Cheryl's Beach House by kscarpa,kscarpa

A room at Cheryl’s house for the summer suited my schedule well; I could be there on most weekends and for a couple of weeks in August. Moreover, since she and Norah were a couple, and since they’d introduced me to Tatiana, whom I’d started dating a month earlier, there’d presumably be no issue of my new girlfriend being jealous that I was sharing a house with two gorgeous women. It was true, though, that seeing my housemates in their summer skirts and swimsuits was an appealing prospect.

The first Friday night at the house was just the three of us; Tatiana was traveling on business and was to arrive Sunday. Cheryl and Norah cooked a vegan meal, and I brought some wine, also vegan to suit Cheryl’s requirements. I did the dishes. We watched a movie that evening, a European thing with subtitles; it’d been picked out by Norah. I was more interested in glancing from my armchair at the two of them on the sofa: Cheryl in yoga pants, Norah in a flowery skirt that rose to mid-thigh as she sat.

Cheryl’s hand casually rested on Norah’s bare leg as we watched. Occasionally she’d stroke her girlfriend from the knee upward, her fingers lingering at various points, sometimes at or just under the hem. I tried not to be obvious about looking. At one point, I saw Norah smirking at me out of the corner of my eye, and I turned my head sharply back toward the TV screen. I heard a titter under someone’s breath; whether that was Norah or Cheryl, I wasn’t sure.

I stole a few more surreptitious glances at the hand stroking the thigh. I barely paid attention to the film, which had something to do with Sweden in the 1800s. Looking back at the screen, I saw the credits were rolling; a surprise, as I hadn’t realized we’d seen the ending. “We’re heading to bed,” said Cheryl crisply, giving Norah a couple of pats on the thigh. It seemed like a command. Cheryl rose, and Norah quickly followed, saying “Good night” with a shy smile.

Before long, I went to bed. I lay naked under the sheet, which soon started rising below my waist. I imagined Tatiana, and how she was going to look when she arrived Sunday. Probably she’d be wearing a bikini with a little wrap-around cover-up. Then I thought of the three of them, Cheryl, Norah and Tatiana, all in bikinis. I imagined them all running around on the beach, their hair wet from the ocean, their nipples visible through their bikini tops. Maybe the tops coming off, in some French Riviera type of scene.

My room was dark except for some light from a lamppost outside. My cock pushed the sheet further upward, a white tent in the dimness. I didn’t want to touch myself, since it wouldn’t be long before I’d be seeing Tatiana. But I wasn’t sure I’d be able to hold out.

Then I heard something through the wall from the couple’s bedroom. It was a smacking sound. Was it a hand against a leg, or, just maybe, against a butt? It wasn’t loud, as it was mostly muffled by the wall. I listened intently but heard nothing more for a long moment. Then another smack, this time followed by a giggle. “Stop it, he’ll hear you,” I could just barely hear Norah say. She sounded mirthful but also embarrassed.

I got up and walked gingerly toward a wooden chair that was against the wall. I didn’t want to make any noise and alert them I was up, let alone moving to the wall to listen. Unfortunately, my foot knocked over a knapsack I’d left lying on the floor, and I cringed a bit at the noise. I sat on the chair and cringed again as it creaked. Then shifting as quietly in the chair as I could, I cupped my ear against the wall. There was only silence from the other room for what seemed like a full minute. Had they gone quiet because they knew I was listening? Maybe they’d just fallen asleep. I pressed my ear closer to the wall.

Then there was another smack. This one would’ve been louder even if I hadn’t been against the wall. It was followed by an “Ow!” from Norah. Then some more giggling, though I couldn’t be sure which one of them that was; possibly, it was both of them giggling at once.

My cock throbbed as I sat naked in the chair. I permitted myself a quick caress with my left hand as I cupped my ear with my right.

Another smack, then another, then another. There was a muffled “Stop,” and something else that sounded like “He’ll hear.” Then I heard Cheryl, her voice firm and clear. “Stop’s not your safeword, young lady,” she said. “And I don’t mind if Frank hears. He won’t be surprised to know you get spanked now and then. He’s seen you get bratty.”

I held my breath for a moment at hearing my name, then tried to breathe slowly and calmly. Cheryl continued talking. “He probably wanted to spank you himself for making us watch that shit movie tonight.” Another smack, then a few more. The spanks seemed to be hand against bare flesh. They didn’t sound too forceful, just enough to give a little sting. They had a certain rhythmic quality, making slightly different sounds; I suspected Cheryl was alternating which of Norah’s cheeks got the palm.

There was a long silence. Was the spanking over? I had a crazy idea of knocking on their door and asking if everything was all right–but that would be with the hope they’d invite me in. Since that didn’t seem at all plausible, instead I walked over to my bed as quietly as I could and got under the sheets. There was no way I wasn’t going to touch myself now, and soon I came hard into a tissue, emitting a groan I wasn’t able to suppress. I thought I heard one more giggle from the next room. I felt a twinge of embarrassment, but soon enough drifted off to asleep.

The three of us had breakfast together the next morning. The girls were already in swimsuits, with wrap-around cover-ups. Cheryl was in a one-piece, and Norah had on a bikini. As we ate some vegan pancakes Norah had made, Cheryl looked at me with what seemed like bemusement. “How’d you sleep?” she said emphasizing the word “sleep.”

“Fine,” I said, trying to sound innocent.

“Pretty quiet location, isn’t it?” Cheryl said, staring at me with a smirk.

“Yes,” I allowed, then gazed out the window for a long moment. “No street noise,” I added, awkwardly.

With that, Norah gave me an odd look, and Cheryl burst into laughter. I continued eating, as nonchalantly as I could. Stealing a glance at Norah, I saw she was blushing, and I knew I was, too.

We went to the beach, and I happily lazed around eyeing my housemates in their swimsuits, as well as other women who were around. I kept a towel folded a bit over my swimsuit, to conceal the effect all this was having on me. At one point, Cheryl and Norah walked down to the water, and Cheryl gave Norah a pat on her bikini bottom to spur her into the surf. I watched from my chair enthralled.

A little later, I checked my phone. There was a text from Tatiana: “Arriving tomorrow morning around 9. Hope you’re getting along with the girls.”

“All well here,” I texted back.

Late afternoon, the three of us walked back to the house. Cheryl and Norah headed in, while I walked around the corner to buy some more wine. About 10 minutes later, I walked in and put the bottle on the kitchen island. I could hear a shower going in their bathroom. The door to their bedroom was ajar. Then I heard a loud “Oh!” I wasn’t sure which one of them it was.


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