Conversation Took a Left Turn Ch. 02 by Omegaman56,Omegaman56

Mary kiddingly asked, “You’re not planning on getting any other education while you are there, are you, Bobby?” Unfortunately for Bobby, he could never tell a lie without Mary knowing. She knew Bobby wasn’t telling the truth. When he said no, Mary caught the fact he looked away from her with his eyes for a split second. She decided not to push the issue that evening.


“Mr. Baurs,” came over the intercom. “There’s a lady out here that says she is your wife. She wants to come back to your office.”

“Send her back, Sandra,” I nervously replied. Standing up, wiping my sweaty palms down the front of my pants, I waited on her to come back to his office.

She walked in and smiled, “So this is where you go when you’re not home.” She slowly circled the room, touching and looking at the trinkets that vendors dropped off when making sales call on me. She didn’t say anything as she circled the room.

I asked, “What brings you here, Mary?”

“Just looking,” she replied. She kept her back to me as she sauntered through my office, acting as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Without looking at me, she asked, “When did you hire the receptionist? She is very lovely. What is she, 26, 27? She turned to look Bobby in his eyes.”

I bowed his back and barked back, catching Mary’s surprise, “I do not know or care. I didn’t hire her based on her age. Sandra is on parole, just like me. And needed a job.

Her husband had beat her constantly.

Finally, she had enough. One night, after he passed out from drinking. She sewed him up in his sheets and beat him half to death with a frying pan. She has gotten out on parole and has two kids. She needed a job to support them.

I provide health care and reasonable hours. If her kids are sick, she can answer the phone and work from home. And I needed a receptionist.”

Mary gave no reaction to his reply. She continued to wander around looking through the mail on his desk. “Why haven’t you invited me down to your office, Bobby?”

“Mary, I wasn’t hiding anything. You are working full time and going to law school. You get home and exhausted on weekends. I am trying to make it as easy on you as I can. I hired a housekeeper to keep the house clean and do the laundry.

I make sure that Amanda is where she is supposed to be and is taken care of. And besides, you never asked. I’d give you a tour, but all the trucks are out, and the only thing you’d see is an empty warehouse.

“Listen I’m really busy, and I have three large quotes to get out today. But do you want to go for a quick lunch?”

Mary smiled and replied, “Not necessary. I already have lunch plans. I’m taking your receptionist, what’s her name, Sandra, to lunch.” with a knowing smile.

I was pissed at Mary for going there, “Go ahead, Mary. I haven’t done anything with her that I wouldn’t have done in front of you. Unlike some people in their own office.” Mary stood in shock. And left without saying a word.

An hour and a half later, I heard laughter coming from the front of the offices. I walked out to the reception area after Mary left.

Sandra smiled, “Mr. Baurs, I mean Bobby. Your wife is a wonderful woman. I just love her. You’re a lucky man to be married to a woman like her. She said she would see you after classes tonight.” I knew now I had a spy in my office.


Mr. Harrison heard a knock on his door. He looked up to see Mary standing there with a desperate look on her face, “Mr. Henderson, can we talk for a minute? I have a personal problem.”

He waved her in as he finished putting away the files on his desk. He looked up and saw a scoured look on her face. He chuckled, “Let me guess. What did Bobby do now?”

With a concerned look, Mary spoke, “I don’t know. But he’s up to something. I don’t know what, where, or how. But I know he is. He lied to me about his upcoming trip to Vegas.

“Mary, you’re’ confusing me,” replied her boss with a smirk. “I thought you two were in an open relationship. Remember, what goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

Mary was caught off guard with that comment. “It’s not only that. He goes off Sunday mornings without telling me where he’s going. He has changed so much. I don’t even know him anymore.

We have more money in the bank that I can spend. He’s taking care of everything around the house since I am at school. He’s taking business classes that are over at 8 P.M. But doesn’t come home to 10:30. He is out the door at five every morning, rain or shine. He hasn’t touched a beer since he has gotten home.

Hell, since I’ve gone back to school, he has taken over all the household duties and is pretty much raising Amanda all by himself. He even hired me a maid. All I do is show up to events we have planned together, and he does everything. I am almost useless to him anymore. He even put in a pool for me.

I finally went by his office the other day for the first time. I didn’t realize how good he was doing. He’s hired an attractive secretary that’s working for him. I wanted to pump her for information, so I took her to lunch to introduce myself.

I picked up from a casual conversation with her she is taking a week of vacation to supposedly visit her mother in Tennessee. At the same time, Bobby is going to be in Vegas. I know we are in an open relationship, but I smell something fishy going on with him.

Do you know he just sent Thomas a cashier’s check for the remaining amount due on his court-ordered restitution? It covered the $138,000 plus some change he owed him.

He has a separate account he is paying everything out of. My paycheck goes into the household account, and we never touch it. Hell, he’s even doing the bills now. He is having his cousin do it. His cousin is his accountant. He can’t tell me what’s going on because of client confidentiality. So I don’t know what he’s up to.”

Mary sighed, “I’m worried about how’s he’s getting his money. You know Bobby. Him and his hair brain ideas. I don’t want him to drag me down with him, especially now that I’m becoming a lawyer.” It got deathly quiet between the two of them.

Mr. Harrison smiled, “Are you about through? It’s hard to have a discussion when one of the parties are talking, doesn’t stop to take a breath.” Chuckling, “First of all, don’t tell Lori the perks you’re getting, or I’d have to up my game.

As far his money goes, he’s getting a boatload off me. He had installed a sprinkler system in my next neighbor’s yard. Lori went nuts because of his yard compared to mine. His yard looks like the fifteenth fairway at Augusta. Basically, he’s shamed half of the homeowners in my community into going with what he calls his ‘Supreme Service.’ It’s not cheap, but dam, the yard looks great.

You know this year’s Christmas party was the most entertaining in years. Well, at least since Bobby went to prison. The dynamics between Booby and everyone else there was quite a revelation. We first thought we were going to have trouble between Thomas and him. But it turned out Thomas just wanted to get Bobby to handle his yard.

Next, Bobby was the big topic between all the ladies. With that dam high and tight haircut he had, they thought he looked like Chris Hemsworth. And he’s developed into quite the little dancer.”

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