Dawn of a New Day Pt. 02 by rockofages469,rockofages469

***** This is a continuation of a story previously posted. In order to enjoy the debauchery that takes place in this story, it would benefit readers to start with ‘Dawn of a New Day – Pt 01’. It will make more sense to everyone knowing the beginning of the story. *****

I felt very different. My body was still in a state of delight. Nothing I have ever experienced made me feel like this. I craved more.

We walked out onto Fremont Street. This is downtown Las Vegas, the original city. This was here before the strip. Cars used to cruise the street day and night. Now it’s an enclosed mall that spans four long blocks. The light show, live music and amusement park atmosphere makes this place like an adult playground. Lauren took out her phone. Her face was buried in the screen, never looking up.

I asked, “What are you doing? You’ve been on your phone since we walked out of the spa. Is everything okay?”

Lauren laughed, “I was making a reservation for dinner and confirming our plans for tonight.”

“Oh? Care to share what we will be doing?” I asked.

“No. Not right now. I’d like to keep you guessing for a while.”

My mind started to run away with ideas of what the night would bring. Is she going to teach me to gamble? Maybe she has tickets for a show. I saw a billboard advertising an all-male nude review at one of the hotels on the strip. After the experience I had just a short while ago, that seems like something Lauren would plan. After our massage, I knew anything was possible. We wandered into the El Cortez. This was one of the original hotel casinos in downtown Vegas. It had a gritty atmosphere. It was old and smoky, like a scene out of an old movie. I could picture mobsters running the place.

I said to Lauren, “I want to try a slot machine. I feel a little crazy and have a twenty-dollar bill burning a hole in my pocket.”

That made Lauren laugh. “Go for it! We have about 15 minutes before our car arrives.”

My money lasted about five minutes. I made another twenty-dollar donation to the machine and lost it just as fast.

“We better go outside. On a busy night like this, the driver won’t wait around.” Lauren said.

The driver was just pulling up to the curb as we were walking outside. When we climbed into the car Lauren said, “That was perfect timing.” After a short pause she added, “So, what did you think about your massage? Mine was incredible.”

“It is not what I expected, that’s for sure. I feel so relaxed, so feminine right now. My whole body is still tingling. How do you even know about a place like that?”

She was very serious. “When you work as much as I do and have to travel, it is difficult to get involved with someone for a long-term relationship. Sometimes, I just need that physical release. Mixed with a massage is just a bonus. I do this every time I come to Las Vegas. I’ve gotten to know the owner, Casey. I called her when I was making arrangements for this weekend and I made sure that you had Logan. He is amazing.”

“I didn’t realize that Casey was the owner. Logan being amazing is an understatement. His touch was so gentle yet intense. He certainly knows a woman’s body.”

We arrived back at the Bellagio. Lauren and I were starving but we didn’t want to eat so much that we were bloated and uncomfortable for the rest of the night. We decided to go to Olives, a restaurant that specializes in Mediterranean style food. We were able to order a light meal and share a bottle of wine while we spent time catching up. We laughed and reminisced about our childhood. It was so much fun, just the two of us without any other family. We discovered things about each other that day that surprised both of us.

When we finished our wine, we decided to cruise around the casino. It was like a carnival with so much activity. Lauren was looking for a blackjack table while my speed was a nickel slot machine. A Saturday night at the Bellagio is packed with people. No blackjack tables were available so we decided to sit at one of the casino bars and just relax with a cocktail. Neither one of us are heavy drinkers, but this is Las Vegas. I’ve already lived with reckless abandon today. Why not catch a little buzz too. We both ordered a very sweet rum punch. They went down quick. Without flagging down the bartender, a second round appeared. The sign of a professional, he anticipated that we would want another drink.

Between a bottle of wine at dinner and the goblets filled with rum, we were both feeling pretty good and ready for more fun.

Lauren suggested, “Why don’t we go up to our room, freshen up and go to a dance club,”

It was early by Las Vegas standards, only 10 P.M.

“That sounds great. I haven’t danced since my high school prom.”

Lauren looked at me like I was from another planet. “That was 17 years ago! You really do need to get a more exciting life. What do you do in your spare time?”

I ignored the comment and question. Deep down, I knew she was right. Until today, excitement in my life has been sitting at home with a good book or going to dinner and a movie with my mother. With just a single adult massage, I felt like a new woman ready to take on the world. We finished our drinks and headed for the elevator.

“Do I need to change?” I asked.

“That dress is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen you wear. DO NOT change it. It shows off that incredible body you’ve been covering up like a nun your whole life.”

That made me feel great. My body reacted to her words as my nipples started to harden. Lauren noticed as we were waiting for the elevator.

She giggled and gave one a little pinch, “Oh my, no bra? You dirty girl.”

I was stunned but didn’t mind. I said, “No panties either.”

Her touch and words caused a gush between my legs. What is wrong with me, this is my sister. The sensation reminded me how much I yearned for a man inside me earlier in the day.

Lauren slid the key-card in the door and walked in. I followed only to be greeted by a small party. It was the staff from our massage this afternoon. Katie, Kyle, Casey and Logan were sitting in the living room of our suite.

As we walk in, they yelled, “SURPRISE!!!”

Each one had a drink; music was playing and they all seemed to be very happy. I looked at Lauren, she had the biggest grin on her face. I had an adrenaline rush when I saw who was there. All I could think was how Casey touched and shaved me. Once again, my body reacted. I could feel myself starting to get wet again. Then, Logan’s eyes met mine. He stood and walked over to me. He grabbed my arms and kissed me. It was the kiss I wanted from him earlier. I thought I was going to have an orgasm as our lips locked and his tongue danced in my mouth.

He held me and said, “We’re here to continue the party that was started this afternoon. Lauren planned this whole thing. You have an incredible sister.”

Our suite has a huge window that goes from floor to ceiling facing the Strip. The festivities began when Katie stripped Lauren of all he clothes in front of the window. We were on the twentieth floor but anyone looking could see my sister nude. Katie followed, dropping her dress to the floor. They went to the couch, sat down and they started to kiss and fondle each other’s breasts. I saw Katie’s hand move between Lauren’s legs. She spread herself wide and started to moan. My sister never ceases to amaze me. Apparently, she has bisexual tendencies. As I watched, I was curious what it was like to be with a woman. This afternoon when Casey fondled my breast, I thought I might enjoy more. Here was an opportunity and I couldn’t believe what I was thinking. Other than Logan massaging me into a frenzy earlier that day, I haven’t even been with a man, why am I thinking about sex with a woman?

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