Curiosity is the Lust of the Mind by WolfyLikes,WolfyLikes

It was going to be one of those days, I knew as I walked into work today. As soon as I got in I heard people moaning about the new girl, about her being irritating, about her stopping them while they were busy to ask them things, and generally going around talking to everyone in turn. Did she actually get any work done herself?

I laughed to myself as I walked away to my office. I knew who they were talking about, I hadn’t had the misfortune to meet her yet though. I knew Abbie was young, and it was her first proper job, but I put it down to people finding something to moan about as we were very busy at this time of year.

A few days later, I finally met Abbie. I’d gone for my dinner break and without looking up from my phone I heard raised voices and the person sharing my table got up and walked away. I heard the chair move along the floor, and someone sitting down.

“Hi, I’m Abbie, I’m new here. What’s your name? What do you do? Can you show me how to use the coffee machine please?”

I glanced up to see a petite blonde girl sitting opposite me, a huge smile on her face. Her hair was tied up in several little pigtails held up with a hairband on each one, making her look younger than she was. She was quite plain looking, with pale lips and brown doe eyes.

I looked around the room to see people looking over and sniggering.

“I’m Dave, I’m one of the managers, and do you always ask so many questions?” I replied.

“Sorry, my mum tells me off for that, and for talking a lot. do you mind me asking questions? I’m sorry if you do,” Abbie asked.

I raised my hand to shush her.

“I’m in the middle of something and eating my dinner now. Let me know when you want a coffee though,” I told her.

“Can you do one now please, I only have ten minutes,” she asked.

I walked her over to the machine and showed her the different buttons for sugar and milk choices. All the while I was showing her she didn’t stop talking over me. She sat back down with her coffee and I picked my things up to leave. I had another ten minutes myself but couldn’t concentrate so went back to work early.

The next couple of days the same thing happened, I’d be having my dinner and she’d come and sit at the table with me, and start asking questions immediately. I tried not to let it bother me, but I could see where the others were coming from.

The following day, Friday, there were only two of us in the staff room when Abbie came in. Despite plenty of seats being available, she sat opposite me again. Again she started asking questions, and then the other person left, just myself and Abbie were left in the room.

“Do you like me?” she asked abruptly.

“Yeah, you seem okay,” I answered.

“I thought so, you’re the only person here who doesn’t walk away when I bother them,” she said.

“You know asking so many questions gets a little annoying after a while don’t you?” I said to her.

“I know, I’m sorry. But if you ask questions you learn things, and it’s always good to learn new things right? she asked.

“Yeah, I suppose it is,” I answered.

“It’s also good to try new things out, to see if you like them,” she said, then cut herself off from continuing.

She blushed a little as she said it, trying to look away but I’d noticed.

“You should wear your hair down sometime, it would suit you,” I told her.

She had her hair all tied up in a scruffy bun on the top of her head today.

“Oh, and happy 18th birthday,” I told her.

She smiled broadly, and reached over and put a hand on my arm.

“Oh thanks, that’s nice of you. How did you know?” she asked.

“I had to do the paperwork for payroll, I remember your date of birth off it,” I replied.

As I’d said it one of the other managers came to the door and called me over. I went over to talk to them and then took my seat again. Abbie had a huge grin on her face again. I went to check my phone, which was on the left side of the table. That was odd as I’m right-handed. I must have knocked it when I got up. Abbie smiled broadly and said she needed to go back now, and she said we could talk later. She breezed out of the door, looking over her shoulder to see if I was watching. she smiled as she saw I was, and I noticed her cute pert arse swaying as she jiggled her hips as she moved away.

I was sitting at home that night, idly watching TV, when my phone pinged. I’d had a text message which simply said “Got your number, hope you don’t mind?”

I hadn’t got the number saved, so had to message back to ask who it was.

“Oops, silly me, it’s Abbie,” the reply said.

“When did you get my number?” I asked.

“Dinner time when you went to talk,” she sent back.

Now I know why my phone had moved.

“You said you liked me right? Can I send you a picture?” she sent.

I was expecting a picture of her cat or dog, maybe of her family of her and her boyfriend, I wasn’t expecting what I got. She was sitting at the end of her bed, wearing a black dress with a v shape cutout that plunged almost to her belly button. Her arms squeezed her tits together, making them look too big for her frame, the dress barely covering her thighs.

“Do you like my hair down then?” she asked.

I had to look again, I hadn’t even noticed her hair. She’d straightened it and it framed her face beautifully, showing off her big brown eyes surrounded by pale blue eyeshadow to highlight them, and crimson red lipstick accentuated the look. I felt the blood rush to my groin.

“Yes, I said I thought it would suit you like that,” I politely replied.

“Thanks. Can I send you another picture?” she sent.

I told her she could, my mind wondering what this one would be. I wasn’t disappointed. She’d sent two pictures this time, taken in a mirror. The first was her in black undies with black hold-up stockings on, the cups on the bra pushing her tits up and together. The second was the same outfit, but she had turned and the picture showed her pert round arse with her thong disappearing between her buttocks.

Here I was, forty-five years old and sitting at home prepared to watch TV all night, and an eighteen-year-old girl was sending me pictures like this. I certainly hadn’t expected my evening to go this way!

“Is something wrong, you haven’t replied?” she sent.

“No, the pictures are great, the work uniform does a good job of hiding that body,” I replied.

She sent back smiley faces, a whole row of them.

“Have you just taken those?” I asked.

“The one in the dress yes, the others I have loads of photos saved on my phone and laptop, I just had to find them first,” she replied, “Do you want me to send a new one?” she asked.

I wanted her to do so, but something told me to tell her no.

“Okay no problem, see you at work on Monday,” she wrote, smiley faces telling me I hadn’t upset her.

I didn’t see her again until Tuesday when she came into the staff room like an excited puppy and sat by me.

“Did you like the pictures? You haven’t shown anyone else though have you?” she asked when it was just us two again.

“You looked very pretty, your boyfriend is very lucky,” I said being diplomatic, “and no, they will be for my viewing only,” I assured her.

“Thanks, Dave, I wasn’t sure if they were enough, whether you’d like me in them. Are you keeping them then? Will your wife not mind?”

I paused and didn’t answer, then she saw my smile had dropped. She pointed to my wedding ring, which I’d honestly forgotten I still wore.

“She, erm, passed away two years ago now. Car accident. I’ve never taken the ring off,” I said quietly.

“Oh god, I’m really sorry, me and my big mouth,” Abbie said.

“Sometimes asking questions isn’t always the right thing,” I told her, getting up and leaving her sitting there.

At home that night my phone pinged.

“I’m very sorry Dave, I had no idea. It was wrong of me to assume. Also, you were wrong, I don’t have a boyfriend,” she sent.

I’d had time to think about it, it wasn’t her fault, she had no way of knowing.

“It’s not a problem, you’re forgiven, you just stirred up memories that’s all,” I said.

“If we’re friends again, can I send you another picture to say sorry?” she asked.

I told her yes, more to humour her than to see what she would send. The picture made my mouth drop open in surprise. This one she was fully nude, leaning back on one elbow, phone in the other hand, her legs slightly spread but closed enough to hide her pussy, taken in the same mirror. Her tits were firm, her nipples quite large, looking almost too big for her small body.

“I’ve just taken that one, do you like it?” she asked, “I’ll send you some older ones now.”

I nearly dropped the phone when the others came through. In a similar position to the one she’d just taken, this time her legs were hoisted up and a banana was sticking out of her pussy. The second one it was still inside her but the end sticking out had been peeled, the third was completely peeled but she was rubbing it along her pussy, the fourth her cheeks bulged as she’d pushed it into her mouth.

“Are you sure you don’t have a boyfriend?” I replied, before looking at the pictures again.

“I’ll tell you a little secret, I’m still a virgin,” she sent back, along with a picture of herself on all fours on the bed, her hand on her shoulder to take a picture in the mirror behind her, a pair of hair straighteners with one prong in her pussy and the other in her arsehole.

“I told you I like to try things out, to see if I like them. Or in this case, to see if they’d fit,” she sent, with a few smiley faces again.

“Didn’t they hurt?” I asked.

“No silly, they weren’t switched on,” she sent back, crying laughing emojis now.

Another message quickly followed.

“Do you mind me sending them, I have loads saved?” she asked.

I told her I didn’t, quite intrigued as to what else she would send.

“How much do you like them? Send me a picture back?” she asked.

“What of?” I asked naively.

“How much you like them?” she sent, with aubergine emojis to spell it out.

I wasn’t sure, but if she showed anyone it wouldn’t bother me, and I had plenty more of her if she wanted to play those kinds of games.

I slid down my trousers, took a picture of my flaccid member, then started stroking while looking at her pictures, then took a picture of my full-blown erection and sent them to her. I started regretting it a little when she hadn’t replied, then fifteen minutes later my phone pinged.

“Sorry, mum and dad came home and I had to dress quickly. Nice pictures though, eight inches?” she sent.

I replied yes, then realisation hit me what I was doing, trading pictures with a girl young enough to still live with her parents.

I was busy working the following day when Abbie sidled up to me, standing close enough that her thigh was rubbing against my leg while I had a conversation with someone.

“Have you got email on your phone?” she asked when it was just us two, “I’m going out soon so won’t see you at dinner.”

“Yes, why?” I asked.

She took my phone off me and started moving screens across and typing, then handed it back to me. She smiled, then sauntered off, her arse swaying as she exaggerated her hip movements again. This time, I knew exactly what was underneath. I didn’t see her again for the rest of the day, and it seemed like an eternity before my phone notifications told me I had an email that night. If I’d thought the banana photos had been surprising, these were next level.

She’d sent a zipped file, with a smiling face saying it was safe to open. I opened it, to see a folder, and upon opening showed lots of images. Clicking the first one started a slideshow. I was hard by the third picture. There were pictures of various household items inserted in her, either in her mouth, pussy or arse, sometimes an object in more than one hole. I made a mental note as the pictures played in front of me.

Bananas, a pear, an apple, cucumber, the handle of a dustpan, her straighteners again, a curling iron, hairbrushes of various sizes, the handle of a lump hammer, the handle of a toilet brush, candles, marker pens, and finally TV remote controls. A lot of the pictures were first an item in her pussy, then in her arse, quite a few with both pussy and arse filled, and the last couple both filled with a non-electrical item deep in her mouth. I played the slideshow several times until another email came through.

“Ooops, forgot these. Hope you’re enjoying them,” she’d written.

This time she was lowering herself onto her bedpost, which was wooden and quite wide, shaped a little like a butt plug. There were a few with it stretching her pussy, then with it inside her, the look of being so filled evident on her face. Then there were images of the post stretching her tiny-looking arsehole. There was a mixed look of pain but determination on her face, a killer picture with it halfway in and her arsehole stretched almost to breaking around it, then a final one with it inside her, her arse now shrunk to fit around the thinner pole end, The look of contentment on her face nearly tipped me over the edge as I stroked quicker upon seeing it.

“What? How? Why?” I asked.

“Now who’s asking lots of questions,” she replied with a laughing emoji. “I told you, it’s curiosity. I like to try things out. I see things lying around the house and wonder if I could fit them inside myself. Sometimes it kills me how long it is before I get the house to myself so I can try.”

Another email came through as I was reading that one. She wrote she’d sent a short video, taken recently. I played the video. On it she had a picture on the screen and looking closer I saw it was the picture I’d sent to her. Reaching to the side of her she picked up a lifelike dildo, and looking at the camera she said it was also eight inches long. Abbie bent her head forward and licked and slobbered along the shaft, then took it into her mouth. It took her four attempts but then she had the whole of the dildo in her mouth, only the balls stopping her from inserting more.

She gagged a little, then started to deepthroat the dildo, eyes looking at the screen at all times. After a short while the camera pulled away, showing her completely naked, her skin glistening, her pussy freshly shaved. Continuing to look at the camera she held the dildo upright on the bed, squatted over it and sank. Her eyes closed and her head rolled back as she lowered, further each time until she rested against the balls. Staring back at the camera she started riding the dildo hard, one hand underneath holding it steady, the other pinching each nipple in turn.

Suddenly she stopped, mouth open wide, and turned and looked towards her bedroom door. She quickly pulled the dildo from herself and rushed off camera. A couple of minutes later the video stopped.

“What happened?” I asked.

“It’s mum’s dildo, I found it earlier and remembered it was how big your cock is. I had to stop the video as I heard their car come back, they’d got home earlier than I expected. I hope mum didn’t use it later, I didn’t have time to clean it,” she replied.

I re-watched the video a couple of times, then a thought came into my head, she’d made this video with me in mind specifically.

“Have you shown anybody else these?” I sent.

“No, the pictures are for my viewing, for prosperity, and I can look at them and remember how each felt at the time. That video was for you though,” she answered.

“Can I ask why me then? Is there a reason?” I asked.

There was a pause before she answered, but it gave me chance to have a look through everything that she’d sent, and I’d saved it into a new folder for future reference.

“My parents are away over the weekend, I was hoping you’d come over perhaps?” Abbie asked.

“Away without you, where are they going?” I asked back.

“Dad’s work has a villa in Spain that the staff take holidays in, they’re going over from Friday to Monday for a long weekend. I used just starting my job as an excuse that I couldn’t get the time off, so couldn’t go,” she replied.

“So, where do I fit in then?” I asked.

“I want you to take my virginity,” she sent.

I read it a few times. I knew what the words were, they just wouldn’t sink in.

“Why me? why not someone your age?” I sent over.

“Because you’re more experienced, and know what you’ll be doing. I want my first time to be good, not some lad my age trying to cum as quickly as he can so he can get back down the pub to his mates,” Abbie replied.

“I need to think about it first, this is a big step from sending pictures,” I told her.

I didn’t need to think, I’d made my mind up, having just cum thinking about it after wanking over her pictures and video for a while now. I went and showered, then sent her a reply saying I would like to. She replied immediately, telling me to get there at 7 pm and to bring my toothbrush. She followed it with her address.

I didn’t see her at work before then but did get a message from her telling me her parents had left when she’d got back from work on Friday, so we were definitely on. Just to prove she wasn’t joking, she sent me a picture of her lying in the bath with the shower spraying its powerful jets directly onto her clit. A little later on she sent me a message saying she’d opened the gate, and if I drove through and up the side of the house she’d opened the garage doors for me to park in, so the neighbours wouldn’t be nosey about whose the car was.

I got there shortly before seven, parked the car and shut the garage doors, then went on rang the doorbell. The door opened before the bell had finished ringing, and I gasped as it did. Abbie opened it wearing black stockings and a black suspender belt, black heels, and nothing else. Before I had the chance to take it in, she handed me her phone and moved past me into the garden.

“Quick, take some pictures of me,” she said, “not posing, just keep taking some, I’ll delete the crap ones later.”

The garden wasn’t that long, with a small wall separating the garden from the footpath. Abbie jumped down to a large bush in the centre of the grass, and got straight onto all fours, turning to smile at me over her shoulder. Her pert arse cried out to be photographed and I willingly obliged. I took snap after snap, Abbie turning and lying on her back, hands behind her thighs spreading her legs for the camera. Then I saw the couple walking towards the house.

I signalled to Abbie, pointing in their direction. Abbie looked, gasped, and then sat up by the bush with her legs tucked in, making herself as small as possible. I lowered the phone as the couple approached, waving back as they looked, smiled, and said hello to me. They carried on down the street, oblivious to the near-naked teenager approximately ten feet away from them. Once far enough away, Abbie ran back into the house.

“Oh boy, oh what a rush, that was exciting nearly being caught,” she exclaimed.

Her breathing was exaggerated, her chest moving as she gasped. She moved a chair from by the dining table, put a foot up onto it and swung herself up onto the table. She perched her arse right on the edge and signalled to the chair.

“Sit there and lick me,” she instructed.

I sat down, her legs moving over my shoulders. I ran my fingers down her thighs first, tracing lines close to her pussy and then moving them quickly away.

“Oh god, as nice as that feels please, just lick me,” she urged.

I relented and moved my head down, my tongue finding the taste of her sweet nectar, her hand going to the back of my head as she writhed beneath me. I softly flicked along her wet folds and then onto her clit. Abbie groaned loudly and arched her back. Her hips bounced under me as she tried to keep my tongue there, but I traced a line down and introduced my tongue into her puckered little arsehole, teasing the outside before poking the end in.

“Oooooohhhh,” Abbie cried out, “Oh fuck that feels good, don’t stop.”

I did for a while, then went back to her clit, sliding a finger along her wetness, then pushing it into her soaked pussy. She writhed even more, her thighs clamping on the side of my head. I teased her for a while, then slid the finger down and slowly pushed into her arse. She groaned again, her hand grabbing a hold of my hair. I could sense her getting close to cumming so removed the finger, this time sliding two fingers into her pussy but holding them still.

She ground against me, trying to instigate what she wanted me to do. What I did do was slide those fingers out and into her arsehole. She groaned louder still, then I gave in. I pushed my tongue hard against her clit, and pushed my fingers quickly in and out of her. Her legs clamped harder still, her orgasm rocked through her body, and Abbie squealed as she squirted over my face.

Her legs went limp and they slumped off my shoulders, hanging down off the table. I moved the chair back, surveying her body as she slowly relaxed from cumming. Suddenly she sprang back into life, dropping down off the table, and kneeling on the floor. Standing me up, she started unbuckling my belt, dropping my trousers and boxer shorts down to my ankle. I kicked them off and took off my t-shirt. She nodded in approval before dropping her mouth onto my cock.

“I’m not gonna stop, I want you to cum in my mouth, I want to know what it tastes like,” she instructed, before greedily going back to sucking me.

I didn’t know if she watched lots of porn, or if she’d done a lot of practice on her mum’s dildo, but she was very quickly deepthroating me, taking all eight inches of my erection without too much discomfort. Her mouth clamped around my shaft, her tongue swirling around it, her hands reaching around to my buttocks and pulling me onto her. Her hands got ever closer to my arsehole as she rubbed around my buttocks, and then she pulled them apart. She reached one hand around a finger traced over my arsehole.

I jumped a little at her touch, making her gag a little, but she carried on working my cock. I looked down and her eyes met mine, and she winked. As she did so she slid the finger slowly into my arse. She worked it in at the same pace as she sucked on my length, a little more finger each time. What she was doing worked, as I grunted and started to flood her throat. My arsehole clenched her finger as I spurted down her throat, so much that I didn’t think I was going to stop. As much as there was, Abbie took every little drop in and swallowed it all.

I slumped back and sat on the chair, looking at Abbie as she wiped any remnants from around her mouth and licked her fingers clean, looking at me and smiling as she inserted the finger that had been in my arse.

“Did you like that? Was I good enough? I assume so as I made you cum? Was that a lot of cum, it seemed a lot?” Abbie asked.

“it was good. Weird, but good,” I answered.

“Did you like the finger in your arse then? I thought I’d try it because you did it to me, and I liked it,” she explained.

“I wouldn’t have asked you to do that, but I’m not complaining,” I said.

“I told you, you don’t know if you like things unless you try them at least once,” Abbie laughed, “and talking of trying things, I hope you’re going to get hard again so you can fuck me,” she continued.

I stood and pulled her to me, sliding my tongue into her mouth so they swirled around each other, my hand sliding to Abbie’s pussy, her hand to my rapidly growing cock.

“Oooh good,” she cried out, feeling it harden in her hand.

Not letting go, she turned and walked towards the door, leading me through and upstairs, turning and pushing me down onto her bed. I knew it was her room, I recognised the white walls splashed with light purple and pale blue from the pictures and video she’d sent to me. Still stroking my cock, she clambered up onto the bed.

“I’m going to pretend you’re mum’s dildo and climb on top until I get used to you, is that okay?” Abbie asked.

I simply smiled and nodded, I wasn’t going to complain about how she wanted things to go. She knelt over me, holding my cock upright in place, her mouth opened wide as she felt the warmth of my cock touch against her pussy lips. She moaned as she slid the end inside, and without pausing eased herself down my cock, not stopping but lowering herself slowly and carefully, until all eight inches were inside her and she groaned loudly, and then a big smile shot across her face. She raised herself a little, then back down again. Suddenly her eyes shot open and she stared straight at me.

“Sorry, I might sound a little weird now, but I like watching myself while I’m putting things in, or riding them, can I put the mirror by the headboard?” she asked.

I pointed to the full-length mirror behind her, but she said she normally took her mirror off the wall too, to get different angles. I agreed, and when she climbed off me to take the mirror down, I got up and moved the full-length mirror to right at the bottom of the bed. Turning I saw she’d put the mirror, which was about three-foot square, leaning against the headboard, and propped the pillows up lengthways next to them, telling me I could sit up more to watch too.

I leaned against the pillows as she positioned herself above me, this time keeping her feet planted and squatting down on me. Again she slid down onto me in one slow continuous motion, watching herself in the mirror as she did so. She groaned loudly as she saw how her labia moved along the length of my shaft as she rode me slowly.

“Oh god, I love seeing myself full up,” she squealed.

Her pace started to quicken, and I instructed her to put one hand behind herself on the bed, to lean back more. Doing this exposed more of her filled pussy to her eager eyes, and I took her other hand and placed it onto her pussy. She knew what I meant, and instantly flicked a finger across her clit. Abbie stopped riding now, rubbing at her clit like she trying to break some kind of record. Her body quivered and she came hard, her juices flowing out and across my stomach, her body jerking.

I gave her a chance to relax and then told her to view herself from a different angle. I turned her around, telling her to grip my ankles, then slid her arse back until my cock edged against her pussy. She pushed back eagerly and quicker this time, groaning again when full.

“Now, use that mirror to see into the other mirror, and you’ll get the same view of that beautiful arse that I get,” I told her.

She started riding me slowly, our eyes locked in the full-length mirror, and I put my hands down and spread her buttocks wide apart. Abbie groaned loudly both at the touch, and the sight of her arsehole being pulled open. She pushed back eagerly, desperately trying to keep her eyes open to watch, but closing them each time she pushed back and she felt my length inside her.

“Finger my arse!” she cried out.

I slowly rubbed my middle finger through the juices on her thighs, then slowly pushed it into her arse. Abbie had slowed her pace right down now and urged me to add another, then quickly another. Three fingers in now, she relented and started riding again, groaning louder and louder, me now keeping my hand still so she slid back on both my fingers and my cock.

She’d let go of my ankles now, laying flat along my legs, her arms stretched out behind her, her hands clawing at her arse, taking turns between pulling her buttocks apart and running her fingers across her thighs, scraping her skin, and slapping herself leaving red marks by her stocking tops and across her arse. Suddenly Abbie stopped riding me.

“I have an idea. Can I get that dildo of my mums?” she asked, “there’s something I want to try.”

“Let’s go and get it, and see what underwear she has. White stockings would look good on you with your skin colour and blonde hair,” I told her.

She led the way, kneeling and then proudly holding up the dildo as though she’d just been given a trophy. I’d opened a drawer and called her over, her mum had a lot of lacey underwear in a drawer. Abbie took out a pair of white stockings and a lace suspender belt, sliding hers off and replacing them. Grabbing my cock again, she led me back to her room, pushing me down onto the bed.

“I’ll let you fuck me later, just let me ride you for a bit longer?” she asked.

She handed me the dildo and started stroking and licking at my cock, getting it back to full erection. She clambered over me and squatted above my cock. This time she slid it by her arsehole and lowered herself down slowly, She eased herself back up until only the very tip of my cock was inside her, then she leaned back a little. She told me to hold the dildo so it was alongside my cock, then pushed it against her pussy.

“Keep holding it in place,” she instructed.

She lowered herself down with a very loud groan, my cock pushing deep into her arse and the dildo sliding into her pussy. She started riding, slowly at first then faster and faster, all the time watching the mirror to see both filling her up. Reaching hand down she flicked a finger across her clit, then rubbed quickly until she came again.

This time her orgasm was so strong she fell sideways off me, my cock sliding out of her arse with a very loud slurping sound. She lay face down, her perfect little arse upright, her face pointing towards me with a very contented smile on her face. After a few minutes, she reached both hands behind her and pulled her buttocks apart.

“Fuck me, Dave, I want to feel you up my arse,” she urged.

I slid over, a hand on the small of her back pushing her down, the other hand guiding my cock into her pussy. I fucked her for a while, then slid my cock into her arse. She groaned loudly and then shouted at me when I withdrew and pushed back into her pussy.

“Fuck me harder, I want to feel your cum up my arse,” she cried out.

I teased her for a while, sliding in and out while she pushed back up at me, then I pulled out and re-entered her arse. Abbie arched her back as much as my hand would let her, pushing her arse back at me. I quickened my pace, trying to last.

“Harder, harder, fuck me quicker, as hard as you like, I can take it,” she cried out between moans.

I moved my hands to her shoulder blades, pinning her down but allowing her to raise her arse a little more. I fucked her hard, and still, she urged me on, asking me to fuck her harder and faster. I knew I wouldn’t last too long, but guessed that’s what she wanted. I fucked her as quick as I could manage, slamming her down onto the bed with each thrust, Abbie still pushing back onto me to urge me on. Finally, I shouted out loudly as my cock erupted and I slumped forward, lying across Abbie’s back as my cock kept spurting, filling her arse with my seed.

Abbie climbed out from under me excitedly, getting on all fours so her arse faced the mirror, watching on with a broad smile as my load started to trickle from her arse.

“Oh fuck that’s hot,” she said, “I’ve seen that on a film and wondered what it would feel like, and look like afterwards.”

She ran her fingers through the gooey mess and then licked it into her mouth. She slid a hand down and started stroking my deflated cock again. I groaned in mock horror.

“Don’t be like that Dave, I want you to cum on my tits, and my face, and over my arse, and over my stomach,” she grinned, “but you can rest a bit if you need to.”

My erection was back within a few seconds. I knew it was going to be a long but fun weekend.

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