Elegant Aunt Ellie Pt. 03 by DDDDave,DDDDave

Elegant Aunt Ellie

Pt 3

By DDDDave

“Big Tits, Big Dicks and Fantasy Fucking!”

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I woke up the same way I had woken up several times in the past few months. I woke up with my hard-on half way down my Aunt Ellie’s throat. She was humming happily while nursing on my cock. If there was any of my dick that was not in her throat she was stroking it gently with one or both of her hands. She was REALLY good at cock sucking!

Aunt Ellie noticed that I was awake and watching her. She slowly slid off my cock and kissed my dick head.

“I didn’t mean to wake you up, Mac.”

“That’s alright! Waking up while getting a blow job from my Elegant Aunt Ellie is my favorite way to wake up!” I reassured her.

“Um and I like to do it!” She returned to nursing on my erection. It was not too long until she had me on the edge of a huge eruption! With a groan of relief I pushed my hips up and dumped a massive amount of cum into her suctioning mouth! She took it all without a problem and spent a few moments cleaning me up before sliding up my body and giving me a peck on the cheek. Then she was gone. I rolled over and went back to sleep. It was still too early for me to get up.

When I went down to breakfast Aunt Ellie brought me pancakes, sausage and fresh squeezed orange juice. She was wearing a snug fitting outfit with a very short skirt and a bosom hugging top that helped draw attention to her forty four inch bust line! It didn’t hurt that the top was cut so low in front that I could see all of her impressive cleavage. She wasn’t wearing a bra! Her boobs sat up tall and proud, quivering with her every move! God, she was sexy!

“Uncle Walter had to go to an investor’s conference this morning. He won’t be back for a few days, Mac.” Aunt Ellie told me as she fussed with the table settings.

“That’s a shame,” I said. I pivoted toward her and pushed my pants down past my knees. My more than foot long shaft was bared to her gaze, it was hard and throbbing in response to her sexy outfit. “Whatever shall we do to pass the time?” I wondered as my dick bounced in front of Aunt Ella’s wide eyed gaze.

“I’m not sure,” she teased me as she sank to her knees between my thighs. As I watched she enfolded my dick with in the warmth of her cleavage. “I suppose I could try to drain your huge balls of all the cum that they contain! I would like doing that as much as you would like me to do it!” She had an evil grin on her lips as she started to use her big tits to jack me off.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind if you want to try!” I told her. I started to pinch her nipples thru her top as she worked. “I love the feeling of my dick between your tits! I love big tits, you know, Aunt Ellie!”

“Oh I know! I saw the way you were gawking at that trollop at the reception yesterday! She was showing off practically everything with that low cut dress and those immense boobs of hers! I think her tits were even bigger than mine!”

“Perhaps,” I responded. “But she was fat! She wasn’t shapely at all! It was just that she had such huge tits hanging out for us to look at!”

“And you were looking,” Aunt Ellie pointed out. “I’m prettier than she is I’m more shapely and still you were staring at her tits! Would you like it if I could grow my boobs bigger? How much bigger would I have to grow them to be sure that I would alway have your attention?”

“You always have my attention, and you know it, Aunt Ellie! Your big triple G hooters always look so terrific in the teasing outfits that you wear! You just do that to see how fast you can make me get a hard on for you to play with!”

“Yeah, and I love to play with your hard-on! Like I’m doing now! So hard, so long and you spurt out so much cum when I play with your big dick! Now hurry up and shoot out a load for me! I want to see how much you can cum for me so I can spread it over my titties!” And sure enough! With-in minutes I was spurting cum all over her chest and neck while she finished me off with a wonderful tit fuck!

That evening after dinner Aunt Ellie sat down with me in the den. We snuggled together and after a few minutes she pulled out a photo album.

“Back in the day we didn’t have digital cameras like now. Here’s a couple of pictures of me when I graduated from high school. I thought you might like to see what I looked like when I was younger.”

There were half a dozen pictures of a young Aunt Ellie. She was tall and elegant even then. But, as a couple of bikini poses showed, she was not nearly as busty as she was now. In fact she was flat-chested!

“Back then I didn’t even fill a B-cup bra,” she told me while licking my ear. “It wasn’t until later that I became the top heavy pin-up that I am today. Here. These were taken on my honeymoon when I was twenty-four.”

The Aunt Ellie in these pictures was the wonderfully busty, big booted siren that I had grown to lust after!

“I blossomed from a 32 barely B-cup bust to a pair of sweater busting 34-GG breasts! I loved the change! I became the focus of every man in the room! And I loved the attention! It’s when I met Walt. He swept me off my feet and we’ve been together ever since!”

“And this is how I did it!” She picked up a jar that I had not noticed sitting on the cushion next to her. “I slathered some of this onto my boobs every week. And I slowly inflated to what I am now! I got this from one of my friends at the Institute. It works! Would you like to help me put some more on? Would you like to see how much I can expand in the next few weeks? We don’t have to do it every week. We can do it every other day. Or even every day! The more often we do it and the more we put on the faster and bigger I’ll get! Here, help me put this on! I don’t want you to be looking at another woman! I want your attention to be on me! On MY body! On MY big tits and tight ass! Here!” Aunt Ellie ripped open her top to expose her bra enclosed tits.

Quickly she doffed her bra and pulled my hands to her chest. From somewhere she produced a tailor’s measure.

“Here, let me see! I think, yes, I am forty-four inches! It has not changed in the past several years. I thinkI should go bigger! I’d like to be larger! I want to be sure that you aren’t going to stare at some cheap hooker just because she has huge tits! I’m going to have huge tits, for you Mac!

“Put it on, Mac! Spread the ointment all over my boobs! I’ll help!”

So for the next ten minutes I followed her instructions and slathered handfuls of the lotion over her gorgeous tits. And while I was doing that she was pulling out my cock and making sure that it was as big as it could get. Then she knelt in front of me and gave me a long tit fuck! She brought me to the brink time and again. She would pull me out of her cleavage and stroke me and slap my hard-on against her titties and nipples. Then she would force her boobs around my shaft and stroke me again. Finally she pulled me out one last time and beat me off over her exquisite tits! She was laughing and giggling as she made me spurt time after time until I had nothing left to offer her.

And for about ten days that became our routine! She would give me the jar of lotion and we would spread it over her big firm tits. And slowly they did in fact become bigger! At the end of two week she measured forty-six inches, up two inches from when we started.

And a week later she measured out at an astounding forty-eight inches!

“I measure four feet!” She bragged after she had again drained my balls. “I love it! It’s hard to hide how big I am now! Four feet is amazing! I’ve had to buy new clothes! Nothing I have will fit my new bust line! But I’ve got some great teasing tops that I love to wear for you! Now come here and let me ride your pole until I can’t walk! You’re such a great fuck!”

I groaned as she sat down on my erection! “And you are such an amazingly sexy partner! You seem to be able to go all night! Thank God Uncle Walter is away again!”

“You know, Im having trouble getting you as deep as I used to! You seem to be thicker and harder than ever! You are amazing Mac!” she told me as she tried to force herself farther and farther onto my cock. “We need to measure you, darling! I want to find out how big you are! Have you grown, I wonder?”

It took her a long time to measure. She kept getting side tracked. She would excite me, stroke me, suck on my cock and then she would make me cum! Which meant that she had to start over! So it was much later in the day that she was able to gaze up at me and announce, “Mac I think you are at least two inches longer than you were when I first met you and thicker as well! Much thicker! No wonder I’m having trouble riding you and having you push yourself as far into me as you used to be able!”

“Oh, please, Aunt Ellie! A penis doesn’t get larger! Are you sure you measured right?’

“Oh, I’m sure! I was very careful! It’s exciting that you are so big! So thick and long and so prolific! You cum more than anyone I’ve ever heard of.”

“The first time I measured it your dick was just under twelve inches long! Now you log in at just OVER fourteen inches! That’s a solid two inches longer! And you are thicker as well! So exciting!”

With a small whimper she slid her lips back over my cock head and proceeded to suck and lick on my dick. She tried to deep throat me without any success. Finally, she used both hands as well as her amazing oral skills to get me to ejaculate into her mouth!

I slept in the next day. Aunt Ellie had worn me out! When I got up I was alone in the house. I puttered around and finally made myself some lunch.

Aunt Ellie finally came back just as I was finishing my meal. She gave me a peck on the cheek and sat down with me at the table.

“I went to talk to my friend Lovie on campus. She’s the one who gave me that lotions we’ve been using to get my tits to expand. It turns out that its the reason that your dick has grown so large!”

”But we never put any of the lotion on my cock!” I objected.

“No, not directly. But we put a lot on my tits and then you would tit-fuck me! And that transferred some of the lotion from my breasts to you penis! And, voila! Your cock would grow!”

“Well, we need to be more careful then, don’t we Aunt Ellie?”

“Yes, I suppose so,” she sounded reluctant. “Although I wouldn’t mind if my tits were to expand a few more inches. You know, to say, maybe fifty-four inches. Or sixty.?”

“Whoa! Aunt Ellie! Sixty inches? I think that bigger is better and so do you! But sixty inches? That would be FIVE feet!”

“Yeah!” She breathed. “I would measure 60-24-36! FIVE FEET, TWO FEET, THREE FEET!” I would be the center of attention where ever I went! I would love that!”

She was stroking my cock as she was speaking. And I hate to admit it but the mental image of Elegant Aunt Ellie standing 5’10” and 60-24-36 was causing my dick to grow faster than I had ever imagined that it would! With-in seconds I was hard as a rock and quivering in her grip.

“Well,” she giggled, “I think we can say that you are on board. And there’s just one other thing, honey! If I’m going to expand to epic proportions it’s only fair that you come along for the ride! I want to see what it’s like to be fucked repeatedly by a stud with a fifteen inch dong! I want to see what you look like with another inch or two of erection hanging between your thighs! I bet it would be amazing!”

At that point I rolled onto Aunt Ellie and started to undress her so that we could stop talking about fucking and begin to actually fuck! We left a trail of clothes from the kitchen to Aunt Ellie’s bedroom. And then we spent a few hours exploring each other’s bodies. I tried to imagine what it would be like to have a set of sixty inch boobs hanging over me, battering me as she rose and fell, trying desperately to take more and more of my just over fourteen inch long cock! She wasn’t able to take it all! How would she react if I were to expand another inch? And thicker! She was already groaning in excitement as she found that she couldn’t take what I had to offer!

“Oh, God, Mac! You are so fucking big already! I would love to try to handle an even larger dick! So good! So much fun! I can’t wait! Now fuck me you horse-dicked stud! Pound my poor pussy into the bed!”

And I did try to follow her gasped instructions. I labored away between her thighs. Pounding and pounding. Driving myself ever deeper into her swampy pussy. I changed the angle and speed trying my best to drive her crazy with lust!

She loved every minute of it! She was crying and sobbing in excitement as we worked. “I’m going to get bigger! I’m going to grow so much larger! I can’t wait to have the biggest boobs ever! So much bigger! I love having huge hooters! Suck my nipples, lick my tits and drown me in your cum, Mac! More, darling, more!” I gave her everything I had. I finally had to admit defeat. I had cum time and again and now I had nothing left to give her!

About ten days later Aunt Ellie snuggled up to me on the couch. Uncle Walter was on another of his endless trips.

She tucked her arm in mine and pulled herself closer. My arm disappeared from sight. Her bust now completely overwhelmed her body! Those knockers were easily larger than basketballs! I’d never imagined any woman could have tits this size. And that it was my Elegant Aunt Ellie? That just blew my mind!

Actually, Aunt Ellie no longer presented as elegant! She was a massively top-heavy, sex hungry trollop who paraded herself in public for all to stare at and envy! Her skintight tops displayed acres of breasts and several feet of cleavage. And that cleavage was able to swallow my fifteen and one half inch long cock without any trouble!

Her eagerness to deal with my vastly huge dick led her to have me tit-fuck her several times a day! And in addition she would ride my erection to orgasm after orgasm. She was wearing me out! But she wouldn’t stop!

“I just love it so much!” She exulted as she rode me to yet another orgasm. “You are so freaking big! So freaking thick and so freaking hard! I love it! I worship you. I adore and worship your immense cock! It’s amazing! I can cum and cum and cum endlessly! You shower me with so much cum! Now, Mac, take me from behind! You get deeper that way! And I need deeper!”

And she got the deeper that she was looking for! By the end of the month I was making her take a shower before I would tit-fuck her! I had continued to grow and I now was led around by a penis that would expand to an unbelievable sixteen and one half inch long cock! And seemingly as thick as a beer can! Even when I was flaccid I made a noticeable impression in my trousers! Women would stare at me and I was approached more than once by an attractive woman who wanted to “get to know” me! None of them were as pretty as my Aunt. And for sure none of them were as top-heavy! Aunt Ellie had reached sixty inches and loved to put herself on exhibit!

She had made it her goal in life to make sure that I got fucked every time I sprang an erection. The fact was she was the reason for all of those erections. She teased me, fondled me, pulled me into her cleavage and forced me to spring to total hardness every chance she got. We both love it!

Uncle Walter had finally caught on to us, sad to say. But his pre-nuptual agreement was such a ball crusher that he just moved out and set up shop down town. Aunt Ellie didn’t even miss him. And I didn’t either to tell the truth. He had never been there that much anyway!

So now I come home to my Aunt Ellie. 5’10” tall, 60-24-36 exhibitionist Aunt Ellie who is usually dressed in the sluttiest, skimpiest outfits you could conceive of! If I’m not fully erect when I walk in the door I am brought to erection by my Exhibitionist Aunt Ellie with-in moments. And then she proceeds to fuck my brains out! I can barely keep up!

Don’t you feel bad for me? Hehehehe!

The Enddd


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