Dick-Sucking Sisters Ch. 02 by jhealy55,jhealy55

“Oh Cissy,” Trey gasped. “That’s it. Take as much as you can into your mouth. Oh, that feels so good…oh!”

Cissy went just a tiny bit too far and gagged on the swollen head of her brother’s dick as it poked into the entrance to her throat. She pulled her mouth away to allow herself to swallow and breathe for a moment. Trey could see a tiny, glistening thread of saliva, stretched out between his sister’s lip and the tip of his cock, suspended there for the briefest moment, before it finally snapped.

“Sorry,” Cissy’s eyes flashed up momentarily to his. “That was a little more than I could handle.” Trey could see that her eyes had watered slightly after she had choked on his dick. The look in her eyes, for that brief flash when they connected, was one of the sexiest things he had ever experienced. His dick twitched with sublime pleasure, as he felt Cissy slide his cock once again into her warm, wet mouth.

“Don’t you think ‘Felicity’ is a too dainty a name for a boat, Bill,” Candace asked as they came upon the slip where Trey’s family’s cabin cruiser was docked.

“Not at all,” her brother replied. “Ships are supposed to be feminine and it means joy or pleasure. I think it’s very fitting.” He helped them up the short gang plank and opened the cabin door to let them in.

“In that case, you might have named her ‘Fellatio’,” Betsy laughed naughtily as she passed into the luxuriously appointed main cabin of their boat.

“Oh, that’s perfect!” Candace joined in the laughter as they both collapsed onto the seating along one side of the main cabin, careful not to spill their drinks.

“I’m not sure the Rules Committee of the club would agree, my dear,” Bill stepped in behind his small galley bar and lifted up a tumbler and a decanter of scotch. He poured a few inches and pulled out his pipe.

“Oh, just tell them it’s named after the main character in a lesser known Verdi opera,” his wife giggled. “They’ll be too ashamed to admit they don’t have any idea whether it’s true or not.” Bill chuckled in spite of himself, considering that for most of them, it was probably true.

“Speaking of which,” Candace pointed out drunkenly. “Weren’t we going to commemorate the anniversary of Betsy’s inheritance with a proper send-off?”

“I thought we agreed it would be a proper ‘suck-off’!” Betsy blurted out, unable to contain her laughter.

“Stop teasing now girls,” Bill chided them as he lit his pipe. “You shouldn’t joke about such things.” He loved that they were actually joking about it, but never imagined that they would actually go through with it, even as drunk as his wife was.

“Oh, we aren’t joking, are we Bets?” Candace gave her sister-in-law a light jab with her elbow. “Bring it on over here and we’ll show you.” She laughed, her eyes twinkling at the naughty fun.

“That’s right, honey,” Betsy was slurring a little. “Bring him over her so we can show you!”

“Honey, you’ve had a bit too much to drink,” Bill gave her every opportunity to take it back. “I hardly think it’s appropriate to let my wife and sister take turns doing that, just to relive some old college memories.”

“Oh, he’s just a scared widdle boy,” Candace taunted him. “Too afwaid of us two widdle girls to come out and pway!” She and Betsy were beside themselves with laughter.

“That’s enough of that,” Bill laughed. “Don’t make me come over there and prove you wrong.”

“Big talk mister!” Candace waved him off before turning to Betsy to clink their almost empty glasses. “He’ll never do it.”

“Yeah, we’re calling your bluff!” Betsy chimed in, remembering how much fun it was to be around Candace, who she had idolized in college.

“One more word out of you, young lady and I’ll have to come over and show you I’m not bluffing,” Bill walked out from behind the bar. “You’ll find it awfully hard to make fun with your mouth full!”

Betsy giggled. “Well I’d like to see you try it mister!” Her eyes were dancing with the fun of it all and she couldn’t help it if her eyes flickered down to the front of her husband’s trousers to see if she could tell if he was really erect.

“Don’t tempt me,” Bill stood in front of them on the long curved seating, his hand reached down to his zipper.

“Oh, I dare you!” Candace looked up at her brother, her face flushed and her eyes sparkling. “I double dog dare you!”

Betsy was laughing so hard she couldn’t stand it. “Yeah, double dog dare!” she joined in.

“Well you certainly asked for it,” Bill lowered his zipper and reached in to try to fish out his fully erect cock. “Now you’re gonna have to put your money where your mouth is!”

“I think you mean were gonna have to put our mouths where your winkie is!” Candace giggled.

Betsy laughed so hard she let out a snort, causing her to laugh even harder. She put her hands up defensively in front of her face, as if to shield her eyes from her husband’s cock in the moments before it was about to be revealed.

“C’mon sister,” Candace nudged her. “You got us into this mess. You’re gonna need to do your part to get us out of it too!” She did nothing to block her own mouth, or her eyes, from her brother’s cock, as she watched him extract it from his trousers.

Betsy parted her hands slightly to peek at her husband and squealed when she saw that he had actually pulled out his erect penis. “Oh honey, we were just joking!” she laughed, reaching out as if to try and put it back into his pants but ending up grasping his thick, throbbing dick in the process.

Candace playfully grabbed the back of Betsy’s head and guided her toward her brother’s waiting dick. “C’mon now, take your medicine like a big girl, Betsy!” She looked up at her brother with a twinkle in her eye, delighted that she had gotten things to go as far as they had. “Be a good sport. You dared him Bets and it’s time we have to pay up!” Candace was laughing as steadied her sister-in-laws head as her brother tried to poke his dick into her mouth.

As she felt her husband’s dick brush back and forth across her lips, Betsy relented and took her husband’s hard cock into her mouth at last. She had a brief flash of embarrassment when she considered that a woman her age was performing such a lascivious act, in a full evening gown, aboard their boat, with her husband’s sister right beside her no less. But she rationalized that she was drunk, and it really was all in good fun. Plus, she couldn’t deny that her body was responding to the fact that she had been acting playful, and more than a little naughty, all evening.

“That’s it Betsy,” Candace encouraged her. “Give it a good sucking. He’s certainly earned it!” She winked up at her brother and undid the zipper at the back of his wife’s dress, allowing the front to drop down, before she undid the clasp of strapless bra to let Betsy’s boobs dangle free. Betsy tried to squeal and pull away to grasp at her dress, but her husband had taken the back of her head, to steady it as he fed her his cock, and Candace was playfully thwarting her efforts to pull her bra or dress back up.

Cissy’s whole world had become consumed by the focus of sucking on the warm, hard length of dick in her mouth. She had closed her eyes and with the help of the whiskey and the intoxication of the act of surrendering her mouth to her brother’s cock, it was easy to imagine the rest of the world had simply faded away. All there was in that moment was the effort to take a mouthful of her brother’s dick as deeply as she could, sucking back to the tip, fitting her mouth to shape of the cock that she was trying to please, feeling her lips wrap at last around the soft, tender plum at the tip of his cock and the grunts and gasps that Trey was making when she did. Cissy had fallen into a slow, steady rhythm, feeling more connected and confident with each passing moment, that she was unlocking the mysteries of how to give her brother as much pleasure as she could with her mouth, her tongue and her lips. When she heard Carol’s voice cut in, it felt like she was being called out of a dream. It took a few moments for the words to echo in her memory until she could make out their meaning.


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