Chrissy: Prepares For Date With Ted by Vwrite,Vwrite

Jessica knocked and quickly opened the front door. She called out, “Chrissy! Is anyone home? It’s your mother. Hey kids, it’s your grandmother. Is anyone home?”

Chrissy was upstairs but heard her mother call out. She came downstairs and said, “Mom, what a surprise! I was just going to call you because I need to talk to you. Come on in and I’ll get us a glass of wine.” Chrissy poured the wine and she and Jessica sat down in the den where they would have some privacy from the kids. “Guess what Mom. Do you know who called me yesterday?” Jessica shook her head ‘no’. “It was Ted Baxter. He is in town and wants to come by the house tomorrow. I didn’t tell Joey [Chrissy’s husband] that he called. I’m not sure what to do. You know the way he takes advantage of me. It would be nice to see him but I can’t get pregnant again. What do you think I should do?”

Jessica said, “Baby, I’m not sure what to advise you. I know how forceful Ted can be. It is very hard to say ‘No’. But I know how much fun it would be to see Ted again. He can make you feel so good with his….when he….you know….becomes affectionate.”

“Mom, I was thinking about the last time we saw Ted. Do you remember? After he took me home, did he come back to your house…you know….like he said he would? Did he come back and….love…you some more the way he said he would? You don’t get pregnant that way….do you? Was it bad? Would you mind telling me about it?”

“If you really want to know he did come back. I had drifted off to sleep because of the…workout….he had given me before you left. I thought you had locked the door when you left so I was very surprised to awaken with Ted on the bed with me. I was so weak that he did take advantage of me. I just could not stop him.”

“But Mom, what did he do?

“Well, if you must know the details, he took off all his clothes before I woke up. He got on the bed next to me and began kissing and suckling my nipples. What a way to wake up! I tried to push him away but he put his finger into my pussy and began to move it in and out. I couldn’t stop him and I became aroused again. He took the Vaseline which was on the bedside table and put some on his hand. He told me to lie on my back and pull my legs up and that he would give me a massage. He spread the Vaseline all around my pussy and my….err….ass. He began to give me a full hand massage pushing fingers into my pussy and my ass. He soon had me hunching off the bed. He then began to concentrate on my ass. He worked a finger in and moved it all around.” Chrissy was beginning to squirm listening to Jessica’s account. “Then he worked two fingers in me and finally three fingers. His cock got so-o hard while he was giving me the massage that I knew he would want to….you know….fuck me. He got between my legs on his knees and rubbed the head of his cock all over my pussy and my ass. Then he put the head against my ass and began to push. I tried to stop him once I realized that he was going to fuck my ass but I was too weak. He kept pushing slowly. Then he told me to push out like I was on the toilet. When I did that, the head of his cock went right into my ass. After that it was not long before he was fucking his big, thick cock in and out of my ass and he was making me come like I had never come before. When I came I felt him squirt my ass full of cum and I think I passed out. When I woke up Ted was gone and your father was home. He saw Ted’s cum running out of my ass but he didn’t say anything. The next day I was so sore I could barely sit down and I had to walk bow-legged.” By this time Chrissy’s breathing had shortened.

“Mom, do you think, if Ted comes over tomorrow and he begins to take advantage of me that I could make him satisfied by letting him…you know….use my bottom instead of my cunny so I won’t get pregnant? I want to be nice to him but I don’t want to get pregnant. Would you come over tomorrow so Ted won’t take advantage of me? Would it be OK if Mariel takes care of the kids tomorrow? You can take them with you when you go home.”

Jessica took the kids home with her and the next day she went back over to Chrissy’s house very early, much before Ted was to be there. She went in and met Chrissy, who was radiant looking and obviously looking forward to seeing Ted again. Chrissy said, “Hey Mom, thanks for coming over. I will feel much safer if you are with me when Ted arrives. He should be here in about two hours. What’s in the bag?”

“You look beautiful today, baby. I know you are excited about seeing Ted. I brought some things to help you get ready for Ted.”

“R-e-a-l-l-y, I thought I was ready but what do you have? Let me see.”

Jessica opened the bag and pulled out a large rubber enema bag, the hose and several nozzles. Chrissy exclaimed, “My God, what is that? What are you going to do with that?”

“This is just something to help you get…you know….all clean and ready for Ted, if he decides to use your bottom. You know how weak you are. You know you won’t be able to resist.”

“You don’t mean that you want me to take an enema! Mom, I haven’t had one since I was a baby. I don’t even know what to do with that contraption. I don’t think I want to do this.”

“Baby, that is what mothers are for….to take care of their children. Just go up to the bedroom and undress. I’ll be right up to get you ready.”

“But Mom, I really don’t want to….you know….take an enema. It is so embarrassing.”

“Don’t be a baby. You know you want to be ready for Ted. So go on up and get undressed. Spread a towel on the bed for me.” Chrissy reluctantly went up to the bedroom, stripped down to her bra and panties and spread a towel on the bed. Jessica followed Chrissy and took the bag, hose and nozzles into the bathroom.

“Chrissy, just relax on the bed and I’ll be right out and we’ll get started. Can I borrow your robe so I won’t get anything on my clothes?” Chrissy could hear water running in the bathroom and soon Jessica came out carrying a full bag with the hose connected to a small nozzle. “We’ll start with this nozzle and then we’ll switch to the larger ones.”

“Mom, I really don’t want to do this.”

“Just relax Chrissy. You will like it. Mother will make it feel good. Now lie back on the towel. That’s right….put your bottom on the towel. Now let me take those panties down. Lift your bottom.” Chrissy lifted up and Jessica pulled her panties down her legs and dropped them beside the bed. “Now open your legs and pull them back so I can see your bottom.” Chrissy did as she was told but her face flushed with embarrassment. “Good…now I will put a little lube on you before we start.” Jessica put a dollop of Vaseline on her finger and touched it to Chrissy’s anus. It was cold and Chrissy flinched. “I’m sorry baby. I will warm it up.” She began to massage Chrissy’s anus with her finger tip gradually increasing the pressure. Soon her finger tip popped into Chrissy’s anus and Chrissy groaned. Jessica worked the lube into Chrissy’s ass and put some on the nozzle. “Alright baby, let’s get started.” Jessica hung the bag to the bed post and pressed the small nozzle to Chrissy’s anus. Because of the lube and the relaxing massage the nozzle went right in and Chrissy grunted.

“Oh Mom, it feels like Joey’s little ‘dicky’. Are you going to…you know….slide it in and out the way he does?”

“Well, first baby we will let the little ‘dicky’ squirt a little. Would you like to feel it squirt? It will almost be like feeling cum.”

“I-I guess so, Mom. It won’t hurt will it?” Jessica released the valve and the warm soapy water began to flow. “God, I feel it. It is so warm.”

Jessica rubbed Chrissy’s stomach almost down to her clit. Then she turned off the valve and the flow stopped. “We need to switch to a larger nozzle…so…you know….you will be ready for Ted’s big, thick cock…OK.” She went to the bathroom and came back with a nozzle which was about 10 inches long. The tip was about one inch in diameter but there was a bulge about 2 inches in diameter at about the 3 inch mark. After the bulge the nozzle was about one inch in diameter. Jessica attached it to the hose and put some lube on it.

“God Mom, that is too big. It will never fit in me. It will hurt. Please be careful. You won’t hurt me will you? Jessica pushed the tip into Chrissy and she grunted. Jessica worked the 3 inch tip in and out until Chrissy was comfortable and her pelvis had begun to undulate. Then she began to press the bulge into Chrissy. “God Mom, what are you doing to me? That is so big. You are going to split me.”

“Just push down like you are on the toilet.” Chrissy did that and the bulge slipped into her ass. Jessica worked the nozzle back and forth until about 6-8 inches were buried in Chrissy’s ass. “Now we’ll put in the rest of the water. Just relax. I’ll massage your tummy and your pussy a little to make it feel good.” She turned on the valve and the water began to flow. Chrissy’s abdomen began to swell and she began to moan. Jessica began to massage Chrissy’s clit with her finger tip and Chrissy began to hunch off the bed.

“Mom, I’m so full. Your finger feels so good. I need to come. Just keep rubbing me. I can’t take much more water. I’m going to explode. I’m going to make a mess on the bed. Oh, I need to come now.” The water was almost all drained and Jessica intensified her clit massage. She also began to move the nozzle in and out fucking Chrissy’s ass. This pushed Chrissy over the edge and she began to come. She lifted her ass off the bed and screamed, “I’m coming. Oh God, I’m coming.” Jessica turned off the valve to the empty bag and continued to slowly work the nozzle in and out of Chrissy’s ass. When Chrissy’s orgasm subsided and she relaxed back down onto the towel water began to leak around the nozzle. Jessica knew it was time to get Chrissy to the toilet so she encouraged her to get up and helped her waddle into the bathroom.

“Chrissy, sit down on the toilet and I will pull the nozzle out of you. Are you ready?” She pulled the nozzle out and the contents of Chrissy’s ass almost exploded into the toilet. Jessica told her to clean up in the shower when she finished and left her in private. Jessica could hear the water flowing and the explosive farts through the bathroom door. About 15 minutes later Chrissy came out of the bathroom clean and sweet smelling all ready for Ted.

“Mom, that was incredible. I didn’t know you were going to make me come too.” She had a very rosy glow as she pulled on her panties and redressed into her short skirt and sleeveless blouse. She didn’t need stockings for her firm, tanned legs.

Jessica began to dress as well and said, “Baby, I thought if you came it would make the whole experience more enjoyable. It would also make it so you might be able to resist Ted when he arrives. Just remember, if you can’t resist him, do not let him stick his…big cock in your pussy. If you can’t stop him just let him stick it in your nice clean ass. I just know he would never use a condom.”

Jessica and Chrissy went down to the den to wait for Ted. Chrissy poured them a glass of chardonnay and they chatted for a few minutes. Soon there was a knock at the door and there was Ted Baxter, just as handsome as ever. Chrissy said, “Hi Ted” and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Come on in. Mom’s here.”

“Hello Mrs. Thompson…err…Jessica. This is a pleasant surprise.”

“I was just leaving, Ted, but it is nice to see you again. Would you be so kind as to walk me to my car?” Ted looked quizzical but nodded ‘yes’. Walking out to the car Jessica explained to Ted that Chrissy could not get pregnant again but she was prepared for another new experience. Jessica told Ted that Chrissy had just had an enema to get ready for his visit. Ted was taken aback by Jessica’s forthright comments but he smiled knowingly and kissed her on the cheek. Jessica sat down in the car, smiled and asked Ted when he was going to visit her again. Ted leaned into the car, kissed her deeply and said, “Soon.” Jessica left and Ted went back into the house.

“Chrissy baby, it is so nice to be alone with you. We haven’t been alone together since high school. Let’s just pretend we are back in high school and going on a date. Can I give you a little hug?” Ted put his arms around Chrissy and pulled her body close. She smelled great. “Are you ready for our date? What would you like to do? Why don’t we stay here by ourselves? We have so little time alone together. You are so beautiful and sexy just like you were in high school.” He kissed her lightly on the lips.

Chrissy could feel the bulge in Ted’s slacks pressing against her stomach. “It is good to see you again. I always forget how big and strong you are. You must workout to stay in shape. We can stay here for our date if you like. Let me get us a glass of wine. Go into the den and make yourself comfortable.” Ted went into the den and sprawled on the sofa. Chrissy brought the wine and sat down beside him. They sipped the wine and chatted about recent events in their respective lives. When the wine glasses were empty Ted put his arm around Chrissy and pulled her next to him. He tilted her chin up and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Ted, you have to be a gentleman now. We are alone. I have no one to protect me. What do you want to do on our date? If we pretend we are back in high school we could make-out some…if you want to. But you have to be a gentleman.” Ted kissed her again but this time he pushed his tongue between Chrissy’s lips. She accepted Ted’s kiss and began to use her tongue, as well. Ted reclined on the sofa pulling Chrissy down with him. His left hand was on her waist and began to move up under her breast. Soon his thumb was raking across her nipple causing it to harden. Chrissy’s legs straddled Ted’s right leg as she reclined against him. “Oh Ted, this is just like being in the back seat of your car on a date. Do you remember? You would kiss me and touch my boobies and my cunny…remember. What did you want to do to me then? Did you want to do bad things to me? Did you want to get in my panties? You wanted to stick your big cock in my cunny…didn’t you? Did you want to slide it in and out and squirt cum in me?”

“Chrissy, you know what I wanted then and you know what I want now. Can we get more comfortable? Can we go up to the bedroom? Your mother told me that you were all ready for…well…you know….a new experience with my cock.” Ted’s hand moved down Chrissy’s back and began to work her short skirt higher up her shapely legs.

“Mom told you ‘that’. Sometimes I wonder whose side she is on….yours or mine. Did she tell you all the gory details about helping me to get ready? What are you ready for? This is your date too. Ted, you shouldn’t pull my skirt any higher or my panties will show. Someone might come in and see me. I don’t know if we should go up to the bedroom. You might take advantage of me again. You know what you did to Mom and me the last time we were in a bedroom with you…do you remember? You got into our panties and put a baby into both of us. If we go upstairs you won’t try to put a baby in me will you? It is sort of uncomfortable here though. Ted baby, don’t put your hand under my panties. You’re going to try to f-fuck me aren’t you? I’m married and I’m only supposed to let Joey f-fuck me.” Ted had slowly worked her skirt upward until he could fondle her ass cheeks through her bikini panties. He worked his hand down the back of her panties along her ass crack and began to finger her anus. Chrissy began to squirm against Ted’s leg rubbing her pussy. “Ted, you’re so bad….ummm….that feels so good.”

“Chrissy, you could touch my cock some, if you want.” She began to rub his cock through his slacks. She then worked the zipper down and reached into his fly and pulled his cock out and rubbed her thumb over the head.

Ted groaned and pushed his finger into her ass. “Ted, you shouldn’t touch my bottom like this. What if someone saw you touching me like this? Ooh Ted, if you are going to touch me like this maybe we had better go upstairs.” When Chrissy got up to go upstairs she continued to lightly hold Ted’s cock in her hand. Ted continued to finger Chrissy’s anus. “Let’s go up.” They walked upstairs while continuing to massage each other.

When they reached the bedroom Ted unzipped Chrissy’s skirt. It fell to the floor. He unbuttoned her blouse and took it off her shoulders. “Ted, you shouldn’t take my clothes off. You will be able to see my cunny. You will touch me and kiss me all over. I just know that if I don’t have clothes on I won’t be able to stop you from fucking me.”

Then Ted took off his shirt and slacks. His cock poked through the fly of his boxers and when he pulled Chrissy toward him it bumped against her stomach. “Ted baby, you are getting so hard already.” She reached down and lightly gripped his cock in her little hand. “Are you going to use ‘this’ to do bad things to me? It is so big and thick. It squirts so much. Look, it is already leaking. You know how Mom helped me to get ready for our date. I would like to help you get ready too.”

“I am ready now, baby. What else could you do to get me more ready?”

“You know what Mom did to me. I could do that to you….you know….get you all clean and ready. It felt so good to me and I could make it feel so good to you. You will never forget this date.” Chrissy continued to pull on Ted’s cock and rub her thumb over the head spreading the pre-cum lubricant.

“I don’t know baby. I’ve never had an enema. I don’t think I would like it. Did it really feel good? Did it hurt? I guess we could try it, if you want to.” Chrissy told Ted to stretch out on the bed and she would get everything ready in the bathroom. When she came out with the full bag, hose and nozzle Ted had second thoughts but he did not object. The nozzle with the big bulge in the middle looked scary though.

Chrissy spread a towel on the bed and told Ted to lie down on it. She reached down and helped him slide off his boxers and tee shirt. His cock bobbed up in the air when his boxers came off. “Just lie back and I will take care of everything. We need to get you ready with a little lube. You remember when Mom helped get you ready to f-fuck me the last time we were together. Well I’m going to help you get ready this time.” Chrissy put some Vaseline on her hand and put it on Ted’s cock. She moved her hand up and down and Ted groaned. She put more Vaseline on her other hand and told Ted to raise his legs. She spread the Vaseline up and down Ted’s ass with a vigorous massage. She then concentrated on his anus working the lube in with her finger.

When Chrissy had thoroughly lubed Ted’s ass she put some lube on the nozzle and touched it lightly to his anus. She twisted the nozzle and increased the pressure until the tip began to slide into Ted’s rectum. He groaned and Chrissy said, “Does it hurt, baby? I don’t want to hurt you. Does it feel like a cock going in and out….you know….f-fucking you?” She moved the nozzle tip in and out about 3 inches up to the bulge in the nozzle. Ted was squirming more frantically all the time. “Do you want me to f-fuck you some more? Would that feel good?” Ted nodded and Chrissy pushed the bulge into Ted’s ass. Ted grunted. “Are you ready for this c-cock to squirt in you? I’ll turn on the water now.” The water began to fill Ted’s intestines and Chrissy continued to move the nozzle in and out, while never pulling the bulge past Ted’s sphincter muscle. As the bag emptied into Ted his cock reached maximum hardness and Chrissy began to move her fist up and down the stalk. “Does that feel good baby? Do you like me rubbing your big cock? Will this make you squirt cum?”

When the bag was empty Chrissy turned off the valve and returned her attention to Ted’s cock. She continued to fist it and put her oval lips around the head. Ted’s pelvis was rocking in the age old fucking motion. “God Chrissy what are you doing to me? I’m about to explode. I need to come so-o bad. Keep sucking me. Can I squirt cum in your mouth? Oh, keep sucking me.” Chrissy knew Ted was about to go over the edge so she stopped sucking on his cock. When he calmed a little she took his cock head back in her mouth. She repeated this several times until she knew Ted was going to come. She increased the suction on his cock head, squeezed his cock with her fist and pushed the nozzle all the way into Ted’s ass. This was too much for Ted and he began to come. “God Chrissy baby, suck it. I’m coming! Get ready to swallow, baby. I’m going to squirt cum. Here it comes. Suck baby, suck.” Ted erupted into Chrissy’s mouth and she began to swallow as much as she could. Some cum dribbled down her chin.

When Ted’s cock was bone dry and beginning to soften Chrissy moved up and kissed Ted pushing some cum into his mouth with her tongue. She whispered in his ear, “Ted baby, did that feel good? I’ve never given anyone an enema and I’ve never let Joey or anyone come in my mouth before. I’ve learned so many new things with you. Did I do it right? Your cum was so thick and there was so much. Did I make your cock feel good? Did you like being fucked in the ass? Do you want to go to the bathroom and get all cleaned up?”

“You had better let me up before I have an accident right here on the bed. You were fantastic. It felt like you were sucking my balls right out the end of my cock. You must have enjoyed it too. Look at your wet panties.” Ted waddled into the bathroom, closed the door, sat on the toilet, pulled the nozzle out of his ass and his bowel erupted into the toilet.

Chrissy remembered how much noise she made just a little earlier. She called to Ted through the door to shower off when he was finished. She then went into another bathroom, washed her face and brushed her teeth. She looked down and her panties were wet so she pulled them off. With a warm wash cloth she wiped her wet, swollen pussy and the juices which were on her inner thighs. She thought to herself that it was good that her mother had made her orgasm or she surely would have come while she was sucking Ted’s cock. She might even have been tempted to straddle Ted’s big cock and let it squirt into her cunny. She dabbed some perfume on her inner thighs and went back to the bedroom and got into bed with just a sheet over her. Soon Ted came out and got under the sheet and took Chrissy into his arms.

“Ted baby, are you enjoying our date? Do you like being alone with me? Did I make you feel good?” Ted kissed her deeply and forced his tongue between her lips.

“Chrissy, baby, you sucked my cock like a pro. I have never had a blow job while taking an enema. It was unbelievable. Maybe sometime I will give you an enema and eat your pussy. Would you like that? Or maybe we could give each other enemas and then fuck while holding the water. How about that?”

“That might be fun.” His hands roamed over her body touching Chrissy’s pussy. “Oh Ted, don’t touch my cunny. It is all wet and puffy.” Ted pushed a finger into her pussy. Chrissy put her tongue in Ted’s ear and then whispered, “It got me so hot when I was sucking your cock and when I was fucking your ass with the nozzle. I need to be fucked. Are you going to fuck me? Where would you like to fuck me? You can fuck my cunny but don’t cum in me…OK?” Chrissy opened her legs widely to give Ted full access to her pussy. After fingering Chrissy’s pussy for a few minutes, Ted pulled his finger out and moved it lower onto her anus. He pushed his finger into her ass. “Ooh, are you going to fuck me in there? I’ve never been fucked there. Do you think your cock would fit?” With his finger in her ass he pushed his thumb into her pussy. This made Chrissy hunch her ass completely off the bed. “God, Ted baby, you’re going to make me come if you keep doing that. Do you feel how much I need to be fucked? Is your big cock going to get hard again? Do you want me to suck it and make it hard? Will you stick it in me and slide it in and out? Ooh, your thumb feels just like Joey’s ‘dicky’ when he sticks it in me.”

“Chrissy, turn around and straddle my chest. I will kiss your pussy while you suck my cock.” Chrissy did as Ted asked. Ted firmly grasped her thighs and pulled her pussy on to his face. Chrissy leaned down and took Ted’s cock into her mouth. Ted began to lick Chrissy’s pussy very hard concentrating on her clit. He took her clit between his lips and sucked it vigorously. Chrissy began to hunch down on to his face and to whimper and moan. Ted knew she needed to come so he continued to suck her clit. He pushed a finger into her pussy and a finger into her ass. This was too much and Chrissy began to come very hard.

“Oh God I’m com-m-m-ing! Keep fingering me. Oh God, it’s too strong. You have to let go of my clit. Unghh! Oh, you have to stop! I can’t stand any more. Please let go of my clit. Please baby, let me rest a minute.” Ted released her clit and Chrissy began to calm down. Ted’s cock was beginning to harden again and Chrissy still had her fist around it. Chrissy turned around and kissed Ted deeply and snuggled into the crook of his arm. “That was so good, Ted. Did you like sucking my clitty? It made me cum so-o hard. Did you see all the juices come out of my cunny? Did you like the way my cunny tastes?” Chrissy continued to pull on Ted’s cock and it was getting very hard. “Your cock is getting so-o big again. What are we going to do with it? Are you going to stick it in me? Do you want me to get on my knees so you can fuck me from behind?”

Ted pushed Chrissy over onto her back and urged her thighs apart with his hand. “I’ll show you what I’m going to do.” Ted then rolled over between Chrissy’s legs and his cock came to rest along her pussy slit. Ted lifted his ass and positioned his cock head right in the opening of Chrissy’s pussy. He then lowered his ass and pushed his cock into Chrissy’s wet pussy until his balls were against her ass.

Chrissy grunted and her pussy farted air from the sudden deep insertion. Her legs fluttered in the air as she adjusted to the size of Ted’s cock. “Oh Ted, it is so-o big. It is way up in my tummy. I want you to fuck my cunny so-o hard. I need a good fucking but I’m afraid you will squirt in me and make a baby. I want you to squirt in me but we can’t. I just can’t have another baby, now. Do you remember on the honeymoon when you put your finger in my bottom? It felt so-o good and it made me come. Do you remember what you did to Mom after you took me home? You could do that to me? Mom said you made her come so hard when you fucked her ass. I’ll pull my legs way up and we could put a pillow under my bottom. That way you could…you know….fuck me good.”

Ted knew that since he had just cum in Chrissy’s mouth that he could fuck a long time before coming. He began to give Chrissy’s pussy long, deep strokes. Within minutes Chrissy was whimpering and totally overcome by the fucking Ted was giving her. “Ted, it feels so-o good but you need to pull it out of my cunny. It might start to leak and it only takes one little ‘swimmer’ to make a baby in me.” Ted was beginning to feel the pressure in his balls and he knew Chrissy would not stop him if he wanted to squirt in her pussy, but he wanted to take Chrissy’s anal cherry. He pulled out with a ‘pop’. Chrissy moaned and hunched up trying to recapture Ted’s cock. “Ted baby, I feel so empty. I need you in me, fucking in and out. Put it back in. I need it so-o bad. Can you fuck me some more without squirting cum in me? Please put it back in. I want to feel it throb. Oh, please I need it back in me…fucking me. I need to come so bad.”

“Chrissy, I’m going to fuck you some more but we are going to do it differently.” Ted was on his knees between Chrissy’s legs and he took the Vaseline and put some on his cock and rubbed some on Chrissy’s anus. He noticed that her anus was loose from the enema and his fingering. “Chrissy raise your butt and I’ll put a pillow under you.” Chrissy obeyed weakly. She was beginning to have second thoughts about taking Ted’s big cock in her ass. “Pull your legs up, Chrissy.” Again Chrissy obeyed weakly. Ted moved up and pressed the head of his cock against Chrissy’s anus. “Are you ready for some more fucking? I’m going to fuck your ass so good you won’t be able to sit down for a week.”

“I don’t know, Ted baby. I don’t think it will fit. Please don’t hurt me. I could suck you some more and you could suck my clitty. Maybe just see if the head will go in.” Ted exerted a little pressure and Chrissy’s anus clenched.

“Chrissy baby, just relax. I’m going to push a little and when I tell you push down just like you are on the toilet.” Ted continued to massage her anus with the head of his cock. “Are you ready? Push down now.” Chrissy pushed and Ted pushed and the head of his cock popped into her ass just past the sphincter muscle. Chrissy grunted and her ass clenched again. “God, you have to relax. You are going to squeeze the head of my cock right off.”

Chrissy was almost hyperventilating. “It hurts! Take it out! I can’t stand it. You are splitting me. I can’t believe Mom let you do this to her. I’ve never done this before. Joey has never stuck his ‘dicky’ in my bottom. Oh God, you will kill me if you fuck me. Please don’t fuck me in the ass.” Ted reached down and began to massage Chrissy’s clit. This distracted her from the discomfort in her ass and she began to relax. Her stomach began to ripple. Ted began a slow, easy motion sliding about an inch of his cock in and out.

“Does it feel better now? Do you like my big cock in your ass? Do you want to get on your knees? Then I could fuck you from behind.”

“I-I don’t know. I-I think so. It is just so big. It stretches me so much. Let’s just do it this way. Maybe we can do it another time with me on my knees.” The pain subsided and Chrissy began to enjoy the feeling. “Ted honey, your cock is feeling better now. Maybe you can f-fuck me a little.” Ted extended his motion until he was sliding about 5 inches of his cock in and out. He continued to massage Chrissy’s clit. Chrissy’s ass was so tight around his cock that he knew he could not last very long but he did want to get his entire cock worked into her ass. He pushed a little harder and Chrissy grunted, “Unnghh, oh, are you going to stick it all the way in now? Oh, I feel it very deep. Keep rubbing my clitty. I think you are going to make me come.”

“Are you going to come on my cock? Do you want to feel some cum squirting in your ass? I believe that you like being ass-fucked.”

Chrissy’s eyes were closed and her mouth was open gasping for air. She moaned incoherently. Her ass was beginning to move frantically. Ted pushed it all in. Chrissy was close to the edge. Ted gave her two long strokes from the head to the root while rubbing her clit. Chrissy came like she had never come before. “I’m coming now! Fuck me. Fuck me. Fill me. Unghh, unghh, unghh. Oh, I’m so-o fucked. I want to feel you cum. Shoot it in me. Fill me NOW!” Chrissy’s stomach was rippling and her ass was clenching as her orgasm overpowered her and this sent Ted over the edge. His cock erupted filling Chrissy’s intestines with his cum. His ass clenched and clenched and clenched sending thick ropes of cum deep into her bowels.

Ted leaned down to give Chrissy a deep kiss but noticed that she had completely passed out. She had come three times within three hours, had taken a big enema, swallowed cum, given an enema, had her pussy ‘eaten’ and been thoroughly fucked in her pussy and in her ass. She was totally overcome by the preparation for and her ‘date’ with Ted. Ted pulled his cock out with a ’pop’ and went to the bathroom to freshen up. He came out of the bathroom, dressed and Chrissy was still asleep. She was lying just as he left her with her legs splayed, her pussy and ass gaping and cum dribbling from her ass. He kissed her lightly on the lips, pulled a sheet over her and left. It had been a nice ‘date’, certainly one to remember. Chrissy was certainly becoming more experienced and less reluctant each time he visited.

Later in the afternoon Joey came home from work and found Chrissy still in bed asleep. “Chrissy baby, are you sick? Why are you in bed? Do we need to go to the doctor?” He lifted the sheet covering Chrissy and noticed that she was naked. About this time Chrissy woke up and stretched languorously.

“Joey, I didn’t hear you come in. I was taking a nap and over slept. How was your day, babe?”

“It was fine, but what about you? Are you sick? The bed is all wet. Are you OK? What is that on your bottom?”

Chrissy could not keep a secret from Joey so she explained. “Joey baby, the most terrible thing happened to me today. That nasty Ted Baxter came by the house. He is so big and strong that I could not stop him from taking advantage of me. I tried to stop him but I couldn’t. I don’t think he made another baby in me though.”

“My God, Chrissy, what did he do?”

“It was so awful. He made me come up to our bedroom. He took my clothes off and he took his clothes off. He made me lay down on our bed. Then he touched my cunny and got me so-o hot. He made me suck his…c-cock and it squirted so much cum in my mouth that I could not swallow it all. His cum was so thick. It was awful. Then his c-cock got hard again and he f-fucked me so-o much. He fucked my cunny until it was all stretched. But the worst of all, he put his big c-cock in my bottom and f-fucked me so long. He made me come and come. I can’t believe how hard he made me come. I-I think I passed out because I came so hard. He squirted so-o much cum in my bottom. Just look, Joey, I’m going to have to wear a diaper. It hurt so much. Would you kiss it and make it better?”

“Chrissy baby, that’s terrible. Let me have a look and I’ll see if I can make it feel better.” Chrissy lifted her legs so Joey could see her pussy and ass. “Baby, your pussy and ass are all red and swollen.” He reached out and touched her anus with the tip of his finger. “Does that hurt, baby?”

“Joey, it is so sore. Please kiss it and make it better.”

Joey got between Chrissy’s legs and licked her pussy with his tongue. “I’ll kiss it baby and make it better.”

“A Little lower, Joey baby, my bottom is so sore.” Joey moved his tongue down to Chrissy’s anus and began to lick. “Oh Joey, that feels so good. I love you so much. You are so good to me. Can you get out all of that nasty cum that Ted squirted in my bottom? That’s good, Joey. Stick your tongue way in and get it all. You can use your finger, if you want. Do you see how he stretched my bottom? I’m going to have to wear a pad. Do you think it will shrink back to normal?”

Joey did the best he could. He finished cleaning Chrissy’s ass and went into the bathroom. He noticed the enema bag in the bath tub and wondered about the rest of Chrissy’s day. He knew he would find out soon enough and the good news was he didn’t find any cum in Chrissy’s pussy. For the next several days Joey noticed that Chrissy walked rather bow-legged and she always sat very carefully on a cushion.


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