ecstatic moans.

“Good Bunny. Enjoying yourself?”

“Fuhck yes.” Her eyes are unfocused, filled with hearts and stars.

“Then start bouncing.” Hector removes his hands from her ass, resting them behind himself. “Hop to it!”

“Yessir- Hector! Yes Hector!” She braces against him, raising her hips partway up and crashing back down with a quiver. She rides him as best she can, taking him fast and hard, twitching every time she leans that certain way, driving his cock right into her prostate and pushing out a deep moan.

“Fuuuuuck, you’re so big, Hector, you’re stretching me out so g-haaaaah~!”

He interrupts her again, holding her still as he bites down on her neck. He isn’t rough enough to draw blood, but it’s more than enough to leave a hickey. After a few seconds of biting, he slides up to her ear.

“I didn’t tell you to stop, Bunny.”

“Yhh… yesh Hechtor…”

Her mind addled with pleasure, the Bunny can only draw herself up to the head of Hector’s cock before falling back down on it with a slurred moan. All the while, Hector is grabbing and nipping her in all the sensitive spots around her neck, covering her in hickeys. She only makes it about two or three more thrusts before her own prick starts twitching.

“God, god, gonna cum, I’m gonna cum…”

“You wanna cum?” Hector relents, shifting his hand to her chin so he can look her in the eyes. “You wanna cum your brains out on my cock?”

“Yeees, fuck me stupid and knock me up, pleeeaseee~!” Every last vestige of shame has completely faded in her mind.

“Gladly, bunny.” He kisses her deep and then grabs her hips to lift and fuck her deeper. Within moments of the pace change, she howls into the kiss and makes a mess between both of their chests, going all but blind from the sensation. His thrusts don’t relent at all, though, keeping her stranded in mid-orgasmic mindlessness, even when the kiss finally breaks.

“F-fuhhck, I- ghod, you’re… fucking breaking me, Hhhhector!”

“I’m only breaking you in.” He breathes between pants. “You just asked me to fuck you stupid. This is what you wanted.”


“If you really need me to stop, safeword now.”

The command rings in her head with unmatched clarity, even as her prostate is being hammered. She knows the word that they agreed on. Crow. She could speak it now- well, she could try as coherently as she could. He’d stop the second he heard anything resembling “crow”. This is her out.

But the way he’s holding her, fucking into her, staring at her, marking her up… leading and training her like a pet? It’s doing something to her, and the last thing she wants is for him to stop.

She leans into him. “I told you… I can take it.” She slurs. “Keep fucking going.”

Behind his eyes, she can see him prepare to rile her up for being so forward and eager, but it loses out to something far more primal as he kisses her again, with a desperate passion. He grinds himself up into her a few more times before slamming in to the hilt, and the floodgate breaks.

It’s enough to make the bunny cum again.

Did she even stop cumming?

None of that matters, really.

Not when that deep, burning desire inside of her is being smothered by load after load, rope after rope of warm, sticky love.

A good ten seconds later, she breaks the kiss to catch her breath. Each breath out comes as a moan, and each breath in is full of sex. Her head is still swimming as she blinks herself back down to earth.

“Fuck… fuck, that was… amazing…”

“Awww, that’s cute…” She can make out a ravenous gleam in his eyes. “You think that was breeding?”

The bunny only has a second to process his words, and less to process what comes next. She’s thrown on her back, still speared on Hector’s cock, and her legs are pushed up to her sides in a mating press. His weight is pinning her down, his dick is still hard, and her neck is being assailed with even more love bites. She moans out for Hector, but the name is twisted into a high-pitched slurry of complete lust.

She’s coming again. Her tongue is lolling out.

Is this what it feels like to die?

She feels him bottom out inside her again. Another load of fresh warmth.

She feels sticky.

Bouncing springs meld with the sound of Hector’s hips pounding hers.

She’s coming. Maybe for the third time. Fourth? Second?

Hector is making her cum. He’s using her like a toy, just like she asked him to.

She wants to stay like this forever.

Let everything but the pulse in her prick and the stretch in her ass fade away.

Let everything… fade away…

Maria rubs her eyes. Her window is positioned just right so that the sun always hits her eyes early in the morning- a boon for productivity, a bane for the first minute of waking up. Eventually, however, she pushes the blankets off of herself and Hector.

“Mornin’, sleepyhead.” His singsong cadence is soft.

“Good morning…” She looks at her bedmate.

“Hector…” The gears in her head turn through the morning haze.

“Why are you in my bed? Naked?” She looks down at herself. “And why am I naked?”

“Because we had sex last night, because we had sex last night, aaand because-”

“I get it.” She cuts him off, clutching the covers to hide her breasts.

“Need a moment?”

“I’m… no, what I need is coffee.” She rubs sleep out of her eyes with her free hand.

“I can do that.” Hector gets up and strolls out of the room.

A few minutes later, Hector returns with a mug of coffee to a more collected- although no more clothed- Maria. “Nothing for yourself?”

“I put on some tea. It’ll be some time.” He sits on the bed next to her.

“Didn’t feel the need for clothes, I see.”

“My clothes are in my room and we live alone. Besides, it’s nothing you haven’t seen.” He draws his leg up seductively.

“Charming.” She deadpans.

“It doesn’t seem like you’ve changed, either.” He retorts.

“Well, I didn’t take five years’ worth of hormones for a novelty shirt.” She lets the covers fall and reveal her breasts. “And you explored far more than I was able to. Now hand over the coffee before you spill it on the bed.”

“Alright, alright.” He rights himself and passes the mug to her, scooching up to sit beside her.

Maria takes a sip, gradually perking up. “Alright. First off, why am I naked.”

“Because we had-”

“When we were having sex, I was in a playboy bunny costume.” She cuts him off.

“And it was very cute.”

“Not what I asked.” Her sharp tone does nothing to hide her blush.

“Fine, fine… we got it really dirty, so I put the whole thing through the wash.”

“All of it?” Maria raises her eyebrows.

“Well, not the whole thing.” Hector leans in and tugs a bunny ear into her field of view.

“Hector. I am this close to throwing this coffee at you.”

“Point taken.” He backs off with a playful smile, and Maria takes another sip of coffee to hide her own smirk.

“…How did I pass out, anyways?”

“We went a few more rounds than you could handle when you were riding me. Frankly, I don’t think I had more than one or two in me either.”

“Ah, right. That was…”

“You asking me to breed you?”

Maria takes another sip of coffee, dodging Hector’s confirmation.

“For real, though, is anything feeling sore or something?”

“Well… I think my tank will be empty for the next day or two, my legs feel like jelly, and I’m planning on having a glass or two of water after this coffee. But nothing else.”

“That’s good to hear.”

The two sit in silence together, the sounds of the awakening city surrounding them.

Hector breaks the silence after a few sobering moments. “So, now that emotions aren’t running high… we should probably talk about where we stand now. What we’re expecting going forward, that kind of stuff.”

Maria clears her throat. “Makes sense. Do you… want to give dating a try? There’s a quaint parlor restaurant we could get lunch at.”

“I’ve always preferred cozy nights in, but that sounds like fun.” Hector’s lapis eyes shine in the morning light, aglow with admiration. “How about we play around to see what works for a few days?”

“Sounds like a plan.” Maria smiles, and leans in to kiss him on the cheek. The jump in her heartbeat is from more than the coffee.

Hector smiles back, and weaves his hand into her hair to pet her. “Speaking of plans, still interested in learning how to give a blowjob?”

“That’s… not just yet.”

He withdraws his hand. “I’m only kidding, Maria.”

She takes hold of it, to Hector’s surprise. “I’m not.” She meets his gaze, eye to eye. “I’m interested, but… only once we have dating figured out.”

“Well… that’s fine by me.” He gets comfortable next to her, and takes a deep, relaxed breath.

Maria smiles and leans into him. She lets her mind wander at the possibilities- going out with Hector, enjoying a movie with him at home, sharing a meal made together, getting… frisky, when the moment calls for it… it sounds like Maria’s cup of tea.


“Hector. Hector, the tea.”

“Uh…” He smiles. “Uh oh.”

The two rush out to check on the tea. Hector’s apprehensive taste test reveals it to be much too bitter, and the two elect to pour themselves each a glass of water instead. After some playful small talk, they each dress themselves, pick a day for their first date, and continue their days and their lives as before, only closer together now. It isn’t seamless, picturesque, or perfect, but precious little in life is. Regardless, neither of them would have it any other way.

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